Online game No. 5

Chapter 116 Special Task 2

Sure enough, in this dark place, the dark purple light of the soul sword flashes. Although it is not very bright, it is enough to illuminate our way forward.

In this dark place, I really saw the soul sword. It is not as ordinary as before. On the superposition of several purple and black equipment, there are also several characters on its sword that I can't understand, which looks mysterious.

"Wow, what a beautiful weapon!" In the dark, it really reflected the hero spirit of the sword of the soul, and the moon star said to me very yearningly.

With the sparse praise of the stars, I looked more arrogant. There was really a sense of leadership, saying, "Be quiet, I can feel that the enemy is not far away."

"How do you know? Do you have skills similar to star eyes, writing wheel eyes, perception and so on? Yue Xingxing asked excitedly.

I sighed helplessly and said, "This is just a man's sixth sense."


As soon as the words fell, a strong wind came from above my head. I looked up and saw that it was a huge machete that hit me.

I suddenly panicked and didn't have time to react at all. Qi Lixiang suddenly rushed at me and overturned me. I was knocked down by this huge machete, and blood spilled on my face in an instant.

The whole ground was cracked by this knife, and the Qilixiang's blood was emptied in an instant.

In front of me is a familiar monster. His face is a bit like a lion, with four feet on his lower body. His hands are as short as ancient unicorns. His hands are very boring and his nails are slender, just like the hand of a thousand-year-old demon. There is a big golden knife in his hand, and there are at least ten small holes in the blade, and each small hole is hanging on. A small golden circle waved with a "bell" sound. This is the golden-backed machete that attacked me just now!

This monster is so familiar that I suddenly recall that this seems to be the training beast I once saw in the training mission of a madman! Now when I look at the nickname of this monster again, I can't help but be shocked:

There was no time to surprise me anymore. The unicorn's feet suddenly stepped on the ground, and a huge storm gushed out and directly bombarded us out. At this moment, Qi Lixiang finally failed to escape the fate of death, and his qi and blood instantly became empty.

"Stupid and ignorant human beings dare to hinder the master's plan and pay for your stupid actions!" The machete in his hand showed up and rushed to me.

At this moment, a black light flashed behind Xiu, and the magic soul of Qi Lixiang resurrected him. Without saying anything, a flame burst directly from behind and rushed to Xiu, blowing an extremely strong dark flame on Xiu's body.

Ping Yu snorted, and the sudden attack of Qi Lixiang caught him off guard, and the qi and blood brush was reduced by a large part.

Very good, what I'm worried about hasn't happened. As long as our attack can get blood, it won't be a problem! Immediately summoned the elf warriors and archers. Although they all died once in the ring, it was an activity and did not count as death.

Pinghui was obviously angered by Qi Lixiang. He suddenly turned his head, and the huge machete had waved to Qi Lixiang.

Qilixiang is not tight or slow. As soon as the two swords were displayed, the body turned into a virtual shadow, which directly passed through the body of the pis and came to us.

"Roar!" Xiong roared, and Kirin stepped on the ground angrily, turned his head and stared at us. The golden-backed machete in his hand suddenly threw at us.

"Be careful!" I shouted at the crowd, controlled the elf warriors to stand in front of us, and only heard "Boom!" With a loud noise, the hard body of the elf warrior was directly smashed under the attack of this golden-backed machete!

But it also blocked an attack for us.

Kill the elf warrior in a second with one blow, which can't help but make us sweat. Fortunately, the elf warrior is just an ordinary monster of grade 7. If even the BOSS monster of grade 7 can let him kill in a second, I'm afraid there will be no suspense in our mission this time.

"Disperse!" At this moment, I remain particularly calm. Without the help of Xiaolong and Xiaohu, I must maintain the combat effectiveness of any of us.

My words are still very useful, and everyone immediately separated. Qi Lixiang and I are on both sides of the dragonfly, while Xiao Zhao Yun protects the thinness of the moon star and the gentleness of the tentacles.

Qilixiang and I are the main attacker, and we can't resist him. My sensitivity is higher than that of Qilixiang, but Qilixiang's skill sensitivity is higher than mine.

Skills such as his dodging and ghost explosion have a certain increase in his body skills, and I'm just so agile that I can't use it here. Therefore, Qilixiang is most suitable for holding back the output of stingworms and damage. He has death rescue and the gentleness of tentacles, a priest specially prepared for him, and his life will not be in danger for a while.

As for me, if Qilixiang is the damage output, then I am the main force of the damage output. Fortunately, this dragonfly also kills the enemy based on hatred. My task is to hide aside and release the high CD high-power skills.

The attack power of Qi Lixiang was unusually strong. After Qi Lixiang was accidentally hit by Xiu, his qi and blood actually decreased by two-thirds in an instant, and the attack was very dizzy. After being hit by the golden-backed machete, Qi Lixiang fell into dizziness and unable to move.

After angrily exhaling a white thunderous breath from his nose, he picked up the golden-backed machete and wanted to wave it to Qi Lixiang.

I strode forward. Fortunately, I just released a Lingbo micro-step and has not disappeared. In addition, I am not far from Xiu. Before he waved a big knife, I have released the strongest skill, soul cutting!

"Swipe!" With a sound, the purple-black light of my soul sword was full of light, like a thick layer of steel, and there was no sense of flesh at all.

My whole body was shocked, and my qi and blood suddenly decreased. At the same time, I also fell into dizziness. You know, my soul was 100% dizzy.

At the same time, the attributes of pi xiu has also declined. As the saying goes, taking advantage of his illness to kill him. At this moment, I am in a good situation. How can I waste it? A universe was released with one throw. I was surprised to find that the level of the universe has actually reached 2, and my gold coin has suddenly dropped 400, and at the same time The qi and blood of xiu has dropped by more than 16,000, and the damage of up to 16,000 shocked us, and the qi and blood of zi� also deducted 10% in an instant.

I remind myself that this is not the time to be complacent. The dragon teeth are released quickly, brushing a total of four times, showing a total of up to 3,000 damage values under the powerful weapon soul sword. If I were on Xiaolong at this moment, I'm afraid I would have hurt more than 5,000!

Qilixiang has been completely conquered. After relieving her dizziness, she forgot to escape and looked at me blankly.

But what I couldn't think of was that Xiong's dizziness was relieved so quickly, which was too fast after my calculation. He didn't react for a while, and he had already hit me with a knife.

"Hm!" There was a sharp pain in my body, and my whole body was stabbed back a few steps, and at the same time, there was a dizziness on my head.

Obviously, my strong output has attracted the hatred of Xiu. He strode towards me, waved the golden-backed machete in his hand, and did not stop cutting me into pieces.

At this time, Xiao Zhao Yun rushed up, and a blade of frost attacked the dragonfly. He was so lucky that he actually sealed the ice.

This time, we will not retreat and move forward, and we can't let go of any restricted opportunity. Any advanced skills of me, Xiao Zhaoyun and Qi Lixiang have been released crazily, and the Qi and blood of this dragonfly declines like water. But his qi and blood are too much. We have released a lot of skills, but we still don't see that his qi and blood are going to the bottom.

Ping has resistance to vertigo, but it seems to have no resistance to freezing. During Xiao Zhao Yun's calculation time, he did not break out of the ice. Until Xiao Zhao Yun said, "It's almost time. Let's withdraw!" We just dispersed. Sure enough, it didn't take long for the whole body to rise and break out of the ice.