Infinite Secret Land of Online Games

Chapter 087 The stubborn old woman

As long as the thought of a beautiful woman who also wants to go to the toilet, she doesn't feel good. The sadness of the egg instantly dispels the impulse to masturbate.


The names of many places in the area of the Secret Immortal Palace are related to "fairy", such as Wenxian Pavilion, Xianren Cliff, Meixianlin, etc. So many buildings and place names related to "fairy" reflect how much the senior officials of the human race want to establish fairy courts to restore the glory of the human race millions of years ago.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are people, there are conspiracies and tricks. No matter what kind of organization is established by people, as time goes by, the whole organization will be full of internal mountains and the bureaucracy of various institutions. Fortunately, the ultimate goal of the human race has not been achieved, and the superior cabinet and subordinate institutions It also shows vigor and not so much bureaucracy.

However, it is true that the nine bosses in the upper cabinet are very busy. They either hold this meeting or have a meeting, or inspect a certain place in Zhongzhou, etc. Life in Zhongzhou is not only ordinary monks, but also ordinary people who provide reserve personnel, services and so on for monks. There are nearly 30 million ordinary people in Zhongzhou.

At the beginning, all the monks retreated to Zhongzhou, and the superior cabinet was also established at that time. At that time, everything was done by the monks themselves. At first, they didn't feel anything. When the offensive of the four ethnic groups slowed down, they finally stopped attacking. It can also be said that after the war, the monks became more and more unwilling to do some trivial things. Therefore, more than 5,000 years ago, the upper cabinet decided to introduce ordinary people.

If ordinary people in Zhongzhou plus ordinary players, there are also nearly 50 million. It can be seen that the number of ordinary players has reached tens of millions, and the number of unlimited players has also exceeded 100,000. The game company only receives the registration funds of these unlimited players and counts the money to draw experience.

Huiwen is not a monk. She is an ordinary old woman in her twilight years. She lives in the desert area north of "Yanzhou" in Kyushu, where there is a city buried by the desert, called "Weiyang Palace"; Weiyang Palace is actually in Zhongzhou, and Situ Hao's heart is also extremely Accidental.

Weiyang Palace is the capital of a country. The country was flooded by sand and dust more than 50 years ago. Countless people fled from this dead country. Only Huiwen did not escape. At that time, she was only in her 20s, but she stuck to her country for 50 years. Her love for the country turned all turned into hatred for the Secret Fairy Palace.

Although the area where Weiyang Palace is located is located in the far north of Zhongzhou, it is also protected and nourished by a large array of "celestial objects". It is reasonable that the invasion of the desert will not occur; but sometimes the disaster is not a natural disaster, but more man/disaster. The reason why the kingdom of Liyang will be destroyed is pulled away from the rest of a Yuanying monk. The underground spiritual vein of this country is related.

There are many kinds of spiritual veins, such as water veins, mountains, forest veins, land veins, wind veins, etc. The spiritual veins are extremely rare and can not be produced anywhere. There is a ground vein under the Kingdom of Liyang, which was accidentally discovered by a Yuanying monk in the Secret Fairy Palace, who secretly extracted the veins.

The vein was pulled away, the whole kingdom of Yueyang lost its aura, and the land lost its moisture and entered rapid desertification. In decades, a country with a population of more than 2 million was submerged in the desert, and Huiwen was the queen of the kingdom of Yueyang. She refused to leave. This is the legacy of her ancestors and belongs to her country. She wants Died together with this country.

Although ordinary people in Zhongzhou do not practice, it does not mean that they do not know about the real world. A king of a country like Huiwen knows much more than ordinary people. When the country is desertified, she spent a lot of money to hire the sect "broken mouth sect" in charge of Yanzhou. A master investigated the causes of the desertification of the country.

The nine sects of Zhongzhou are ordinary monks (non-infinite monks). All Jindan monks will be taken away as ordinary disciples by the Secret Fairy Palace, and the senior officials of these nine sects are also held by the disciples of the Secret Fairy Palace. All the NPC disciples of the Secret Fairy Palace are focused on the secret world and the affairs of the outside world, and the affairs in Zhongzhou. They seldom pay attention to it.

Therefore, Huiwen can only find non-infinite monk NPCs. For infinite players, if their cultivation does not reach the golden elixir period, they are all scum. Only when they reach the golden elixir period will they be picked up by the secret fairy palace, which means that these NPCs will embark on a real road of immortal cultivation.

However, high cultivation talent does not mean that you must be smarter than non-infinite monks. There are still a lot of talents among non-infinite monks, just like the "hidden dragon list" players on the list of non-infinite players, empty broken dreams and steamed buns in the coffin are all recruited by Situ Hao from non-infinite players.

The non-infinite monk found after Huiwen is quite good. The reason is not to tell Huiwen the truth; just like non-RMB players are not used to RMB players, non-infinite NPC monks are also envious and jealous of the NPC monks in the Secret Fairy Palace, so, this The monk of the Broken Mouth will not hide for the monk who has taken away the veins of the earth.

After Huiwen learned the truth, he went to the mountain gate of Duankou and knocked on the "Shouxian Drum". The Xiangxian Drum is a treasure for mortals to tell monks. When it is knocked, ordinary people can't hear it. Only the person who knocks on it and the head of the secret fairy palace can hear it.

The person in charge of the execution hall of the secret fairy palace quickly arrived, asked what happened, and sought to prove the broken sectarian who found out the truth that the ground vein was taken away. The monk was quite righteous and did not retreat because he sued the secret fairy palace monk. He stood up to testify for Huiwen. Under human evidence and material evidence, the secret fairy palace took over the case. The case was officially filed.

Huiwen thought that she would get results soon, but she had been waiting for 20 years. In 20 years, no monk came to stop the invasion of the desert. The land of Liyang was rapidly reduced to the desert, and most of the majestic Weiyang Palace also fell into the desert. Huiwen went to the Duankou sect again and knocked on the "Shouxiang drum", still as it was 20 years ago. Similarly, someone soon came to question the case, but this time, Huiwen could not find a witness, and the brave monk had died 20 years ago.

After the monk in charge of the execution hall of the Secret Fairy Palace regretted to inform Huiwen, the case has been revoked due to the lack of strong evidence and too long. Huiwen has been the king of a country. She has seen and used such a method, so she did not appeal again, but used a sharp and hysterical cry when she left.

"Millions of years of natural disaster, why? You don't have to cultivate merit."

Is it true that the human race does not practice meritorious deeds without immortal Buddhas after the Journey to the West? No one has delve into this, but Situ Hao is keenly aware that Gu Su Shen asked him to do the task of "Qin Shang's music score" obviously not only to give him a treasure, but also to tell him that merit is very important.

Open the attribute bar and don't see a window with merit. Then think about the main plot task and the busy events between various clans, Situ Hao knows that the column of merit must be temporarily hidden and needs to wait for the time to show Come on.

"Will there be a disaster if there is merit?" Situ Hao doubted this.