Infinite Secret Land of Online Games

Chapter 043 Ghost Down

The duration of the sword pupil is 5 minutes. In these 5 minutes, all sword spells did not cause damage to Situ Hao, and the ghost masters did not know this. As a result, they were stunned to hit Situ Hao one by one, allowing Situ Hao to seize the opportunity to smash it randomly.

The six masters of the ghost clan are all very experienced in combat. At the beginning, they were stunned and immediately realized what had happened. One of the ghost masters showed ecstasy on his face and shouted tremblingly, "He has a sword seed on him."

"You have bitches, and your whole family has bitches." Situ Hao cursed.

No matter what it is, it can be captured, and the art of seism has also caused the turbulence of the whole Dongsheng Shenzhou. No matter what the turbulence is, the art of sequest is a taboo skill, but the human race and the four races belong to a deep blood feud. Therefore, the Taoist species of the human monks are often blind to the four alien races. .

Although the six masters of the ghost clan have been in the "spiritual silence period", because they are condensed by the "yin body", their social status is not high. Becoming the ministers of noble nobles is their way to rise. Therefore, even if they can worship the tomb of the sword and get the chance of entering the "secret land of sword enlightenment" is always less than those nobles. Children.

The way to seize the elite monks of the human race has become the only way out for the low-ident but high-cultivated people of the four different societies. Therefore, after discovering that there were swords hidden in Situhao, six ghost masters, including Anbo, were ecstatic. This fanaticism made them forget one thing, and their young master was still worshipping very seriously. There are two teenagers on the human side.

Anbo and other six people know that many swords have the effect of suppressing and sealing sword spells, and naturally know that this situation will not last long. Therefore, in order to prevent Situ Hao from taking this opportunity to escape from the sword tomb, they collectively surrounded Situ Hao; the way of containment is also very direct and rude, that is, to hit Situ with their bodies. Hao, there is nothing they can do. They are sword practitioners and have no other skills than swords. Therefore, in the case of the failure of sword spells, they can only rely on the strength of the body to bring damage to Situ Hao.

How could Situhao stand there and bump into others? He had a lot of charms on his body. He threw one on his left and one on the right, but he was extremely anxious. He secretly scolded the cup of tea for being weak and delayed it for three minutes. His "battlefield array" has not been laid yet. Doesn't it mean that this is the simplest array, only takes three minutes?

Situhao's so-called first is strong, but in fact, he can't do it by himself. In the message of the reborn guest, he learned that there is the existence of "seed-grabbing skills". Therefore, after seeing the sword sacrificed by the comer, he knew that once he had a sword seed, it was difficult to die. Therefore, he rushed out to get rid of it.

How did you expect the character to be like this? Jiantong was actually triggered with a success rate of 1%. It was difficult to die. Therefore, Situ Hao urgently threw a "transmission note" to the cup of tea. The two were close. Almost as soon as they finished speaking, the cup of tea received a transmission note.

The cup of tea learned that six ghost masters will besiege Situ Hao in the next five minutes, knowing that this is the only opportunity for the two of them. If they can catch the ghost teenager who sacrifices the sword seriously, then everything will be OK, otherwise, everyone will OVER.

That cup of tea did not shake Situ Hao. It only takes 3 minutes to complete the battlefield array, but the position of the array is near the ghost teenager, so to layout this array must be close to the ghost teenager, and in the process of approaching, all the symbols need to be placed In the correct position, otherwise, even if it is close, it is useless if the array is not completed.

Because the cup of tea was arrayed for the first time in running, the cup of tea was also full of mistakes. After nearly 17 charms were was wasted, and the battlefield was finally laid out. At this time, the effect of Jiantong was also over. The cup of tea looked at the ghost teenager who was more than ten meters away from him and wanted to cry without tears. Nima, it was only a few seconds away!

"What are you doing when you are stunned? Hurry up and rush over! Slot.

Situhao's roar made the cup of tea a little confused, but he rushed to the ghost teenager without hesitation. When he approached a distance of five meters, the teenager who sacrificed the sword seriously felt something was wrong. He turned his head and found that the dark uncle and the rest of the masters who had been protecting him. He did not know when they were 30 steps away from him, and a human teenager But he rushed to himself.

The ghost teenager obviously belongs to the flowers in the greenhouse. Although it was a perfect cultivation in the later stage of the opening, the reaction was more than a beat slower than the cup of tea. Before he cast spells, the cup of tea had thrown the "the array" at him. After the array fell to the ground, there was a dazzling light, and the cup of tea suddenly roared "array".


Anbo and the other five ghost masters, with a look of regret in their eyes, shouted in unison, but their figures did not move at all, which made the cup of tea that controlled the formation very puzzled. What's going on?

The divine shepherd Wangdian firmly covered Anbo. Anbo showed panic. He wanted to struggle and roar, but the shock from his heart collapsed his will. He just wanted to submit to that ethnic teenager. The other five ghost masters also showed fear, but they did not dare to move.

When the young master of the ghost clan fell into the battle, the dark uncle's mind finally fell. The divine shepherd Wangdian shone a strong light and enveloped all the dark uncle in it. Then, Situ Hao heard a wonderful system prompt: "System prompt: If the pastoralization is successful, the dark uncle of the ghost clan will become your herdsman."

What's going on?

Things have to be said from the moment when the sword pupil time ends. After Situ Hao found that the sword dark time was over and the cup of tea had not been completed, he knew that his end would be extremely tragic. He was furious and returned and ready to fight desperately. If the other party failed to kill him, this is the best thing.

The character once again saved Situ Hao. This time, the holy image of Emperor Yan in the Book of the Shepherd King did not appear. At this critical time, the magic pupil triggered another effect - "magic pupil"; the magic pupil has the effect of deterrence, oppression and pressure on ghosts and demons, and lasts for 30 seconds.

Unexpectedly, when this was triggered at this time, Situ Hao was overjoyed. He roared to let the cup of tea seize the last opportunity, and on the other hand, he decided to make a bet and call out the divine shepherd Wang Dian to domesticate the dark uncle. Of course, Situ Hao actually did not want to gamble to win. 30 seconds was very short. In a flash, Situ Hao took hope. Put them all on that cup of tea. As long as you catch the demon teenager, you can leave safely.

domestication is actually a competition of will. Beast eggs are so easy to domesticate because they have no will resistance; sword ghosts are also easy to domesticate, because they have not yet developed self-awareness, and their will is very weak, and the darkbo is different. He is not only cultivated but also experienced abundantly. Wealth, willpower is naturally very high.

The appearance of the magic pupil weakened the will of the dark uncle, but the dark uncle could carry 30 seconds, provided that the young master of the demon clan was not caught, or the dark uncle did not care much about the teenager. Unfortunately, neither of these two premises existed. The magic pupil deterred the six masters of the ghost clan, and their hearts surged up. They submit to Situ Hao's ideas, but they can rely on their will to resist.

Unlike the other five, Anbo was first oppressed by the magic pupil and his will was reduced. Then, Situ Hao gambled and called out the divine shepherd king's book. This classic began to domesticate the dark uncle. Under the oppression of the magic pupil, the darkbo indicated that he would weaken again, and the young master of the demon clan was captured as the last straw. The darkbo's will fell at that moment, the divine shepherd Wang Dian took the opportunity to domesticate, and he won a blow, and Anbo was successfully domesticated.


30 seconds passed, and the five ghost masters roared to catch Situhao in exchange for their young master, but the sudden action of the dark uncle caused five unprepared ghost masters to be seriously injured. The five people lay on the ground unbelievably and shouted the name of the ghost master.

Although he was shepherd, he still kept a clear mind and did not forget everything about himself. He just couldn't allow others to hurt Situ Hao and remain loyal to Situ Hao. His action was completely involuntarily. Therefore, when he heard the roar of his former colleagues, Anbo showed a painful look.

Situhao fell to the ground and was wet all over. This battle was too lucky and thrilling, but if there was a deviation between the appearance time of the sword pupil and the magic pupil, he was taken away from the sword seed and his soul was scattered. Therefore, after his victory, he did not sympathize with the pain of the dark uncle, nor did he have five Ghost masters are soft-hearted.

The ghost master who was seriously injured by the dark uncle heard Situ Hao's condition of releasing their young master, "give up your will, submit to me, automatically accept pastoralization, and let your young master go."

Although that cup of tea trapped the ghost young master, there was no way to kill him. The battle in the battlefield was just an illusion. The people trapped in the array would appear in a battlefield. As long as the illusion array was broken or the main general on the battlefield in the illusion array was killed, the array would be broken immediately. Therefore, the cup of tea did not pay attention to Situ Hao, but tightened. Zhang Xixi stared at the array and watched its evolution.

"It's awesome. He's going to break the battle. Are you ready?" Staring at the cup of tea on the array, he threw a musical note to Situ Hao.

When things progressed here, we have to mention Situ Hao's dirtyness. It is impossible for him to predict the success of pastoralization, so he actually made a despicable decision, which is to sacrifice that cup of tea.

The plan was decided from the moment when the "sword pupil" was successfully triggered. Situ Hao used the 5-minute "sword pupil" trigger time to delay the six ghost masters, and the cup of tea was set up to trap the ghost young master. Then, everyone negotiated the conditions, and the ghost master let Situ Hao leave, and the two safely released the ghost young master.

But the problem is that he couldn't catch the ghost young master in the battlefield. This was what he told Situ Hao when the cup of tea had not trapped the ghost young master. In order to escape, Situ Hao lied here. He lied to the cup of tea and said that he had a way to deal with it, but he didn't Talk about how to deal with it.

Therefore, the cup of tea asked Situ Hao "Are you ready" at this time? He just thought that Situ Hao had a way to deal with everything before the ghost young master broke the battle.

If Anbo was not herded and the five ghost masters were not seriously injured, Situ Hao would naturally not be able to deal with it. He threw the cup of tea in it and bought time for himself to escape.


Situ Hao naturally shouted proudly, "It's done."

Here, Situ Hao once again adopted the tactics of deception, making the five seriously injured ghosts mistakenly think that the "war battle" could kill their young master. Therefore, the five seriously injured ghosts gave up resistance after Situ Hao swore as the ancestor "Yan Emperor" of the human race, and were all turned into their own ghosts by Situ Hao extremely quickly. Servant.

Time is so coincidental. When Situ Hao shouted "It's done", the battle was broken with a "bang" and the energy was overflowing. The cup of tea ran away with blood. The young master of the ghost clan roared to kill the cup of tea, but found that he was attacked by the former loyal servant.

"You..." After roaring, the young master of the ghost clan seemed to realize something. The anger on his face suddenly disappeared and gave up the attack in frustration. Anbo and other ghost servants did not attack. They were not unconscious herdsmen, and the communication with Situ Hao did not need to pass through the divine shepherd Wangdian.

The pastoral space in the divine shepherd king's book is not prepared for these herdsmen, but for low-level and unconscious herdsmen. In other words, the internal space of the divine herding king's book is prepared for Situ Hao's "pastoral cultivation"; these half-way pastoral servants actually have many hidden dangers and are never as good as their own cultivation. The herdsman will maintain permanent loyalty, and can also follow the instructions of the shepherd, learn spells, put on equipment and so on.

Shepherds like Anbo are completely fixed. Now they have been trained by swords. It is impossible for them to practice halfway, and they also have other "causal" relationships. Accepting them is equivalent to accepting all the kindness and resentment. Therefore, if it is not for the critical situation, Situ Hao does not want to shepherd them.