Infinite Secret Land of Online Games

Chapter 048 Strict Law Sect

As the only remaining sect of the human race, naturally cannot escape the fate of "standing in line". Today's camp is no longer divided by race, attribution, etc., but by the concept of "the road", that is, by juliance, five virtues, moderation, love, unity, war, right and wrong gains and losses (causation), nature, collectively known as "Nine Taoist Codes" carry out "in line".

Yan Lvzong chose "legal principle". The core of legal theory is the killing of heaven and the reward and punishment of punishment. It belongs to the "killing according to law and killing according to reason" advocated by Han Feizi. Although it is also killing into the Tao, it is not an unreasonable random killing. There is a clear difference from the "Bing Ge" in the Nine Taoist Codes. Bing Ge is talking about launching a large-scale war to destroy and kill and eliminate the aliens that hinder the way of heaven. Therefore, the former is rational, and the latter is completely a war maniac.

Law, moderation, right and wrong gains and losses belong to the three largest camps. Five virtues, freedom, and love are the second grade, vertical, military fighting, and nature are the worst. However, Situhao's boss, Emperor Yan, believes in the way of nature. Regarding the core content of the nine Taoist scriptures, the reborn guests know that they are not very clear. Situ Hao But I don't know much about it.

The reason why Yan Lvzong's camp is to remind you that Yan Lvzong is not a lamb. He believes in the way of killing, and his combat methods and experience must be extremely rich. Therefore, before sending a cannon fodder team, you must refilter the plan again to see if there are any legacy. Leakage.

For Situ Hao, a rookie, who broke out news from time to time, the five-yuan Taoist priest and others were not as surprised as before, but the infinite players who followed them looked sideways one after another and secretly muttered that he was indeed a god-level master. Such inside stories can be known. Therefore, Situ Hao is very deceptive. He Inside story, these old birds were cheated, thinking that they were also old birds, but they didn't know that Situ Hao was a very new rookie.

Although the five-yuan Taoist priest and others decided to make a decision on Yanlvzong, when they caught this goal, they also took time to collect information, such as sending their younger brothers to contact the ordinary players of Yanlvzong to understand the NPC masters of this sect, the internal structure of Yanlvzong, and what industries they have, etc. Then, by observing the route of their transportation, they chose a less powerful transport team to start.

It is like the treasure that belongs to Zhenzong's cultivation during the disaster period. If you want to see Ya's side, you have to wait until the world is old. Therefore, the more active sect are Jindan and Yuanying, and the pressure array is the divine period. Crossing the disaster and Mahayana belong to the old monster level, and half of the foot enters the fairy gate.

The spinning period is only a little better than ordinary people. The opening period is half a foot stepping into the threshold of practice. The fusion period is the real foundation. The heartbeat period is regarded as emerging in the sect. During the silent period, they are elite disciples in the sect. Jin Dan and Yuanying are separated from the ranks of disciples and can enter the political hall to serve, and go higher. Let's not talk about it.

Therefore, the disciples who come out to engage in transportation are all in the opening period, and the person in charge is usually in the integration period. coupled with the heartbeat period, the cultivation will appear in the spiritual silence period, and they must have taken over the task to experience.

The five-yuan Taoist priest and others dare to come out to rob goods, because of their advantages of their infinite players. You should know that the NPC that has not been selected into the "Secret Fairy Palace", even if the cultivation is high, there are only "ordinary attributes" and there are no "unlimited attributes". Therefore, if you really want to fight, the five-yuan Taoist priest and other open periods can also be integrated with ordinary people. If you fight a dozen, you can carry it down with some treasures during the period of silence.

That is, at this time, the cultivation of these infinite players is still low. If it is higher, beating the nine sects of ordinary NPCs of the human race is like playing. The gap between players and NPCs without infinite attributes is not a little bit, but a big difference. Distance.

Most of the cannon fodder brothers are in the later stage. Even if they die this time, the loss is not very large for them. Deaths in Zhongzhou will rarely be erased. In the outer realm and secret places, it is the high-incre area to be erased.

After making sure that there were no major mistakes in his plan, the five-yuan Taoist priest waved his hand and let the four cannon fodder teams run according to the plan. In the end, only Situ Hao, the five-yuan Taoist priest, the truth fell, the worm and 100 people were inorganic. The five guys stayed above the "Zhuya", and they needed to wait for the signal here.

There are only two kinds of signals, one is red, which means that the idea is pricked and everyone calls; the other is white, which means that the idea is white, and everyone is side by side.

Situhao has tasted the sweetness of robbing Haishang goods. He is full of expectations for this time* of Yan Lvzong. If he can rob the materials he needs, then he can start to repair the divine shepherd king's book. As soon as he restores the divine shepherd king's book, he will have the "pastoral column". At that time, he will steal a few monster eggs to raise them. Then The sky is so high that birds can fly, and the sea is wide and the fish jumps!

yi/** belongs to the way of daydreaming, and it is quite enjoyable to consume time. Therefore, in Situ Haoyi/**, in the sky not far from Zhu Ya, a white light exploded and made a great sound; Situ Hao came to his senses in the shock, and he shouted with great joy: "Go!" Without waiting for the rest of the people to react, he threw a "speed charm" on himself, and then used the "five-character Tibetan flower step", rushed down the red cliff like lightning, and ran away to the distance.

"Slot, so fast." In a stunned mind, Situ Haoji ran with only his back, and the Wuyuan Taoist priest was also shocked. After scolding, he quickly threw a fast charm to himself, and then chased Situ Hao with the other three.

Yan Lvzong's transport team was extremely embarrassed at this time. The four cannon fodder teams pretended to pass by, then suddenly attacked, threw all kinds of charms, and killed inside; but they did not all rush up, and there were still a few people left in the outer area. The purpose of this was that if the enemy was vulnerable, the people on the periphery would come up for the knife. If the enemy reacts immediately, the people on the periphery will have enough time to escape and complete the plan to transfer the tiger away from the mountain.

Yan Lvzong transported a total of 30 trucks this time, but the number of disciples sent was only 20, of which the rest accounted for 15 people, 4 people during the integration period and 1 person during the heartbeat period. There is no spiritual silence period, so the younger brother of the Wuyuan Taoist priest did not hesitate to throw out the signal bomb.

Infinite attributes only appear after the opening period. Therefore, the infinite players in the spinning period are actually no different from ordinary players, but it is still possible for them to carry 15 NPCs in the opening period by the number. However, the other party's 4-bit fusion period and 1-bit heartbeat NPCs will not stand aside and watch, so, cannon The Grey Team finally decided to withdraw.

"Damn it, is that a local tycoon?"

From the signal to preparing to withdraw, it actually took almost a few minutes. More than a dozen players fell into the siege of Yan Lvzong, which was also the gap they won, so that the rest of the players had a leisurely time to evacuate; but before they evacuated, they saw a figure from far to near, and then a After the explosion, he raised his hand and played a strong red charm.

White, green, blue, blue, purple, orange and red are called "seven-grade sesame seeds". The red level belongs to the highest level of self-made equipment. The sterling silver, red gold, Xuanjia, Diang and Tianxiao behind can not be produced by self-drawing.

When Situ Hao made the first charm, he created a red-level "Three View Palace Magic Symbol", and the spiritual power consumed by using this charm is only 350. It is a classic work that consumes small power. It is really too wasteful to kill these little shrimps of Yan Lvzong; but the rookie grew up in the waste, so Therefore, Situ Hao did not feel waste at all.

When the Sanjing Palace magic charm was triggered, a large number of cannon fodder brothers were also besieged in it. Situ Hao rushed into the array and threw them out one by one. When the five yuan Taoist priest and other four people arrived, they saw their little brothers constantly leaping in the air, and then they shouted and fell to the ground.

It is impossible for the disciples of Yan Lvzong to break the magic charm of the Three Views of the Palace within 10 minutes. Therefore, Situ Hao did not rush in to kill these NPCs, but threw out the goods that were also trapped in the array one by one. Unlike the goods that robbed Haishang in a random secret place, they can be directly placed in the storage props. The goods that arrived this time have 3 hours of "placement", that is, within 3 hours, they cannot be placed in the storage space.

Taoist priest Wuyuan and others did not expect that there would be such a limit, which made them realize that they were likely to get nothing this time, but when Situ Hao learned the news, he did not hesitate to take back the "Sanjing Palace Magic Symbol", which had three times. If they waited for 10 minutes, they might be Yan Lvzong's The master has been killed, and at that time, Fu and others will be here.

Therefore, although the collection of the charm at this time will make the consumption seem unworthy, Situ Hao still put it away. As soon as the charm was put away, the disciples of Yan Lvzong trapped in it naturally escaped, while Situhao and others fled one after another before they came to their senses.

As soon as Yan Lvzong's disciples found that there was nothing missing, which made them looked at each other in con with respect. What's going on?

When the disciples of Yan Lvzong were skeptical, Situ Hao and others who failed to rob the goods were all dejected. The robbery was actually very smooth, but they did not expect that they would fail in the cooling of the "goods placement" time. In terms of loss, except for Situ Hao's loss of the use of the "three-view palace magic charm", there was no damage. Lost, none of the cannon fodder brothers have been lost, and injuries can be ignored.

Rookies will not complain, let alone hate the plan because of the failure of the plan, but think about how to make this failure provide valuable experience for the next success.

"I remember that in the market of the Secret Fairy Palace, there seems to be a symbol for sale to eliminate the cooling of this kind of goods. Let's go back and look for it separately, but next time we can't rob Yan Luzong. We need to change a sect. Also, 50 cents, your information collection is not comprehensive. It's better to confirm the information next time."

When he was taught a lesson by the rookie Situhao, the Taoist priest of Wuyuan was very depressed. When he heard Ya call himself "Fifties", he was immediately angry and shouted "I'm five yuan, not 50 cents", Situ Hao disappeared on the red cliff.

"This boy's footwork is so wonderful. If the wet local tyrant wants to continue, we can only accompany him to continue, walk, and collect other sectarian information. Next time we must succeed."

In the shouting of the five-yuan Taoist priest, more than a hundred players scattered away with a smile. When they all disappeared, a figure suddenly appeared. The position where he emerged was exactly where the former five-yuan Taoist priest sat.

"Tut, it seems that these guys seem to have some big plans to make, but it's a pity that they came a step late and only heard a little bit." The figure touched his chin and muttered.