Online game No. 5

Chapter 78 Death

However, I ignored it and came forward and said coldly to Xiao Zhao Yun, "It's just cutting down two cannon fodder. What's wrong?"

"Cannon fodder?" Both the panic and the ice mage glanced at me. There were blue veins on his frightened neck, but he just couldn't scold me.

In the friend channel, he said a few words to Xiao Zhao Yun, and then on the current channel, Xiao Zhao Yun laughed and said, "What are you arrogant about? You Shabak people may all be cannon fodder."

"Oh?" I laughed back, pulled out the sword of the soul, pointed to Xiao Zhao Yun, and said, "Do you dare to come with me? Real PK is not a competition.

"Hey, seriously..." Xiao Zhao Yun said to me sadly on his friend's channel.

"That must... make you happy for so long, let me be arrogant." I grinned and laughed on my friend's channel.

On the current channel, Xiao Zhao Yun was so unruly and said, "Haha, someone automatically came up to die!"

I snorted coldly and said, "If I don't take advantage of people's danger, your skills have cooled down."

"Of course!" Xiao Zhao Yun proudly set up the night magic gun in front of him and said to me, "It's not too late to regret. If you hang up, you will be downgraded."

"Stop talking nonsense!" I shouted loudly and stepped forward.

"Peng!" With a crisp sound, my soul sword and Xiao Zhao Yun's night magic gun were handed over in mid-air, and the blood of both sides fell one after another. This time, ordinary attacks were used.

Just as we were close to each other, I whispered to Xiao Zhao Yun and said, "Come on! Use your best. I want to have another sex with you. Anyway, no matter who we hang up, neither of us will give up.

Little Zhao Yun curled his lips helplessly: "You are the legendary wind. If I can beat you, I will fall directly from the fourth floor to prove that I didn't dream."

"Then... you'd better lose." I said awkwardly.

The two sides distanced themselves, and a ghost entanglement threw it at Xiao Zhao Yun.

Little Zhao Yun abruptly resisted this ghost attack and rushed straight to me. He knew that I had long-range attack skills, and distancing myself was the most unfavorable behavior for him, although he knew that even a close battle may not be my opponent.

Dragon Tooth Gun VS Dragon Tooth Gun. The soul sword and the night demon gun fight again. The weapon that I once couldn't put down and the weapon that I can't put down now fight against each other. This spark is really exciting!

Both of us have been repulsed. In terms of strength, even if Zhao Yun is a hidden profession, he still can't compare with me, a dragon knight!

In terms of qi and blood, my current qi and blood growth is a good and evil priest!

In terms of equipment, even if the growing superior artifact soul sword is still equipped with sea blue, its attributes are not much worse than the night magic gun.

In terms of level, I am several levels higher than Xiao Zhao Yun.

Compared with all kinds of data, Xiao Zhao Yun is slightly inferior to me, unless he can surpass me a lot in operational technology. But will there be such water in my operation?

After fighting back, I will not advance and retreat. It would be a pity not to make good use of the advantage of long-range attack.

While walking, release the ghost entanglement.

After being entangled by my two ghosts in a row, Xiao Zhao Yun chased after me again. The blade of frost split directly and whispered to me, "Let me point it. It's too ugly to lose. They will be suspicious!"

I smiled and asked, "Oh? Really? Why?"

"Because... you can't be too perverted." Xiao Zhao Yun casually thought of a reason. I thought for a moment and nodded, "It seems to be the same."

While talking, I have been tricked and honored to be sealed by the ice. It seems that I still don't have the same resistance as the ice mage!

After being frozen, the next time can only wait to be **. It's not that I put water, I'm really frozen! Xiao Zhaoyun did have the strength to seriously hurt me, but defeating me is another matter.

"Humph, after being frozen, it's not a death or a tragedy." The well-off society smiled indifferently. He is very clear about Xiao Zhao Yun's attack power and is very sure that Xiao Zhao Yun can defeat me.

Relatively, the mana "cut" on the sidelines, which was obviously my disappointment.

But they didn't expect that my fighting ability was so strong. During the frozen time, I continuously accepted Xiao Zhao Yun's dragon tooth burst, dragon tooth gun and a frost gun, but there was more than half of the qi and blood!

In the whole frozen time, my qi and blood are still on Xiao Zhao Yun!

After cracking the ice, I roared like a little virgin who took the tonic and had nowhere to vent: "Damn it, I'm tired of this. I want your life!"

Little Zhao Yun was shocked and quickly whispered, "Hey, mysterious, don't be too excited."

I replied in a low voice, "Let me vent and go to you in peace."

"..." Xiao Zhao Yun's eyes turned green and fought so hard that he was sent away by me.

Seeing that he still wanted to work hard, I simply rewarded him with a soul cut. The light on the soul sword was great, like a rainbow, with a muffled sound. The powerful soul cut damage burst out, like a fierce beast, pounced on Xiao Zhao Yun. He directly lost the amount of Qi and blood left by Xiao Zhao Yun in seconds and was reborn as a sporadic light.

In fact, in the eyes of outsiders, this is just an ordinary attack with light, which is just like the sword wave skill of a one-handed swordsman. Unexpectedly, it has such a powerful power that the well-off society and mana are boundless.

I'm secretly happy. Let's see. Anyway, several people already know the skill of soul chopping, and it's impossible for me to hide it from the day of the event. Let them know my strength, which is good for my plan.

After a while, the well-off society came to its senses and pointed to the power and shouted, "The power is boundless!" You Shabak people killed our people!"

"Yes." I snorted coldly, "I'm the one who killed you, so what do you want? The strength is not good, but it is still the boss. If it weren't for us Shabak, can you be the fourth gang in Tiantian City?

The magic frowned boundlessly, but it didn't stop me. Obviously, this sentence is what he wants to say but he dares not say. This is the only gang that they can sometimes use. After all, although Shabak is the first gang, it is still a little difficult to really fight against the desire. Only by teaming up with Wei wanxin can we suppress the desire and relaxation.

The well-off society stared at me fiercely, and then looked at the boundless power and said, "Is this what Shabak wants to say?"

"What?" I snorted coldly and lit up the title of my gang: " Elder Shabak."

"Well, it turns out that Shabak's upper class is also a figure, so what you said represents the whole Shabak, right?" The well-off society is furious.

At this time, the power came forward slightly and said with a smile, "A well-off society is just pure entertainment today, so you don't have to care too much."

"It's pure entertainment, so it's pure entertainment!" The well-off society was obviously very angry. It hummed, crushed the scroll back to the city and disappeared in front of us.

After the well-off society left, the mana's original smiling face suddenly became disdainful: "Give you a little color and really opened a dyeing workshop. If it hadn't been for the effect on us Shabak, I would have sent you back to the city for free with a fireball. How dare I bother you to waste a few silver coins? How about using the scroll back to the city?

Then, the mana looked at me boundlessly.

I said indifferently, "Am I right? This group of rubbish is scolding.

The magic nodded boundlessly and said, "That's right, I said my heart. This is your promise to beat that rampant guy and reward you with 300 gold coins. With that, the power was boundless and gave me 300 gold coins, which is also a big number for me now. At least it can offset the loss of Xiao Zhao Yun's first level.

Then, I looked at the panic and the ice mage. I looked up proudly and said, "You two should work hard, not only your own attributes, but also your operation skills. Don't be like a layman. If you lose, I will wipe your buttocks!"