Infinite Secret Land of Online Games

Chapter 025 Under the Robber

The most golden oil "brain tonic" in the fairy world is - God's will. The early birth of the Shenmu Wangdian is God's will in the eyes of Emperor Yan, and God's will is unpredictable. If you guess God's will at will at will, you attract divine punishment. The existence of such a sub-saint like Emperor Yan dares does not say that he can withstand the divine punishment.

Of course, although the will is unpredictable, it is traceable, especially when every time the catastrophe comes, there will always be a faint will to reveal that the great existence of Emperor Yan is not difficult to crack these wills. Therefore, if you want to know whether the appearance of the divine shepherd king is real. I just need to ask a few questions.

When Situhao was hypnotized to sleep by the bell sound, he also heard the system prompt saying, "You are hypnotized. Because you have too many practitioners, you are irresistible. Go to sleep!" The year of coquettishness Although the game characters are hypnotized, the brains of real characters are awake and are only pulled into a "waiting" space.

The standby space is a huge resting place, which can spend a secret place to consume. If you don't want to consume, you can find a place to sit. Situ Hao is not the only one in the standby space. In addition to him, there are many players. These players are all gridd on their faces and can't see each other's faces, although they can I saw each other, but I couldn't talk.

"It seems that many people have been spelled by coma and so on." Looking at the bustling crowd, Situ Hao's depressed mood was relieved, and the pain was really better to ease!

A coolness suddenly hit his whole body. He didn't wait for Situ Hao to react. He saw a huge light, and there seemed to be a shadow shaking in the light. "Is I awake or still dizzy?" Situ Hao narrowed his eyes and said to himself.

Emperor Yan deliberately emitted a powerful holy light, just to shock Situ Hao. Unexpectedly, the boy was not surprised at all. Emperor Yan had to answer the boy's question, "You're awake."

"Wow, what a big light bulb." After confirming that he returned to the game, Situ Hao exclaimed. He thought that he was still in the standby space, so he was not surprised. Now he is naturally surprised. Although it was the first time he saw this kind of light, he knew in the message of the reborn guest that such a shining person is not immortal or god, and this light is called "fairy light".

When Emperor Yan saw that the boy had been out of the topic, he coughed helplessly and said, "Young man, do you know how the secret world was formed?"

"This secret place is a memory. Whether it is a human race or a demon, once it is successful cultivation, it will have its own secret place, and this secret place is actually the life experience of this successful person; the Immortal Legend series is actually the immortal autobiography of the immortals who have successfully ascended and are listed in the immortal class. The series of Honghuang and the Classic of Mountains and Seas are parallel to historical development and belong to the memory of heaven. Situ Hao said like an endorsement.

After hearing this shallow answer, Emperor Yan in "Xian Mang" showed a happy smile and nodded and said, "You really know."

Situ Hao is a person who plays less games. He is not aware of his answer and the great impact of the early appearance of the divine shepherd king's book. On the one hand, he plays games according to the route provided by the reborn, and on the other hand, he explores and discovers the treasures and adventures mentioned by the reborn.

People like Emperor Yan who exuded domineering immortals appeared. In Situ Hao's view, he had an adventure, that is, there was a test. When Emperor Yan asked him if he didn't know how the secret place was formed, he thought it was a test, and he did know it, so he immediately returned. Answer it.

In fact, how the secret world formed this problem was not until nearly 9 years after the game operation that it was declassified by a small group of top players. The reborn guests happened to be one of this small group of people, and these people did not all unlock the secrets of the secret world. But these top players, who only know the secrets of one or two secrets, have become the favorite objects of NPC bosses, and many game resources are intentionally or unintentionally inclined to them.

In Emperor Yan's view, a little understanding of the formation of the secret place is the first feature of the person who should be robbed, and Situ Hao holds the divine shepherd king's book, which shows that Situ Hao is the robbed person who belongs to his lineage. In other words, Situ Hao has been classified as the "human Yan Emperor's camp".

For the little friends in his camp, Emperor Yan naturally has to take care of him. However, Situhao has not even reached the opening period now. Emperor Yan's level is too high, and he really doesn't know how to take care of him. If he gives him a "bifying pill", it is estimated that Situhao will immediately explode/hang out.

Fortunately, there is also the divine shepherd Wangdian as a bridge between the ditch and the gift. Emperor Yan gathered his fairy light to reveal his true face. Now it is the time to collect the loyalty of his younger brother, and naturally has to show his true face. Otherwise, in the future, if the younger brother recognizes the wrong person and betrays the camp, isn't it a bamboo basket?

Situ Hao naturally doesn't know who this person is in front of him, but Emperor Yan will introduce himself! As soon as the introduction was over, Emperor Yan was very happy to see his first younger brother salute on one knee. Situhao has no resistance to kneeling down to Emperor Yan. What does it matter if the descendants of Yanhuang kneel down to their ancestors?

"This is not the first time of the original wet local tycoon's secret land, but the Lieshan Palace in the heavenly world."

"I wipe, how about returning to the main world before I finish my task?" Situ Hao was shocked when he heard the words and shouted. Then he quickly closed his voice and scolded himself for making too much fuss. It was not a piece of cake for Emperor Yan to pull himself out of the secret place. What's more, he happened to be in his territory when he entered the secret place.

Heaven, also known as the three thousand palaces of the road, represents the most primitive rule when heaven and earth are not open and the void is not divided; "there is Hongjun first and then there is heaven", so that Tiandao is also the ancestor of Hongjun, which has "three thousand avenues", which can be sanctified by understanding one of them, and can also be regarded as the three thousand laws of heaven.

There are 36 palaces and 72 halls in the heavenly world. Lieshan Palace is one of them, and the Heavenly Palace is the location of the heavenly court and the place where immortals and Buddhas work. The Heavenly Palace is also one of the 36 palaces. Rebirth Guest did not introduce many settings in the game. It took nearly 5 minutes to introduce some things in the heavenly world, so Situ Hao still has a certain understanding of this.

Emperor Yan ignored Situ Hao's fuss, and his voice echoed in the empty palace, "This is not..., but the Lieshan Palace in the heavenly world. You happen to be in the secret Lieshan Palace, so I can temporarily cover the way of heaven and let you leave temporarily; time is not long, please listen to me..."

Don't pay attention to it. The things introduced by Emperor Yan have been archived in Situhao's "Player Log". Except for Situhao's own disclosure, other people can't see the information in the log; the place where Emperor Yan can help Situhao at present is in the "Shenmu Wang Dian", and this If the king of the department appears in the later stage, the master seems to have some chicken ribs when he gets it, and he feels "unreachable" when he gets it with a low hand.

To be honest, this king's book can only be obtained at the beginning of the game and show its powerful power as the players continue to grow together. Perhaps because of this, when the super brain arranges the plot, this king's book will not appear until five or six years later.