Infinite Secret Land of Online Games

Chapter 011 Shepherd

About a minute, a crisp soft sound came from Wang Dian, and then a calf arched out from Wang Dian and shouted at Situ Hao.

"You get a shepherd. The shepherd, the beast spawn by the divine shepherd king, can grow it through shepherding. When the shepherd is mature, it can help you fight, and you can also slaughter the shepherd beast to obtain muscle and bone materials. The shepherd is the best spiritual food material. Spiritual food: food made from various spiritual materials can restore spiritual power and increase various attributes.

20 minutes later, 20 herds hatched. Although the eggs they brought were very small, as soon as they hatched, these shepherds quickly became bigger. 10 cattle, 5 tigers and 5 lions kept roared at Situ Hao. Their eyes showed a strong attachment. Obviously, these shepherds Think of Situ Hao as their parents.

"Brother Lion and Camel, what should we do now?" Situ Hao shouted at a loss.

"Hey, let's go to Teng Luoyuan."

Tengluo was originally located on the prairie. The lion and camel king and other demons dispersed, collected grass everywhere, and then brought them back to feed the shepherds. At the same time, the lion and camel king asked Situ Hao to walk nearby and not always stay in one place. Although Situ Hao didn't understand, he still obediently followed the advice of the lion and camel king and took the shepherd animal around the neighborhood. Suddenly, he heard the system prompt.

"dian shu1: Woye Qianli, start, you get the grass crystal, please refer to the relevant tips for the information of the grass crystal stone."

"Grasspar stone, green forage, condensed from plant essence, is a good forage, which can accelerate the physical development of all kinds of spirit beasts and promote to a better grade."

When Situ Hao was puzzled, he suddenly saw that one of his herdsmen continued to expand at a speed visible to the naked eye after eating the "grass crystals". Finally, with a "pumud", blood splashed everywhere, flesh and blood flew everywhere, and his intestines and so on sprinkled all over Situ Hao. After Si Tuhao was stunned, he opened his mouth and screamed loudly, like a little girl who was being vilified. After being heard by the sound, the demons suddenly laughed out loud.

Zhu Gang's hyen stopped Situ Hao from screaming like a woman. He hated his brother's lesson and said, "Second brother, it's just a beast's flesh and blood. It's really a loss of identity to panic like this!"

"Little pig, don't you have the art of clean food and Qingming? This technique is used to solve the problem of overeating of herdsmen. I really don't understand you, pig brother. You obviously have an excellent treasure and know how to learn the Qingming technique of clean food first, and learn the double entanglement of the shepherd whip. Why don't you know how to use it when you obviously want to take the beast profession? The lion camel king said with a smile.

"What is the occupation of the royal beast?" Situ Hao hurriedly tore off all his intestines and minced meat and asked urgently.

"I'm not very clear about what it is. The divine shepherd king's book is also a very famous treasure in the heavenly court. Emperor Yan, one of the five emperors of the human race, is the holder of this book. I heard that Emperor Yan most likes to bring thousands of pastoral beasts during the war, but the shepherd beast is the lowest level. If it is higher, it is a monster that opens up wisdom and bloodline." The lion and camel king said.

"I also know some, but after a few reincarnations, there is a lack of memory. Generally speaking, the divine shepherd king's book is just like herding sheep. The more shepherds you release, the more shepherd animals grow up safely, you can gain cultivation experience, and use the grown shepherds to fight around for you." Zhu Gang hyen also said.

"Doesn't that mean that I can shepherd demons in the future?" Situ Hao blurted out.

Although Zhugang hyen and the lion camel king are demons, they don't care at all when they hear this. Many of the bigwigs in the heavenly court are demons, and many demon bosses are the watchers of the immortals. These two demon saints did not have any idea of fighting against earning at this time. It was not until they were repeatedly suppressed by the heavenly court that they had the idea of fighting against earning. Finally, he led tens of millions of demons and broke out a "heavenly palace war" with the heavenly court.

"It can indeed shepherd demons, ghosts, demons and spirits. Saints are not benevolent and take everything as ruminant dogs. Emperor Yan is the emperor of the human race. Except for the human race, he can be a shepherd animal for him." The lion and camel king said, and there seemed to be a trace of envy and jealousy in his tone, which made Situ Hao not understand what he was thinking.

However, it is difficult to guess the mind of the lion and camel king, so you don't have to worry about him. The point is the divine shepherd king's book. After the two demon brothers said so, Situ Hao understand the role of the divine shepherd king's book, and as soon as he understands why the "reborn guest" said, he will become the first person in the game in the early stage.

Demons and monsters can be herdsmen. What a powerful royal code! Imagine that when other players were only in the spiral period, Situ Hao had hundreds of green-level or more shepherds. Although the green-level shepherds could not be compared with the early stage of the spiral, they could not bear a large number!

"Little pig, don't be distracted. Another one is about to explode."

When Situ Hao was distracted, the lion and camel king shouted in the distance. Situ Hao fixed his eyes and saw that the whole body of a herding beast was constantly expanding. He quickly used the "clean food and clearing technique" to cover the shepherd beast. After this technique, the body of the shepherd kept shrinking, and other pastoral animals were also eating "grass crystals", and his body was also When he began to expand, Situ Hao did not dare to be distracted and circled 19 shepherds wholeheartedly.

"Your shepherd is promoted, you get a white bull, and you get 100 cultivation experience."

"Your herding beast has been promoted, you have obtained a white-level tiger beast, and you have gained 100 cultivation experience."