Infinite Secret Land of Online Games

Chapter 054 Secret Fairy Palace

The Secret Fairy Palace is only collectively referred to by one person. The concentrated area where players are active is called the "lower palace", while the real core area of the Secret Fairy Palace can be seen from afar and cannot be approached. From the "lower palace", you can see the magnificent buildings that make people look up to high mountains, either suspended, or hazy, or majestically located in Zhongzhou. It is a mysterious area - Xianshan.

The upper palace is the center of the upper cabinet, the middle palace is the seventh lobby, and the lower palace is the activity area of unlimited players and NPCs, representing the strictness of the class.

Situ Hao sat in the teleportation array and left the "lower palace" to go to the Zhonggong. Zhonggong Square is a dense place for the transmission array. When he was in the lower palace, he did not feel that there were many NPCs. When he arrived at the Zhonggong Square, he found that NPCs came and went in and out of the transmission array, and the number of people was many times more than unlimited players.

A series of buildings, coupled with white fog, have a taste of fairyland, but this kind of deliberately created fairyland is not attractive to players. On the contrary, the buildings with different styles and Chinese style make Situ Hao overwhelmed. For the game can restore so many ancient buildings, Si Tu Hao expressed his admiration.

Zhang Baihe's letter is a token. As soon as he walked out of the transmission array, some disciples came to pick it up. In Situ Hao's appreciation of the building, he changed the transmission array several times to reach the real place of the Jianxiu Hall; the whole layout of the Jianxiu Hall is like a "back" magnified countless times, and countless repairs carrying long swords Shi, coming in and out, all faces are cold and cold, like a mold carved out.

"Nima, this staff is too lazy to make the sword repair NPCs all dead faces."

Situ Hao's complaints naturally wronged the staff. The NPCs of Zhonggong and Shanggong are not ordinary NPCs, but middle and senior NPCs. Their AI is equivalent to the IQ of ordinary people, and some are even better than ordinary people. The intrigues between them and players are not inferior at all, and sometimes they will be more Excellent addition.

In the message, the reborn guest also repeatedly reminded Situ Hao, don't underestimate NPC. If you treat them as a group of data, you won't even know how you will die. You must be careful of NPC, and beware of NPC. What's more, if you don't "pit" NPCs, what are the benefits? Come on? Therefore, the key point is to pit NPC, and you must be prepared before pit.

Therefore, for Zhang Baihe's summoning, Situ Hao is mixed. He is so happy that he has finally entered the eyes of the NPC. What he is worried about is that his IQ is not good. In case he is not cheated by NPC, but is cheated by NPC, what can he do?

Situhao, mixed with joys and sorrows, followed the disciples around for nearly 20 minutes, and finally stopped at a place where the "Jianxin Tower" was written on a plaque; Jianxin Building is a building. I don't know how many floors there are. When you look up, you can see it towering into the clouds and go straight into the sky. The disciples are not qualified to enter, and Situ Hao said and left straight away.

There is no guard in front of Jianxin Building. Although it is not desolate, it is also empty, which makes the lonely Jianxin Building give people a depressing and fierce feeling. "It is worthy of being the territory of sword cultivation, and there are sharp sword light everywhere." Situ Hao muttered in his heart after turning around, but he did not dare to delay any longer. After stepping on the ten steps, you will enter the seven-eight-meter-wide gate.

As soon as he entered, Situ Hao was "shocked". About 100 meters away from him, a beam of light went straight into the sky. This "Jianxin Building" took the "back" shape as the internal structure, and the center of the word "back" was the beam of light; when I got close, I found this light. Mang actually takes the "sword" as its shape, and the "sword handle" is on the ground, but this sword handle is at least 100 meters.

"Battle in all directions, sprinkling the world, a great sword!" Situ Hao couldn't help admiring.

Similar to Situhao's Magic Pupastoral King Sword, and the Lunhua Sword is also a treasure inlaid with sword species. Of course, the grade between the two is like the difference between heaven and earth; the ranking of the Magic Pupil Sword Species is very close, and the Shenmu Wangdian is only "green level" at this time, and the integration between the two is not visible on the famous sword list.

Lunhua Sword is different. Its main body is a Xuanjia-level weapon, and the inlaid sword species has ranked 100 on the list of different species. What's more, it is no longer a sword species, but after taking a step forward to form its own "swordsmanship" and is embedded in that weapon.

Species, meaning, art, method and Tao are the "schematic diagrams" of enlightenment.

"Good insight."

A praise sounded on the left. Situ Hao was shocked and put down his mind. He just didn't realize that it was normal to be approached at the beginning of the light, so there was no need to make a fuss. Situ Hao, who calmed down, turned around and looked to the left, but did not see anyone. As soon as he moved his mind, he saw a figure suspended. At more than ten meters high, the palm of the hand touches the huge "wheeled sword light".

In this era of "lost Taoism, no trace of law, and only art alone", being able to form "swordsmanship" is definitely the peak existence. Countless people are still wandering outside the "species", not to mention understanding the "meaning". There is a weapon containing "swordsmanship" in the Jianxin Building. No wonder that Zhang Baihe and other clans practice. I am in the intention to regain my homeland.

"If you have such insight, do you dare to understand the art?"

"Disciples dare not."

Situ Hao replied, Nima, are you kidding! He just has a sword seed, and has not yet realized the meaning of the sword, so he is bold to understand the skill. This is the same as what the old people said, "Learn to run before you learn to walk". He is destined to carry a big lead, and he doesn't know whether the NPC deliberately led him to fall into the ditch or has other ideas.

"I know myself."

"Rui Xinghai, the person called by my brother Baihe, why do you need to teach me a lesson?"

When Situ Hao was thinking about who this guy was, his ears were shaken by the voice of another person. Next, he didn't hear a word. The system prompted that he was in "tingling". After a long time, this state was lifted. When he opened his eyes, he saw a face full of beard, which scared Situ Hao. A jump.

"It's okay. There was no accident. Otherwise, I will definitely be scolded by Brother Baihe." When the bearded man saw Situ Hao open his eyes, he suddenly said with great joy. Although his voice was still very loud, he was no longer attacking.

Situ Hao smiled and said nothing. Whether it is the "nine-wheel sword" containing swordsmanship, the NPC Rui Xinghai who was "understanding" before, or the beard NPC in front of him, he is not the person he can offend at present.

"It turns out that the family is Rui Xinghai, and Zhang Baihe are collectively known as Jiantang Xinghe. Although they also respect the way of killing, they don't like each other. Each has a vote of supporters in Jiantang. Sure enough, the mountains are everywhere! I was called by Zhang Baihe. It seems that I will be on the hill of Zhang Baihe in the future. I still don't want to cheat for the time being.

I made up my mind. The next step was to talk to the bearded NPC "Ao Bao". Ao Bao had understood the "sword meaning". Jin Dan's early cultivation, although he lived for hundreds of thousands of people, he was still very simple. He talked happily with Situ Hao. During the conversation, Situ Hao was taken by Ao Bao all the way. Fly up and finally reach the 99th floor, which is also the top floor.

Zhang Baihe is an extremely harsh person. He never talks nonsense and asks about Situ Hao's experience with a cold face. Although the magic pupil sword has been embedded in the "God Shepherd King's Book" and expressed as the "Magic Pupil Shepherd King Sword", it is still seen by Zhang Baihe.

"Magic Pupil Shepherd King Sword? Oh, it's an interesting illusory thing, but the illusory is illusory after all. Have you ever seen that sword? Then you should know that the sword seed itself is an illusory consciousness. If it is not embedded in the physical object, it will be like a soul without flesh/body, and will eventually dissipate between heaven and earth.

Although your sword species is embedded in the physical object, it is not a weapon, but a very strange treasure, which makes you get an illusory magic pupil king sword. Although the guaranteed sword species will not dissipate, it is not a real sword after all. If your soul can integrate the sword, you'd better find a sword of good quality. Integrate, and your magic pupil king sword is the real sword.

"Thank you for your guidance."

In fact, these Situhao know. The jade slips of the "Shenmu Wangdian Restoration and Use" given to him by Emperor Yan, as well as the messages of the reborn guests, made him know enough about his "Shenmu Wangdian", and all his spirits are also concentrated on the "Shenmu Wangdian", which is the foundation of his foothold and whether he can make a lot of money. Qian showed off his support in front of his ex-girlfriend.

Of course, Zhang Baihe instructed him when he met for the first time. Thank you very much. If you really don't know the details, this advice is still quite valuable.

"If you have a sword seed, it will automatically be under the jurisdiction of Jiantang. This is the rule. This sword heart building token needs to be collected, and the benefits and responsibilities are notified through this token."

Zhang Baihe explained something without any nonsense. After saying that, he waved his robe and sent Situ Hao out of the floor. Situ Hao slowly fell down and didn't stop until he fell to the 5th floor, which means that he can only move between 1 and 5 floors in the future. If he wants to go to a higher floor, just like a company employee, secret beard You can only be promoted.

"In this way, after the player gets the seed, he will be known by the upper level of the secret fairy palace after a period of time, and then send a letter to summon him to become a formal secret fairy palace disciple, but he is only an ordinary disciple. Well, if I get more seeds in the future, won't I go to more halls?"

Of course, this is impossible. Every hall will have benefits. If players participate in seven halls, doesn't it mean getting seven benefits? The system will definitely not leave such a bug, so it is still necessary to choose a hall in the end.

"Is the sword heart building token obtained and integrated into the infinite jade pendant?"

"It has been integrated into the infinite jade pendant, and the details are being opened..."

"The token of Jianxin Building, the identity certificate of the official disciple of the Secret Fairy Palace. You are currently a white disciple. You can receive 10 blood pills, 10 Huiling pills, and 1 lower crystal every day. You can receive 5 tasks in the hall, 3 tasks in the palace, and 1 task in the secret place of the middle palace."

"Responsibilities: You are currently not getting any position and have nothing to do."


ID: Wet local tycoon.

Race: human race.

Creation: the early stage of light.

School: Secret Fairy Palace - Jianxin Tower.

Title: Tongsheng.


attributes: 10/10 of physique, 11/10 of divine consciousness, 10/10 of strength, 10/10 of root bone = 10/10 of defense, 10/10 of agility, 5/10 of muscle strength.

Free attribute allocation point: 0

Infinite attributes: understanding 100, hexagrams, inheritance, merit

Talent Magic: Amoeba


Spell column: 4/6 - Spell 1: Shepherd's whip double entanglement, spell 2: pure food Qingming spell, spell 3: Shepherd King's heart formula, spell 4: 360 hand hexagram magic, 5 pastoral fusion magic formula, 6 Shennong seal engraving.

Battle skill column: 1/3 - combat skill 1: big monument fan hand.

Equip column: 8/9 - Equipment 1: Long sword. Equipment 5-8: Jailbreak suit.

Jewelry bar: 0/6

Treasure Column: 3/3 - Treasure 1: Divine Shepherd King's Book. Treasure 2: Sound Ring. Treasure 3: Boomerang. Treasure 4: Spell Book. Treasure 5: Heavy rune pen.


Infinite jade pendant: integrated shelter crystal (battle type, team function), storage props (150 grids (26/150)), Zhongzhou map, Jianxin Building token

crystal jade: 10 pieces of crystal jade

----- reputation----

Race reputation: human 0, ghost 0, demon 0, demon 0, spirit 0. Racial contribution: human 0, ghost 0, demon 0, demon 0, spirit 0.

The reputation of the Secret Fairy Palace: 100. Contribution of the Secret Fairy Palace: 0.

--------Point Volume----------

Secret point:35,000.

Secret Volume: 0.