Infinite Secret Land of Online Games

Chapter 066 Magic, Method, Tao

"Name: Shepherd whip double entanglement. Type: Attack. Specification: Universal. Grade: green level. Proficiency level: intensive research. Realm: Taoism. Effect: Contains winding effect. After entangling the enemy, it will produce 2 seconds of confinement and consume spiritual power: 15. Application time: 2 seconds, cooling time: 20 seconds.

"It's strange that there was no setting of realm before!" I don't know that the main plot is a rookie who promotes the big update of the game. Looking at the introduction of the pastoral whip, he muttered puzzled, but soon he gave up his in-depth research. He still has many questions to ask the master.

The things left by the reborn guest are too profound for Situ Hao. Situ Hao remembers the content well, but his understanding of the game is actually very simple. Being able to get to this point, it has a crucial relationship with him playing games step by step according to the arrangement of the reborn guest.

But Situ Hao is not an idiot or a puppet. He knows very well that he can't go smoothly according to the arrangement of the reborn guests, and there will be many accidents in the middle. For example, he was originally going to walk all the way to the "Yanmen Pass" where the "Xiucai area" is located, but he didn't go halfway because He was beaten back for all kinds of accidents.

In addition, the emergence of "immortalless" in the first volume of the main plot has not experienced it, and it is even more impossible to provide any "plug-ins" for him, which makes Situ Hao more and more worried. Therefore, Situhao is still very happy to hold the thigh of Luo Shifu, the head of the upper cabinet.

The value of true disciples is not only reflected in the tilt of resources, but also in the "information" one step ahead of others, such as the information of this spell, magic, Taoism, and all the information after the update of "Immortal".

Generally speaking, this update is to let unlimited players know the direction they have to struggle for in the game. Of course, professional players come in to make money, but making money can only be regarded as one direction. Playing well in the game is also a direction, and this good thing naturally needs to push the plot forward. Otherwise, it is very Many things are collected in the warehouse, but I don't know what they are for.

5,000 heavenly soldiers brought 5 million secret income to Situ Hao. With such a crazy income, I think the senior management of the game company will step up the exploration of Situ Hao. However, Situ Hao doesn't need to worry about this. All he knows is that he has made a fortune now. Although 5 million secret points are converted to only 500,000 yuan, he is now extremely short of money.

Situ Hao still didn't mean to transfer the money to reality. He first returned to his other courtyard in Qingzhou. The steamed buns and empty wounds in the coffin were not there. The two guys ran to fight the monsters. However, the boss called, even if they were "banging", the two would come back immediately.

"I have made an investment, almost 3 million secret points, short, how do you think I should use this investment?"

Of course, he would not be stupid to ask where the investment came from, but he had not received instructions before, so he did not prepare in time. Now Situ Hao asked so suddenly, and the dream could not answer for a moment. He scratched his head and said, "Boss, where is your focus? War or internal affairs?

"War means to recruit troops and horses, and at the same time equip soldiers and horses to improve combat effectiveness; in terms of internal affairs, it is to improve the grade of medicine fields and other grades, so that they can change from earning crystals to earning secret points as soon as possible."

"Baozi, what route do you take?"

When Baozi heard the boss's inquiry in the coffin, he was secretly relieved. The boss was a rookie and did not make a follow-up designation after recruiting him. You should know that Baozi positioned himself as a hitman, so he needed Situhao to plan his future.

The professional players recruited are actually a little similar to NPC. In the game, they need to absolutely follow the boss's instructions and die for the boss. Of course, if the boss violates the agreement, professional players can also file a complaint, as long as they pay a fee to join the virtual game union in reality. The player is equivalent to getting the license of a professional player.

Then, they are qualified to sign agreements with people in virtual dramas. If they do not have the license of the "virtual game union", they are illegal workers, and all interests are not protected by the system.

Both parties who answered the agreement, all behavior data in the game are recorded by the system. As for the offline secret transactions, they are not under the control of the system. Whether they eat inside and outside the game, seek to seize the main assets or do something else, the super AI of the system can be deduced or recovered through various signs. In the end, it is innocent or fair to all parties.

Therefore, professional players who have signed the agreement rarely play tricks. Of course, if the boss is too harsh and unpopular, professional players can get freedom by tearing up the agreement through the system.

"Sword cultivation."

"You also play sword cultivation! That's good. Come on, I'll draw a map for you. If you go to the outer world and find the tomb of the sword, you will sacrifice the sword. Whether you can enter the secret world of enlightenment depends on your luck. Even if you don't succeed for the first time, you can come a few more times.

The steamed bun in the coffin suddenly trembled with excitement. Everyone knew that his boss had a Taoist breed, but how to get the Taoist breed and what steps were in the middle, his boss revealed very little. Therefore, how could he not be excited to hear such detailed information at this time?

After giving Baozi 100,000 secret points, he turned another 3 million secret points to the empty and broken dream. The empty and broken dream shouted with resentment: "Boss, I'm playing array cultivation. Let me also practice!"

"If you help me recruit a master of internal affairs, I will set you free."

The boss left such a sentence and left straight away.

It must be false to say that these employees don't worry about taking the secret points but do not follow the boss's instructions, but the game has many similarities with reality. Whether the company's employees will do their best to work for the boss is a difficult thing. What the boss can do is nothing more than using people. If they have merit, they will be rewarded and punished. .

Of course, job-hopping in reality requires a price. Betrayal in the virtual world costs more. After all, the betrayal in the virtual world is more hidden and unpredictable.

As an open man, Situ Hao doesn't care about these. He leaves professional things to be handled by professionals. This is what he realized after working for the two of them. Therefore, he throws something he doesn't understand to others to deal with and does what he is good at.

So, what is Situ Hao good at?

The answer is: grazing.

Situ Hao has never forgotten one of the artifacts he dominates the game, and the other artifact is the "rebirth guest message". These two artifacts are full of confidence, and the Shenmu Wangdian seems to be very functional, but its core is "pastoral", whether it is shepherd, demon, demon, or Weird.

From the "Yuying Palace Battle" that caused havoc in the Heavenly Palace, he got the monster with the blood of three fairy beasts. Because the secret place of the Yuying Palace battle was cleared, the whole secret place was "solidified" somewhere in the main world, so that Situ Hao did not pay any secret point and got the shepherd of the blood of the three fairy beasts.

After the former owl, snake and many strange birds, no matter what their previous cultivation was, they were brought to the main world and raised in Wang Dian's pasture, their state was all into eggs, three fairy beast eggs.

Incubating animal eggs is a very simple thing, especially in the case that the shepherd king has been repaired, you only need to sing a pastoral song to hatch three fairy animal eggs, but before he finds a place with a high aura index and no high-quality forage, Situ Hao does not intend to hatch them.

After becoming a true disciple of the Secret Fairy Palace, Situ Hao found that the regional aura index in the upper area of the Secret Fairy Palace was above 8, and the mountains were full of excellent quality herbs. Therefore, with his identity as a true disciples, Situ Hao sneaked to a medicinal mountain, hatched three pets, and let them eat those products. Herbs of quality above the purple level.

After eating a few, he heard a roar. Situ Hao was shocked and quickly withdrew the three fairy beasts into the pasture, and then stood there pretending to be afraid. As soon as his fearful expression appeared, a dark shadow fell in front of him.

"Are you a wet local tycoon?"

The nine bosses of the upper cabinet have seen it. It must not be the black and thin old man in front of him. Situ Hao raised his chin arrogantly and said, "I am."

"Did you destroy the herbs here?"

"Things can be eaten randomly, and words can't be said indiscriminately. My hands are clean, and there is no aura fluctuation around. What does the destruction of herbs have to do with me?"

grade herbs are definitely not the same as ordinary herbs. Because they are grown by absorbing the aura of heaven and earth, they also need to use some means when picking them. No matter what means they are, as long as the monks use them, they must cause an imbalance of the surrounding aura. Therefore, they should check whether to fight When racking or tracking others, it will be judged according to the activity and chaos of Reiki.

"I am Tian Yu, the elder of the Herb Hall. You are a true disciple. I respect your brother."

"I copy, this old man is at least hundreds of thousands of years old, and he is still a cultivation in the early days of Jindan. How can he call me brother? Is the generation of real disciples so high?"

Situ Hao was surprised, but he said, "I dare not, I dare not."

"Like the local tycoon said, there is no aura fluctuation here, and there is no sign of casting spells in my brother's hands. Therefore, there should be someone else who destroyed the herbs here. I would like to ask my brother to investigate with me. Is it feasible?"

Situhao felt that Guoyu, a thin old man, always had a sense of treachery up and down, but now he was caught by Tian Yu's words, so he had no choice but to nod and agree. How can they also respectfully call him a senior brother? If he hadn't called him brother, Situ Hao would have left his face and run away.

"Sure enough, he is old and not a thief."

Following Tian Yu all the way to Yaoshan, he found that he could not find the way to come. Naturally, Situ Hao, who had experienced a lot, would not panic. He realized that he should have walked into a formation. Fortunately, there was no danger. Tian Yu in front of him still walked forward step by step, and Situhao had to suppress his doubts. Keep walking.

This is the Secret Fairy Palace. He is a true disciple. Situ Hao is worried about everything, but he is not worried about being killed. With his life, his heart and courage are naturally very open. Situ Hao, who can't find the way to come, also has leisure to look around the scenery. Of course, he actually wants to see if he has experienced this. Types of arrays.

As long as he has experienced this formation, then the system will prompt him how to break the array. That is to say, there are countless arrays in the world. As long as he has broken it, he can break it in the future without too much effort.