Infinite Secret Land of Online Games

Chapter 068 True Disciple Next

The area of the Secret Fairy Palace accounts for one-third of the Central State. Among the three palaces of the Secret Immortals, the Secret Fairy Palace is the largest. All kinds of grass-roots institutions are in the Secret Fairy Palace. The area of the Secret Fairy Palace is the smallest. Jianxin Building, Fuzhuan Hall, ware Pavilion, Danyuan, Guaxiang Xingxiangtai, Zhenshi Camp and Tai Hospital. The headquarters of the seven major professions are all The palace of secret immortals, these seven buildings cover the whole palace of secret immortals.

Naturally, there are many buildings in the Secret Immortal Palace, such as Cabinet Mountain, Tibetan Sutra Pavilion, Precept Hall, etc. In addition to these buildings, the Secret Immortal Palace occupies the most part of Lingtian, pottery workshop and so on.

If the Secret Fairy Lower Palace is the concentration of the reserve force of the Secret Fairy Palace, the Secret Fairy Middle Palace is the location of the army of the Secret Fairy Palace, while the Secret Fairy Upper Palace is a logistics production base and a command base.

This setting of forbidden land is a must, and true disciples have the right to enter the forbidden land. In addition to the nine rulers of the upper cabinet, this right can only be held by true disciples. Therefore, when Tian Yu asked "where the forbidden land is", Situ Hao knew what the old guy was thinking.

"Brother, let's not mention what you let me do in the forbidden place. I just want to ask, what's the price?"

Tian Yu narrowed her eyes as soon as she heard this and said to herself, "I really didn't see this son wrong. He is really bold and careless!" The copper money eye here means that Situ Hao sees that the money is open and he is careful. It seems that Tian Yu has also clearly understood Situhao after more than two hours.

Of course, this is not the place to show the price, but Tian Yu let Situhao see the benefits of "spiritual food" and it is not without intention. As a spiritual planter monk, he can take out nothing more than high-quality seeds or "recipe" and so on.

It is extremely difficult to improve proficiency in the early stage, because the spiritual power of players is very low. Basically, with one or two spells, the spiritual power will bottom out. If you eat the elixir, not to mention the economy is not economical. If you use a spell alone, the proficiency has not increased, and the more times you need to increase the number of times later.

Proficiency level: primary, intermediate, advanced, intensive research, great success, peak.

It can be used 10 times to complete the primary level, 100 times to complete the intermediate level, 1000 times to complete the advanced level, 10 million times to complete the intensive research, 100,000 times to complete the success, 1 million times to complete the peak.

Seeing such data must be dizzy. Not dizzy is a nervous species, and whether it is reasonable is also the focus of discussion among many players. If you only rely on the number of battles, it must be unreasonable, but if there is the cooperation of spiritual food, props, etc., it is extremely reasonable.

Xiang Situhao gained 10% proficiency by eating a few dishes in Yipin Building before. This 10% certainly cannot be used in junior high school and senior high school. Only when used above is it can it be considered as value for money. According to Tian Yu, a dish can improve proficiency 10 times. The first time you eat it is 10%, and the 10th time it is 1%. The price of spiritual food in Yipin Building is 1000 secret place for one dish. In other terms, this Nima is 100 yuan per dish!

Therefore, it is definitely not a matter to go to the restaurant. You have to cook it yourself. There is no sub-occupation like a cook in the game. As long as there are recipes and ingredients, everyone is a top chef. The problem is that the recipe is difficult to obtain.

The five levels of spiritual food, magic, magic, immortality and Taoism represent the difference in the upper limit of consumption. A dish can be eaten 10 times, a dish at the magic level can be eaten 20 times, 50 times at the divine level, 100 times at the fairy level, and there is no limit on the number of times at the Tao level.

"How about the French-level spiritual food recipe?"

"How many?"

"15 pieces."

"Brother, you won't fool me, will you? So many? No, there are only magic-level spiritual food on the market. You have 15 magic-level spiritual food recipes. It is impossible that there is no such as Yipin Building. Then, it can only show that magic-level ingredients are relatively easy to get, while magic-level spiritual food is relatively difficult. Therefore, there are only magic-level spiritual food on the market.

"Wow, brother, why did you suddenly become smart?"


Tian Yu's residence is not in that Yaoshan. He is only responsible for the management and planting of that Yaoshan. Situ Hao's three pets stole the herbs he managed, and the loss was recorded on Tian Yu's head. If Tian Yu hadn't asked Situ Hao, Situ Hao would definitely have compensated.

After walking around the bamboo building, Situ Hao felt that Tian Yu, a bamboo building, was very stylish, and as a pseudo-local tycoon, he also needed to approach the high-quality, so he asked Tian Yu for architectural drawings; as long as he collected all the materials and threw the architectural drawings on the ground, the house would be built in a short time. .

"There is no need to build it. Brother, there is a good thing here. Just give it to your brother."

"Treasure name: Bamboo Building. Quality: Green level. Function: Leisure. Number of people: 1. Area: 20 square meters. Details: It can be used as a treasure for rest in the wild, which only has a rest effect. Effect: meditation. For those who rest in the bamboo building, the recovery rate of spiritual power increased by 120%.

This treasure is actually quite useless. It has no attack effect or defense effect, let alone has the effect of storage or Tibetan. Of course, if it really has these effects, Tian Yu can't give it to Situ Hao so generously.

"It's better than nothing."

muttered in his heart that Situ Hao put away the treasure "Bamboo Building" and then began to look at 15 spiritual food recipes. Under Situhao's strong protest, Tian Yu had to take out 5 magic-level spiritual food recipes, plus 10 French-level spiritual food recipes.

Sure enough, as Situ Hao expected, he knows the ingredients on the magic-level spiritual food formula, and he doesn't know at least two-thirds of the ingredients of the French-level spiritual food formula. He is an open man. If he doesn't even know two-thirds of them, then other players probably don't know them.

Naturally, it is impossible for the reborn guest to tell Situhao about the shapes and attributes of hundreds of millions of materials. He only needs to tell Situhao where to buy books such as "hundred grass scores" or "thousands of medicine books". Situhao printed these books into the jade slips, and then through divine reading, the contents of the jade slips are in the divine consciousness. Leave a memory. Once you find that you are familiar with a medicinal material, you can find it with a little inspection, which is very convenient.

As for the names of the ingredients on the French-level formula, Situ Hao glanced at only one-third of them with a sense of familiarity, and the rest had no impression. Among the nearly 10,000 kinds of materials, there was no information about these materials, which naturally meant that these legal ingredients were rare and difficult to obtain.

Tian Yu killed and refused to replace the formula. There seemed to be a lot of magic-level spiritual food formulas, but there were almost nothing circulating on the market. All those who got the formula hid it. "This can't be rubbed. If I give you a few, it means that I can't cook these spiritual foods myself." Tian Yu shouted in a high tone.

Situ Hao expressed puzzlement.

"Brother! Only after using the formula means that you know how to cook, and the spiritual food recipe cannot be rubed. You should pay attention to the paper and ink used in the spiritual food formula are rare materials and rare ink jade, and the way of recording is also extremely strange.

"Then I don't understand. If the formula can't be rubbing, how can it be passed down and left out?" Situ Hao shrugged his shoulders and said.

"You don't understand, and I don't understand either. If you and I know what to say, why do we need to discuss sneaking into the forbidden place? You only need to write a few recipes every day. Even if the cultivation is low, it can be respected. Even the four different ethnic groups are estimated to attack Zhongzhou and take us away. Tian Yu laughed.

Well, this is probably because the main plot has not advanced, so the unexplained reason. After Situ Hao shrugged his shoulders again, he put away the things, and then said to Tian Yu, "Say, what do you want me to steal in the forbidden area?"

"What are you talking about stealing! Just let you put these three seeds in the medicine field in the eastern part of the forbidden land.

Each of the three seeds has the size of an eye glass bead, and the colors are red, black and blue. There is no sense of familiarity in your hand, indicating that you have never seen it, and the system has no prompt to appear, indicating that there is no task correlation and no specific introduction, indicating that the danger is unknown.

The rookie is ignorant and fearless. There are only benefits in his eyes. The rookie who receives the benefits will keep his promise. Tian Yu did not ask Situhao to swear to the precepts hall, so he gave him the benefits first, which made Situ Hao quite moved. When he left Tian Yu's place and entered the forbidden place, he remembered that he could not go to the precept hall at all. Swear, otherwise, won't you turn yourself in?

There are several forbidden entrances of the Secret Fairy Palace. Situ Hao did not know. Less than 3 hours after he became a true disciple, he knew that he had the right to enter the forbidden place, or Tian Yu, an old man, told him. Naturally, the location of the entrance was also sued by Tian Yu. Therefore, Situ Hao also knows a forbidden entrance at present.

There is no one guarding the entrance. Only a beast-shaped statue stands there. When you get close, you will find that the beast-shaped statue is extremely majestic. Its lion-headed snake body and snake body are rolled up, so I don't know how long it is. Just looking at its lion's head is twice as big as Situ Hao's whole body. You can imagine this lion's head. How powerful is the monster in the snake's body?

"Those who come stop."

When he was about to step into the entrance of the forbidden land, he was ejected by a gentle force for about five steps, and then a gentler voice sounded. Situ Hao looked around and couldn't find anyone to speak. Finally, he looked at the monster on the lion-headed snake and asked, "Lion-headed brother, are you talking to me?"

"I am the Warcraft lion guarding the forbidden land. If you want to enter, please show the token."

"Warcraft? Does it mean that monsters are demonized?

"No, monsters are monsters, and monsters are monsters."

"What's the difference?"

"Monsters are not wise, and monsters are born with wisdom, so the two cannot be equalized."

"I heard that monsters have demon elixir and monsters have magic cores. Which one is better?"

"Do you have a token?"

The lion scolded the faint bear child in his heart, and actually talked about which one is better, the demon elixir or the magic core in front of a warcraft. Damn it, it must be the magic core! But whether it is the demon elixir or the magic nucleus, once it is obtained, it means that the owner of the demon elixir or the magic nucleus has died. Isn't the soul bear child asking so?