Infinite Secret Land of Online Games

Chapter 031 Forced Killing

There was originally only one continent in the world, known as the "Honghuang Continent". The first great disaster of heaven and earth, the flood and famine broke into Dongsheng Shenzhou, Nanzhanbuzhou, Xiniu Hezhou, and Beiju Luzhou; the second great disaster of heaven and earth - the suffering of mountains and sea classics, Nanzhanbuzhou, Xiniu Hezhou and Beigu Luzhou, were once again divided, only the "human race The habitat of Dongsheng Shenzhou is retained.

After the third world disaster and the fourth world disaster, Dongsheng Shenzhou collapsed to form today's five continents of Zhongzhou, North Desert, Western Regions, Southern Xinjiang and Dongtu. Zhongzhou mainland was surrounded in the middle. Therefore, the reborn guests once suspected that after reaching the title of "the champion", they should have left the five continents divided into Dongsheng Shenzhou. Go to the other three ancient continents, of course, this is just Ya's guess.

Zhongzhou City is the habitat of human beings on the Zhongzhou continent, where other races are surviving. Therefore, as long as you have a map, you don't need to worry about having a place to buy supplies, let alone return to Zhongzhou from time to time.

The way to return to Zhongzhou City is also very simple. Kill BOSS-level monsters to get the "Zhongzhou City Transmission Order", and up to 5 people can return together at the same time. If you exceed it, you need to get an extra token.


The thorny fir trees surround the mountains, covering the path covered with moss, and the morning sun pours on the central lake at the top of the mountain, shining like white jade. In a faint time, there is the sound of gold, stone, silk and bamboo ringing on the top of the mountain. Looking far away, the white fog on the top of the mountain seems to have a gust of wind passing by, Danlou Qiongyu, the palace view is abnormal, and the flowers and willows are dark.

Shi Yun: "The Luofu Mountain is foggy and sunny, and the mountains are a little smoke. The Jade Tower Pearl Hall reflects the side of the moon wheel. Wanliping Lake is cold in autumn, and the stars are drooping.

This place is called "Luofu Mountain", which is a very famous scenic spot in the outer region of Zhongzhou. Legend has it that there is a Taoist named "Xuanyuanji" here, and this person is also known as "Luofu Mountain people". Luofu Mountain people have created a "remnant smoke mountain" elixir array with elixir medical proof, which consists of nine poison elixir, nine big tonic elixir, nine negative benefit elixir and nine auxiliary elixir, forming 36 remnants of smoke mountains, which was once powerful in the post-God era.

Yi Xingye, who has been killed twice in a row by Situ Hao, got this "Dan array" in later generations and turned into the Danxiu profession. Within three months, he dominated the Xiucai District and was called "Dansha Lone Star" by many infinite players. Of course, now Situ Hao happened to be randomly transferred to "Luofu Mountain", and it is impossible for Yi Xingye to get this again. Harmful phalanx.

Situ Hao also met some players in the living hall of Zhongzhou Secret Fairy Palace. Before breaking up, he was scolded by his ex-girlfriend Zheng Meijing that he was not good at socializing, resulting in very poor interpersonal relationships and did not improve his career. Therefore, in order to improve his shortcomings, Situ Hao decided to play with him in addition to working hard to make money in the game. The family interacts more.

Because he has talked with many infinite players, Situ Hao also knows a lot of common sense of games. Although he gets a lot of future game information, in fact, he does lack understanding of the game "secret fairy", especially a lot of common sense information, so he can make up for his interaction with those infinite players. The short board of Situ Hao's lack of common sense information.

In fact, these common sense materials and information are placed on the official website. If you have time, you can go to see them. However, Situ Hao has time to talk nonsense with people, but he doesn't have time to visit the official website, and he doesn't know what he thinks. Anyway, after this period of conversation, Situ Hao knew the common sense about the profession. Knowing this, Situ Hao suddenly found that the reborn guest had not arranged a career for him.

In the Situ Hao's virtual game life plan listed by the reborn guest, there are very detailed plans for what to do, what to play, what to get, etc. in the early stage; but in these plans, there has never been any mention which career development Situ Hao should go to. If you listen carefully again, you will find that the reborn guest is very ambitious, and he actually wants Situ Hao to cover all his professions.

The ambitious confidence of the rebirth guest is based on the "divine pastoral king's book", and after Situ Hao obtained the jade slips of "the restoration and use of the godmu king's book" from Emperor Yan, he also has a more intuitive understanding of the divinemu king's book. At the same time, he also understands why the rebirth guest is so confident.

The most important special of the divine shepherd king's book is "pastoral", "God gives me a pasture, and I can achieve ten thousand tribute". This is the original words of Emperor Yan; the four races of demons and monsters can be "tamed", and these "pastorals" will become Situ Hao's minions, servants, disciples, Taoist soldiers, Buddhas, and Confucian students, regardless of the charge and Or alchemy array, or quenching weapons and swords, as long as Situ Hao gives these equipment to the "pastries", the shepherds can do everything.

Therefore, after obtaining the "remnant smoke heavy mountain" Dan array in Luofu Mountain, Situhao can equip himself or give this spell to the shepherd after having a high-potential "pastoral", so that the shepherd learns and perform it. In other words, Situ Hao can be a profession, a full profession, or a single profession.

In fact, the game does not stipulate that unlimited players can only have one profession, but because of the scarcity of infinite attribute enhancement points, infinite players are forced to concentrate resources and can only develop into a single career.

The scenery of the outer world is countless times more beautiful than that of Zhongzhou, which is shrouded in a large array. Although there are many crises, the crisis also represents opportunities. If you have been hiding in Zhongzhou, you will never be able to make a fortune and achieve universal merit.

Situ Hao's position at this time is at the top of the top of "Luofu Mountain". The sound of gold, silk and bamboo heard and the pavilions and pavilions seen are all transformed from the "Remnant Smoke Heavy Mountain" elixir array, and Situ Hao did not actually enter the elixir array, which shows that the "Remnant Smoke Heavy Mountain" elixir array is extremely powerful.

Luofushan people have become immortals and left, leaving a "remnant mountain" Dan array to wait for the predestined person. Although Situ Hao is standing outside the Dan array at this time, it is hard to say whether he is predestined or not. Only by passing the test can he become a predestined person and obtain the "remn mountain" Dan array.

"You come into contact with a secret place, which has been occupied. You can only enter this secret place by adopting the forced killing mode."

"You have agreed to adopt the forced killing mode. You need to kill all unlimited players in the secret territory to really have the right to temporarily use the secret land. If you win, you will get 3 pieces of designated equipment, 1 spell, 1 treasure, and 20% of the other party's secret points. If you fail, the other party will get the same trophy. "


There is a plum forest by the clear stream, full of trees and flowers stained with rain, and raindrops falling shallowly and shining, and the plum forest looks quiet and beautiful in the whole rain. Suddenly, the flowers swayed weakly on the branches, and a colorful leopard rushed out of the plums, and the rain sprinkled on him with silk and silver silk.

"What a bastard, which soul is the wet local tycoon? I didn't expect butterflies to be so horrible that I had to clean up so many butterflies!" The leopard suddenly scolded that the leopard was the second player to "spin and advance". His ID: Yi Xingye.

When Yi Xingye turned into a leopard and scolded the wet local tycoon, another eight infinite players were also scolding the wet local tycoon. They are the third to tenth players to carry out the "promotion" test. Because there is only one secret place for promotion, these nine infinite players are actually in the same secret world. It's just that the time to enter is different.

One of them has not been successfully promoted, so the content of the trial is the pit left by Situ Hao; the pit left by Situ Hao is actually only one - the human cage, that is, the place where Butterfly Blue was captured and imprisoned, and also the place where Situ Hao met "Jingwei".

According to the original script, Situ Hao only rescued Butterfly Blue, but did not rescue the grasshoppers and other demons. These demons would roar loudly, thus attracting human beings. Situ Hao and Butterfly Blue began to take an adventure. However, at that time, Jingwei suddenly came out and took Situ Hao away, so that the script could not be carried out, so they stayed The huge pit, the infinite players who came in from behind the pit complained incessantly.

After entering the secret place of promotion, Yi Xingye became a leopard. His task was to stay in the secret territory for more than an hour. It was impossible for people like him to stay in place for an hour. Therefore, Yi Xingye rushed around, accidentally caught by the human race and imprisoned in that prison.

Just as Yi Xingye thought that his mission would fail, he saw a grasshopper looking at him with resentful eyes. Yi Xingye suddenly looked at the grasshopper carefully. After a few minutes of a leopard and a grasshopper looked at each other affectionately, the grasshopper broke its silence and said with resentfully, "Leopard, if I let you out, Can you do something for me?"

"What's the matter?" Yi Xingye was immediately happy to hear the words, but he still asked calmly.

"Kill a butterfly and a bug."

"You agree to accept the commission of the grasshopper demon and go to Siyuan Valley to clean up the butterfly. The task time is 1 hour. Victory condition: the butterfly is cleaned up, failure condition: 1 hour has not been cleaned up, 2 players die."

When Yi Xingye accepted this task, the other eight infinite players also accepted it. The distance between them was actually quite close, but although the tasks were the same, the cleaned butterflies were not in the same valley until they heard the scream of the system.

"Warning, warning, demon forced invasion, you will enter the forced killing mode, repeat, you will enter the forced killing mode."

Yi Xingye and others still heard the "forced killing mode" for the first time. They were all at a loss. When they were at a loss, they were all transmitted to one place by the system. Nine players who participated in the promotion trial gathered together. Because some became demons, some became demons, and some were still human, the nine infinite players were first vigilant. After testing again, I found that they were all acquaintances!

Yi Xingye (leopard), Yuexia Longze (fox), the cup of tea in 1889 (yin soul), 100 people cut inorganic (evil maggots), unmaran (angutan), Pi Ke Marshal (human teenager), five-yuan Taoist priest (demon teenager), vegetable official Yongti (cabbage).

After the above nine infinite players exchanged names, before they said much, they heard the scream of the system sound again, "The evil spirits are approaching, and the evil spirits are approaching. Please be ready to fight."