Infinite Secret Land of Online Games

Chapter 056 Under

Because the world belongs to the existence of BUG, it is not under the jurisdiction of the heaven, and it is not limited by difficulty, that is, there is no difficulty area limit. Those NPCs with high cultivation can naturally enter and exit freely; this means that where Situ Hao is at this time, there may be high cultivation at any time. NPC, and Situ Hao is naturally clear about this.

Although it is clear, Situ Hao does not pay attention to it. He is ready. What is he prepared for?

"Come on, come and take my Taoist seed. I have made preparations. Even if I fail, I will lose the Taoist seed and will not be erased. If I can successfully save my Taoist seed, hehe." Thinking of the benefits that he would get if he succeeded in keeping Taoism, Situ Hao couldn't help laughing at the sky.

"You only have 25 minutes to save your life. As long as you can survive and fight for your Taoist NPC, you will be punished by heaven. At the same time, the superior cabinet, the senior level of the Secret Fairy Palace, will also be furious and deprive these NPCs of their cultivation, and all the wealth in these NPC families will be handed over to you. Go."

"Of course, you can't get 100%. The upper cabinet will also receive some rewards, and the hall you join also needs to be rewarded. You can finally get almost 35%, and this 35% is enough for you to be crazy." Reborn guest message.

The divine shepherd king's code is made by Emperor Yan. Situ Hao has embedded the sword seed into the divine shepherd king's code. Therefore, if you want to seize his sword seed, you must deprive it from the divine shepherd king's code, but this is bound to damage the divine shepherd king's code, and the statue of Emperor Yan's law hidden in the king's book will also be taken action.

What is Emperor Yan's cultivation? Quasi-saint! And these NPCs who took action must be the cultivation below the Jindan period. There is no need to do it when the Yandifa statue comes out. With the momentum of quasi-sainthood, it is enough to scare these NPCs to pee.

And the reborn guests are also very clear about the means of NPC to seize Taoism. In the golden elixir period in the secret fairy palace, who does not have a descendant to live in the lower district, and there are countless descendants who have not formed a golden elixir.

Therefore, a junior in the enlightening period unexpectedly became a formal disciple and became a brother with these NPCs in the Jindan period. Even if the NPC did not have any thoughts, he would feel unbalanced in his heart, and he ignored the matter of calculating Situhao.

Because of this mentality, there is an extremely bad relationship between NPCs and players in later generations. Situ Hao also speculated that there should be a reason why players delayed the war plot. Anyway, the NPC of Jianxinlou acquiesced in this action, and Situ Hao had a message from the reborn guest, which was very clear, so he did not refuse the task of "sending letters".

Zong Qingyi will definitely not know about this matter. As the elder of Jianxin Tower and the elder of the human race who practiced in the divine period, he has experienced many "Battle of China". Human monks like him are trying their best to cultivate descendants.

When Situ Hao pretended to carelessly raise monsters, only a hundred steps away from him, it seemed empty and extremely spacious, but in fact there were seven large arrays. These arrays had an invisible effect, and Situ Hao's cultivation was very low, which was naturally invisible.

Wuzong, the head of the Wu clan, looked at the other six people with an extremely ugly face. He knew these six people. Everyone lived in the area of Qinglong Street, the secret fairy palace. They usually looked up and looked down, but now they all looked at each other with hatred.

"Bassman", Wuzong cursed in his heart as a spell dealer. His "exorcism" was an orange-level spell, which cost him nearly 30,000 secret points to buy, and the spell dealer also said that it was the only one. The other two silent masters are probably scolded in their hearts, but they are all hostile at this time. It's better to wait until they go back alive to settle accounts.

Zhan Yue dares to perform the "blood fog hand" at this time. This technique is naturally not as simple as ordinary martial arts. Just because the fishy wind emitted without it can produce a dizziness effect, it makes Wuzong and other six people dare not underestimate it. Therefore, after dispelling the fishy wind, Wuzong and other six people dare not delay any more. They cast spells and attack together. Xiang Zhanyue.


"B bastard."

Unexpectedly, Zhan Yue did not hit the "blood fog hand" on the six people, but directly hit the dizzy Situ Hao. Then before the magic attack of the six people of Wuzong, he threw Situ Hao into the air, and he threw a "escaping charm" again and went straight out of the encirclement.

Wuzong and other six people will naturally not take care of Zhan Yue. They are vigilant and explore Situhao one after another. Even if it is not the later cultivation of spiritual silence, there are many means to explore through the air. Therefore, although the six people did not contact Situhao, they all used their own means to explore Situhao's state - death.

Is it really dead?

Wu Zong and others are not sure that in case the blood fog hands have the means to fake death, then, after they leave, Zhan Yue will come back to deprive the Taoist species, won't these six people fall into the trap? If you wait here, there will be no punishment. The problem is that they also come from the mortal world. Therefore, if a strong man in the Journey to the West passes by and destroys their six periods of spiritual silence, it is also very easy.

Wu Zong and six others are indecisive, but Situ Hao's dizzy time has passed. He also received a reminder that he was caught in a "blood fog" and was falling into a "fake death" state. The system asked him whether to enter the "hang-up space" or continue to stay in the game. Situ Hao naturally wants to stay in the game. If he is in a suspended animation state, He can't solve it himself, but if an NPC can solve it, he can make a hint.

"MB, it's not good for seven people to come at a time. If there is one, he has already begun to strip off the Taoist species, so the statue of Emperor Yan in the divine shepherd's code has also been touched early."

Situ Hao lay on the ground and cursed secretly. Whether he can get significant benefits depends not on whether he is attacked, but on whether the "seism spell" must be used. Otherwise, it will not constitute the "crime of seed. These six NPCs will not be punished by heaven, and the superior cabinet will not start the punishment procedure.

Therefore, Situ Hao hopes that only one NPC will come to seize the seed. In this way, the seed capture spell will start long ago.

"Wang", I don't know if it was an illusion. Situ Hao heard the sound of water. At the same time, he suddenly found that he felt very cool, and it was impossible to feel cool in the state of suspended animation, which made Situhao realize that he was no longer in a suspended state, so he quickly moaned in a low voice.

"He's not dead, hahaha."

One of the six NPCs laughed, and the laughter was not settled. He had already taken Situ Hao in his hand, and then several of them were jubilant and ran far away. At this time, the other five came to their senses and quickly used their methods to chase them.

"B bastard, how can you make a sound?" After the six NPCs left, Zhan Yue also emerged from the hiding place. He knew that his blood fog hand would be cracked, but he calculated Situ Hao's reaction. In his opinion, even if Situ Hao, a junior, was awakened, he would not dare to make a sound. As long as Situ Hao did not make a sound, the blood fog he used could continue to cover up Situ. Hao's "life".

Thousands of calculations, I didn't count that the "owner" was so stupid. Zhan Yue sighed and took a look at the time hourglass. There are still 20 minutes left before this time limit. It takes 5 minutes to deprive Taoist spells to prepare, that is to say, in the next 10 to 15 minutes, seven of them must decide to win. Negative.

Zhan Yue did not dare to delay any more and galloped in the direction of Wuzong and six others.