Infinite Secret Land of Online Games

Chapter 017 Curse?

The complete map of the child-level area records the aura level of the whole area, and Situ Hao does not dare to run too far. The higher the aura level of the place, the higher the monster level. Near the rabbit pig monster nest, there is a small grassland with an index of 6 aura. Without map instructions, it is really difficult to find out. This small place.

Therefore, Situ Hao specially hatched the shepherds in this small grassland, and then walked around, and the "dian shu 1 fertile wild thousands of miles" really started.

"Your herding beast improves the white level, and you gain 100 cultivation experience."

All 50 rabbit and pig beasts have been upgraded to the white level, and Situ Hao has gained 5,000 points of cultivation experience. After the effect of the living wild thousand-mile classics, 10 herdsmen have been upgraded to the green level, and the rest are still the white level. Compared with the beast eggs in the secret territory, the upgrade speed of the beast eggs in the outer world is obviously much slower. Situ Hao is a little confused. What is such a gap?

However, the rabbit pig beast is not his ultimate goal. He needs some cannon fodder. The rabbit pig beast is the best cannon fodder. He is going to take out a few more rabbit pig beast's nests. After gathering the army of cannon fodder, there will be a big drop.

30 minutes later, Situ Hao took 350 rabbits and pigs and monsters forward magnificently. He felt that he was almost ready to work and wanted to challenge a little boss nearby.

A few kilometers away from Situ Hao's route, there is a wide place with a man in white lying on the ground, and more than ten meters away from the man, there is a blue rhinoceros monster lying upside down.

The young man who killed the blue beast is called Yi Xingye. He is an infinite player. He is very tired at this time. It was a complete accident to meet this blue beast. As for being able to fight with the blue beast, on the one hand, he belongs to the old bird and is very experienced in such battles. On the other hand, he also completed a secret place. The novice tried and got some equipment from it.

Yi Xingye lay on the ground with a very nervous expression. He needed 10 minutes to recover his blood volume. During this period, if a strong enemy attacked, he could only close his eyes and wait to die. At this time, Yi Xingye felt the vibration of the ground, which was a movement that could only appear when a large number of monsters were running.

"Is it that my first hang-up is here and now?" Yi Xingye, who lay on the ground and couldn't move, muttered sadly in his heart.

The majestic group of monsters appeared in Yi Xingye's vision. Yi Xingye suddenly stopped holding hope and sighed and waited for death. Yi Xingye heard a shout, "Wow, what a big pig."

"Pig?" Yi Xingye couldn't help opening his eyes and glanced at the blue beast that was killed by him. What kind of look is this? Obviously, it's a rhinoceros with sharp fangs, okay?

"Oh, my friend, are you hurt?"

When Yi Xingye complained about the owner of the sound, the owner of the voice said another sentence. Yi Xingye looked up and found that the hundreds of monsters were quietly scattered around. Yi Xingye hesitated for a moment and asked, "Are these all raised by you?"

"Of course." Situ Hao replied proudly.

"My name is Yi Xingye. Thank you for saving my life."

"Oh, little things, my name is, er, what's your name?"

"Easy Star Night."

"Easy, stars, night?"

"Yes, do you know me?"

"Damn it, Yi Xingye, the list of enemies ranks first, a thousand times, a thousand times."

Although there will be homophones in the game, it is impossible for homophones to appear. The reborn guest remembers the names of their enemies very well. In order to avoid Situ Hao killing the wrong people, he also focuses on explaining the phrases and writing of those names. Therefore, after confirming the names, Situ Hao knows that this person in front of him is really the enemy of the reborn guests. Still a key enemy.

However, it was originally a good negotiation, but now he wants to kill the murderer. Situ Hao can't turn around, but then he immediately thought, is he not cursed? If you kill Yi Xingye and Zheng Meijing can get back together with him, then Yi Xingye will definitely kill him a thousand times. Therefore, in order to verify whether there is a curse or not, he still has to kill this boy.

So, when Yi Xingye thought that he was in a desperate situation, as a result, his soul, who had been smiling before, immediately turned his back and let hundreds of monsters crush him, and they also run back and down dozens of times. Damn it, what a deep hatred, he wants to break the body into scum!

As soon as he killed Yi Xingye, he heard the system prompt that he had a phone call in reality. Situ Hao tied his mobile phone to the game login to avoid playing games. Zheng Meijing suddenly called, but she did not answer, which was a tragedy!

Hurry offline, pick up your mobile phone, and look at the call prompt - Zheng Meijing.

"Damn it, is it really so evil? I just slaughtered an enemy and called immediately. Damn it, soulless rebirth guest, isn't your curse too cruel?" After seeing the call, Situ Hao was immediately dumbfounded and then cursed. After scolding for a while, I found that the mobile phone was still ringing, and I was shocked again. Damn it, I have to answer the phone quickly!

As soon as the phone was connected, Situ Hao turned into a henchman and said in an extremely gentle voice, "Meijing."

There was no sound coming from the other end of the phone. Situ Hao scratched his head and thought about what sweet words to impress Zheng Meijing. Suddenly, he heard a faint sigh from the phone, and then said, "That's it!" The phone was hung up.

"Is that all? What is it like? What is it like? What's the swelling again?" Situ Hao howled with blood.