Infinite Secret Land of Online Games

Chapter 081 Haozu Studio

PS: The results are average, put on the shelves to test the water, the water is shallow, and the water continues to dive deep. Alas, I just found the state of writing this book!

The demon clan has three treasures, horns, tusks and white skin.


The ground is shaking, and a tall man with two blue horns on his forehead, carrying a big knife on his shoulder and walking vigorously towards a player who is lying on the ground.

The social structure of the demon clan is divided into stiff, mature stiff, lieutenant, elder, direct blood, ancestral and five generations, corresponding to white horn, green horn, blue horn, red horn, purple horn, silver horn and gold horn respectively.

For the demon clan with a stiff status, the horns on its forehead can be put away. This strong man did not put it away, and it is estimated that he is also a master who loves to show off. In addition, it also shows that this place should be the territory of the demon clan. Otherwise, killing a demon clan can not only gain prestige, contributions, etc., but also the horns and blood on the head of the demon clan. It is also an excellent material. Of course, this refers to NPC, and demon players will not have these.

Hate·Wuya fell into the grass sluggishly. He could hear the heavy breathing of the hate family's friends. Just a "roll", which made them hate the 70 infinite players of the family, all of whom were sprayed with blood and injured. The strength of NPC, the ferocity of the outer world, and all of them were out of hatred. Beyond the expectation.

With a look at the ant-like eyes, the strong demon man looked at the players scattered around and said contemptuously, "The human monks in the light period."

The ground is shaking, and the face of the strong man of the demon clan has changed greatly. The previous vibration of the ground was deliberately shaken by him with spiritual power, but now that he stands still, how can the ground shake? Is there any other demon boss nearby? A secret sweat appeared on the forehead of the strong man. He was just a member of the "lieutenant-level" demon clan. If he provoked the members of the "old class", he would die miserably.

But soon the strong man of the demon clan found himself falsely shocked, and it was a black bear that shook the ground. The cultivation was only the peak of the opening period. The strong man of the demon clan grinned and grinned. With his medium-term cultivation, it was more than enough to destroy the black bear, but why there was a smell on the black bear that made him very uncomfortable. What about the breath?

"Hey, you are a demon who mixed into the demon clan, right?"

The sound of ridiculing came from the direction of the black bear, but the black bear did not open his mouth to speak. The strong man of the demon clan stopped his eyes and found that there was still a human teenager behind the black bear, which was what the human teenager said. The strong man of the demon clan was extremely angry. He knew very well what the joke of the human teenager meant. Yes, he knew very well. From childhood to old, he was rejected by his friends because of his strong figure.

To be honest, although Situ Hao has seen relatively few demons, the reborn guests said that the demons are actually a mixture of vampires and demons, so they have fangs and horns. There are very few ugly men and women in the demon clan. Even if their strength is low, there will be no ugly men and women, and their bodies are thin or slender.

Therefore, this two-meter-high demon clan with muscles is an extremely rare alien, and Situ Hao really can't help laughing.

It is said that Situ Hao actually didn't want to come to save people, but he received the message of his military division's "empty wound dream", "Boss, we finally received the list!" The extremely excited voice of the empty wound broken dream was revealed from the transmission note, but Situ Hao was confused. What does it mean to "receive the list?"

The empty broken dream is very clear that his boss is a rookie. Therefore, as soon as the rookie's doubts arise, there is an explanation in the notes: "Boss, we are professional players, and professional players rely on games to make money, although this game has the slogan that they can travel into secret land to withdraw cash, But after all, it's too risky, so we still have to take the conventional professional player route, which is to take orders everywhere.

After listening to the sound of the broken dream, Situ Hao knew that professional players had to take jobs everywhere, such as helping someone complete the task, or helping someone kill someone, etc. These are routine lists. The first order of the "local tycoon family" is to save people, and the orientation, coordinates, intelligence, etc. have been transmitted.

The local tycoon family is registered in the Virtual Online Game Planning Bureau. Unlike the registration of professional players, there are strict regulations on the registration of families, studios, trade unions, etc.; ironware, bronze, silver, gold, generals, marshals, and supreme are the levels of professional players, while Jiayi Bingding is the family union. The level.

The D-level family needs 5 iron-level professional players to register with a deposit of 10,000 yuan. Therefore, the D-level family, studios, trade unions, etc. are as numerous as stars around the world.

Although the Virtual Online Game Planning Bureau is very powerful, it does not often interfere with the market. Its role is to supervise, supervise, etc. On the one hand, it regulate the game market, and on the other hand, guide professional players to normalize; for example, let professional players get three insurances and one fund, game online time, etc.

Strictly speaking, as long as it is not on the second-level scale, the vision of the Virtual Game Planning Bureau will not notice, and the level of the family union does not have any preferential treatment. It is just the top ranking, that is to say, it is very famous. Of course, the reputation is an intangible asset, so studios of Grade B and Grade A will enter the planning. The sight of the bureau.

The newly registered D-level studios like the local tycoon family have a world ranking of 210,000, and the world's top 500 studios are Class A and Class B.

Because the registered studio needs 5 iron-level professional players, Situ Hao's performance in the "secret fairy" show game is extremely eye-catching, and the points have long been reached the iron level. The steamed buns in the coffin are also iron-level, and the empty wound dream is bronze level. Therefore, there are still two iron-level ones left. The empty wound broken dream ran to recruit two casually, and did not Whether Zhiya is lonely or something, the two of them he recruited are girls.

In fact, these two girls were not casually recruited by empty broken dreams, but they came to the door by themselves. Empty broken dreams have once had a relationship with these two girls, and knew their details, so they knew their energy in reality. Therefore, when these two girls came to the door by themselves, they did not dare to refuse at all.

Of course, as a professional player, empty dreams must ask one thing clearly, that is, whether they enter the rich studio and want to embarrass his boss? If so, empty dreams will refuse them to join; Fortunately, these two makeovers and abandon the original professional player level. The girl didn't come for his boss, but to avoid something.

He won't ask what to avoid. He signed some agreements with the two girls. The focus of this agreement is that the two girls can't sell and damage the interests of Situ Hao and the studio, etc. The agreement has a legal effect. After signing the agreement, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Then the two girls asked where the headquarters of the studio was?

The broken structure of the empty wound suddenly became dumbfounded and squeaked and couldn't speak. The girl shot 100,000 yuan angrily and said that she wanted to buy a share. The empty wound broken dream dared not make a decision again. She contacted Situhao. Situhao was in the secret place and couldn't send the notes. The empty wound fragments had to call offline, which shocked Situ Hao and went offline. .

How did Situhao understand these things? He casually said that he would buy shares, and let the empty broken dream and the steamed buns in the coffin also buy shares. As a result, the empty broken dream and the steamed buns in the coffin each collected 10,000 yuan and took 1% of the shares, while the two girls took out 100,000 yuan, accounting for 10%, while Situhao still had 89% of shares.

In fact, Situ Hao's total investment is only 50,000 yuan, but the boy divided the shares according to 1 million investment. Finally, he gathered five professionals, set up a rich studio, and then applied for the game ID family prefix, that is, add the word "hao" in front of the ID, like Situ Hao, and it becomes "The rich and wet local tycoon."

However, the family prefix will not be recognized by the NPC, that is, when the NPC calls the player's name, it will ignore the family prefix.

Haozu Studio was established three days ago. The empty-wounded dream flew to the "Yanshi" where Situhao is located three days ago. Before he went to discuss renting a house, he received a phone call from Gu Yinmeng and Ye Meilun, who are the world's 15th and 20th marshal-level professional players.

Less than half an hour after getting off the plane, Gu and Ye also arrived in the city. Then they became migrant workers and carried bags for the two ladies. The two ladies did not go shopping. Before they arrived in the city, they searched the rental of buildings along the city on the Internet. Everything was negotiated on the phone. Therefore, the empty broken dream followed the two girls and finally rented a house in a community along the "Fuma Road" of the city.

Situ Hao also rushed to the rental house with game equipment and salute. After a brief acquaintance, the four men and women had a meal and did not disturb each other. The next day, the steamed buns in the coffin also arrived, and all the members of the Hao studio gathered together.

In contrast, Situ Hao, Baozi and Broken Dream often get together when they exercise offline. Gu Yinmeng and Ye Meilun, the three bachelors, have no other ideas. They are too beautiful and rich girls, and the silks can only YY and dare not approach them.

Empty and broken dreams are the core of the heroic studio. Without him, not to mention the studio taking orders, there are still two things to say about this work, and empty and broken dreams seem to be happy that they are too busy to improve their cultivation. However, the studio is too small to have nothing to do after being busy for a while, and empty and broken dreams also have time to practice. While watching the forum of the professional player circle, always pay attention to market dynamics.

The list of rescuing the members of the "hate" family was caught when observing the market update. Of course, before that, he must ask about the location of Situ Hao, Gu Yinmeng, Ye Meilun and Baozi. In fact, there is no need to ask the last three. Baozi has just entered the infinite zone from the ordinary area, while Gu Yinmeng and Ye Meilun are just Enter the game.

At that time, Situ Hao happened to come out of the secret place of the Journey to the West and was farting with the old well. Then he heard a "roll", which hurt the old well. Situ Hao also felt that the other party was not easy to mess with. When he was about to run away, he received a note of empty wounds and broken dreams. Situhao had a complete map of the difficulty area for children, so he took out the map and took out the map at a glance. Know where you are.

It is worth mentioning that the outer domain of children's difficulty is very large, and there are children's difficulty outside the land occupied by the four races. Therefore, unlimited players of the human race enter the outer realm from the secret hall, and the random transmission location may be very close to Zhongzhou or very far away. Therefore, it is actually very difficult to save people outside the world.

However, the game opens up the task of changing races, which makes it much easier to save people in the future. Human races can't save them, and players of different races can take action.

However, the members of the hate family are lucky. Their position is just very close to Situ Hao. Therefore, the empty and broken dream let the boss take over the business, or force the boss to take over. The boss is also helpless. He did not think of treating the studio as a career at all, but he has taken the empty broken dream as a good friend and friend. Naturally, it is not easy to refuse the request.


Although the injured Xiongwei was only at the peak of the opening period, he was not weaker at all. On the contrary, the demon Zhuang man was hit by the injured Xiongwei and retreated repeatedly, so that Situ Hao, who was watching the battle, couldn't help laughing. The strong man of the demon clan was furious and shouted, "What are you laughing?"

"Taoist friend, do you really regard yourself as a demon? Don't think that you are invincible in the territory of the demon clan, just think that you are really powerful! After all, you are the real demon clan, not the unopened spiritual stalemate.

"Well, you don't need to remind me."

The strong man of the demon clan knew what Situhao meant. His mental strength was not stiff. His physical quality was extremely tough, but then he opened his wisdom. After his social status was elevated to maturity, under the influence of the demon clan's practice of skills, his physical quality slowly weakened, his skin became whiter and his figure became whiter, and his figure became more and thinner. The more social The higher the status, the more advanced the practice skills, the more handsome and elegant they are, but the weaker their physical strength is.

The blue horn on the top of the head of the demon strong man suddenly lit up, and a blue electric current was flowing back and forth between the two corners. The injured bear guard roared low and no longer hit the demon clan, but bent down on his limbs and stood up like a thorn.

"Boom...", the "horn cannon" characteristic of the demon clan was stimulated, and the bombarded with a strong blue light on the injured bear guard. The injured bear guard made a shocking roar. The black bear hair formed a protective cover like a spike, and the horn cannon was forced to carry the horn cannon. However, the demon clan's "horn cannon" was continuous, and the higher the social level, the higher the social level The more powerful the horn cannon, the more shots there will be.

The strong man of the demon clan is a lieutenant-level social status. The power coefficient of the horn gun is 3, and the number of consecutive shots is 9. Therefore, only eight consecutive sounds are heard. The blue horn gun will blow up the injured bear guard to blood, and the ground has also be blown up countless pits.

When the players of the hate family started to fight with the strong demon clan, they were already treated one by one by Situ Hao. While saving them, Situhao shouted "Hao Studio". Hate Wuya first thanked him, and then traded 10 million secret points for this time to save people. It's 1,000 yuan.

The people of the hate family only left Hate Wuya to watch the battle, and the rest were all offline. They had not killed the monster BOSS, did not get the portal, and could not return to Zhongzhou. The appearance of the demon strong man was an accident, so let's go offline for the time being. After the demon strong man leaves, they will continue to go online in this area. Activities.

"Where did you get the assembly number?" Situ Hao asked curiously.

The assembly number is a prop. As long as it is a team, no matter how far away it is, it will be immediately transmitted to the place where the assembly number is. The assembly number also has a grade, with a low use of only 1 time and a maximum of 1,000 times, and this prop is quite rare.

"I bought it." H・Wuya said that he did not want to reveal too much information, so he changed the topic and said, "The strong man of the demon clan is the integration of mid-term cultivation, and your spiritual pet is the peak of the opening period. According to reason, the strong man of the demon clan can easily clean up your spiritual pet, but he even uses the horn cannon. Why is that?"

"Hey." Situ Hao smiled dryly and did not answer the words of hatred.

The reason why the wounded bear guard forced the strong man of the demon clan to use horn cannons is its bloodline. The wounded bear guard has ten points of the bloodline of eight strange beasts, one-tenth of the ancient beast bloodline and one tenth of the bloodline of the flooded beast. Although the bloodline is very thin, the bloodline of the flood and famine has a hint effect of "frightened" on the demon clan. Therefore, the demon clan The strong man was hit by the effect of "panic" before he injured Xiong Wei with a horn cannon.

The injured Xiong Wei was seriously injured, but Situ Hao has also done calculations. He still has some knowledge about the demon clan. Naturally, he knows that the strong man of the demon clan can fire nine cannons in a row, and if the power 3 is the attribute of the injured Xiong Wei, he can carry it down, so Situ Hao can safely save people.

Injured Xiongwei's attributes: physique 20/20 (blood volume; 200), divine consciousness 0/20 (spirituality 0), strength 20/20 (power 2), root bone 20/20 (resistance: 2), agility 0/20 (speed 0), strength 20/20 (endurance 20).

Talent 1: Wild bear roar, sound attack, centered on where it is, those who hear within 10 meters in diameter will be sealed by a spell of 10 seconds. Talent 2: Bear Flame, 3 times more resistance. Instinct: When a wild bear hits, the hit person will form a 5-second dizziness.

20 bones form 2 points of resistance. If the bear flame increases by 3 times, it will form 6 points of resistance. The demon strong man's horn cannon has only 3 power. Therefore, as long as the shield formed by the blaze does not break, the horn cannon will not cause damage to the injured bear guard.

Of course, the injured Xiongwei was beaten and opened because the last few shots could not be carried. Fortunately, the power of the corner cannon was not superimposed. Therefore, the injured Xiongwei was miserable, which was just a skin injury, and did not hurt the muscles and bones.

The horn cannon is the talent of the demon clan. The spiritual power consumption is equal to 0, but the endurance consumption is extremely large. The injured bear guard also uses talent to fight, but the demon strong man not only has endurance but also spiritual power, so the advantage is still better than the injured bear guard.

After the talent could not pick up the wounded bear guard, the strong man of the demon clan used spells. However, Situ Hao would not give him the opportunity to kill the wounded bear guard. The divine shepherd king Dian took the wounded bear guard back to the pasture in a flash, and as soon as the strange birds, Xixiao and the big snake came out, the strong man of the demon clan were stunned.

After seeing the two huge demon birds, the strong man of the demon clan gave up his mind of escaping, but he refused to surrender. He threatened Situ Hao that his family's territory was nearby. If his family had not seen him for a long time, he would definitely send a guard to look for him. Therefore, if Situ Hao agreed not to hurt him, He invited Situ Hao to visit his territory.

The system of the demon clan is very much like the feudal system. The strong man of the demon clan is obviously a small lord. Situ Hao is also curious about the daily life of the demon clan. Therefore, after signing an armistice agreement with the strong man of the demon clan, he went to his territory with the strong man of the demon clan. The hatred of watching the battle nearby is endless and thick I also went with my face.