Infinite Secret Land of Online Games

Chapter 088 Merit

88-- merit

The era of change is sad and joyous.


A song "Qin Shang" made Lao Jing recover from injury. Such a rebellious song made Situhao and Lao Jing stunned. After being surprised, Lao Jing showed a solemn look. He carefully asked the reason of "Qin Shang". After hearing what "Huiwen Hou" said, "Fear heaven and earth, respect ancestors, cultivate merit, and become immortality", Lao Jing He scolded angrily, "Old man, Ann can bully my master like this."

The injured old well is no longer a dying old man. He has become a middle-aged man with a feminine appearance and a soft voice. His face does not need to add that voice and style. Situ Hao later changed his name to "Eunuch Jing".

The old man at the mouth of the well refers to "the ancient depth". After scolding the ancient depth, the old well said with an apologetically, "Master, I'm really sorry. The old slave's injury has made the master fall into the old man's calculation."

Situ Hao shrugged his shoulders to say that it didn't matter, but he still didn't understand why he fell into the ancient deep calculation. Lao Jing immediately explained, and then Situhao jumped his feet and scolded the old man.

The so-called peck and drink are determined by heaven, and there is no entry and exit. There is no free lunch in the world, and there will be no pie in the sky.

Therefore, if the injury on Laojing is to be cured, at least nearly one million top-grade crystal jade is needed. If it is converted into a secret point, it needs 300,000 to 500,000 yuan, which is converted into 30,000 to 50,000 yuan. Of course, this refers to the complete acquisition of medicinal materials, but although these medicinal materials are precious, you can still get them by playing and looking for them in the game, which is nothing more than a long time.

But now, listening to a song "Qin Shang", Situ Hao saves so much money, which is unscientific and does not fit the number of days, so it will inevitably damage some of Situ Hao's things.

What exactly did it lose?


You can't see, you can't touch it, you can't eat it, you can't smell it.

But there is a problem here. Merit and virtue are related to natural disasters, but there has been no natural disasters in the world for millions of years, which means that merit has not played a role. So, what does it have to do with being detained?

When he was thinking about it, he felt something. Situ Hao looked up to the northwest and then praised, "Wow, meteor, Laojing, come and make a wish!"

"System Tip: Main Line 113 Ring - Collect Ganmao Leaf and Disappear."

"System Tip: Get the Dead Air Mirror."

"System prompt: Enter the secret world..."

A series of changes happened after the suspected meteor hit Situ Hao. When he stabilized his mind and looked around, he found that he had returned to the "immortal monument" of the Black Bear Forest and held a strange mirror in his hand, which was what he had mistaken for a meteor before.

Originally, he wanted to collect Gan Maoye to get the withered air mirror, but he didn't know what had happened. The task disappeared, and the withered air mirror ran to his hands. Then, he was inexplicably transported to the secret place, reaching the center of the black bear forest, and only a hundred steps away from the "Immortal Monument".

"Old well, old well."

"Sir, where are you?" Eou-in-law stood on the ruins of Weiyang City, the capital of Liyang, and shouted with a frightened face. His voice quickly disappeared in the desert, and his master still could not be seen.

"With thousands of cover-up, it becomes difficult to stop our will to seek immortals, all saints! It's my generation."



The earth-shaking momentum suddenly condensed into a bundle and rushed to the Immortal Monument. The amazing momentum quietly disappeared into the Immortal Monument, and seemed to have only done a simple action. In an instant, he was hundreds of thousands of years old, with a ricked back and a silver-white shawl, and its smooth skin was full of wrinkles and blue spots.

When Situhao thought that this girl had "crazy", it was originally a "immortal-free monument" with no action. The tablet surface was like circles of ripples, and Gu Shen made another action that surprised Situ Hao. He bit his finger and dripped a drop of blood into the layers of rippled monument.

Blood fell on the tablet and made a "wave" sound. Situ Hao heard it clearly in the monument, but there was no feeling. He did not know that when he heard the sound of "wave", the secret place and the main world also made a "wave" sound.

A "wave" shocked the world, whether it was the secret world or the main world. The violent shock frightened everything, frightened the players, and frightened the NPC.

At the same time, they sensed the unstoppable and hidden shock of some kind of information that had been waiting for millions of years. Countless great powers who had been closed for many years broke through one after another. Their expressions were crazy, their heads were barefoot suspended in the sky, and a long roar piercing the sky and resounded throughout the whole land of China.

Crazy and long roaring. For a moment, the whole main world was full of frightening roars.

"The ancient is deep, and the merit is 150000."

"Wet local tycoon, merit-150000."

"Damn it."

After the blood was scattered into the Immortal Stele, the three words "Immortalless Stele" on the Immortal Stele disappeared and became the "Gou De Stele". Then, the three characters of the merit and Moral Stele also disappeared, and the names of the ancient and Situ Hao appeared on the tablet.

"System full announcement: The venerable man who holds the monument appears in the world. He will travel through all circumstances of heaven and earth. When he meets a predestined person, he will tell him the number of merits."

"The whole announcement of the system that there are no immortals and Buddhas after the Journey to the West, only because there is no quantity of merit and virtue, but now the monument of merit and virtue has appeared, and more practice merit to eliminate cause and effect."

"The whole announcement of the system, how to practice merit and how to eliminate cause and effect depends on the players to explore by themselves, just as the main plot said when it appeared, to discover the world, explore the world, create the world, and cast secret immortals."

"System Tip: Your merit is 150,000. Please eliminate it before the first volume of the main plot is completed, otherwise, you will encounter a disaster."

Situ Hao was dizzy by a series of changes. When he woke up, the old well and the four shepherd servants were beside him, and his position was the only remaining building roof of the Weiyang Palace in Liyang. The old well and the four shepherd servants were under the attic, and the ancient sun sat three steps away from him with a smile. Behind him, Shi Yin There is a huge monument with soft light.

"You, you, this, this is becoming an immortal?" Situ Hao asked a little stably.

"Poof..." The ancient ghost who was calm and drinking and performing the immortality. Hearing this sentence, he sprayed out a mouthful of wine and pointed to Situ Hao and said, "You boy, as a broken person, is so ignorant that you can make jokes from Taoist friends from all over the world."

"Won, aren't you going to build a Buddhist court? Why did you sing the wandering song of Lost China again? Situ Hao asked curiously.

The title of the song: Lost the wandering song of China, lyrics: Shen Zi.

"Farewell to my divine state, the secret land drifts; the sunrise of the sea country is far away from my hometown. The clouds cover the moon and the stars are dark, and the water and sky are endlessly long. Looking at the homeland in the west, I think of my ethnic group. When I think of my Shenzhou, I am sad, Shenzhou has been lost, and my heart is wandering.

"Can't the human race build a Buddhist court?" Gu Xuan blinked deeply and looked very naughty.

"Didn't you become a statuet? The venerable is the immortal of the Buddha's court, right? What did I say wrong?"

"Oh, you are not ignorant, but you are too shallow. For millions of years, no one in the main world has survived the disaster and no one has become an immortal. Why?"

"If you don't practice merit and virtue, you won't become an immortal!"

"Yes, why don't you practice merit?"

"Why?" After Situ Hao was stunned, he suddenly realized, "Because there is no monument of merit?"

"Exactly, if you don't have a merit monument, you don't know the geometry of merit and virtue. How can you repair it?"

"No, as soon as you come out, you will have 150,000 merits. Why do I lose 15 * virtues? This is unreasonable. I found the immortal monument, I broke it, and I took you in. Why are you 150,000, and I am negative 150,000?" Situ Hao shouted.

"One peck and one drink are determined by heaven. I am right and negative, and the number is unified. Why do you ask?" Speaking of this, Gu Yao took a deep move and caught the old well, Xi Xiao, many strange birds, snakes, and wounded bear guards downstairs into mid-air and pointed to them, "That's why."

Then, he looked at Situ Hao with deep meaning and said, "That's also the answer."

Situ Hao was not convinced and roared, "This is my hard work, and I haven't taken a shortcut. Why should I deduct my merits?"

"Millions of years of no heavenly disaster is certainly the reason why the merit monument is covered, but the five major races in the world only know how to plunder the treasures of the secret world, but there is no feedback, which is also the reason why the heavenly disaster disappeared. You said that these are the hard work you have worked hard to obtain, blood and scars, but the reason why you can get them is The aura of this world improved itself, and after being injured, it cured itself with the medicinal herbs produced by this world.

"So, did you really pay?"

Situ Hao is speechless. Can he say that I recharged to play? Obviously, NPCs don't know what to recharge, and they only know that "the merit is infinite, the cause and effect cycle, and the reason are all days."

"How to cultivate merit?"

Gu Xuan stared at Situ Hao, pointed to his nose and asked, "Are you asking me?" Before Situhao could answer, his hand touched his head, and the silver hair suddenly turned into nothing. The bare head made the ancient deep seem to be a little unaccustomed. He touched it and said, "Cool!"

Then, this girl pointed to her nose again and asked Situ Hao, "You asked me how to practice merit before?" Haha, Buddha said, can't say, can't say.


"With my pure body and words, all the etiquette is endless; I reappeared in my body and salute the Buddha again and again. I understand my heart with a large number of victories, deeply believe in all three Buddhas, and generally provide for such things with the power of universal virtuous deeds.

In the wild laughter, unknown songs were mixed with it, and Situ Hao, who left countless questions, pulled his hair and scolded.

A flying sword suddenly emerged from the void, and then set up Situ Hao, who was still cursing, directly. Fortunately, he didn't fly away immediately. Otherwise, Situhao would have no time to take back his friends. After he took back all his friends, the flying sword carried him to the direction of the palace of the secret fairy.

In the "Rende Academy" of the Secret Immortals, Situ Hao jumped down from the flying sword and shouted in surprise, "Master, aren't you closed? It's only been closed for less than three hours, and you actually got out of the customs.

Luo Shifu couldn't understand what Situhao was saying and said with a smile, "I have been closed for more than a hundred years as a teacher, and I have felt something in my heart, but now the merit monument has appeared, which is the time to walk in the world."

"Damn it, this time is too fast. In the blink of an eye, the NPC has been closed for more than a hundred years." Situ Hao complained in his heart, and then asked, "Master, what does it mean to walk in the world?"

"You know, this world is only Dongsheng Shenzhou. In addition, there are Xiniu Hezhou, Nanweibu Prefecture and Beiju Luzhou, but the latter three states have turned into ten thousand realms. Therefore, as a teacher, you need to walk through thousands of realms to cultivate merits and virtues. When the merits are completed, you can feel the disaster. At that time, there will be a chance to become immortal."

"But didn't we say we would recast the heavenly court? You have become immortals. How can the heavenly court be recast?

"Stupid disciple, the premise of recasting the heavenly court is the need for immortals, and immortals are not beneficial and harmful to monks such as me. Only immortals can have immortals, and only those who have immortals can enter the 36th Hall 72 Division of the Heavenly Court and master the rules of the world of Hongmeng."

"I understand, this is to take the civil service exam. If you have a bachelor's degree, you can't sign up for a junior college. With a diploma, you are qualified to take the exam. If you pass the exam and pass the interview, you can join the revolutionary team."

Luo Shifu ignored the disciple's complaints. Anyway, he didn't understand what the crazy apprentice was talking about. Naturally, he told some important things. In order to be afraid that Situhao could not remember, he also recorded these things into the blank jade slips. In addition to him, the whole secret fairy palace will travel. I don't Only the human race, the rest of the race will go.

This means that unlimited players enter the secret world and are likely to encounter these old monsters that have been practicing for tens of millions of years. In case some bad-tempered guys are provoked, it is very likely to be erased in the secret world.

Luo Shifu is Situ Hao's master. His skills are to be passed on to Situ Hao, but Situ Hao's cultivation is too low, so Luo Shifu has not been taught for the time being, but now he can't. He is going to travel, so he records everything he wants to teach into the jade slip.

"The teacher has been banned, and you can only break it when you reach it. Don't be radical, otherwise your life is in danger."

Luo Shifu, like a loving father, chattered about a lot of things. It was not until a great-generation boss in the Secret Fairy Palace sent someone to urge him. Luo Shifu waved his hand to leave, leaving Situhao, who was sad in his heart. He secretly sighed sadly, "It's backing the mountain, and it's hard to get along in the future!"

"Ding Ding, you have information."

"Boss, go and save the steamed buns, the 21st coordinate XX of the Journey to the West series, message: empty injury and broken dream."

"Damn it, which one dares to hit me." Situhao, who received the information, roared like thunder. His whole body pierced the sky like lightning. In an instant, he arrived at the secret place, searched for the 21st chapter of the secret place of Journey to the West, and then searched the coordinates. After finding the relevant task, he took over the task and entered the secret place.

Such a secret place that can be entered at will is called a public secret place. Although there are no material treasures, it is a good place to improve cultivation, so PK is inevitable.

The first volume is over.