Infinite Secret Land of Online Games

Chapter 037 Walking with Demons

"You have been cursed by Han Zhongli, one of the Eight Immortals of Taoism. You will continue to feel pain within 1 minute. Your brutality is set to 100%. The official recommends that you enter the standby area to avoid too much pain this time." The brutal setting is ** degree, the highest 100%, the lowest 15%, 15% suffer the greatest pain, just like needle pricking, and 100%, that's really cruel.

Situ Hao gritted his teeth and refused the official suggestion. He is not inclined to be abused, but 100% brutality actually has hidden rewards and is a continuous reward; the brutal value is set when entering the game, unless it is erased by the system in the game, it will not provide a second change. If the player can't accept it If so, you can enter the "waiting area"

"As long as you endure 100% brutal pain again and again, the consciousness in infinite attributes will continue to improve." Reborn guest message.

"Spharma name: clean food and clearing. Type: auxiliary. Specification: Universal. Grade: Green level. Proficiency level, beginner. Function: It can eliminate negative states such as abdominal distension, indigestion, etc., and consume spiritual power: 15. No cooling time.

Although it only took 1 minute, it seemed that it would pass at once, but if it really hurt, 1 second would be as long as thousands of years; Situ Hao was like this at this time. In order to relieve his pain, he used his spell like a "urgent illness", but he didn't expect it to really relieve some pain.

In fact, the effect of this spell is very slight. If you don't pay attention, you will think it is an illusion, but Situ Hao is in great pain at this time, and you can feel it little by little. Therefore, after knowing that it is not an illusion, Situ Hao desperately casts "Clean Food Qingming". This spell is instantaneous, and there is no time to perform the spell. There was cooling time, so unconsciously, Situ Hao suffered for 1 minute.

In addition to howling when he just hit the spell, Situ Hao rolled on the ground. Then, his face was pale, his forehead was covered with sweat, and he sat cross-in-armed on the ground without saying a word, but from his facial expression, it could be seen that he was gritting his teeth and suffering desperately suffering.

Han Zhongli's original intention was just to teach Situhao a small lesson, and did not think about to torture Situhao for a minute. No matter what happened in the past, this time Situhao came with Lv Dongbin. Anyway, he wanted to give Lv Dongbin face. However, he didn't expect Situhao to be extremely tough, but he just sat down to support after a howl. Going down, this made Han Zhongli have a good impression on Situ Hao.

Han Zhongli is also a reincarnated fairy. His previous life was a general. At this time, he still preserved the iron-blooded character of soldiers. He knew very well what kind of pain his "pain spell" would have. Situ Hao did not beg for mercy but stiffened. While Han Zhongli appreciated it, he also wanted to see how long Situ Hao could last.

Jang Ren knelt down and begged Han Zhongli for mercy for Situ Hao, and then he didn't hear Situ Hao's howl. He thought that the new friend had died. He turned around in shock and saw Situ Hao's face twisted into a ball and sat cross-oned on the ground, with a trace of blood on the corners of his mouth. Obviously, he was enduring the pain.

After seeing that, General Ren stopped begging Han Zhongli for mercy, but he did not get up and still knelt in. Instead, Lv Dongbin, who brought him and Situ Hao in, just looked at Situ Hao coldly and frowned at General Ren. When Situ Hao held on for 30 seconds, Lv Dongbin seemed to think that these dozens of seconds were too long and would kneel on the ground with a flick of his robe sleeve. The general rolled up and left a sentence saying, "Brother Tao appreciates him, just leave him here."

After Lv Dongbin left, Situhao held on for almost a minute. When he opened his eyes, he only felt that the world was shaking. Without waiting for him to lie on the ground, a fragrance came to his nose. Then he felt his chin pinched, and then his mouth involuntarily opened, and a pill rolled into the cavity. In the mouth, it melts into the esophagus when it meets the saliva.

"Isn't Han Zhongli an obscene uncle with a maid's head and a belly? How to become an old man with a white beard? What the hell is this?" Situhao, who recovered, muttered in his heart a little depressedly. If he knew that it was Han Zhongli, he would have stayed by and said nothing.

Although the Iron Fan Princess made a lot of profits, Situ Hao also participated in the matter of Siyuan Dongfu. Han Zhongli punished Situhao at this time, which was also for the matter of Siyuan Dongfu. Because the secret places of trial are all "memory", which is equivalent to the player's "reincarnation", so the time that the Siyuandongfu happened is actually a long time away from now.

"System Tip: Your perseverance is admirable, which makes chaos and brutality afraid. Heaven rewards you with 1 point of divine enhancement."

It should be noted that the reward enhancement points obtained here ignore the upper limit, that is, when Situ Hao was in the early stage of the light, the upper limit of unlimited attributes was 10, and he also strengthened his consciousness to 10, but the heavenly reward was +1 point, which became 11/10.

In fact, this kind of reward is also organic. It doesn't mean that you can get 1 point after 1 minute. Sometimes after 1 hour, there may be no reward or only 1 point. The "Heavenly reward" is completely depends on the character.

Han Zhongli saw that Situhao was still stupid. With a flick of his finger, he put a big bag out of Situhao's head and shouted casually, "What are you doing? Come with me."

He was angry with the immortals. Situ Hao covered the swollen bag the size of his fist and ran quickly to follow Han Zhongli, who was stride forward.


In the courtyard surrounded by tall wooden fences, six sword servants stood in a semicircle and blocked all the exits of the courtyard. In the middle of the six sword servants stood a column with a column three meters high and a huge wind lamp hanging at the top, swaying in the wind.

This time, it was originally an opportunity for generals, and Situ Hao was brought in with soy sauce. Therefore, Lv Dongbin was actually a little confused. I don't know why Situ Hao appeared here. Later, Han Zhongli punished Situ Hao, and Lv Dongbin immediately solved his confusion, thinking that it was the cause and effect between Han Zhongli and Situ Hao, so, Throw away Situ Hao and take Jiang Ren away by himself.

When he came here, he thought that Lv Dongbin did not like Situ Hao, and he did have cause and effect with Situ Hao. Therefore, although Han Zhongli did not know swordsmanship, he also knew how to arrange a "sword field"; the sword field is the same as the closed place, with built-in sword arrays, organs, fantasy fields, etc. Everything is only related to swords, except swords. There is nothing other than that.

This secret place is attributed to Lv Dongbin, and Han Zhongli is only a passer-by among them. Therefore, Han Zhongli did not appear again after the "sword field" was planted, and Lv Dongbin and Jiangren did not appear either.

Situhao looked at the time and found that there were still 2 hours and 45 minutes before leaving the secret place this time. That is, it must be settled. Although there is no punishment in this secret place, it is also very convenient to go out. There is a transmission array from his own task panel. Of course, only such a few secret place can come and go. Such as the setting.

How can a person like Situhao play games with the ideal of "strengthening strength and making a lot of money" not take advantage of it? Therefore, it is impossible for him to leave like this and stay for three hours to see if his population is strong. If he really understands "swordsmanship", it is also very good. Of.

Understanding swordsmanship is not necessarily sword practice. Lord Yan is not sword practice. He can say that he does not have any professions and can say that he has many professions. The reason lies in the divine shepherd king's book. This book integrates elixir, arrays, utensils, charms and so on. As long as you repair its function and learn to perform this function, you can Become a "full-professional monk".

Of course, these information are the conclusions that the reborn guests claim to have studied for a long time. Whether this is the case or not, Situ Hao is also uncertain, and he can only be suspicious.

When the picture turned back, Situ Hao slowly walked into the middle of the "sword field". The right wrist of the six sword servants with swords suddenly shook, and the six sword flowers bloomed instantly, and six swords also sounded. Six long swords grew with the wind and instantly turned into six sword mountains, surrounding Situ Hao in the center. The six sword mountains "buzzed..." with a long sound, and a strong pressure collapsed towards Situ Hao.

Qianjun's power was oppressed in an instant. Situ Hao only had time to pose as "Dong XX bomb the bunker" and found that he could no longer move at all; the choice of 100% brutal value made the pain rush all over his body in an instant, and faintly heard the sound of "grid" coming from his skeleton.

The pain is surging like a tide, and Situ Hao, who can't even make a sound of howling, instantly turned his sadness back into a river. It's 100% brutal setting!