Infinite Secret Land of Online Games

Chapter 053 Is it really a final kill?

53--Is it really a final kill

Southwest of Zhuque Street, the living hall in Zhongzhou, is only about ten steps away from Situhao's mansion, and a magnificent mansion has been built. Compared with Situhao's famous mansion, this is a real mansion. There are eight stone lions in front of the door of the mansion, which are lined up with amazing momentum. "Haifu" is written on the plaque.

The owner of this house is the "sea clothes" that was robbed by Situ Hao in the secret territory. In the luxuriously decorated hall, the regular seats are already full of men and women, and there are nearly 30 men and women. These men and women look at the sea clothes on the main seat, quietly and straight, like a trained one. Trained army.

"Have you got it?"

Haishang's eyes on the main seat asked with some drifting eyes. She didn't seem to be staring at anyone to speak, but a male player under the hall heard this. "Bang" stood up and shouted, "Report the chief, I have got it and paid all the money to buy the transmission array."

"Don't call the chief, call the boss."

"Yes, chief."

Haeshang expressed depression about this. When these veterans were hired by her to enter the game, they had to be trained, disciplined and cooperated. The monthly salary was equivalent to the salary of a security guard, which was quite cost-effective. However, these soldiers were a little straightforward and said that they were hired as security guards, but they could not change it. Call the boss.

He was robbed of the goods by Situ Hao. Haishang was so angry that his stomach ache for several days. This revenge must be revenged, but he could not use force in Zhongzhou, but he could not find the trace of Situ Hao in the outer world, and he could not happen to meet it in the secret territory. So, how to avenge the robbery?

I contacted some old game birds and soon got a revenge plan, that is, to know whether Situ Hao is in Zhongzhou. If so, then customize the "transmission symbol array" and customize the transmission symbol array, which has both sides of A and B, and the transmission distance between them cannot exceed 5 kilometers.

Only those "master-level" charm masters can make the transmission of the charm array, and master-level charm masters can never be depressed, because their own cultivation has reached more than the golden elixir period, and there is no master under the golden elixir, which is a conclusion obtained for hundreds of millions of years.

Therefore, I want to ask the rune master of Jindan period to make charms, which is not only expensive, but also priceless. However, after all, the game is a game, and Haishang is a disciple of the Secret Fairy Palace. Please go to the Golden Dan Rune Master of the Secret Fairy Palace to do some tasks to close the relationship, and then pay for expensive secret points to get it.

At this time, the male players sitting in the hall are all veterans who have been in the army for more than three years, and the female players are employees of Haishang's game studio. Accepting veterans as players is also to create jobs for the country. Of course, there is no quite a hard relationship, and it is estimated that there is no way to make a batch move.

Get the "transmission array", and then inquire about the whereabouts of Situhao. Situhao was in the outer world before, so that Haishang did not have a chance to start. Not long after, he actually returned to Zhongzhou; however, using the transmission array to set up an ambush is equivalent to digging a well, which requires a strong landy, which requires a strong land and needs Only by mastering the exact trace of Situ Hao.

In addition, the arrangement of the transmission array takes at least 15 minutes, which means that Situ Hao needs to stay somewhere for more than 15 minutes before he can lay a trap; but who knows where Situ Hao will stay for 15 minutes? No one knows, so Haishang can only let veteran players follow Situ Hao and report his whereabouts.

The opportunity is indeed reserved for those who are prepared. Previously, the veteran reported that Situ Hao left with a female player and went to Chengtian, and then only the female player was famous, but Situ Hao disappeared; Haishang knew that the female player was called " The rest may not be lonely." This name is really long! Haishang found a player who knew loneliness and went somewhere before he got out of Haishang.

Where is the cliff of Wanggui?

The rest is not necessarily lonely and also means that although he has been there, he does not know the real way to get in and out. Haishang realizes that this is an excellent opportunity for revenge and must not be let go. After calculating the time left to go back and forth, Haishang knows that he does not have much time for his arrangement. At present, he wants to get the transmission. Fuzhen, the second is to find where the cliff of Wanggui is and find someone to take them there.

Time is tight, Haishang's local tycoon style came into play, sprinkled dozens of millions of secret places, and finally found an NPC who knows how to go to the sea back cliff, so that NPC naturally has to lead the way. Haishang has many horses, and completing the task is a piece of cake. Therefore, it is about 1 in Situ Hao to enter the secret place. An hour later, Haishang and others gathered in the "Haifu" and waited for the arrival of the leading NPC.

NPC did not fail to make a promise. After obtaining the mission items, he found the address to find Haifu, and then a male soldier player contacted him, and the rest of the people quietly followed; the NPC did not go directly from the Chengtian load array, otherwise, Haishang and others may not be able to forget to return to the cliff. NPC passed After guarding the level, it took 35 minutes to reach the cliff at an extremely tortuous and slow speed.

Haishang's subordinates at the transmission point sent a letter, saying that she did not see Situhao return to the Secret Fairy Palace. Situ Hao did not return to the Secret Fairy Palace. There were only two places to go. One was still on the cliff of Wanggui, and the other was that she went to the outer world, and Haishang decided to gamble. She had gone through two steps, and some players went to the cliff to arrange the "B side" Transmission array, and she led the team to the outer world to arrange the "A-face" transmission array.

Because there is a distance limit between the two-sided transmission array, after she learned the coordinates of forgetting to return to the cliff, she led the team to buy the monks who guarded the array, secretly passed through the whole Chengtian load array and left Zhongzhou and entered the outer realm. With reference coordinates, she finally sensed the "B-side" transmission array in one place after some adjustments. , which means that the "A-face" transmission array can be put here.

The two teams of Wanggui Cliff and the outer realm began to arrange the transmission array at the same time. 15 minutes later, the two arrays were arranged. The transmission array is the transmission of the number of people to consume spiritual power, and its spiritual power is the source of "crystal stone". At present, the spiritual stone on the market is very expensive, and the money spent by Haishang for this revenge is also very huge. It has reached nearly 500,000 yuan.

After the team on the side of the cliff finished arranging the rune array, it immediately dispersed to prevent people or beasts from straying into the transmission array. They have activated the transmission array. Whether it is a human or a beast, as long as they enter the transmission array, the transmission array will immediately trigger and transmit it out.

And Haishang will set the other side of the transmission array set in the outer realm as a "self-explosion" program. As long as Situ Hao is transmitted, the self-explosion program will be triggered. The green-level transmission array will self-explosion, which is equivalent to the self-explosion of a monk in the later stage of fusion. Situhao is only a light-opening period, even if he is also in the fusion period, he has no intention. Next, he who does not activate the mission defense spell will also be blown into scum.


Situ Hao didn't know that there was a killing array waiting for him outside. After receiving an urgent letter from Zhu Gang hyena, he hurried from the Yellow Wind Cave to the dog hole. As soon as he entered, he saw Gou Lili's tragic situation.

Gou Lili died quite miserably. Her heart was also dug out. The blood and meat in the hall made Situ Hao constantly turn his stomach. He vomited a few times and nothing to spit out. On the contrary, because of this sound, the yellow wind monster in the inner room cursed even louder after hearing it.

Situhao saw something wrong at this time. According to Huangfeng's strange temper, he suffered such a big loss and had already killed a corpse all over the field. Why is he hiding in the house and scolding now?

"Brother, why does the yellow wind monster only dare to hide in the house and scold?" Situ Hao asked.

The pig's hyen grin showed its sharp fangs, spread out its palms with a smile, and lay a thumb-sized bead in the palm of its palm. The skin of the beads was rippled in layers, like a whirlwind.

"Wind Dragon Ball?"


Only then did Situhao understand why the Huangfeng monster hid in the inner room and scolded and dared not come out. He was very distressed to lose the wind dragon ball, but he was the big demon of the Jindan period after all. Even if the pig has the wind dragon ball in his hand, it must not be his opponent. Now the yellow wind monster can't hide in the house. What injury should he be, and he is afraid of Zhugang What follow-up means does hyen have? Therefore, he resisted the impulse to hide in the house and want to scold the pig in.

Zhugang hyeon certainly dares not go in. He is a little demon with later cultivation. When he enters the house, he will be killed in seconds, but he does not dare to leave. As soon as he leaves, he will definitely make the yellow wind monster come to his senses. He knows that everything Zhugang hyeon did before is a bluff, so Zhugang hyen needs a helper to help him suck. The helper who attracted the attention of the yellow wind monster so that he could escape successfully.

Of course, Zhugang hyeon is not to let Situ Hao hang up so that he can escape. He is not a ruthless person. On the contrary, he is definitely a person who will go to the mountain of knives and go to the sea of fire for his brothers for righteousness. He urgently believes that Situ Hao to come requires the help of Situ Hao's "God Shepherd King's Book".

Before, when Situ Hao sneaked into the yellow wind tunnel, he met with the pig's hymen. The two brothers were discussing the plan. Naturally, Situ Hao did not hide his means. The magic pupil shepherd's sword, the shepherd beast, etc. have all said it. Of course, the ranch and the shepherd house will definitely not say it. This is the world of Xumi. Countless NPCs and players are A red-eyed treasure.

Before the pig hymen made some movements in the outer room, so that the suspicious yellow wind monster did not dare to rush out. At this time, Situ Hao summoned 50 green-level shepherd animals and arranged them one by one. The momentum was also quite amazing. Then, the pig just pulled Situ Hao to run away, but Situ Hao stopped.

"Brother, you go first."

Pig's strong body trembled when he heard this. He turned around and his eyes turned abnormally red. "Second brother, you don't need to do this. If it's a dragon ball, I'd rather destroy this pearl for my brother after you die for my brother." Zhu Gang's hyen almost finished his words word by word.

Naturally, Situ Hao would not be so great after cutting off the hymen for the pig, he found that his time in the secret place was almost reached. That's right. Why not take this opportunity to deepen the relationship with the pig's hymen?

"Brother, don't worry, I was separated from you before. There is also a distance limit between the shepherd beast and me. If I am too far away, the shepherd will automatically return to the pastoral code, and once the yellow wind monster detects it, he catches up with our brother with his cultivation, that is, a few breaths. "The thing."

Zhu Gang hyen looked at Situ Hao suspiciously, and Situ Hao had no better means of persuasion, so he had to swear that he really had the means. When Zhu Gang hyen saw that Situ Hao had even made an oath, he misunderstood that Situ Hao's life-saving means could not be made public. Therefore, after finally hugging Situ Hao, he ran away and gradually Gradually disappearing into the mountains.

The suspiciousness of the yellow wind made Situ Hao's last 15 minutes extremely stable. With the system prompt, "If you fail this time, you will leave this secret place and count down to 3, 2 and 1. The light in his eyes dissipated, and Situ Hao reappeared in the center of the sacrificial stone of Wanggui Cliff. Looking around, the sky was still blue, and the time seemed to be still at noon.

There must be many restrictions on the green-level transmission array, such as the small number of transmissions, large losses, short transmission distance, long transmission time, etc., and the disadvantage of long transmission time led to the bankruptcy of Haishang's plan to kill Situhao. After that, Haishang came to the conclusion that the low grade is indeed a slag of combat effectiveness.

When Situhao walked out of the cliff, he thought about the wind dragon ball of the pig's hyen. If the wind dragon ball is brought out of the secret place, there should be quite a lot of restrictions. This thing adds wind spells and blows people away. The effect is really a little unsky.

There was a slight sound of "wave". When Situ Hao came to his senses, it was a little late. He had stepped into the transmission array, and the transmission array immediately started running. The transmission array is not unstoppable, but it is not easy to stop the transmission array. Besides, the transmission array that Situ Hao stepped into is privately customized by Haishang. This determines that the control of this transmission array is in Haishang's hands. Whether it is on or off, it is up to her, so the transmission array cannot stop as soon as it starts.

Green-level transmission array, the transmission distance is 5 kilometers and the transmission time is 5 minutes. According to statistics, the walking time of/person is 4 to 6 kilometers per hour. Therefore, the green-level transmission array saves more than 30 minutes, which is quite good. However, the purpose of the transmission array is not to save distance and time. It has a lot of time. There are other uses, such as using the transmission array's own "self-detonation" program to kill people.

Situhao is a person who opened a plug-in to enter the game. When he found that he was about to be transmitted, he realized that he had been plotted. He knew that the transmission array had a "self-explosion" program. Therefore, after discovering that this was a green-level transmission array when he was nervous and regretful, Situ Hao had a kind of joy to escape from death. He* his own 10 head shepherd The beast is summoned.

If the transmission array is likened to an elevator, then the elevator that could only carry 800KG is a few kilograms more, and the elevator will definitely not go; the transmission array, like the elevator, there are also different differences between carrying objects and people. The green-level transmitter customized by Haishang is manned, with a maximum of 3 people.

Although the monster is not a human, it is counted as a number of people, but if the monster is too large to exceed the transmission array, it will be directly rejected. Therefore, Situ Hao summoned his shepherd, immediately overloaded, and the transmission array refused to transmit.

is still used as a metaphor for the elevator. If the elevator is overloaded, if no passengers exit, the elevator alarm will keep sound, and its electricity is still being consumed. In the same way, if the transmission array is overloaded and passengers do not exit, the transmission array will continue to consume crystals to maintain operation. The electricity of the elevator can not In addition, the crystal storage capacity of the transmission array is limited.

As a result, Situ Hao abruptly consumed the spiritual power of the transmitted crystal, so that he came out of the transmission array that had to close by itself due to the exhaustion of spiritual power. The transmission array on this side naturally received the system prompt.

"Damn it." Haishang didn't expect that the killing she thought would be a foolproof result, which made her have to swear, which was so depressing.

The setting of the ban on martial arts in Zhongzhou made Haishang have to arrange this ambush, but she did not expect that Situ Hao would take advantage of the shortcomings of the transmission array to break his ambush, which made Haishang realize that he needed a more detailed and detailed plan to kill Situ Hao. His own plan seemed to be too childish.

It's not a secret that Haishang wants to kill Situ Hao. There are many infinite players in Zhongzhou, such as the top ten cups of tea in 18*, and the infinite players who have been killed outside the world by Situ Hao, are paying close attention to this killing. Just as Haishang thinks this is the killing, he knows the infinite Players also think that this is a final kill. They are not unaware of the shortcomings of the teleportation array, but they did not expect that Situ Hao actually had a shepherd.

If Situ Hao really has only one person, he really can't avoid this kill array. In addition to adding defense symbols for himself within five minutes of transmission, what Situhao can do is to let fate; but he has a shepherd, as long as it is not instant transmission, he can break the kill game arranged by the transmission array.

No one knows how Situ Hao broke the game. When the transmission array runs, it has a shielding effect, and the people outside and the people sitting in the transmission array can't see each other when the transmission array is activated. Therefore, the infinite players who do not understand how Situ Hao broke the game are more and more afraid of Situ Hao. At the same time, they They also got together in twos and threes to discuss how Situ Hao broke the situation.

The cup of tea went straight into the empty "luxury house" and asked how the situation was broken by Situhao, who was planting grass. Situhao's answer was "overloaded". After hearing this, Brother Cup Ju clapped his hands and said, "Sure enough". Now it was Situhao's turn to be surprised. After careful inquiry, Situhao had to sigh at these. The famous players in later generations are not vegetarian.

Situ Hao's shepherd, he only wanted to use the shepherd at that time, and the rest of the infinite players found the shortcoming of "overload" after careful study. After automatically making up for it, they thought that Situ Hao took out the things stored in the "infinite jade pendant" to form overload.

But soon, infinite players realized that this was wrong. Haishang's teleportation array is "manned", which means that it doesn't matter if Situ Hao puts things in the infinite jade pendant. Once it is taken out, it will be rejected, especially when the transmission array has been activated, and it is even more impossible to take out the items in the infinite jade pendant.

Therefore, if Situ Hao wants to form an "overload", it cannot be an object, but a living thing.

Situ Hao has shepherds, and other players naturally have their own pets, and some pets are hidden in jade charms, and some are hidden in animal charms. They are all living creatures and are huge. Using pets, they can form "overload".

"There are five minutes to come up with this method, which does not show your power. The reason why those infinite players admire you is because of your understanding of various facilities and props in the game, just like the teleportation array. Without Haishang to arrange this final kill game, everyone is used to the teleportation array, and it is only now that it is found that This Nima is also a big killer!"

"And you know that the overload of the transmission array can be used, and then everyone found that, Nima, it can be cracked like this!"

Brother Cup Ju smiled and introduced the situation outside to Situ Hao. When he revealed who the black hand in this killing situation was, he stared at Situ Hao carefully and found that Situhao did not show any emotion on his face. Brother Cup Ju was secretly relieved. He had been in contact with Situ Hao for a long time and knew that this boy was not good at hiding. Your own emotions.

If he is not angry now, it means that Situ Hao is also sorry for Haishang. If Haishang really kills him this time, Situ Hao will definitely retaliate. Now, Situ Hao is not dead. He is not angry, which means that Situ Hao regards this killing as an apology and cancels the enmity between him and Haishang.

Of course, this is Situ Hao's own idea. If Haishang continues to kill him next, Situ Hao will naturally fight back rudely.