Infinite Secret Land of Online Games

Chapter 052 Beautiful Dog

The lion and camel king ran to steal or borrow the wind beads. After approaching the yellow wind cave, Situ Hao became a "bug", and then drilled in along the not very regular iron door. After drilling in, he found that the hole seemed to be bigger than expected. With the small body of the bug, the movement speed was really slow. Situ Hao had to recover to become a person, and then small The heart wings walked along the passage.

After walking for about three or four minutes, he encountered a fork in a road, which made Situhao frown. Just as he was thinking about whether to go left or right, a small stone rolled to his feet by himself. Situ Hao was shocked and turned around but found nothing strange. Naturally, he didn't think that the pebbles rolled automatically. Come here, there must be someone around.

When he was about to take a "clear analysis charm" on his body to break the invisibility, the wall of the left passage moved, and a low voice came "second brother, second brother". It must be the pig's gon hyena that can call his second brother; Situ Hao was overjoyed to hear the sound, and the pig's gon hyena can move freely, indicating that he has not received There is a reason why he didn't escape.

Following the shape of Zhugang hyen through the left channel, Zhugang hyen specially reminded Situ Hao not to run and must walk slowly. At this time, the yellow wind monster was sleeping, and any big movement would wake him up.

The demon clan has very low requirements for the living environment. Most of the demon clans live in a place where skeletons are rolling and bones are everywhere. Although the Yellow Wind Monster is a big demon, it is not a big demon that talks about the taste of life. As soon as the pig hyana enters the hall of the hole here, he sees a pile of bones and smells his nose. The rotten smell.

Zhugang hyeon was demoted to the mortal world anyway. He once lived in a mansion and sat in a famous beast in the heavenly court. For such an environment, he did not even frown, which shows that the hardships made him gradually abandon the identity of a former immortal and slowly adapt to his identity as a demon clan.

It is precisely because he figured this out that the once arrogant and resolute pig's hyen bent his head, humming his back, and tried his best to please the yellow wind monster, so that the yellow wind monster was very satisfied with his little brother, and slowly relaxed its control of him. Up to now, the pig's hyen is actually free to go in and out, not as the lion and camel king imagined. Tortured.

The reason why the pig's hyen is unwilling to leave is on the treasure of the yellow wind monster. The yellow wind monster's "yellow wind and sandstorm" is very powerful. People outside think it is his spell, but after this period of time as a younger brother, the pig hyen observed that the main reason why the yellow phoenix monster's spell is so powerful is still the "Wind Dragon Ball" On the treasure.

It is rumored that there are four dragon beads, namely wind, fire, water and earth. A single dragon ball contains several formations and has a bonus effect on spells with the same attributes. Huangfeng Monster is a wind dragon ball. The sandstorm spell he used, coupled with the attack bonus of wind dragon beads, can make his cultivation higher than his. Blow it to the sky." Zhu Gang hymen blocked the door of the lounge with his huge body and said, "If you block the door, even if the yellow wind monster suddenly wakes up, there is no need to worry about the existence of Situ Hao.

Zhu Gang hyena is still quite happy with the appearance of Situ Hao, and he is also in urgent need of help at this time. Not to mention whether he can succeed in stealing the dragon ball, the way out must be prepared after all. Otherwise, even if he succeeds in stealing the dragon ball, he did not arrange the way out, and the final success is really dead.

When Situhao heard the dragon ball, he drooled in his heart. Naturally, he wanted this bead very much. The problem is that if such a treasure wants to be brought out of the secret place, it's okay if there is a task. If there is no task, he needs to pay an extremely high secret point, and his current secret place is Not much.

Therefore, Situ Hao thought that he put the dragon ball on the pig's hyena first, and then he would go to the secret place of Journey to the West. When he met the pig's hyena, he would find a way to get the dragon ball. If the dragon ball was really of high value, he did not mind sacrificing the brotherhood between the pig's hyena and borrowing the dragon ball and would not return it.

"Brother, is there a way to take the dragon ball?"

"This pearl was swallowed by the yellow wind monster. It's really hard to do it!" Pig's hymen said with some regret.

"What is swallowed in the stomach can be pulled out?"

This must be asked clearly. Some treasures can be hidden in the sea of knowledge, just like the divine pastoral king's book, while some treasures can only be worn on the body, and some will deliberately make a small magic array on the body to temporarily swallow the treasures in order to avoid theft and loss of treasures.

But there are also treasures that can indeed be swallowed, and there is no need to be pulled out, while those treasures that do not have this function will be pulled out.

Situ Hao asked this sentence because he wanted to give a medicine to Huang Feng, but Zhu Gang hyen smiled bitterly and said, "Huang Feng is a golden monk."

If you lie down and form a golden elixir, there is nothing you can do; because the golden elixir means that you can open up the valley, that is, no matter how much he eats, it will not become "poo", but will be vaporized directly in the body, and then the debris will be discharged through the pores.

If there is no way to let the yellow wind monster leak, we can only let him vomit. The pig's hyphen has just said that the wind dragon ball is not a natural thing to swallow, but the yellow wind monster has set up a small magic array so that it can be swallowed into the belly and temporarily placed in the body. Therefore, once the yellow wind monster vomits, it is possible to spit out the wind dragon ball, just before that. , you must give the yellow wind monster a pill.

This elixir can not only make the yellow wind monster vomit, but also break the small magic array he set on the wind dragon ball. In fact, there are many such elixirs, but Situhao's body is full of charm and blood tonic tonify, and there is no such a special elixir.

But it doesn't matter. It has the same effect as this elixir. Situ Hao looked for a long time and really found one. This symbol is called "attack and vomiting. There is a prefix of "attack" means that it is not a single auxiliary symbol, but a lethal symbol. Directly dissolved into the water can also form the same effect as the elixir. .

It's just that the elixir can be dissolved, but the charm can't be dissolved. If it is burned, there will be ashes, and the vigilance of big demons like the Yellow Wind Monster has always been very high. Even if he has a sense of trust in the pig's hyena at this time, he will probably be suspicious when he sees black ash in the bowl. In case of detection, the pig's just hyena and Situ Hao is tragic.

One blocked the door, and the other sat in the door to find a way. Situ Hao began to check his inventory. The consumption of symbols was extremely horrible. A few days ago, the killing mode earned him hundreds of symbols. After these days of consumption, he only had more than 70 symbols, all of which were not often used and relatively cold. The charm of the door.

Naturally, the original owner of the "attack ยท vomiting charm" is not known. It is an unpopular charm. If you don't look for it carefully, it is estimated that it will eventually be shelved or thrown away.

In addition to the symbols and materials, the stolen batch of materials is really enough. After the restoration of the sword ring, there is still a large number of materials left. These materials are also very unpopular. Situ Hao is reluctant to throw them away, and there is a "infinite jade pendant" for the time being.

The equipment and treasures have been worn or worn on the body, and there is no superfluous equipment and treasures in the infinite jade pendant, and then there are a large number of blood elixir and elixir.

After this inspection, Situ Hao shivered fiercely. Damn it, he was too "happy" before, but he didn't check his warehouse well. Fortunately, he checked it today. Otherwise, he would really go to the outland as planned. Such supplies would be beaten down in a few hours.

Most of the markets in Zhongzhou are relatively low-level things. The secret place is the place to buy good things. However, it is not easy to meet the city in the secret territory, and there happen to be real goods for sale in the city, which is even more difficult. Therefore, in the secret territory, it is better to ask more information to know where it is fixed. Xiuzhen goods trading market, when it flies in the future, you can go shopping no matter where you are in the secret place.

Zhugang hyen suddenly whispered, which shocked the deserted Situ Hao. He looked up at Zhugang hyen and found that the brother showed joy. Obviously, he should have thought of something to do, which made Situ Hao feel better, and some of them looked forward to Zhugang hyen.

"The yellow wind monster looks at a little demon nearby. If he spit the mixed wine into the yellow wind monster's mouth when he is in his bridal chamber, he will definitely be tricked."

"Nima, what's the plan?"

Zhu Gang hyen said something unclear. Situ Hao was confused. Seeing his expression, Zhu Gang hyen also realized this. He eased his mood and then slowly said his plan.

There is a kennel near the Huangfeng Cave, in which there is a female dog that has opened her intelligence and turned into a human body. Although this bitch is "beast blood", she has an adventure, so that when she turns into a human form, she is not like the pig's hyena and the lion camel king, but the human body keeps the animal's head.

Monsters that open their intelligence and can be transformed will retain the characteristics of the same demon on their bodies. Usually, they have not changed their heads. Dog demons are more fortunate to maintain a dog tail when they become human beings, not dog-headed people. Otherwise, the yellow wind monster will not like her.

The yellow wind monster is the big demon of the golden elixir period, and the female dog is the little demon of the light period. According to reason, the yellow wind monster wants to accept her as a cave lady. The bitch will not refuse, but she doesn't want to refuse, and the yellow wind monster also took the wrong medicine, saying that she wants to talk about a vigorous love and does not want to use tough means, so Huang Feng The monster didn't bow hard, but ran to pursue the bitch every day.

But Huangfeng never thought that the reason why the bitch refused him was because she fell in love with the pig's hyena. For love, the bitch also regarded her death.

"Damn it, brother, hasn't your demon love always been very open?" Situhao said that he didn't understand such a love triangle. He heard that the demon clan would not care about a few horns of love. Anyway, if you look at it, several corners can come to the common bed. Unexpectedly, he met the strange people of the demon clan here!