Infinite Secret Land of Online Games

Chapter 05 Artifact

The reborn man did not fool people. After Situhao was transmitted out of Zhongzhou by the secret hall, his foothold was next to a village. The village was not large, only a dozen families. Seeing Situhao suddenly appeared outside the village, he was not surprised, but he did not come forward to talk.

Situ Hao also ignored these civilians. After looking around, he chose a direction to run and ran for about ten minutes. Sure enough, he saw a cave with several goats and two cows outside the cave.

Situ Hao picked up a stone and threw it on the closed wooden door of the cave, and then a sound came from inside, "Who is it?"

Situ Hao didn't say anything. He took the hoe he bought at 100 secret points and hoeed the grass outside the cave. He hoeed for about three minutes. Hearing a "squeak", the wooden door of the cave opened a crack, and there were eyes flashing after the seam. Situ Hao pretended not to know and continued to weed seriously. After another ten minutes, the cave The doors were all opened and an old man in a white sheepskin jacket came out.

This person is called "Erwa". He was originally a disciple of the "Agricultural Sect" among the nine major sects in Zhongzhou. Later, he did not listen to the advice of the teacher and insisted on entering the outside world. The elders of the division were furious and decided to banish the second child. The meaning of banishment is that no matter how long the second child lives, he cannot return to Zhongzhou.

Zhongzhou is protected by a large array called "Chengtianzai". The daily maintenance and opening of this array are controlled by the nine sects; if the nine sects want to banish anyone, this person will definitely not return to Zhongzhou.

Ordinary players are under the jurisdiction of the nine sects, and unlimited players are directly under the jurisdiction of the system. In the eyes of the NPCs of the nine sects, infinite players are disciples of the secret fairy palace, that is, disciples of immortals. It is natural that they are not subject to their jurisdiction.

"Are you from Zhongzhou?" The second child asked in a trembling voice.

Situ Hao did not put down his hoe and replied, "Yes."

The beginning is very important. Even if there is not much time, the reborn guest also spent nearly 10 minutes at the beginning to tell Situ Hao in detail what to do. Therefore, Situ Hao's next dialogue is read according to the script provided by the reborn guest, and finally got the task of "the entrustment of the second child".

After weeding at the task site of the second child's chief, he heard the system prompt, "The second child's entrusted task was completed". Situ Hao did not return to hand over the task, but hoeed for another 30 minutes, and then heard a "bu" sound, and the hoe collided with an item under the grass.

After digging out the turf, a broken and rusty shepherd whip was exposed. Situ Hao happily carried the broken whip back to the cave. The second child was sitting on the slate outside the cave, looking blankly at the blue sky. After seeing Situhao, he was ready to give the task reward - 1 taels of beef jerky to Situhao. He suddenly saw the broken pasture in Situhao's hand, and the second child's eyes glowed fiercely.

Situ Hao was blinded by the light of the second child. He covered his eyes and shouted, "Damn it, master!"

"Alas..." Hearing the word "master", the second child's excitement calmed down. He took over the "broken and rusty whip" handed over by Situ Hao. Suddenly, he burst into tears. Then, he began to tell the growth story of a human monk. After the story, the second child got up and returned to the cave. When he came out, he held a wooden box in his hand. Zi.

"This is what I got when I was young. You found my old thing, but I regret that I have nothing to do, so I will give you this box. This magic shepherd's whip double entanglement is what I realized, and I will teach it to you.

First agreed to learn the trick of "whip double entanglement", and then Situ Hao happily took the wooden box, and then ran to the empty place and opened the wooden box.

There is a cyan light suspended in the box. The second child doesn't know how to use this green light. Situ Hao has a rebirth guest. Naturally, he knows that he pinched the light ball of light, and then pressed it between his eyebrows, and the light ball squeezed into his head in an instant.

"You have obtained a collection. Explanation: Collection means valuable, precious and rare items. May I ask if this collection is open?

According to the rebirth guest, if you get this collection, you can become the first person in the early game, and Situ Hao will naturally open it;

"You open the collection, and you get the divine shepherd king's book."

"The Book of Shepherd King, written by Emperor Yan, one of the ancestors of the human race, introduces how to make animal husbandry. Because it has been influenced by Emperor Yan's spirit all the years, it has been enlightened by the immortal scripture. Ten thousand years ago, in the Heavenly Palace War, this classic fell."

"Unlimited players can only bind one item. Once it cannot be unbinded, this item will always accompany the owner except that the owner is erased. Are you sure you want to bind it?"

"The Divine Shepherd King's Book is bound to your game character."

"God Shepherd King's Book, bound items, unique. Type: treasure, specification: fall, divine, level: green level (can be promoted). Explanation: Pastoral code, grazing is the way to cultivate. The more livestock you release, the higher the yield, the more rewards you will get.

"dian shu1: Wo Ye Qianqian li, Explanation: This talentdian shu organically obtains unexpected forage. Classic 2: tall and powerful, commentary: This talent classic shortens the growth cycle of the herd twice. Classic 3: Dripping water into a lake, explanation: This talent classic organically obtains a place with excellent water quality.

I tried to recall the explanation of the specifications of the reborn person. After thinking about it, Situ Hao patted his thigh and shouted, "The fall specification means that it can be repaired; the divine specification means that once it is repaired completely, this Nima is a divine costume!"