Infinite Secret Land of Online Games

Chapter 035 Yudan Next

The rain suddenly poured down and made Situhao wet. After scolding "unlucky", he pulled Yu Dan into the roadside forest. After entering the forest, Situ Hao took out a rain charm and patted him and patted another one on Yu Dan. After receiving the order, Yu Dan left Situ Hao and left Situ Hao for three or five times. It disappeared into the rain.

About 5 minutes, the rapid footsteps came. A flattering middle-aged ghost man, who nodded and bowed closely to Yu Dan, did not realize that he was about to step into the death trap; it was still an old-fashioned "explosive charm" trap and still an old-fashioned monster. The final success did not make Situ Hao have a Silk's excitement.

After several twists and turns, he finally found such a gap to kill the third ghost clan, and the time is finally close to an hour. In another 10 minutes, he can leave this damn secret place; but can the ghost clan really give him 10 minutes? Naturally, the answer is no. After he killed the middle-aged man of the ghost clan, Situ Hao found himself surrounded.

There are more and more signs that this special secret place is specially prepared for "Yu Dan". Otherwise, even if there are many disciples of the Secret Ghost Sect, it is impossible for dozens or hundreds to be squeezed into a small secret territory. Only the emergence of a very valuable secret place may trigger the entry of large-scale infinite monks, thus triggering the war of big rules. Struggle.

If you regard Honghuang, the Classic of Mountains and Seas, Fengshen, Journey to the West, and the Legend of Immortals as five movies that have made countless sequels, then the folk story is a newly released movie; Honghuang, the Classic of Mountains and Seas, Fengs, Journey to the West, and Legend of Immortals are their own history, and everyone knows their plot development, folk No one knows the story.

The existence of infinite monks is to resist the invasion of the chaotic universe. How to invade the chaotic universe? Naturally, it is in the form of a secret place, and the secret place of the folk tale series is created by the chaotic universe. Therefore, if you encounter the secret place created by the chaotic universe, it is both a curse and a blessing, and it depends on whether it can be suppressed. The rebirth is a rebirth.

In the heavy encirclement, this passage suddenly appeared in Situ Hao's mind, which also made him understand what secret place he had entered, and why so many people are protecting Yudan in this secret world. I heard that in this series of folk tales, there are items with chaotic attributes, and the effect of these chaotic items can be produced by the Tiandao universe. The innate objects are comparable.

The rain was covered by the screen. Situ Hao only saw water marks in his vision, and he could not see the ghost monks around him. He had to shake his body. The water marks outside the screen suddenly splashed away. Situ Hao finally saw the situation around him. He grinned and said, "Do you have the ability to block the secret place? ?"

Hearing Situhao's question, a handsome young man came out of the shadow. He took a deep look at Situhao and said, "Shangren, you didn't do this very well!"

Just like Yu Dan's high status in the ghost clan, Situ Hao is the descendant of Emperor Yan, and his status is also very high in the human race. "Shangren" is the honorific title for such a human race. The young ghost said that what he did was not authentic, which meant that Situ Hao, who secretly invaded the secret place and did not want to resist the chaotic secret place together, but stabbed the ghost clan in the back.

His battle is mainly used in the divine pastoral king's book. Therefore, the pastoral king's heart secret must always be equipped, and the pure food Qingming skill and the pastoral whip are extremely easy to use, and he is reluctant to replace it for a while. As for the hexagram and fusion, these two equipments need to be practiced. Proficiency, although the skill will not disappear after the spell is replaced, but it also depends on the type.

The corresponding attack of attack, the corresponding defense of defense, such as hexagram, naturally, the proficiency will remain unchanged after the replacement of hexagram. However, the hexagram has never been used. There is nothing he can do. The spiritual power in the early stage of Kaiguang is only 140. Of course, the main reason is that the equipment is too bad and there is no added value.

The place where it appeared is still the "double tear origin". Without waiting for Si Tuhao to adapt to the transformation of the scene, he heard a life-threatening tweet in his ear. When he looked at it, it was a "sound flying sword"; this thing is a disposable consumable, with a minimum price of 1000 secret point, and the distance of the audio transmission, you can decide which one to buy. The high-grade "sound flying sword".

"When I learn to make symbols, I will make a bunch of notes to sell and copy." While answering, Situ Hao scolded.

"Your friend Yi Xingye sent a message: Qian Jihui."

"Yoxi." As soon as he saw this message, Situ Hao was immediately overjoyed. After saying a Japanese, he quickly logged in to his account to check it. His secret point had indeed increased by 3 million; the local tycoon was really bold enough, and Situ Hao immediately spent 1.5 million secret points to learn "Shenong seal engraving"

Spell Name: Shennong Seal Carving. Type: auxiliary. Specification: Universal. Grade: green level. Proficiency: Elementary. Introduction: Inheriting the ancient times, the success rate of making similar or low-level symbols is 100%, and the high-quality success rate is 80%, 50%, 30% and 10% respectively. Application consumption: 25 spiritual power. Cooldown: none. Duration: 30 seconds.

The spells in the "The Restoration and Use of the Divine Shepherd King's Book" are so expensive, why do you insist on learning? With so much money, why don't you complete the secret place of "drawal" and bring up the money? Isn't Situ Hao playing games just to make money?

Reason 1: The restoration and use of the magic in the jade slip can be improved with the grade of the god shepherd king's code, that is to say, the shepherd king's heart formula, the pastoral code fusion formula and Shennong seal engraving are all "green level" at this time, and the divine shepherd king's code is also "green level". If the king's code rises to the "purple" level, then three methods The technique will also be automatically upgraded to the "purple" level.

In fact, the money saved is not much different from the money from learning spells. Other players want to raise the level of spells, not only spending money but also doing tasks. It is difficult to improve the level of spells.

Reborn guest left a message saying that you must not withdraw money too early, especially in the early stage, the failure rate is 100%; according to the speculation of the reborn guest, there are too few people withdrawing money in the early stage, resulting in a premature failure rate. His speculation is evidenced. At least three months after the game, everyone's cultivation has improved significantly, and they have mastered the combat methods and have a certain strength. More and more people withdraw cash, and the success rate is about 20%.

Although the success rate is still very low, the rebirth guest believes that 3 months later, Situ Hao's strength has been very extraordinary, and the withdrawal success rate of 20% is prepared for him. Therefore, Situ Hao is not ready to withdraw cash in the early stage. As soon as he has money, he will learn the knowledge of "the restoration and use of the divine pastoral king's book".

In fact, even if the success rate is high, Situ Hao can't withdraw cash. He needs a lot of money to learn spells. In fact, the place where he really spends a lot of money is to "repair" rather than "use". Therefore, Situ Hao needs to learn spells well first, then make a lot of money, and then repair the "Shenmu Wangdian" .

This cycle is basically the rhythm of Situ Hao's game in the early stage.