Infinite Secret Land of Online Games

Chapter 070 People in the Bureau

The first volume of the main plot "No Immortals", the first step of the "human heavenly court" plan "Where are the immortals going?"

It has been almost seen that the game of Secret Immortals is a "repush". The so-called flashback means that its plot is pushed back, which can be seen from the fact that most of the current secret land belongs to the "Journey to the West series"; the history of the game is divided into four stages: the flood, the Classic of Mountains and Seas, the Fengshen and the Journey to the West, and The disappearance of immortals was not seen after the most brilliant "hundreds of families competing for beauty" at the end of the Journey to the West era.

"Where are the immortals going?" It is the first step of the "human heavenly court" plan and the task of all players who fall into the game. For this task, all players in the game must go deep into the secret land of the westward journey to carry out a "broken mirror reunion" campaign, which means that countless players in the game will fail and be erased. Therefore, the "human heavenly court" plan The scratch is made from corpses.

These analyses were not invented by Situhao himself. After listening to the boss's narrative, the dog-headed soldier came to the above analysis, "No matter how tricky the human heavenly plan is, we must move forward. If we don't move forward, the plot of the game can't be promoted. If we don't advance, there will be no update. There will be no update. You The functions of the play are not complete, and many valuable things can only be rotten in the warehouse. Therefore, this is the conspiracy of the game company, and we can only step in.

"Do you think the identity of the people in the game needs to be selected, or are all players?"

"Any story has a protagonist, perhaps not the only protagonist, but no matter how many there are, the protagonist must exist. So, let's look at the number of people in the cabinet, nine, which also means that there are only nine true disciples, so the protagonist is these nine true disciples."

"Am I presenting it? So arrogant?" Situ Hao said with some astonishment.

"Arrogant? Boss, you are sitting in the crater!" The empty broken dream said with a worried face. Seeing that the boss was puzzled, he continued to explain, "There are only nine protagonists. In reality, there are a lot of actors who have been hidden to become the protagonists, and what's strange about cheating you in order to become true disciples in the game."

"Yes, if we are erased, there will be a vacancy, and as soon as the vacancy appears, it means that the rest of the supporting actors may become the protagonists. Damn it, the game company is really insidious!"

"Games are ultimately for making money, so, boss, you must take care of yourself this time!"

"Task name: The rise of the human race - Chapter 1 - Immortal mystery, task progress 0/100 million. Introduction: You learned a plan about the heavenly court of the human race from your teachers. For the rise of the human race, you decided to contribute your own meager efforts. The ancestors of the human race believed that in order to establish the heavenly court of the human race, you need to solve the mystery of immortality first, and the main world spread rumors that there were no gods after the Journey to the West. This rumor was originally from the secret land of the Journey to the West. I found that in order to confirm this, you decided to go to this secret place again.

"Name of the secret place: Journey to the West. Type: Biography. Chapter: Nine. Mode: Exploration. Difficulty: Tongsheng. Location: Black Bear Forest. Task: Nothing. Reward: none. Failure: none. Time: 6 hours. Reminder: Death is erasure.

What does the task progress of 1 million mean? Does it refer to the number of people?

"Does this mean that the whole chapter of the mystery of immortality needs to be completed for a million people? I wiped it. Now I'm the only one in the sports bureau. If there is no new person in the bureau to join, I will come to complete this million-person task?"

"Oh... Zhiling, I'm going to hang up. You don't have to worry about me masturbateing with you anymore!" Thinking that the horrible 1 million tasks had to be completed by himself, Situ Hao spit out a mouthful of old blood howling. In contrast, the warning of death is not so important. If you dare to enter the game, you must have the awareness of being erased.

The black bear forest is located in the north of the black chicken country. It is not a small forest, but an endless primitive forest. The reason why it is called the "black bear forest" is that this boundless primitive forest is actually formed by the hair of a wild ancient bear after the death.

"Nima, do you dare to exaggerate a little more? After the ancient bear hangs up, can the hair turn into a tree?

The myth of the fairy world can never be believed. For example, this endless forest is turned into an ancient bear beast. Thinking about Pangu, you can know that a wild bear is actually a pediatric thing. Therefore, if you want to travel through this forest, you must have enough knowledge of this wild bear, and if you know it clearly, you can get a safe way to break through.

The source point of the phrase "No immortals after the Journey to the West" is in the center of the ancient bear beast. If the black bear forest is really made by a bear, the location of the source point should be its original heart; and there is only one entrance to the black bear forest, which is its **. Yes, what Situ Hao took at this time is the black bear's ** In.

Of course, it is surrounded by lush woods. If you really want to fantasize that this is the ** door of the black bear, it requires extremely rich imagination. At least Situ Hao does not have such imagination, so he does not feel uncomfortable at all, but he knows why the black bear forest is just such an entrance.

The reason is that the head of this ancient bear has been cut off and disappeared. Therefore, the vast black bear forest is only the body of the ancient bear, including four strands and the inner abdomen, but has no head.

No one knows the meridians inside the body of the ancient bear beast. After Situ Hao entered from the door of bear chrysanthemum, all the surrounding trees covered the sky and the sun. It is difficult to distinguish which is the bear's intestine and which is the collateral root of the blood vessel. Fortunately, this time I just came in to explore. It is good to succeed. If it can't succeed, as long as It's not bad not to die.

The secret adventure of erasure punishment will allow you to take away a certain number of secret items, which can be treasures, pets, equipment or elixirs, etc. The quantity is limited, but the value is not limited. However, according to the message of the reborn guest, the sooner you get good things in such a secret territory, it means The later the time, the more difficult it is.

Don't think that the difficulty of children's level will only appear opponents with such cultivation. In fact, the difficulty of children's level includes the cultivation in the "silent silence" period. Of course, there may be monsters with grade cultivation in ordinary secret realms, but like this secret place of "smear" punishment, monsters are usually one or two higher.

Situ Hao is still in the early cultivation of the light. The monsters he encounters are generally within the two levels of "fusion and heartbeat". The cultivation of the spiritual silence period must be the existence of the ultimate boss. Therefore, from another perspective, the black bear forest is actually a difficult place in the spiritual silence period.

Situ Hao did not dare to take back the demon body for the time being. He was afraid that once it was taken back, it would make all the senior cabinets still under study furious. Therefore, what he can rely on at present is his three-headed fairy pet. "Xi Xiao, Big Snake and Many Strange Birds" are their own wise fairy beasts in the "Yuying Palace", but they are brought out After the secret land, not only his cultivation was reduced to the same level as Situ Hao, but his wisdom was also sealed.

The three-headed fairy pet whose cultivation is reduced and his intelligence is sealed. The original demon elixir and the original life spells have not been sealed. Therefore, although they usually look stupid, if Situ Hao can command well, the three-headed spiritual pets can also exert strong combat effectiveness.

The height of the bloodline is directly reflected in the size of the body shape. When the monster of the bloodline of the fairy beast does not enter the combat state, the volume is extremely deceptive. Unlike the lowest-level beast bloodline monster, the size can only continue to grow and cannot be reduced.

Name: Xi Xiao. Blood: fairy beast. Quality: Blue. Wisdom: Open (althor has been sealed). Cultivation: the peak of the opening period. This magic weapon: demon elixir (al have been sealed). Talent spell: Yanmu, Yanmu: Xi Xiao's third eye is usually closed, and once opened, it can emit a pillar of red gold fire.

Name: Big Snake. Blood: fairy beast. Quality: Blue. Wisdom: Open (althor has been sealed). Cultivation: the peak of the opening period. This magic weapon: demon elixir (al have been sealed). Talent spell: wood venom, wood venom: a venom containing hot wood gas. The contaminated person is not injured on the outside but burned clean inside.

Name: Many strange birds. Blood: fairy beast. Quality: Blue. Wisdom: Open (althor has been sealed). Cultivation: the peak of the opening period. This magic weapon: demon elixir (al have been sealed). Talent spell: phantom, phantom: a kind of sound attack spell that can make people fall into illusions full of countless strange screams.

"Oh, it's so lacking!"

The original cultivation of the three-headed spiritual pet was the Jindan period, but it was toocai to follow the owner, and its cultivation was suppressed back to the peak of the Guang period.

Situhao's good deficiency means that his spiritual pet lacks equipment and spells, and the most lacking is still a large number of demon elixirs. Although these three-headed spiritual pets are fairy beast bloodline, the fairy beast bloodline also has a difference between high and low. They are all "blue products". If you want to improve the grade, you need to eat demon elixir to integrate.

If you want them to have more attack or defense means, you need to let them learn spells. Only monsters that open their intelligence have the ability to learn skills, and the level of blood and quality determine the level of spells they can learn, as well as the level of attributes.

"So, no matter what kind of help, it needs to be paid after all." Situ Hao sighed.

Entering the black bear forest is to explore. As long as you save your life and can find out what is irrelevant, this time you come in to explore the way and play a forward for the next task. Of course, if it is done at one time, it is naturally happy. If it can't be done, the most important thing is to save your life, otherwise , if it is erased, there is nothing left.

Because of the idea of "exploring the way", Situ Hao does not need to care too much about the way forward, as long as he recognizes the direction to the center of the black bear forest; therefore, although he seems to have deviated from the main road, he does not pay attention to it. Besides, in the black bear forest In fact, there is no road. The difference between the main road and the branch road is only the dense distribution of the forest, which is also inaccurate. Maybe it is the main road at this time.

With the appearance of several reciprocate beast roars, Situ Hao is also ready to fight, but he doesn't know who his opponent will be in the first battle?