Online game No. 5

Chapter 109 Pre- Competition

At this time, the elegant lily beside me nodded and said, "Don't close your breath, you can breathe here."

In fact, I also know that this is a game after all. If you can't breathe and players can't get in, what's the use of setting up this scene? It was just my reflex action just now.

I slowly let go of my hand and took a deep breath of the air. The air here is different from that on the land. It is very pure and has the smell of the sea.

"Look, there is a piranhas, woo, so cute!" Suddenly, the elegant lily pointed to somewhere in the ocean and said to me happily.

I looked in the direction she pointed and found that there was really a small colorful fish swimming back and forth, but its mouth was very big and its sharp teeth were very terrible.

"What's so cute... man-eating, your hobby is really special." I deliberately mocked it.

"Yes. My hobbies are very special, that's why I like you." The elegant lily did not shy away at all, still looking curiously at other parts of the ocean and saying.

In the face of the flowing lily's words, I was suddenly stunned. Is this sentence a positive or derogatory meaning for me? However, this sentence has fully expressed her feelings for me, which has raised a warm current in my heart.

In this way, Piaoyi Lily and I spent the morning in the underwater world. It was until noon, Piaoyi Lily took out the chef's works bought from the store and had a picnic in the underwater world. This was the first time I had a picnic in the game, watching the scenery of the seabed while eating delicious food. Indeed It is a kind of enjoyment.

After solving the lunch, it's time to prepare for the activity.

I returned to Tianshen City with the elegant lily. I was shocked to find that there was a huge ring in the square of Tianshen City, and there were many more players than in the morning. Most of the players were surprised by this huge ring. They subconsciously stopped their busy steps and looked at it a few times before leaving.

At this time, the wound appeared in front of us, and he said to me with a smile, "It's really time to come. The activity is about to start. Get ready first!"

After a pause, the injury said, "Let's learn about your team lineup first. Go and return to the team."

As soon as the words of the wound fell, Qi Lixiang's team invitation had been sent. I glanced at the elegant lily and motioned, and she said softly, "Go."

After choosing to accept it, I was pulled into Qilixiang's team.

There are already four people in the team, and I just have five.

I am familiar with Qi Lixiang and Xiao Zhao Yun in the team. Qi Lixiang, Magic Knight, level 60. Little Zhao Yun, Frost Knight, level 60.

The other two players are female, one is gentle called tentacle, and the profession is guardian of water, level 60. The other one is called Yue Xingxi, and his profession is Demon Smasher, level 60. Both are professions that I have never heard of. There are really many hidden professions in the fantasy god!

The legal injury alone made him find 5 of them. Of course, this does not mean that the hidden profession is overflowing. It is still difficult to complete the task of the hidden profession. Let's say that if it weren't for my help, I'm afraid he wouldn't have completed it.

So although there will be many hidden professions, each one is very precious.

I don't know what method is used to hurt this guy and recruit so many hidden professional players to raise him in the gang.

"Hello, you." The gentleness of tentacles really looks very gentle, which is not on the same level as the elegant lily. The openness of the flowing lily and her gentleness are completely two styles.

I nodded and replied, "Hello."

Yue Xingxi shook hands at me very generously and decently and said very mobilely, "Hello."

I also nodded and saluted. Qilixiang was still the same as a few days ago, looking at others, but because I had defeated him, and my attitude towards me was not so rushed, but whispered slightly, "It's about to start."

I still nodded, and Xiao Zhao Yun said to me excitedly, "Haha, mysterious, I'm going to get bigger this time. There is a very rich experience reward for winning! And there is another hidden task for us to do! I really don't know what this hidden task is like, but I'm not afraid at all with you.

I smiled bitterly and said, "We haven't won yet. What are you excited about?"

"Don't watch it. We're sure to win." Xiao Zhao Yun raised his eyebrows proudly at me, "With you, can you still lose? The killing god and Weixin's team are now scattered by the two of us. I don't believe that they can find any substitutes on this day.

I smiled indifferently. It is true that Xiao Zhao Yun's words are reasonable, but I still said with some vigilance: "In fact, what I care most is not about Shabak and Yui Shixin. The strength of the god himself is hit by money, and I have no scruples about his team. Although Weixin has the ability, he is slow to start and not very difficult. The most important thing is the ancient capital of Rasha, which has always been indisputable, a game team. Death is definitely a leader with strength and experience, and we don't have any details about his team. Maybe he has figured out our team..."

Listening to my analysis, Xiao Zhao Yun disapproved and said, "What are you afraid of? Soldiers come to block the water and cover the earth. We are all hidden professional players here. Our skills are not bad. We need to find some self-confidence for ourselves."

I "hehe" smiled. Maybe it's really like this. Maybe it's really that I overestimated the arrival of Death. After all, the team with slow desire is already very strong.

After a while, several players with the title of Shabak gang came over. The killer took the lead and walked to the magic wound and said to the magic wound with a smile, "The activity that has been waiting for so long is finally about to begin. I don't know which of our four gangs will win."

With that, the killer looked at me unintentionally.

The French smile was very natural, as if he didn't pay attention to the killing god. He politely said, "No matter who wins this gang activity, it doesn't mean anything. After all, we are all low-level players." It was obvious that the magic injury said. He told the killing god that even if the two of them fight alone, the magic injury will not necessarily lose. After yesterday's battle, the magic injury received more rewards than the killing god. Although the killing god received compensation for death, after all, the killing god used the level to fight. Although he gained more experience than the magic injury, he benefited less than the magic injury.

The magic injury is a mage, the first mage of the illusion god, and the undead mage. The speed of brushing monsters is extremely fast, and he hides behind the warrior and does not die too many times.

And I can see that the equipment on the body of the magic injury has been changed. Obviously, it was yesterday's reward, which took his equipment to the next level.

"Haha." The killer smiled calmly, but I could hear his unwillingness. He looked at me and said to the wound, "Then let's see who is powerful? I think the people in the ancient capital of Rasha will be our most difficult enemies. In terms of momentum, he has completely lost to us, followed by the players who participated in the competition.

I opened my eyes and suddenly found a female priest, a dream!

Phantom dream obviously noticed me, looked at me in consteration, opened her little mouth and couldn't speak. After a while, she was ashamed to see me and quickly bowed her head and left.

"What's the matter, Acheng, do you know her?" The floating lily noticed the stagnation in my eyes and subconsciously asked.

I came to my senses, smiled indifferently, shook my head and said, "No, I don't know."

"Then find an opportunity to get to know each other. This sister is very beautiful. The elegant lily hit me on the back with her shoulder and laughed.

I sighed in my heart that I was really an open little MM. This kind of joke can be made casually. So I pretended to be surprised and said, "I'm your man. Do you think so that I'm looking for a mistress?"

"Yes, if you find Xiao San, I can find Xiao Si." The elegant lily said dancedly.

I felt that I was going to be defeated and said helplessly, "I don't know what's so happy about this. Look at your dancing. Scared a bunch of people to death.

"What!" The elegant lily punched me angrily.

At this time, an official NPC appeared next to the ring and shouted, "The gang activity is about to begin. Please prepare the members of the Shabak gang and the Lust Gang who are about to participate in the event. It will be transmitted to the venue in 1 minute!"