Infinite Secret Land of Online Games

Chapter 09 War

But the system will not allow players to take advantage of the same secret place twice. That is to say, even if Situ Hao enters the eighth episode of the Journey to the West series again, the place where he appears will not be "Fulin Mountain", but very far away. The world of Journey to the West is very large, and even if he flies, it will fly for a long time. Besides, they have been able to fly, and this kind of secret place of child-level difficulty can't be encountered at all.

Therefore, the favorability is consumed at one time, but the different brothers are different. It is implanted in the data of pig's hyena as prompted by the system. As long as Situ Hao is not erased by the system in the series of Journey to the West, the memory will always exist. ( Being erased in other series does not affect)

"Name: Wei Danhua. Type: herbs. Grade: green level, effect: can be taken directly, can quickly heal the injury. Materials suitable for a variety of elixirs.

According to the plot of Journey to the West, after the pig's hyena fell to this place and woke up, he would find the elixir flower, and the injury recovered after eating; but now it is saved by Situhao, and the elixir flower also falls into his hands. There are many things that can't be taken out in the secret territory, but Weidanhua is not in this case. It can be taken out.

It is impossible for Zhugang hyen to take back the Yunzhan Cave alone, and Situhao, and in the Yunzhan Cave was not taken back in the eighth round. Situhao's goal of entering this secret place is to have a relationship with Zhugang hymen. As long as he has a relationship, it is not a problem for him to collect 100 hidden-free flowers, and it can exceed the goal. Mark.

But now he not only hooked up but also hugged his thick/legs. The relationship between Situ Hao and Zhugang hyena makes Situ Hao qualified to join the plot promotion. Therefore, Situ Hao said in a rough voice, "Brother, are we going to recapture the Yunzhan Cave now?"

Zhu Gang shook his head and said, "With the strength of you and my brother, you can't deal with the demons in Yunzhan Cave."

Situ Hao is now gradually entering the play, and his acting skills have been greatly improved. After hearing this, he looked sad and said, "What can I do?"

Zhu Gang hyen was very moved when his brother cared about his career so much. He patted the disciple Hao on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, second brother. You have your own way."

The way of pig's hymen is to find a rescuer. He and Sun Jinyuan at this time, but he knows a worship brother of Sun Jinyuan, the lion camel king, who is one of the nine saints of the demon clan in the future. However, the nine saints of the demon clan are still at the bottom, and the lion camel king does not dare to call himself "the great saint of the mountain". During the war, the nine monsters played the banner of "Great Sage".

The lion camel king also lives in Fulin Mountain. At this time, it is working as a handyman under an elephant demon in the later stage. When Zhu Gang hymen and Situ Hao found the lion camel king, the lion camel king was being scolded; the reason for being scolded seems to be the lion camel king who smashed a piece of exquisite porcelain, and this porcelain is heard that the elephant demon is ready to ask for marriage. Used.

"The bastard knows how to please the spider spirit all day long, but he doesn't know that the spider spirit has been flirting with a monkey spirit in Dongfu Linshan for a long time, and Bai Bailang has wasted such good things."

On the empty grass about one miles away from the "elephant Cave", the lion and camel king set up a table and invited Situ Hao and the pig to hymen. When the wine was drunk, he slapped the table and scolded the elephant demon.

"Brother Lion, if the demon tramples on you like this, it's better to oppose him." Situ Hao shouted at the same time.

The lion and camel king and the pig's hyen were immediately dumbfounded. The rebellion is a very serious thing. Why does this brother talk like a tube?

Without waiting for them to speak, Situ Hao, who was deeply engaged in the play, stepped on the stone chair and roared domineeringly: "There are so many caves in the world. There are many treasures and countless spiritual materials, but they are occupied by those mediocre people. Although our cultivation is low, if we dare not make a big wish, we will do it all day long. I don't know how many years it will take to make a career.

After the lion and camel king and Zhu Gang hyena heard the words, "I want to wait until my strength is high and then do a career, but I don't know how many years I have to spend," they were touched.

The lion and camel king patted the stone table and roared, "Little pig is right. I shouldn't have been thinking about waiting for a high strength before doing business. Low strength does not mean that I can't do a career."

Situhao looked at the lion and camel king very depressedly. This Nima has always called him "pig little brother", and he can't change his name. No wonder he has been scolded as a "stupid lion" by elephant demons. Of course, his IQ is actually not low to be the nine saints of the future demon clan.

The lion and camel king has been living in Fulin Mountain for longer than the pig's hyen. There are also some monsters he knows, but they are all in the "turning period", and there is no one in the opening period; and those who dare to call themselves the little demon king who occupy the cave are all cultivated beyond the opening period.

In Situ Hao's view, cultivation is actually not important, but the cultivation within the demon clan is high, which represents the spiritual wisdom, talented demon art, and even opens the "bloodline"; the bloodline of the demon clan, etc.: wild, strange, spirit, immortal, ancient, flood and famine.

The lion camel king and the piggang hyen are both monsters belonging to the "fairy bloodline". They can suppress many monsters in terms of bloodline, but if the cultivation is too low, the high bloodline will attract hatred. Why is the lion camel king often scolded in the "elephant hole"? It is because he is a fairy-level bloodline that the reason why Zhugang hyen is rejected in the "cloud warehouse" is also because he is a fairy-level bloodline.

This is like two people were born in a rich family and later fell into a civilian area, but people in the civilian area know that these two were once rich and now they are in decline. The civilians may have sympathy, but they are more gloating.

Pig's hymen's personality is too arrogant. There are few friends and many enemies, but the lion and camel king knows the way to make friends. With his immortal bloodline, he deliberately pulls down his body to make friends with some monsters. There will always be some monsters who will feel flattered and then communicate with the lion and camel king. Therefore, after being drunk by Situ Haobang, the lion camel king accumulated before changing. The idea of accumulating strength is ready to make a career so as not to continue to wasted the years.

"There are only six monsters in Yunzhan Cave, and the unwise beasts have been driven away. Among them, Yang Gongzan (sheep demon) is in the early stage of the opening, and the other five demons are in the later stage of the spiral."

Cultivation level: spinning, light, fusion, heartbeat, spiritual silence, golden elixir, Yuanying, distraction, disaster, Mahayana.

Lion and Camel King and Zhugang hyen are both in the middle of the rotation, but Situhao has no cultivation. Now he has no cultivation experience, and 1500 cultivation experience is needed in the early stage of the rotation.

After an hour and a half of running, the lion and camel king gathered several monsters that he thought were reliable, namely Luquan (deer demon), Niu Er, Yang Dongbu, mountain crocodile (penet), plus Zhugang hyen, Situ Hao and the organizer Lion Camel King. All the members of the Yunzhan Cave attack team gathered.