Infinite Secret Land of Online Games

Chapter 050 Wuwen II

There are many and miscellaneous things mentioned by the rebirth guest. Although Situ Hao recited all of them, many things are not urgently needed and will not be done. Only when they encounter them will they remember. Oh, there is another thing; this is the case of forgetting to return to the cliff. Situ Hao did not specifically remember this matter until "the rest "It must be lonely" When he went, he remembered that there was also a hidden function - Wuwen, so he quickly prepared something and took his lonely sister to the Wanggui Cliff.

Whether it is the "sacrifice sword" of the sword tomb or the "Wuwen" of forgetting to return to the cliff, it is a way of expression of "Wu Dao". Sacrificing the sword is to seek "Kendo", and Wuwen is to seek the "the way of Rune".

According to the "sacrifice" ceremony process, first take out the five-piece set of sacrifices from the infinite jade pendants, and then press the east, west, south, north, middle, east, west, southwest, north and north and east. Each of the nine directions is placed with a three-legged bronze tripod, each inserted with three incense sticks, and then placed the table at the middle tripod and placed nine white candles. After these are arranged, a handful of incense and candles will be lit.

In the smoke, taking out the sacrificial text of the sacrificial charm can pay 100 secret points, so that the system can read it by itself or by itself. Situ Hao naturally let the system read it. The system is very infectious, and he feels extremely boring when reading it by himself, and you won't feel bored when listening to the sacrificial text of the system.

The strong male voice sounded on the cliff of forgetting home. Every 5 minutes, the specially purchased blue-level sacrificial article will fly out of the paper and dance in the air with the sound. Although Situ Hao did not read the sacrificial text aloud, he was not idle to stand there. Unless he sang the sacrificial article There must also be a sacrificial dance.

The expression forms of the sacrificial dance are also various. Each ritual corresponds to a kind of sacrificial dance, but there are also some sacrificial dances that are common to any ritual. Situ Hao learned the general sacrificial dance - Lingji witch; Lingqi's dance is extremely simple, with its left leg raised to the abdomen, the right hand clenched his fist and hit the left chest, and howl dry in his mouth. Sound, then change your right leg to lift it to your abdomen, raise your left hand and hit your right chest, and then howling loudly.

In contrast, NPC's sacrificial dance is very beautiful. Situ Hao's sacrificial dance makes people just want to laugh, just like a circus clown performing a program. Fortunately, there are no outsiders here. Otherwise, Situ Hao will not dance the sacrificial dance to death. However, he is not funny in vain. Sacrificial dance + sacrificial articles + sacrificial objects + sacrifices = 85% Power.

The reason why the success rate is so high is that on the one hand, it is not a high-level altar for forgetting to return to the cliff, and on the other hand, Situhao's sacrifice is still in the primary "Rule way", that is, it is still in the stage of "seeking seeds".

"System Tip: If your festival is successful, you will enter the secret place of Journey to the West."

"Name of the Secret Land: The 9th Round of Journey to the West. Type: Random. Features: Enlightenment. Location: Random. Difficulty: Tongsheng. Mission: Become a rune boy of Anfu. Victory conditions: get the symbol within 3 hours. Failure conditions: 1. Fired by the Fu master, 2. No charm was obtained when the time arrived. Reward: none. Punishment for failure: none. Type: Mission, Random, Kill, Battle, Clearance)

After agreeing to enter the secret world, Situ Hao appeared in a vast white space, and this white space was still moving. Situ Hao was relieved not to feel the danger. The random transmission location is very tricky. If it is not easy to be transmitted to any monster's nest, it will become the food of monsters!

"Oh, little pig."

"Damn it, what a familiar name!"

He got up from several sheep that had fallen to the ground, looked at the sound, and found that it was the NPC in his mind, but his sworn brother was not there. Situ Hao guessed that something should have happened when he was not in the secret place.

Because Situ Hao and Zhu Gang hyena are sworn brothers, there is a record of Situ Hao in the secret place of Journey to the West. If the NPC known by Zhu Gang hyena hears Situ Hao from Zhu Gang hyena, they will know Situ Hao, not like those players who have not been recorded in the file. After completing the task, they will forget The last cooperation.

It was the future lion and camel king who called Situhao's "pig brother". However, the king was still a little brother under a lion demon not long ago. Later, he was encouraged by Situ Hao to betray the monkey demon cave and joined hands with Zhugang hyen and Situ Hao to open from seven of them with dozens of blue-level monsters hatched by the divine herdsman. In the hands of the wise monster, the Yunzhan Cave was recaptured.

According to reason, the relationship between the lion camel and the pig's hyen is very good. There is no reason to live in Yunzhan Cave. They run out as a quilt and a bed on the ground, and dress like a sheep herding baby. This is getting more and more back!

"Oh, it's really you, little pig, tut, I haven't seen you for a while, and your cultivation is getting deeper and deeper."

Situhao can only report "he". His current cultivation can only be in the secret place of the difficulty of children's life, and the secret place of such difficulty belongs to the beginning of the story. Whether it is the flood and famine, the mountain and sea classics, the gods or the journey to the west, these four eras are difficult for children. It is easier to enter the early stage of the gods and the journey to the west. It is difficult to enter the sea without encountering any task.

Therefore, the reborn guest asked Situ Hao to suppress his cultivation, which is to let Situhao visit these four "secrets of the historical era". Whether it is the main biography or the external biography, as long as he can leave a record in it, then he can continue to specialize in the future. Like Situhao, he was very lucky to leave a record in the Journey to the West. As long as he is not erased by the system, he can interact with the NPCs in the secret place of Journey to the West, and the probability of summoning these NPCs out of the secret place is also relatively high.

The lion and camel king was extremely happy to touch his boss Tuhao. What's more happy was that Situhao took out good wine and meat to entertain him, which made the lion and camel king suddenly feel a lot. While drinking and eating meat, the words came out endlessly, which also made Situ Hao slowly understand what happened to the pig just hymen and the lion and camel king after he left. .

The demon clan has five bloodlines: wild, alien, spirit, immortal and wilderness. Unlike the ghost clan and the demon clan, which determine social status by birth. The demon clan determines its social status by strength. Therefore, although the pig gang hyen and the lion camel king have fairy vein bloodline, their strength is too low and can only be controlled by the demon clan with lower bloodline.

Monsters, little demons, demons, demon soldiers, big demons, little demon kings, big demon kings, and great saints are the social status names of demons. So far, there have been no great saint-level monsters. The seven holy kings of demons are currently suffering/forced to live their lives. Monsters belong to the unwise demon clan, and the little demons are the "turning period-opening period", and the pig's just hyen The lion and camel king currently belongs to the little demon.

The little demon is a handyman. He has to do hard work and tiring work. When fighting, he also has to be cannon fodder. The demon soldiers are regular soldiers. His cultivation is in the fusion period-heartbeat period. At the beginning, all the little demons in the cloud stack cave were fought. They belonged to the ranks of tigers in the mountains and monkeys as kings.

Pig Gang hyeon and lion camel king knew that their strength was not good. After recovering the cloud stack hole, they quickly sealed the cave and found a spiritual vein in the cave and began to practice. If they can calm down and practice, with their fairy vein bloodline, the cultivation speed is very fast; but because of this, these fairy vein monsters , they are often disturbed when practicing, and their cultivation improvement process is extremely tortuous, which also makes the cultivation improvement extremely slow.

I don't know why a rhinoceros demon came nearby. The spiritual silence-Jindan cultivation belongs to the big demon. For the little demon in the spiral period, the big demon in the spiritual silence period belongs to the existence of the mountain Yangshan Mountain. Such a big demon entered the cloud stack hole. There is no reason why the pig's tenon and the lion and camel king do not kneel down. The two little demons put their own at that time. When the knee was sent up, the rhinoceros demon saw that the two little demons were so knowledgeable, so he did not eat them, but accepted them as his younger brother.

"That's not right. This is Lantian County, which is the boundary of Lanshui Mountain, which is 72 blessed land. It is far from the blessed mountain of 72 blessed land belonging to Yunzhan Cave. How can Brother Lion and Camel be here?" When Situ Hao heard this, he couldn't help asking.

"Oh, there is still a mountain high! I don't know how good Yunzang Cave is. It's just a cave with a strong aura in Fulin Mountain, and it's not a real blessed place, let alone 36 caves. Unexpectedly, so many big demons came to fight.

After the rhinoceros demon occupied the cloud stack hole, he commanded the pig hyen and the lion camel king to dig in the cave every day, and they did not know what to dig. Just when the two little demons thought their demons had been so gray, another big demon ran to challenge; the rhinoceros demon and the invading demons fought in the dark, and the two little demons dug the earth took advantage of it. The plane escaped from Fulin Mountain, and then discussed going to Huaguo Mountain to find Sun Jinyuan.

Among the seven saints of the future demon clan, Sun Jinyuan is the best. As soon as this girl was born, she was born in the light period. Then she happened to be born in the monkey pile. There was no big enemy next to her, and her cultivation rushed up. Now she is the big demon monkey in the Jindan period, claiming to be the little monkey king in the flower and Fruit King.

Pig Gang hyena doesn't know Sun Jinyuan, but the lion and camel king knows him. He and Sun Jinyuan are the same class Taoist friends at the same time, and both of them have obtained a diploma in the "speed class" of the "Bodhi Ancestor". The origin of these two demons is extraordinary, and the Bodhi Ancestor also looked at each other and taught them extremely profound Taoism.

Learning Taoism is the same as not necessarily being admitted to college after studying Taoism in high school. Learning Taoism does not necessarily mean that your cultivation will be improved. It is nothing more than knowing these Taoism. Therefore, after Sun Jinyuan and Lion Camel Wang Yicheng went down the mountain, they were ready to find a deep mountain forest to improve their cultivation. As a result, there were some accidents in the middle, and the two were forced to separate. Sun Jin After some hardships, the ape returned to Huaguo Mountain.

The lion and camel king wandered around sadly and didn't get any time to retreat. Even if he had time and didn't have spiritual vein retreat, his cultivation would be greatly reduced. Later, when he wandered near Fulin Mountain, he happened to meet the pig who had just been demoted and reincarnated into a pig. The pig had just slaughtered the family who raised him and was being a human race. The monk chased and killed, and the lion and camel king helped him, so that the pig just escaped the disaster.

Later, the two demons separated halfway. The pig's hymen was regarded as a good family by the rabbit demon in the Yunzhan Cave of Fulin Mountain, but the lion and camel king were caught as a coolie by another cave monkey demon in Fulin Mountain.

It was not until Situ Hao came in to do the task that he helped the two demons temporarily get out of the sea of suffering. Unfortunately, before happiness could be tasted, the two demons began new hardships. Speaking of which, Sun Jinyuan actually had the least hardships during his growth. No wonder he would be selected to learn the experience, and the pig's hymen It has been disaster-prone, and it is unreasonable for him to be selected to learn from the experience.

The main biography is different from the external biography, but whether it is the official biography or the external biography, it is necessary to "get the scriptures". The difference is that the official biography is successful, but the biography is not successful in the scriptures. Instead, it causes a rebellion of the demon clan and millions of demons attack the heavenly court, which is very spectacular!