Infinite Secret Land of Online Games

Chapter 029 Epiphany

Although the depths of Siyuan Cave were illuminated by ten suns, the heat and brightness were selectively accepted. At least Situ Hao did not feel hot. In addition, Situ Hao was also a little strange. When he first entered the secret world, there was only one sun in the sky. More than an hour later, there were nine more suns in the sky. The passage of time is too great!

When Situ Hao was interspersed with all kinds of flowers and plants to find out the rare grass, Princess Iron Fan walked against him. Originally, there was only a five-step distance between the two, but suddenly, Princess Iron Fan disappeared.

"Warning, the object you protect is leaving the specified distance; warning that the object you protect is moving away from the specified distance."

Hearing the rapid system prompt, Situ Hao was shocked. The whole insect stood upright, just one head higher than those flowers and plants, but he did not find the figure of the iron fan princess in the surrounding flowers and plants.

"Fortunately, I'm already prepared." While muttering, Situ Hao took out a charm from the storage prop. This symbol is called "Tracking Symbol". It cannot be used alone and must be used with the "tracking symbol"; it is a bit like a tracker, pasting the "positive symbol" to the object to be tracked, forming a tracking mark, and then triggering the "strange symbol", positive The two strange symbols echo.

At this time, the "tracing charm" in Situ Hao's hand formed an "arrow" under the spiritual power input. Following this arrow, Situ Hao stood at the place where the iron fan princess suddenly disappeared. Without Situ Hao's careful observation, he felt an invisible attraction around him, which made him fierce, and his whole body was pulled in. Another space.

From the previous battle, Situ Hao understood a key to the battle, that is, he could not continue to hesitate as soon as the state was lifted, but had to make actions at the first time, otherwise, like the three puppet monsters, they would be eliminated one by one.

Therefore, when the power that attracted him loosened and disappeared, Situ Hao did not even see the situation around him clearly and launched the insect demon talent magic power to "color". This magic power has a certain degree of autonomy, that is, it will be close to or the same color of the surrounding environment without a specified face *.

For example, if Situ Hao's environment is an open space at night, his insect body will become black and melt into the night. If there is light around, the insect body will become the same as the soil color of the open space.

This is a room full of grids on the ground, but the size of the room is immeasurable, because outside the field of vision, you can see a fog; the glittering grid on the ground is very much like a "turn-based" game of a desktop.

"Is this the legendary artifact for picking up girls - airplane chess?" Looking at the glittering lattice, Situ Hao complained depressedly.

The position he is standing at this time is not the starting point. There are grids flashing in his front, left and right. There is a beast-shaped statue standing outside his five grids on the left, and a "?" in the right three stands a statue with a "sword" in front, and four in the rear is a "mouth".

"The sword cross is a direct entry into the battle, the question mark is a random situation, the mouth is a portal, and the beast statue is a dialogue." Someone may not be sure about these things, but Situ Hao dug out the recording of the reborn man from his mind after seeing it, so he knew what the statues erected on these grids represented.

The reborn did not say which sculpture is better to touch. Anyway, the benefits are very random, and what can be mentioned by the reborn is usually more important; trigger scenes like this grid will be available in many secret places. It must be noted that the "blank" grid Children do not mean safety. They are also dangerous, even more dangerous than those sculptures.

Therefore, when encountering such a scene, don't step out casually, otherwise you are likely to fall into a worse situation. For the detection of blank grids, the reborn person naturally has a voice to stay. The method is very simple, which is to compare "money-consuming".

Spirit money is the currency of the practice world except for secret points and secret scrolls, with a minimum denomination of 10 denominations and a maximum of 1000 denominations. 1 million spiritual coins = 100 pieces of low-grade spiritual jade = 10 pieces of medium-grade spiritual jade = 1 piece of top-grade spiritual jade.

The item needed to detect the blank grid is "spirit money". No matter how many customers there are, its specifications are the same size as a "Orio" biscuit; 1,000 yuan of 1,000 denominations of spiritual money can be dissolved into a piece of low-grade spiritual jade. Conversely, spiritual jade can be split into spiritual money of different denominations.

According to the information provided by the reborn guest, the most appropriate amount of spiritual money thrown is 500. If the spiritual money falls on the blank grid without any reaction, it needs to be increased. If the blank grid suddenly swallows the spiritual money, it means that the grid is bought, and there is certainly no danger of stepping on it.

Of course, if you think your strength is very strong, you don't need to buy it. If you step over it directly, what will happen will be solved by your fist.

Situ Hao's body has Lingyu exchanged for secret points. 100 secret points can be exchanged for a piece of top-grade Lingyu, that is, 10 yuan = 1 yuan of top-grade Lingyu, but Lingyu can't be exchanged for secret points or secret scrolls, so it is still not cost-effective.

Situ Hao chose the direction of the statue of the "animal monster". There is a space away from where he is standing. The first three spaces cost 500 spiritual money each, and the last two spaces cost 2,000 spiritual yuan each. Although it costs more, Situ Hao does not feel distressed. On the contrary, he is very excited, because according to the information of the reborn guest, The more greedy the grid is, which means that the sculpture you finally come into contact with has a high adventure price.

"A place of epiphany."

When Situ Hao stood on the grid of the "animal monster" statue, the statue disappeared, instead of the system's prompt, "The place of epiphany can get an opportunity to improve proficiency and obtain conditions: understanding 90+". Situ Hao's understanding is 100, which meets the conditions.

"You get an opportunity to improve your proficiency in green spells. If you are lower than the green level, your familiarity will be greatly improved; if you are at a low level, you may not be able to complete the proficiency level." System prompt.

Situhao now has "grazing whip double entanglement" (green level, skilled primary), clean food Qingming skill (green level, primary proficiency), visual ideas (green level, junior familiarity), 360 hand hexagram technique (green level, junior proficiency); the improvement of proficiency can not only increase the power and effect of spells, save aura, shorten Cooling and casting time are the key to the advancement of spells.

It is worth noting that the change of spells will not make the proficiency disappear. To make a metaphor, Situ Hao's double entangle proficiency is 55%. If he replaces a spell that is also a green level and replaces the "wrape double entangle", then the proficiency of this spell is also 55 %.

If you change to the green level or higher than the green level, as prompted by the system, it should be greatly improved or reduced. How to convert it is the overall planning of the system. Therefore, there is no need to worry about the replacement of spells, which will cause the loss of proficiency in the early stage, and efforts will not be erased.