Infinite Secret Land of Online Games

Chapter 012 Rainbow in the Sky

If you encounter an NPC that can't be killed by all means, then this NPC is the legendary protagonist.


The light gold long row shirt made her beautiful figure extreme, and the frosty expression stopped many young talents who wanted to talk to her. At the noisy banquet, she looked coldly on the cliff like a proud green lotus, waiting for a hero who could cross the natural danger and resist the cold to pick her. Go.

"This is my beautiful life story, but a wet local tycoon ruined my beautiful life story, so I must find him."

A curse-like muttering echoed in the corner of the banquet, and all the elders who knew her showed a worried look. The most beautiful rainbow in the Yinshan royal court has become hysterical and unpredictable since it was signed as a servant in a strange way by a human minority.

The architectural style of the Yinshan Wangting imitates the hell, but it does not have the cold feeling of the hell. On the contrary, because the high-level ghosts have evolved into a point that is no different from people, their royal court is full of sunshine. But these suns can't shine on the corner of the banquet, and the girl in the corner, who is known as "the most beautiful rainbow in the ghost emperor's sky", doesn't need sunshine.

"Yu Dan, what are you hiding here for?"

Yu Dan, a ghost beauty who was once mischievously signed as a shepherd servant by Situ Hao, has a very prominent background, but it is because of her prominent background that she can't stand being she was herded by Situ Hao. In fact, not many people know about this matter. The old man who redeemed her from Situ Hao was her family. Naturally, the elders in the clan will not publicize it everywhere.

Therefore, the boys and girls in Wang Ting don't understand why after Yu Dan went to the Journey to the West for a time, they became silent and rejected people thousands of miles away.

The guard, also dressed in light gold clothes, quickly walked to the corner of the banquet, stopped three steps away, and moved his lips slightly hesitantly. Yu Dan's original frost-like expression melted after listening to it, with a happy expression on his face and shouted, "Are you sure about this news?"


"Prepare a gift, call the ghost armor guard, and follow me."

The fog is not bounded, and Situ Hao is still stuck in the "gu" to study the strange plant. After seeing the well-informed old well research, he guessed that it was an extremely rare space material. When asked him what kind of rare material it was, the old man could not say why. Situ Hao kicked the old man aside and thought in a circle. He He commanded four shepherds to harvest these bamboo-like plants.

As bamboo-like plants are cut down one by one, the number of ghosts is gradually decreasing, which further confirms Situ Hao's conjecture that those ghosts really come from these plants. In other words, these plants do connect the sun and hell.

"If you can use them to make a treasure, you don't need to go through the City God Temple in the future, and you can enter the hell anytime and anywhere; if you make more, wouldn't you attack the hell?"

The plants named "Yangtong Ghost Bamboo" by Situhao are isolated by a total of five fence walls, and the number of each "Yangtong ghost bamboo" is about 50, which means that every once in a while, there will be about 250 ghosts coming out of these Yangtong ghost bamboo and then fill the whole valley.

Most of the ghosts in the valley have no intelligence, but they have instincts. When they come out of hell, they can't be supplemented by the yin spirit qi, and need other food, such as human yang qi or flesh, or similar ghost bodies, because ghost bodies are condensed by yin spirit qi.

Therefore, after all the living things in the valley disappear, the valley will become a large battlefield. The weak will be swallowed up and the strong will survive. After a certain number of them are swallowed, they will become spiritual and become ghosts. At this time, they will leave the valley to find a better way out.

The ghost cultivation of the enlightenment period that Situhao slaughtered before was obviously born during this period. Although he had wisdom, he had no experience and his combat effectiveness was very poor. As soon as he played a few tricks, he was deceived and finally disappeared and died.

When harvesting the last piece of "Yangtong ghost bamboo", there was a change. The color of the ghost bamboo was no longer white, and there were no tidbits, but extremely dazzling golden light. Situ Hao's mysterious "unknown" feeling emerged. At present, he did not hesitate to call many strange birds and take back the big snake, Injured Xiong Wei, he hung the old well on Xi Xiao's back and quickly left the "Xu Valley".

Less than five minutes after he left, Yu Dan and 30 golden armor guards appeared in the valley. After searching, they did not find Situ Hao. Yu Dan was furious and used so much money to enter the special world from the special channel. As a result, he still let the enemy slip away.

However, after searching, Jin Jiawei found some clues and judged that Situ Hao would not leave for more than ten minutes. Therefore, it was very likely to catch Situ Hao after catching him. Yu Dan trembled with excitement at the thought that his master caught the soul.

In the northeast of the valley, two giant birds are flying away from the ground. Situ Hao called out the divine shepherd king and found that the pastoral code is still the same, like a dark magic book. The cover is dark red, the magic pupil herd king sword in the upper left corner of the cover, and the upper right corner is suspended with "teller elephant beads".

The hexagram elephant pearl is the "seed" given to Situ Hao by the alien white gauze of the demon clan. After Luo Shifu's identification, its original appearance has been restored. It is a hexagram elephant species, ranking 1250th in the "exotic list". Compared with 1578 of the magic pupil sword species, it ranks much higher.

However, these are the "first species" and the low-ranked "first species" does not mean that they cannot evolve and become excellent Taoist species, but these need to rely on the acquirers themselves to strive for and evolve.

The unknown feeling in the past can only be said to be Situ Hao's intuition, but today's unknown feeling is the credit of the "tactical hexagrams", but the hexagrams and stars need the cooperation of Tianji. Tianjishu is just a general term, which specifically includes many subjects.


As long as he hears the cry of strange birds, Situ Hao has a feeling of egg pain, and he doesn't know if it evolved from a crow. Otherwise, how could he call such a sound? However, many strange birds and Xi Xiao rarely sing. If they sing, it means that they have found a great situation or a very urgent situation.

The wind suddenly became as sharp as a knife. After making a sharp cry, many strange birds and past owls bowed their heads and rushed down. This was an emergency. They were not even willing to send a message to Situ Hao with consciousness, but replaced their action signals with a call. Without waiting for the sound of the call to settle, they had swooped down.

The height of 100 meters is under the rapid dive, but in a time of * seconds, Xi Xiao and many strange birds crashed into a sea of ghosts, but these ghosts are different from those of the valley. In the valley, although the strange birds and Xi Xiao also kill ghosts, they never devours ghosts, but here, it They are like encountering delicious food, crazily devouring the wandering ghosts one by one.