Online game No. 5

Chapter 111 Shabak Team

Reduce magic defense and reduce ice resistance. It suddenly occurred to me that there was an ice magician in the previous team. Although today's team killed some rectifications for my "job-hopping", the ice magician is still there, that is to say, the shock does this to pave the way for the ice magician!

I was anxious and hurriedly said, "Don't be restrained by their soldiers and kill the ones behind. The two mages and two priests behind are their pillars!"

After my reminder, Qi Lixiang and Xiao Zhao Yun suddenly realized that they were about to go to the back line to kill the enemy. The agility of the two-handed swordsman was not low and abruptly entangled them.

Little Zhao Yun was in a hurry and shouted, "The frost cracked!" Xiao Zhao Yun hit the ground with a fierce shot, and there was a gust of frost at three meters, and the movement speed of the dream suddenly slowed down a lot.

Little Zhao Yun split a frost blade, directly froze the fantasy dream into a popsicle, and said to Qi Lixiang, "I'll stop her. You kill those two mages!"

Qilixiang nodded hurriedly and rushed to the mage behind. At this time, the great magic condensed by the ice mage has been released!

I saw a huge icicle smashed into our camp from mid-air and hit the ground, making a huge sound. My qi and blood also instantly decreased by a quarter at the same time, and slightly slowed down the movement and attack speed, which is nothing for the agility of ghosts.

But it's not over yet. This huge icicle suddenly exploded in our camp, and ice blades rose to the sky, and each ice blade brought great wounds to my and Xiaolong's qi and blood.

In addition, I reduced a lot of magic defense in the shocking attack in advance, and the injury is even more difficult to resist at this moment. In the past, I saw that this ice mage's skill was so poor, but I didn't expect his strength to be so strong, which was careless!

The attack of the ice blade has slowed us down again and again, and the strength of this skill is beyond my imagination!

If Xiaolong hadn't given me a strong increase and resisted a lot of attacks for me, I'm afraid I would have hung up.

Qilixiang, who had not yet rushed out of a few steps, was directly strangled halfway and lay on the ground. The killing god under the ring couldn't help smiling and nodded. He was still very satisfied with the performance of his subordinates. However, as long as you kill a person, no matter what the strength of this person is and has an advantage in the number of people, there is hope to win.

Xiao Zhao Yun's condition is the best among us. He himself is an ice profession and has a certain resistance to ice attacks. Therefore, with powerful magic skills to bomb, his qi and blood have only been reduced by half, and I, riding on the dragon, have only a quarter of his qi and blood.

The gentleness of the tentacles was in my eyes, and the staff in my hand immediately bloomed, and a gentle water flowed in front of me, as comfortable as a spring breeze, and rising like blood and water. And after the qi and blood rose, a gentle water bag has been hovering on my head, and every moment, it will cure 100 points of qi and blood.

I didn't expect that the Guardian of Water is actually a priest's profession!

Fortunately, the gentleness of the tentacles and the moon stars are far away from us, so they are not seriously injured, but they are hit by several ice blades. The attack of the ice blades is related to distance, so the damage they receive is insignificant.

Seeing that the three of us had suffered such great damage, the ice mage was overjoyed and turned his head to look at another mage. The decoration of this mage is also similar to that of an ice mage, and he should also be an ice mage. He has been waving his staff, as if he is still condensing powerful magic.

It takes such a long time to accumulate energy, which must also be a skill!

Little Zhao Yun quickly shouted, "Xiao Yueyue!"

The moon star nodded sparsely and hurriedly waved her for a short time. Suddenly, a large black circle formed at the feet of another mage, surrounding the mage, and a word "forbidden" appeared in the circle. The mage's waved wand suddenly stopped, and the magic elements that had been gathered and formed suddenly disappeared. .

The ice mage was shocked, and the mage said, "I'm blocked!"

The sandwich with thirty-five attributes has played a role. Only when the attributes are high, the sealing success rate will be high. At first, I didn't know what kind of profession the demon subjurer was. I just wanted to say to the magic injury that it would be more troublesome if there was no Taoist priest, but this demon subjur was the profession of Taoist priest.

And her sealing effect is no worse than that of fantasy. Judging from this "forbidden", except for the sealing spell, actions and physical attacks are completely sealed!

Looking at the seven fragrance lying on the ground, although the ice mage was a little nervous, he said confidently to the crowd, "It doesn't matter. Anyway, one has been solved, and we have the advantage."

"Really?" Suddenly, Qi Lixiang's voice was as terrible as a demon coming out of the abyss. A black light flashed. Qi Lixiang slowly stood up from the light. The double-edged sword in his hand had turned into a two-handed sword, but it was held in one hand. From the appearance, it seemed that Qi Lixiang was just holding a long sword.

The ice mage was shocked and said, "How is it possible? Isn't he dead?"

"After death, the power of the magic knight will be discovered and let you taste the magic knight after the rebirth of the demon soul!" Qi Lixiang jumped, and his pet, a undead horse, came to the bottom of Qi Lixiang, caught Qi Lixiang very steadily, and rushed in the direction of the ice mage and others.

In a flash, the ice mages and others quickly summoned their pets out. In addition to the priest's fantasy, two mages and a priest's pets greeted Qilixiang one after another. Their pets were all huge rock guards. The three stood side by side to form a huge defense line. I think In my eyes, I thought to myself that I was afraid that only I could fly over from above on the dragon.

With the ability of Qilixiang, I'm afraid it will be difficult to break through this level.

But Qi Lixiang's performance was greatly beyond my expectation. He jumped up from the galloping undead horse and jumped very high. He wanted to jump from the top of these huge rock guards, but how could the two mages give Qi Lixiang this opportunity? A small ice magic made him half Fall in the air.

This magic power is too small. Qi Lixiang was almost unharmed and landed steadily, but now the problem has appeared again. How should Qi Lixiang deal with such a huge rock guard? Do you have to jump from the undead again? That must give these two mages time to condense magic.

Qilixiang did not retreat at all. After landing, she resolutely rushed to the giant rock guardian.

I saw his body flickering. If it was at night, it really gave people a feeling of ghost flashing.

The ice mage was rude and quickly released magic to attack Qilixiang, but what he didn't expect was that the moment their magic hit Qilixiang, Qilixiang's body disappeared in an instant, and the magic actually emptied!

The two ice mages couldn't believe it at all. They panicked for a moment, but Qi Lixiang did not give them a chance. His left hand took a sword from his right hand and suddenly flashed white. Before others could see it clearly, Qi Lixiang had already appeared behind the guardian of the rock, and he flashed past the huge rock guard in such an instant. Protector.

Everyone's eyes widened, and the killer was even more shocked to speak.

The reason seems very calm at this moment, shouting under the ring: "Calm down, don't mess up! The three of you run away and deal with him with a long-range attack! Fantasy, go and help them!"

The swordsman Huanmeng, who was facing Xiao Zhao Yun, forced Xiao Zhao Yun back with a roundabout sword and quickly rushed back to the rear. How could Xiao Zhao Yun let go of Huanmeng and urge his summoning beast ice horse to catch up with Huanmeng.

I stood in Xiaolong's hands, with my hands behind my back, smiled indifferently, and said in horror, "It seems that your huge lineup can't beat our three knights."