Infinite Secret Land of Online Games

Chapter 076 Each has its own plan

76--Each has its own plans

"Ancestor wants to give him Pangu blood. Why did he stop him before?"

"This son has an extraordinary history. He is afraid that he will be offended too much. If he is not blocked, he will lose his identity, so he will not be hindered. As for Pangu's blood, hey, does he know whether it is true or false?"

Ah? Then if he knew it was false, wouldn't he have offended too much? Isn't what his ancestors did before..."

"Jiwa, do you know the pawnshop?"

"I know."

"If the shopkeeper is clumsy and receives the false goods by mistake, can he ask the owner for silver twice?"

"It's impossible, the silver goods are out of the container, and the two clear."

"That's right, the pawnshop can't block the customer, but if you see that the customer is really a poor ghost, you also need to set a threshold to block it. If the poor guy is not really poor, the threshold of the pawnshop is naturally useless to him."

"The ancestor means that the boy has something to do, which will make the people behind him feel dissatisfied, so he just set a small threshold. As for the fake Pangu blood, he can only blame the boy for his lack of eyesight, and the people behind him are helpless? However, if he recognizes that it is fake Pangu blood, will the ancestor really give it to him?

"If all of them recognize it, this is doomed, and I have no choice but to give him the true Pangu blood. Everything has a cause, everything has a result, cause and effect are hard to break, cause and effect need to be cut off, repeated over and over again, ten thousand years of reincarnation, who can understand, causal reincarnation?

"Ancestor, I don't understand."

"Walk slowly, watch slowly, and understand slowly. When you understand, you will fly to the sky!"


The dialogue between Cai Daoji and Yin Changsheng, Situ Hao didn't hear it, and he didn't know that what he got was not the real Pangu blood. In fact, as long as you think about it deeply, you will know that if Pangu blood can buy one and get one free, it is too rare, right?

The ignorant person is happy. At this time, Situ Hao did not know that his Pangu blood was fake, and happily walked to the bear heart area with a reluctant face. Because this is the secret place of "elimination" punishment, he can take the injured bear guard and the dragonfly out of the secret place together without paying for the secret place. If you want to pay for the secret place, let's talk about the place. The price alone is not what Situ Hao can afford.

Before leaving the secret place, the state of the dragonfly is extremely tough. After returning to the real world, its ability will be greatly reduced because of Situ Hao, just like the three-headed spiritual pet. Therefore, he met many resentful bear guards and injured bear guards along the way. The existence of the dragonfly alone made Situ Hao crazy.

Although the cultivation was pressed at the peak of the opening period, the attack power of the dragonfly was extremely fierce. The blame Xiong Wei and the injured Xiong Wei could hardly carry it for a minute under his sword; the fierce and cold sword spirit, like the pervasive wind and dark rain, cut the thick fur of the bear guards, penetrated into their blood, and corrode them. Flesh and blood.

After Situ Hao warned Yu with his identity as the shepherd, Yu gave up using this swordsmanship to destroy the corpse. His previous swordsmanship destroyed Xiong Wei's hair, bones, etc. and could not be turned into materials. This was to vent his dissatisfaction with his surrender. However, after being warned by Situ Hao, he did not dare to mess around again. Good boy Kill the enemy obediently without hurting the skin, so as not to make Situ Hao angry.

Walking all the way, Situ Hao happily collected Xiongwei fur, bones, bear paw, heart and other materials. Although I don't know if it is useful, it seems that these materials have a "unconscious" feeling. In the spirit of not being wasteful and not letting go, Situ Hao Collect all of them. In addition, the collection of smoked leaves is also in Situ Hao's journey.

Before, he and Cai Daoji had entered the bear heart area, but in fact, it was only on the outer edge of the bear heart area and had not yet entered the inner abdomen. Situ Hao only used the terrain to lay a trap to plot himself.

After entering the Xiongxin area again, Situ Hao regretted not bringing Cai Daoji. Obviously, Cai Daoji has a map. This time, he could walk smoothly to the Xiongxin area. It was the first time Cai Daoji took him away. Therefore, the route was recorded, which also made his second time so smooth.

Fortunately, Situ Hao is not stupid. He took out the heart he got when he killed Xiong Wei before and found that the shape of Xiong Wei's heart was extremely irregular, and the curved bear heart felt strange no matter how he looked at it. Situ Hao walked forward with the bear heart and walked to a position with an arc, he compared the bear heart on the palm of his hand, and And let the well-informed man also take a look. After making sure that this place is the same as somewhere in the heart of the bear, Situ Hao followed this route and went to the center of the bear's heart.

Xiong Xin is a hundred times smaller. Situ Hao's idea is correct. After walking for about 20 minutes, he saw a huge monument 30 meters high and 10 meters wide with two words "No Immortal" written on it.

Looking up at the huge "Immortal Monument" and could feel a condescending momentum gushing. Situ Hao didn't expect this "Immortal Monument" to be so powerful. He accidentally said, "Wow" spit out a mouthful of blood and retreated quickly. At the same time, he scolded, and sighed that "The twisted melon is really not sweet. .

With his ability, he must be able to drag Situ Hao away from a safe position when the momentum hurts Situ Hao, or directly dodge in front of Situ Hao to resist this momentum, but this sword spiritualized/human guy did not do so. He just stood aside and watched the progress of the situation coldly.

Situ Hao snorted coldly and ignored Yu's attitude. He decided to erase Yu's main consciousness when he returned to the main world, turn it into a spiritless sword spirit again, and then cultivate a new sword spirit. In this way, when the new sword spirit grows up, he will listen to his orders 100%.

"Don't you forget that I ranked third."

It seems that he knew that Situ Hao had made a decision in his heart, and his eyes were even cold, but he had become a shepherd's servant. As long as he had malice towards the shepherd, he would be devoured. Although he was not afraid of pain, why did he bear this unnecessary pain? Therefore, Qi's attitude is not to "do", and he also knows the consequences of inaction, but he also has his own support, that is, the rest of the sword spirits.

The dragonfly is the third ranking of the list of the top ten murderous soldiers, and the weapons on the top ten murderous soldiers list are all swords/adult. If Situ Hao forcibly erases the consciousness of the dragonfly, the rest of his brothers will come to trouble Situ Hao; if Situ Hao only imprisoned the dragonfly, the dragonfly's brother may throw a rat and dare not be too forced. Situ Hao negotiated with Situ Hao or threatened Situ Hao with something else.

"Zhongzhou only allows people to enter and exit." This sentence weakened Yu's confidence a few times, and then heard the words that almost broke his sword heart, "Maybe I will die under your brother's sword, but before that, you have died. Even if the sword is still there, it is only a sword, not a sword."

"You know very well that even if I follow you, I won't do my best. Why should I be so defeated?" Yu finally stopped playing the role of being cool. His cold expression softened a lot, and his voice also said softly.

"I like to lose both sides."

Situhao's answer made Wei angry that he wanted to vomit blood. However, although the contact was short, Wei also had a certain understanding of Situ Hao. In fact, Situhao is not complicated at all. The characteristics of the rookie are direct and simple. Therefore, basically, as long as you contact him for more than half an hour, you can know what kind of person the rookie Hao is. .

Of course, the real personality may not be very clear, but the rookie Hao is used to taking risks and doing everything for the benefit, but it is extremely obvious, and Wei also realizes this, so he put forward a proposal of "sword for sword".

"I know there is a place where there is a sword hidden, which has also been transformed into a person, but he has been seriously injured, so if you agree to do this deal with me, when this matter is over, I will take you to find the sword. At that time, you can get an obedient and hard-saving sword."

"I read less, don't shake me."

"Don't worry, if I deceive you, I will obey my orders and never disobey the order."


In the agreed transaction, Yu no longer showed that "I'm not happy" expression. On the contrary, he became active. In fact, he had a task to enter the black bear forest this time. The first task was to find out what the person in the game meant. Therefore, this guy asked Situ Hao if he was a "person in the game" as soon as he appeared on the stage, which made him Knowing the inside story, in fact, she is also confused.

"Insuring the people out of the game and killing the people in the game, is this your task? Shit, you know too little, don't you? After agreeing to the deal, Situ Hao also saw that Yu had no other thoughts, so Situ Hao asked about the purpose of Yu to enter the black bear forest.

"Who said I know little? People in the bureau, in other terms, are people who should be robbed, or predestined people, but they are just called differently. Moreover, what your ethnic groups have plotted is not a year or two. Tens of thousands of years have passed, and they have lived for a long time, and almost all know what your clans are plotted.

"Oh, let's talk about it."

"The human race should recast the heavenly court and establish a heavenly world dominated by the human race; the demon race and the ghost clan should rebuild the hell and control the right of reincarnation of life and death."

"Where is the demon clan?"

"Demon clan? Hey, a group of guys who have no ambition know how to eat and drink all day long. They don't care about heaven, hell, etc., but the monsters are plotting sea power.

"Ye�, the dragon clan disappeared with the heavenly court. Which of the aquariums in the world does not want to be the master? It is not surprising that the monsters are plotting for sea power. In this way, the goals of the human race, demons, ghosts and monsters are in great conflict! However, what did you spiritual clan come in for?

"What does the word "Immortalless" make you think of?"

Situ Hao took a look at the huge "immortal-free monument" that injured himself. The word "immortal-free" on the monument was extremely huge. At a glance, he felt the fierce pressure. The blood in his body suddenly boiled. When a mouthful of blood was about to spray out again, a sword spirit formed The sword wall blocked the pressure back, and the blood from Situ Hao's throat slowly fell back.

"Copy, this immortal-free monument is too strange. I don't know what to think of."

"Shepherd, there is one word missing from Immortal - Buddha."


After S Tuhao was stunned, he came back, patted his thigh and shouted, "Damn it, I said why does it feel strange? If there are immortals, there must be Buddhas, and immortal Buddhas are not separated! After the Journey to the West, there are no immortals. In fact, there are no immortals and Buddhas after the Journey to the West. Mao God is too low-level, and the real gods are outside the chaos. Therefore, after the Journey to the West, there are no immortal Buddhas are the correct solution!"

I always feel that I should have caught something, but I don't know where the point is, which makes Situhao itchy and a little annoyed. After thinking about it, it hasn't been sorted out. Situ Hao sighed, "IQ is a hard injury!" After sighing, he tilted his neck and looked at the dragonfly.

Yu seemed to know what his shepherd was thinking. He nodded and said, "I appeared here just for the matter of no immortal Buddha after the journey to the west."

"Do you want to recast the Buddha's court?" Situ Hao asked in surprise.

"How is that possible?" Yu laughed out loud.

The spirit clan is a race formed by unwise things that produce wisdom and form a human race. Wisdomlessness here means that there is no intelligence at all, and no matter how small the beasts are, they have a little wisdom. Therefore, if they produce wisdom, they are demons, not spiritual clans.

"That's strange. The two tribes of demons and ghosts want to build hell. The hell was originally a place to imprison and torture them, but now it is understandable to turn over and become masters; the human race wants to build a heavenly court, which is ridiculously ambitious, but who says that the human race has always been the son of heaven and earth? Therefore, it is understandable for the human race to build a heavenly court.

"The demon clan has always been the personality of occupying the mountain as the king. So far, there is no unified regime. Although there is an organization of the demon alliance, it is very loose. In addition, since the flood and famine period, the demon clan has been constantly cleaned up. It is estimated that the hidden big men of the demon clan have been cleaned up, and it is understandable that they have no ambition. "

"The four-sea dragon court was originally sealed by the heavenly court, but now the four-sea dragon court disappears with the heavenly court. If the aquarium wants to rebuild the four-sea dragon court, they also want to reorganize the order of the aquarium."

"Your spiritual clan came in for the sake of the Buddha's court, but the five races of people, demons and monsters all have their own goals. What other races can build a Buddha's court so magnificently?"

Situ Hao said this in one breath, and after saying it, he couldn't breathe, but his eyes stared at Yu. He was eager to know the answer to this question.

He spread out his hands and said with a wry smile, "I don't know." After saying that, he saw Situ Hao showing a vicious expression. In order to avoid the shepherd's anger, he quickly said, "I really don't know that I was forced into a dream when I received the task."

"Copy, you are such an arrogant person who is forced into a dream to arrange tasks. Will you be so obedient?"

"If the Buddha's court is established, my spiritual clan can have a place. Do you think I can refuse?"

"Wh, do you believe that the people who entrust your dreams to you can build a Buddhist court? At present, the human race and the four different races have goals, and no one pays attention to the Buddha's court, so I doubt the strength of the people who dreamed you.

"The white lotus is born in nine, and the spring bottle is full of light. It incarnates tens of millions of good industries, and Guanyin is a free Bodhisattva." When he read this passage, a strong Zen spirit spread all over his body.

"Oh, do you mean that Guanyin Bodhisattva is giving you a dream?" Situ Hao asked in amazement.

"That's not true. There are no immortal Buddhas after the Journey to the West. This is true. It is because of this that I can't see the existence of immortal Buddhas in the main world!"

After thinking about it, Situ Hao also felt that if there is a real person in the main world who uses the "Guanyin Bodhisattva" skill/fa to give him a dream. With tens of thousands of years of experience, he can naturally see whether it is true or false. It is precisely because it is true that he believes that the person who entrusted his dream to him and the people behind him have the ability to establish a Buddhist court.

"Well, now we are alive. Next, it seems that there will be a battle between dragons and tigers. It's really not easy to be the people in the bureau!" Situ Hao is also very satisfied to get this information from his mouth. He finally has a preliminary understanding of the layout and plot of the game Secret Fairy.

Other things are temporarily thrown aside. Now he begins to interpret the "Immortal Monument", but the Immortal Monument is too naughty. As long as he looks at it, he will suffer from pressure. Situ Hao has no way to resist this pressure. As a result, he is constantly injured and vomiting blood. Although he is used to vomiting, in case he doesn't have time to eat " If it's back to the blood elixir, you may hang up directly.

Yu has lived for tens of thousands of years and is an encyclopedia, which is also one of the reasons why Situ Hao desperately wants to keep him, but the forced melon is not sweet. If Yu has been working and doesn't work hard, or mislead him, she still has a sword body after death, but her spiritual knowledge disappears. Situ Hao died but has nothing, so, Situ Hao will make a deal with him.

Fortunately, because the transaction is confirmed, he will no longer work and contribute. Therefore, when he saw that Situ Hao was suppressed by the huge "immortal-free monument", he stood in the distance and shouted, "Shepherd, do you have any instructions when you come from the main world?"

"Instructions? That's the task. Yes, there is a task.

"Mission Name: The Rise of the Human race, Chapter 1, No Mystery of Immortals, Mission Progress 1/100 million. Introduction: You learned a plan about the human family's heavenly court from the teachers. For the rise of the human race, you decided to contribute your own meager efforts. The human ancestors believed that in order to establish the human world, it was necessary to solve the rumor that there were no gods after the Journey to the West, and this rumor was first discovered from the secret place of the Journey to the West. In order to confirm this You decided to go to this secret place again.

"Damn it, a hundred tasks have been completed so quickly."

Before the voice was settled, the number 100 suddenly jumped and became 101, and then, "System prompts: the immortal monument is found, and your task is completed."

"System Tip: You are about to be transferred out of the secret world, 10, 9 in the countdown..."

"Nimei, if you had known this, you wouldn't have looked at the task."

"Mission Name: The Rise of the Human race. Chapter 1: No mystery of immortals, mission progress 101/100 million. Introduction: You found the Immortal Monument in the 9th Black Bear Forest of the Secret Land of Journey to the West. The pressure of the Immortal Monument makes you unable to get close to it at all. For this reason, you have no choice but to leave and return to the secret immortals to find a way.

If you return to the main world from the secret territory, you will be randomly transmitted or appear in the original place, and in Zhongzhou, they are all appearing in the secret hall. Therefore, Situ Hao appeared in the main world from the secret place of the secret place, that is, he appeared on the "gagua platform" of the secret temple. The gossip platform itself is a transmission array. Players who stay on it for 10 seconds will be transmitted, or say where they want to transmit.

Situhao was transferred from the secret hall to the "poetry building" of the secret fairy palace. The poetry building was the residence of his master Luo Shifu. As a true disciple of Luo Shifu, Situhao had to mix with his master before he was promoted to an elder.