Infinite Secret Land of Online Games

Chapter 041 Shepherd

"The soil used by Nuwa to make the human race is called Xiyang. After the Xiyang was polluted, it was the magic soil. Legend has it that the general minister was the first person, but when Nuwa made him, she used the magic soil. As a result, the Jiangchen became one of the zombies; Nuwa did not know this at first, and continuously created Xuankui, Houqing, Ying Gou and Drought. After the corpse, he found that something was wrong, and then took a real rest, and then the human race was created on a large scale.

"Therefore, there are two kinds of demonization. One is called assimilation. According to the Western saying, it is the first support. This kind of demonization is the means of internal inheritance of the demon clan. Most importantly, it does not mean that it will be demonized after being bitten, but also depends on whether the high-level demon clan is injected into the demon earth; the other is the real demonization, which is eroded by the demon earth."

"But there is no smell of magic earth here!" The 18* cup of tea hidden in the rune array outside the village on the first floor of the sword tomb held something similar to a compass in his hand, playing with it left and right while talking to the transmission note.

The information about demonization was told by Yi Xingye through passing notes. That cup of tea has also collected information about demonization, especially information about "magic soil". The magic soil is very mysterious and difficult to prevent, so it must be understood clearly. According to the official statement, once it is eroded by the magic soil, it is basically hopeless. It can only become stiff. Stiffness has no intelligence, and it will also become stiff.

If the probability of evolution to ripeness is 10%, then the probability of evolution will continue to halve; therefore, if it is eroded by the magic soil, there is still a 10% chance of evolution to mature, that is, if it has intelligence and become a real demon, if it is bitten by raw In the middle, the probability of evolution becoming ripe is very low.

The clearer you understand, the more powerless Brother Cup is. Situ Hao must have been eroded by the demon earth, and the players who are eroded by the demon earth will fall into the fantasy of the game arrangement. No one can intervene to crack this fantasy. Players can only crack it by themselves. After solving it, they will wake up from the demonized state, so that there is a task of "de demonization".

If it can't be cracked in the magical fantasy, it will really become the low-level of the demon clan when the time comes. Whether the player is online or not, his game character will always wander in the game. Even if the player logs in and goes online, he can't command his own game character unless he evolves to a familiarity and becomes a real The demon clan, in addition, is killed by other races, but if it is killed, everything will be cleared.

"I'm sorry, local tycoon, there's nothing I can do."

That cup of tea is not without righteousness. There is really no way to save Situ Hao, and he knows Situhao's strength. Once Situhao becomes stiff, he may attack him. Therefore, after saying sorry, the cup of tea will pack up his things and return to the sword tomb hall.

About 2 minutes after the cup of tea exited the sword tomb in 18*, Situhao, who was surrounded by heavy sword ghosts, suddenly let out an unpleasant roar. His eyes turned red, his lips slightly opened, a pair of long fangs emerged from the upper edict, and the skin on his face was slowly covered with green scales.

At this moment, a light flew out of Situ Hao's head. A middle-aged man wearing a nine-clawed yellow robe and a jade crown suspended in mid-air. His mouth was open, and a green light flew out of his mouth. The green light made a sharp cry. The middle-aged man's middle finger and thumb of his right hand bent into a circle towards the green. With a bullet, the cry of the green light hit by the invisible power suddenly stopped.

When the sharp call stopped, the green light turned into a light sword only an inch long, which suspended in the air and trembled constantly, and the middle-aged man turned into the divine shepherd king's book when he popped up his invisible energy; the divine shepherd king's book and the light sword confronted in the air, and Situ Hao, who had been demonized before, However, he slowly returned to the appearance of an adult. At the same time, he also heard the system prompt: "You have broken the magic fantasy, but there are still remnants of the magic soil in your body. You need to complete the task of exorcism to relieve the hidden dangers."

"Damn it, I almost fell into the pit. Sure enough, you can't take advantage of it!" After reading the player's log, Situ Hao cursed with an ugly face.

The secret land of the sword is actually prepared for "Jiangren", and Jiangren is a demon clan. Therefore, the "sword seed" was realized by Situhao and was born with demon soil; the sword ghost does have a tonic effect on the sword seed, and the sword seed is actually devour the catalytic related to the sword through battle.

Sword species, sword spirit, sword meaning, swordsmanship, swordsmanship, swordsmanship, swordsmanship is the road of sword cultivation. It is also the road of Danxiu, array cultivation, rune cultivation, etc. Just change the sword to Dan, rune, such as Danzhong, Danqi, Danyi and so on.

The breath of Emperor Yan is hidden in the divine shepherd king's book. When Situ Hao encounters life-threatening, Emperor Yan will come out to protect his life. Of course, there must be a limited number of times. Emperor Yan has appeared twice, one is from the Lord of the Five Yang Palace in heaven, and one is about to be demonized now.

The number of life-saving times was used once, which made Situhao very dissatisfied with the sword seed. As soon as he shook his hand, he hit the sword seed facing the god shepherd king in the air. After the sword seed made an aggrieved cry, it was re-absorbed by the god shepherd king.

"I said you were the same. There was a special security check on the last train. You can't check it even if you suck in. Isn't that hurt me?" Situ Hao pointed to the shepherd king suspended in the air and scolded.

After scolding, he felt something was wrong. With a wave, he held the divine shepherd Wangdian in his hand, looked around, and found that there were more than ten or twenty sword ghosts standing beside him, and these sword ghosts stood stunned and did not attack him. On the contrary, the most peripheral sword ghosts were attacking each other sword ghosts.

"Name: Sword Ghost. Quantity: 21. Race: Ghosts. Level: Ghost. Cultivation: the early stage of rotation. Attributes: Life 100, Spiritual 10, Attack 15, Defense 20, Speed 10, Endurance 0. Equipment: none. Effect: The three-talented ghost array is composed of three sword ghosts. This array can increase the attack of the arrayers by 150%. This array consumes 5 points of spiritual power each and lasts for 10 minutes. Only the ghost clan can make this array.

"Strange, when did I surrender these swordsmen?" After discovering that these were all his own herdsmen, Situhao was overjoyed. While commanding the sword ghost to form seven three-talented sword arrays, he muttered to check the player's logs. After reading it, he was stunned again. Unexpectedly, it was the "sword seed" that played a role this time.

To be correct, the sword seed has produced photosynthesis with the divine shepherd Wangdian. The sword seed has a natural suppression and deterrent effect on sword cultivation. When the sword ghosts against Situ Hao, they are naturally afraid of Situ Hao, and the shepherd king classics must not be pitted when subduing the shepherd servant due to damage.

The sword ghost fought with Situ Hao, was suppressed by the sword species and injured. At that time, Situ Hao fell into the magic fantasy, and his attributes were greatly improved, so he could carry the sword ghost's three-talented sword array; some injured and unable to move sword ghosts were ignored by Situ Hao until Emperor Yan appeared to rescue Situ Hao from the magic fantasy. The divine shepherd king's book was also automatically opened. Those sword ghosts who were injured and did not die, and there was no anti-pitfall were automatically herding by the divine shepherd king's book and became Situ Hao's "pastoral servants".

It is not the first time that Situ Hao has experienced the pastoralization of monsters. He has previously shepherded monsters in the secret world and the outer realm, but whether it is the shepherd of the secret realm or the outer realm, he has been disbanded after using it.

The reason is that the divine pastoral king's book has not been repaired, so that the shepherd can't live in the Wangdian space, which makes it possible that once Situ Hao enters the secret place, the herdsman needs to pay an additional secret place to enter. This is a double tax collection! How can Situhao be such a stingy man, so the herdsman will naturally disband after use.

On the other hand, if the pastoral servants in the outer world are not disbanded, they will form their own circle. Without Situ Hao's restraint, they will restore the nature of monsters and attack themselves when they see players; but this kind of attack is an illegal attack. Because Situ Hao is the shepherd, he will be deducted of his reputation. Therefore, if not, the most It's better to disband.

Situ Hao left Zhongzhou and went on an adventure outside the border. He is collecting and repairing items. The name of the pastoral column is very unpleasant, but there is no way. It is the name in the initial stage. As long as you repair this function and collect materials later, you can continue to improve the grade. Of course, its grade is nothing. The law exceeds the rank of the divine shepherd king's code itself.

The divine shepherd king's book is now in the green level, and its grade can't be improved. At this stage, because it is still a damaged item, so it must be repaired before it can be upgraded. The main function of the divine shepherd king's book is "pastoral", and there are five functions under the basis of pastoralism, array, elixir, charm, soldier and weapon. .

The "pasman's heart secret" he learned before is the heart method, the "Shennong seal engraving" is the "mu" in the five sub-functions, and the pastoral fusion formula is the function of the "inforcement"; therefore, it can be seen that the five sub-part functions are not seriously damaged, but the function of the core part of the Wang Dian is seriously damaged, which is also related to the divine scripture. The grade has been upgraded, so it must be repaired.

There are a total of nine materials needed to repair the function of "pastoral", which are 1500 sword rings, 2,000 poisonous wolf skins, 3000 peach and white leaves, 2000 stiff tusks, 1000 ghost beads, 50 kg of sail sand gold, 100 kg of red vermilion adobe, 1200 mountain dwarf vines, and 10 Jiquan 10 0 pot.

The difficulty of collecting these things is neither high nor low. The high difficulty mainly means that they do not know where they are distributed, and say that it is low, which means that the monsters that drop these materials are in the spinning and opening period.

Situhao has a "complete map of the children's difficulty zone". The map does not simply indicate the road, but also points out the distribution of monsters and what items have fallen. These materials are said to be used to repair, but in fact, they are used to refine, that is, to supplement the grade of the divine shepherd king's book. The meaning of supplementing is that sword rings and so on are to repair divine shepherds. Wang Dian's "green grade" and then add "blue grade" and green grade.

When it reaches the youth level, it is the same as the grade of the divine herdsman Wangdian. Even if the restoration is successful, the pastoral function is also turned on, but opening means that the task is open, such as the "pastoral circle" task, the "pastoral training camp" task, etc. If you really want to say in detail, it is still quite complicated. Situhao is currently going Step by step, I didn't think too much.