Infinite Secret Land of Online Games

Chapter 022 Trap

"Lum..." In the distance, the rabbit, pig monster that baited made a scream. Situ Hao bounced up from the ground and stood on a shepherd beast. After pointing to the beast killer, the shepherds behind him immediately rushed up and bombarded, and charged with their masters extremely fiercely.

Bai Zhantang stared at the surging group of monsters. Nima, why didn't he find the killed monsters and accomplices before? There are so many accomplices. Damn it, monsters know how to ambush. What kind of world is this?

"Brother Xiaobai, run, run." The friend next to him shouted.

Bai Zhantang looked at the fleeing friends with pity. Can he escape? Before you don't know how to fly or learn how to fly in the air, if you encounter monsters living in groups, unless you encounter a savior or find a good place, you will be trampled and die.

"I seem to see a man standing on the back of a monster. Is it an illusion?" At the moment of hanging up, Bai Zhantang muttered doubtfully.

"Sure enough, it's still quick to kill people."

Because the other party attacked his own monster first, Situhao, who killed three players, did not gain negative reputation. On the contrary, he also lowered 300 negative reputation. This is how Situhao came up with a way to get rich quickly and eliminate negative reputation based on the information of reborn guests.

"Step shoes, falling flower belt."

"The death of a rabbit and pig monster only got two pieces of green-level equipment. Well, the business is at a loss; and these three guys can kill a galloping monster in such a short time, indicating that there are other good equipment. Otherwise, it is impossible to cut down my bull demon in less than a minute. Unfortunately, these good equipment have not exploded. Come on."

After nearly an hour of ambush, Situ Hao's human reputation dropped from -1900 to -900, that is, he cleaned up ten infinite secret players. However, in the early stage, everyone was actually very poor. Even the rich and handsome Yi Xingye group was wiped up by Situ Hao, and did not burst out good items.

There is no difference between 100 and 1400. Only when you reach 1500 can you get the title of human spy. As long as the title of "human spy" is eliminated, Situ Hao does not need to worry about returning to the sect and being locked up on the wall, and he also needs to worry that the human supervision will fall from the sky.

Only by lowering your reputation can you continue to complete the task of obtaining "understanding", otherwise, the task NPC will not talk to human spies.

The little boss was killed first, and there was nothing to kill nearby. Situ Hao did not dare to go too far to avoid being killed by the masters of the foreign world. After thinking about it, he decided to complete the task of "ring the bell to call the soul" first. The demon spy NPC was still waiting for him bitterly.

After completing the subsequent hidden tasks, Situhao gained 5 points of understanding and also opened the portal. The demon spy stepped into the portal with Situhao; the place where Situhao appeared was the "secret palace" of the secret fairy palace, but the demon spy did not know where he was transmitted.

When he came back so early, there were too many items. There were only 20 compartments of storage props. The same item could be superimposed, but the equipment could not be superimposed, so Situhao had to pack and bring them back. In addition, all his shepherds remained in the outer world. There was nothing he could do. The divine herdsman did not open the magic of storing herdsmen. And Situ Hao didn't know how to install these shepherds, so he threw all the shepherds out of the world.

Fortunately, these shepherds are at the lowest level. There is no cost to cultivate them, and they don't feel sad to throw them away. In case there are geniuses in it and they get along well outside the world, maybe next time they meet them, there will be surprises, right? Anyway, the shepherd will not betray the divine shepherd king, and it will not betray Situ Hao.

After delivering the task, Situ Hao started the second task again and was transmitted to Changshui City. He quickly ran outside the entrance of the East City and saw his herds running. Situ Hao suddenly relieved. It seemed that the shepherd did not disband or run around because of his absence, and would still follow him. The instructions are to operate within the prescribed scope.

With his own shepherd, Situ Hao ran around the three mission cities and occasionally went to see if the little boss had refreshed. As a result, he found that the only BOSS between the three missions had not been refreshed. Situ Hao was a little depressed and had to continue to run the task.

5 o'clock, 10 o'clock, 3 o'clock, 15 o'clock, 2 o'clock and 5 o'clock, as Situ Hao continues to complete the tasks provided by the "Contribution Hall" of the Secret Fairy Palace, those hidden understanding rewards are also slowly gathered, and the information provided by the reborn guests has no mistakes of the task; when Situ Hao completes the twelfth task, he has been completed. 100 points of understanding.

Situ Hao's cultivation experience has long reached the requirements of the "opening period" of promotion. When the experience reached the promotion conditions, the system once asked whether to proceed with promotion. Situhao had not accumulated enough understanding at that time and naturally would not agree; but now that he has accumulated enough, the system will no longer ask whether to advance and needs to return by itself. Go back to the sect's "Secret Hall" to find NPC to start the secret world trial.

On the south side of the secret hall, Situhao stood next to an NPC and asked him for "promotional trial". The NPC immediately said, "Please let go of your character panel so that I can identify whether you have the level."

"According to the different understanding points, the infinite secret world players have different choices of the secret world. 10-50 points are the first level, 51-79 second level, 80-90 third level, 91-99 fourth level, 100 fifth level. The promotion secret world is a single entry mode, with different levels, the rewards of the secret world are different, and the difficulty is children. Level."

"The secret realm of promotion is the original type of the Honghuang series. The reward of full understanding is reflected in the success of the promotion, and the choice and difficulty of the secret realm are the same at each level. In other words, if you carry something of the same weight, the salary is very different. Reborn information.