Infinite Secret Land of Online Games

Chapter 083 Exotic

"I don't think the human race should be self-contained. In the millions of years of Shenzhou War, the human race was defeated and stayed in a small state. This has shown that the human race has to change. If the human race still adheres to the regulations of millions of years ago, then the human race will never be able to take back what it has lost."

Situ Hao's impassioned speech made all the players stunned and thought, is this Nima an undercover agent of the four different clans? Wrong, brother. Obviously, we are the four different races. You are the human race! Damn, you are still a true disciple of the human race. Does your master know what you said?

Compared with Situhao's speech, the rest of the infinite players are relatively conservative. Maybe they have just changed the racial camp and have not changed from the perspective of human thinking for a while, or maybe they are in the hearts of the four different races in the human race. In short, the speeches of these guys made the white gauze extremely dissatisfied, and the final speech Situ Hao made the white gauze hear it in full bloom.

As for the murderer who stole the flower umbrella, in fact, it does not need to be cracked by players. The white gauze itself also found out who the real thief was. Therefore, the white gauze announced that the winner of this mission was the young immortal Situhao of the human race. First, he sent a small bag containing the seeds of "green dill rice".

Then, Situ Hao was depressed and took another reward of the white gauze, a box sealed with the "Gossip Star Taoist species". The white gauze showed the Taoist species in an extremely high-profile way and said the Taoist types in the box.

The infinite players around showed strange expressions. Si Tuhao didn't understand why these expressions were strange until half a day after analyzing. It is reasonable that these players did not get the Taoist species, so they should be depressed, but they all seemed to be relieved and looked at him with a "fat sheep" look. Situ Hao realized that There is nothing inside.

"If they already know that the white gauze has a Taoist species, then take the opportunity of white gauze to announce the task and sneak into the White Yarn City, so that they will have the opportunity to find out where the species is placed, but they didn't expect that the white gauze actually sent out the Taoist species as a task reward."

"However, compared with the heavily guarded white gauze castle, it is obviously easier to grab the hand in my hand, so they are relieved and extremely happy." After analyzing the inside story in his heart, Situ Hao felt bad but was not anxious. He had a lot of dependence on the nearby terrain alone. He had the perfect child-level difficulty map, which was enough to have the capital to hide from these players.

White gauze enthusiastically invited Situ Hao to talk. Naturally, Situ Hao would not refuse. He happily chatted with the white gauze for tea and chatted for more than ten minutes. The white gauze left on official business and said that if Situ Hao had nothing urgent, he could stay for a longer period of time, which meant that Situ Hao could be a guest in the white gauze, and the rest of the players I have no choice but to leave.

Magic law: without the invitation of the owner, leaving other people's territory without authorization is regarded as war.

When one person was alone, Situ Hao sat cross-legged and opened the sealed box. A glass pearl-sized light mass lay quietly in the box and pinched it out with his index finger and thumb. After taking a look, he found that there was nothing strange. After thinking about it, Situ Hao opened his mouth and said that this "hexagram star" The seeds were swallowed.

As soon as he swallowed it, he felt an empty feeling in his whole body, just like everything in it was taken away except the shell of the body. This empty feeling shocked Situ Hao. Before he could come up with a way, he was originally a slow-moving Mu Wang's secret, which was instantly mentioned. Speed, the crazy Sunday operation eliminated the feeling of Situ Hao's emptiness.

Although the feeling of emptiness has been eliminated, the speed of running on Sunday has not slowed down. This crazy operation, tearing the internal organs and heartbreaking pain hit Situhao's body and mind. The setting of 100% ferocious value made this two people howled in pain. However, after all, they played for a month, during the war There are countless small battles, and the ability to resist pain has also deepened a lot.

Therefore, although it is still painful, it is the first time that the system has not been kicked into the "waiting space" under such pain. While he is still awake, Situ Hao tries his best to control the speed of the mental operation. Many things in the game are controlled by the players themselves and can also be entrusted to the system for control.

As a professional player (self-aptained), Situ Hao will naturally not entrust everything to the system. He also controls things such as the operation of the mind method by himself. Therefore, he is very familiar with the trajectory of the operation of his mind method. Cultivation naturally has meridians, and it is impossible to practice without meridians. The game sets the nine veins of yin and yang, as well as internal yin and external yang. However, this must not appear after reaching the period of spiritual silence.

The operation of Zhou Tian before the spiritual death period is a circular concentration of the word "human". When the mind is running, it is at the "Dantian", and then the spiritual power rises directly to the sea of knowledge (Baihui acupoint). Then, the consciousness dissipates four spiritual powers, penetrates to the limbs, reaches the spiritual power of the limbs, returns to the sea of knowledge, and returns to Dantian, forming a Weekly operation.

Monks who do not build a foundation (the period of spiritual silence) are not real monks. They are temporarily between warriors and monks, also known as "gas refiners". Of course, the name does not matter. Anyway, at present, the operation trajectory of all players' mental methods is the same. Only when the foundation is successful can they plan the nine yin and nine yang meridians by themselves. The operation trajectory.

Returning to normal, after Si Tuhao's efforts to control, the speed of Mu Wang's heart formula was finally eased, and through "internal vision", Situ Hao also found what caused such a situation; the culprit was naturally the "hexagram star species". After it was swallowed, it went straight to the position of "Dantian", and the heart The starting point of the operation of the law is in Dantian.

Dantian couldn't digest this Taoist species, so he sent it to the sea of knowledge. There is a treasure "divine pastoral king's book" in the sea of knowledge, which can accommodate this Taoist species. However, the "Taoist species" is only as big as glass beads, but it has become a big man in his body. Situ Hao's previous meridians were passing by fine groups of spiritual power, and the thickest spiritual power is not The line is as big as the line, but the Taoist species is as big as glass beads.

The metaphor of the image is that the Taoist species has become a tank. To reach the destination, it must pass through a small road. The two sides of the path are full of houses. If you want to pass, you can only push down the house down. Situ Hao's meridians are the Taoist species, which is widened as soon as they are planted, but this kind of broadening is not good. The tank pushes it. The houses must have collapsed and must be rebuilt before they can be restored.

Situ Hao swallowed the Taoist species, and the consequence was that his meridians were destroyed. After the Taoist species reached the sea of knowledge and was temporarily accommodated by the divine pastoral king, Situ Hao fell to the ground with a "scream" and his whole body was bloody. If he took off his clothes, he could see He didn't have a good skin all over his body.

For 30 minutes in the standby space, Situ Hao did not hear the system prompt of his death, but waited for him to allow him to return to the game prompt. When he returned to the game and opened his eyes, he saw a human maid and asked, but the maid did not dare to say a word. It seemed to be an NPC with low AI.

In a blink of an eye, I looked around. The whole room had a strong human style, but it was definitely not the human race who saved me. I was in the white gauze castle, and the only thing that could save me was white gauze. The white gauze went out on business before. It is estimated that he came back after half an hour and found Situ Hao, whose life was on the line.

"However, my blood can't be so much. It's unscientific that I haven't hung up after half an hour!" Situ Hao thought strangely.

After the human maid NPC left, Situhao was left alone in the house. He sat cross-legged and sank his consciousness into the "sea of knowledge". The area of the sea is closely related to cultivation and natural treasures. In the absence of natural treasures, the sea of knowledge is empty.

Situhao's sea of knowledge is transformed from the divine shepherd king. A thick book is suspended in the air, and his eyes look up at the surface of the book. The cover is extremely blurred, and it is impossible to see what color it is, but in the upper left corner of the cover is a sword with a sword with a single eye, which is the magic pupil shepherd king sword, and The rest of the cover was originally empty, but now there is a light bead in the upper right corner.

The surface of this light bead is constantly flashing with the four words "sealing, elephant, star and phase". Obviously, it is a hexagramous star species that has not been used for the time being.

Below the book is a grassland of hundreds of square meters, and the edge of the grassland is covered with a wooden house of the same hundreds of square meters; on the pasture lies the past owl, many strange birds, snakes, wounded bear guards, and there is a weapon rack in the wooden house with a rusty sword on it.

"After the reborn guest said that after building the foundation, little people will appear in the sea. The little man is the player himself, and fairy costumes such as the Shepherd King's Magic Pupil Sword will all be transformed into the little people. At that time, the yuan god will come out of the body and kill the enemy thousands of miles away. Tut, the fairy costume is the yuan god equipment!"

Yuan Shen's equipment is still far away and will not be explained for the time being. As for Yuanshen, it must be owned after reaching the spiritual silence period. However, the four refining stages of spinning, opening light, fusion and heartbeat are to lay a solid foundation for spiritual silence.

Without the original god as a reference, Situ Hao must use internal vision to see the damage of the meridians in his body, and there is no need to look too seriously. Anyway, as long as the meridians are damaged and the internal vision, the system will prompt.

"System tips; your meridians have been seriously damaged and all attributes have decreased by 50%. Do you need a treatment task?"

Don't think that the system will kindly provide a treatment task. If you want to get this task, you must pay "1000 secret points", which is 100 yuan for a doctor! It's so dark!

Situ Hao didn't make this money for the system. At this time, he was in the white gauze castle. Anyway, the white gauze was also a first-class figure of the magic clan. Even if the white gauze could not provide a treatment formula, he also knew a large number of demon senior officials. It must be okay to come out and help himself to have a look.

The sexuality is half deducted, which does not affect Situ Hao's actions. Of course, if you fight with people, it is extremely disadvantageous. Fortunately, there is no enemy who dares to do it here in Baishabao.

When I went out, two guards stood at the door and asked where the castle owner was. The answer to the question made Situ Hao feel very relieved. He finally didn't meet the NPC with low AI. He went to find the white gauze castle with the guard and walked for about ten minutes and felt that something was wrong. Although he was not very familiar with the white gauze castle, it became more and more remote, that is definitely wrong. How can the white gauze work in such a remote place? Question mark

The guard's answer is that the lord is doing a secret thing.

But Situ Hao was a man with an "unknown sense". His intuition told him that everything was wrong, so he refused to follow the guard, and then Situ Hao was sad!

"Okay, I'll go with you."

The guard suddenly became a master in the period of spiritual silence. After Situ Hao's attributes were halved, his reaction was also much slower. In addition, the guard's attack was also sudden, which made him have no time to call for help, so he had to raise his hands obediently to show his surrender.