Infinite Secret Land of Online Games

Chapter 057 Each shows its magical power

The divine consciousness was invaded, and Situ Hao's vision was blinded. He could not see everything in front of him, and he had no time to see it. At this time, he needed to focus on the protection of his divine consciousness. The original treasure is the protector of the divine consciousness. Without the original treasure, the defense of the divine consciousness is extremely fragile and difficult to prevent. Those spells specifically aimed at "divine consciousness".

The shepherd Wangdian formed a defense against the foreign enemy at the first time. A week after Situhao operated the "Wang's Heart Tips", like his eyes covered by some sticky object, suddenly came a sense of coolness. Situ Hao opened his eyes hard, and the scene in front of him slowly became clear.

The earth is like being passed by an excavator or a compactor. The pothole, about 10,000 meters away from the battlefield, has also been affected. The town that was originally covered by green trees has collapsed. The panicked townspeople are running around, either saving people, robbing property, or fighting fires. For these mortals, it is not Knowing that the previous earthquake was done by seven monks 10,000 meters away.

After all, the landing flag is still solidly inserted into the soil, and the surrounding aura is sucked into the flag and becomes a black aura. Every time the black aura reaches a full point, it will condense a face, and faces full of various negative emotions will gushe out from the flag.

It was a human face that invaded Situ Hao's divine consciousness. Situ Hao also understood the intention of the owner of the landing flag. Situ Hao understood, and the other six masters would not understand it. Therefore, the transformation of the team was extremely fast. Originally, the three masters who were with the owner of the landing flag immediately joined hands with Wuzong, Zhan Yue and other three people to work together. Fight against the owner of the landing flag.

Unfortunately, the owner of the landing flag is good at calculating. He himself knows the weakness of the "landing flag". Before landing, this flag is slag, and all those who know its characteristics will not allow it to land. Therefore, the owner of the landing flag needs to unite the other three people and let these three people help him resist Wuzong and other three People, let the landing flag land safely and form a battle.

The three teammates in front of the landing flag are not fools. They will help the landing flag successfully before because they know very well that the landing flag does not have the ability to "grab props"; that is to say, the landing flag absorbs the surrounding aura to form a black aura ghost face. These black faces should not attack Situhao's consciousness, otherwise, It is impossible for these three masters to help each other fall to the ground.

From this point of view, the owner of the landing flag should have hidden the means. Now that the landing flag is solid, he no longer hides his thoughts and starts to take action against Situ Hao.

Situhao wanted to howl with tears on his face and say, "Nima, I finally did it". Although it only took about 10 minutes before and after the time, he was deeply trapped in a group of masters in the silent period. It is difficult to imagine whether he would be bombardated into scum the next second. Such fear is actually more tortured than the fight with a real knife * People also have the feeling of living like a year, so Situ Hao is indeed very tired and hard in these 10 minutes.

The Shepherd's secret runs day after day, and the surrounding aura is absorbed into the body and transported to the divine consciousness. The divine pastoral king's book in the divine consciousness converts these auras into spiritual power, but the upper limit of Situ Hao's divine consciousness attributes is "11". If the spiritual power exceeds 11 capacity, it is naturally discharged from the body, thus by spiritual power However, it disbanded into Reiki.

Situhao's plan is to let the other party seize the Taoist species. Once the other party breaks through the last defense line of the Shenmu Wang Dian, the statue hidden in the Wang Dian will appear, so as to wipe out the enemy's invasion of spiritual power in one fell swoop. If the spiritual power is erased, it will form an anti-eating force, and the enemy will be seriously injured. Situ Hao can pick up a lot of bargains.

It's just that it's deadlocked now. He can order the shepherd Wangdian to give up defense, but this is extremely dangerous. Although the shepherd Wangdian has intelligence, it doesn't count. If it thinks that giving up is trusting black spiritual power, and even the last defense is put away, then the image of Emperor Yan will not appear. The final result is Situ Hao. The Taoist species was really deprived by the other party.

Therefore, Situ Hao did not dare to interfere with the divine shepherd Wangdian, and he did not dare to give up the operation of the mind method and give up the operation of the mind method, which will cut off the spiritual power. If the divine shepherd Wangdian does not receive spiritual power, it will not form a defense and will definitely be broken. However, the risk of doing this is the same as ordering the Shenmu Wangdian to give up defense. Yes, ghosts don't know whether the divine shepherd Wangdian will misunderstand anything, so it is most annoying to have "intelligent" and low-level treasures!

"Actually, I have drilled the horns. As long as I am not taken away from the road, I can sue this matter as soon as the secret place comes. This is actually the same as the appearance of Emperor Yan's Law to protect me and repel the enemy. Therefore, what I have to do now is to resist desperately."

I didn't expect that so many NPC masters would come out to rob Taoism. Situ Hao thought that his consciousness would be broken soon, so he had been looking forward to the statue of Emperor Yan to come out to save the scene. But now the situation is different. Wuzong and other six masters besieged the owner of the landing flag. Although the owner of the landing flag entered a spell, He became a "grabbing seed", but he was overwhelmed by the attack of six masters, so he could not carry out follow-up actions.

But no matter what, the spell has formed a "separation" fact, and Situhao can sue the "shangren cabinet" of the Secret Fairy Palace to investigate the matter and obtain compensation.

The black spiritual power without subsequent supplementary power was slowly removed by the spiritual power of the divine shepherd Wangdian. After the last line was clear, Situ Hao felt light all over. "System prompt: Your divine consciousness has been refined, and the upper limit of your divine consciousness attribute has been increased by 5 points."

"Damn it, is there any benefit?" When Situhao felt comfortable, he was immediately stunned when he heard this prompt, and then shouted with great joy. The reborn guest did not say this!

It is said that the reborn guest did not say this because Ya has not experienced seed capture. You should know that players are not stupid. After realizing that they will be captured only after leaving the mortal world, many players complete the letter delivery task and return directly to Zhongzhou without giving NPC a chance to seize seed. This is the case in future generations of the reborn guests, so they don't know how to Resisting the attack, the divine consciousness will be refined, thus obtaining the upper limit of 5 points.

In addition to joy, Situ Hao suddenly shivered. He glanced to the left side and saw a pair of murderous eyes. Situ Hao felt bad and immediately threw out a "dunedance" and disappeared in the same place in an instant. However, he was fast, and Zhan Yue was not slow to kill him, not to mention Zhan Yue's cultivation was higher than his. Therefore, when Situ Hao escapes a kilometer away, he spit out several mouthfuls of blood.

"Kill him quickly. This boy has been calculating us from beginning to end. He must know the rules of seed capture." Zhan Yue shouted.

The masters who were still attacking the landing flag were stunned when they heard the words, but they were seized by the opportunity by the landing flag owner and gave them a fierce move. The five masters were suddenly furious by this blow. In addition, Zhan Yue's words were a little unclear, and they did not find Situhao's absence, so the five masters again Act on spells and fight with the owner of the landing flag.

Zhan Yue flashed to the place where Situhao vomited blood before. When he found that Situhao had run out of thousands of meters away again, he snorted coldly and flashed over again, but the boy had a thousand meters away. Zhan Yue had an impulse to spit blood. Damn it, how many escape charms does this boy have? Also, when did the escape charm become a rune on the street?

"You..." If those masters can be besieged, the boy will definitely not escape, but Zhan Yue only glanced and knew that the five were angry with the owners of the landing flag. If the practitioners were angry, it would be difficult to stop them. Unless a high-cultivated person comes to forcibly separate, otherwise, those with similar strength is likely to die together in the end.

Zhan Yue did not dare to stop him. He was also in the late stage of spiritual silence. When he attacked the owner of the landing flag before, he did not do his best. The other five people did not do their best. Everyone was guard against each other, but only he was also paying attention to Situ Hao while guarding others. Of course, he did not know that Wuzong was also paying attention.

However, Wuzong was slapped by the owner of the landing flag, and his body was mixed with black spiritual power, which made Wuzong extremely angry. As soon as the fire came up, he forgot the matter of Situhao, so that Situhao could constantly escape per kilometer and keep the distance, which also made Zhan Yue chase Situhao alone in the end.