Infinite Secret Land of Online Games

Chapter 014 Cold Tiger Pool Battle Group

The mother of human beings, the mother of demons, the mother of demons, and the mother of demons are all that Nuwa, not my exaggeration. History proves that she is a snake spirit with a long tail.


said that it was a good reception, but it turned out that it was thrown into a stinky broken car and didn't know where to drive. It can be concluded from the means of transportation that this team is so poor that it can't even afford flying treasures, and can only rely on ordinary means of transportation to travel.

The windows of the broken car are tightly covered. Although it is impossible to see the situation outside, it can also hear the conversations of the robber monks on the side of the road. Situ Hao slowly obtained some basic information. First of all, this team is called "Hanhutan Battle Group", which is usually named by place names, and its regiments have a local atmosphere. The members of the regiment are basically from the same place.

Secondly, there were about 150 members of the Hanhutan regiment. The casualties in this attack on Zangren Pavilion were a little heavy. About 30 monks died, 23 were injured and 12 were seriously injured. The casualties were so heavy that we must find out the cause. It was found that most of the casualties and injuries of the gang were dressed in light gold. In the armor's ghost repair hand, the head of the Hanhutan battle group is also knowledgeable, knowing that this is the ghost armor guard that only the ghost Rasha clan is qualified to have.

Therefore, even if Situ Hao does not confess, Yu Dan will be found out, and his confession avoids a bitterness. Although there is no preferential treatment, he has not been abused. Therefore, attitude is really important.

The cultivation of the members of the regiment are different. Therefore, the level of the regiment does not look at the cultivation of the members, but on the data of completing the secret tasks of each difficulty level; the Hanhutan regiment is a child-level regiment, which makes the commander's cultivation be suppressed below the spiritual silence period when entering the secret place, and there is no improvement of cultivation. How helpful.

All teams that can form a battle group have an assembly number, which can ensure that after entering the secret place, the regiment members will not be randomly transmitted and scattered, and can form a group to complete the secret place task.

Doing tasks is only the basic work of the regiment. The real business of the regiment is to be hired. Only by being hired can the regiment earn a full amount of spiritual stones, materials, etc. Otherwise, to enter a secret place, individuals need 1,000 secret points, and the team is 10,000 secret points, with 30 people.

It seems to be much cheaper, but for many groups, tens of thousands of secret points are relatively large expenses. If you enter a secret place to earn tens of thousands of secret points, there must be, but don't ignore supplies, equipment maintenance, etc.

Therefore, from the complaints and complaints of the regiment members, we can know that this Hanhutan regiment belongs to a poorer class, and it is helpless to attack the Tibetan Ren Pavilion. If there is no more entry, the ordinary relatives behind the members of the regiment will starve to death.

Compared with the freedom of players, NPCs live hard enough. Both ordinary people and monks are under the jurisdiction of the regime established by monks. Ghosts are a big empire, and ordinary people have to pay taxes, and monks also have to pay taxes. However, monks run around all day long, and tax evasion is necessary. Therefore, the empire's favorite is those fettered monks who can't escape from the temple!

The Hanhutan Battle Group belongs to a temple. Therefore, the heavy taxes make the battle group miserable, but if you want to resist the huge ghost empire, unless it is a human counterattack, you can only continue to endure it. Fortunately, there are still many places that can make money. Blocking roads, attacking castles and so on can all make money. Some for home use.

The situation of Zangren Pavilion has been clearly explored, but it was not expected that there would be a sudden visit by Yu Dan and 30 ghost armor guards. This accident made Hanhutan pay a heavy price; but high risks bring high benefits, and some basic conditions of Yu Dan are known from Situ Hao's mouth, and then Coupled with Hu Sen's own understanding of the senior officials of the ghost clan, he thinks he has made a lot of money this time!

Husen is the head of the Hanhutan battle group. Jindan's initial cultivation is the highest cultivation of the whole battle group, and he is also a registered disciple of the demon clan Bzhou shan; the registered disciple is the status of "infinite", but does not serve in the demon council. Become a registered disciple, change from ordinary NPC to unlimited NPC, and get the opening of unlimited attributes.

An infinite player with cultivation in the opening period, although it is not enough to deal with an ordinary player in the early stage of Jindan, it is still more than enough to draw. If there is a trace of legal skills, treasure equipment and other strength, ordinary players with Jindan cultivation can only kneel in front of infinite players with cultivation in the opening period.

From this, we can see how big the gap between ordinary and infinite is.

However, NPC must reach the cultivation of the Jindan period to become a registered disciple. Of course, these are fart monks without status. Those NPCs who come from the Xiuzhen family have obtained the status of registered disciples at the beginning of their cultivation. After obtaining Taoism, they can become official disciples.

If you return to the Cold Tiger Pool, it will take at least a month to walk (real virtual time synchronization), and it will only take an hour or two to fly. Naturally, the Cold Tiger Pool Regiment will not spend time on the road. They did not use flight tools before to prevent them from being intercepted by the reinforcements of Zangren Pavilion.

Therefore, after three hours of driving and finding that there was no pursuit, the Hanhutan Regiment finally assembled a spacecraft on the spot. The ship was shabby and made a creaking sound during the flight, which made people always worry about whether it would explode halfway.

Hanhutan is really poor, and there is not even a serious road. When the spaceship docked, he walked down from the string with Yudan's Situhao on his back. With a "wow", his black leather boots stepped on a pile of mud and looked around. The muddy road splashed everywhere.

Ordinary people walked with deep and shallow feet, while monks jumped between the roofs of the houses and went to their goals without touching the ground. After discovering that no one paid attention to him, Situ Hao had to pinch Yudan's buttocks, take advantage of her hands, and then carried her back to a clean place.

"What is this place?"

"Hanhutan Village!"

For Yu Dan's awakening, Situ Hao did not make a fuss, and Yu Dan did not show hysterics or panic. As soon as the two asked and answered, Yu Dan made things clear; she first thanked Situ Hao for his life-saving grace, then guaranteed that the injury was slightly better, and then unlocked Situ Hao's spiritual magic, and then , and discussed the follow-up matters.

About ten minutes after they came to Hantan Village, Situ Hao and Yu Dan, who had been ignored by no one, were finally invited into a house full of smoke, sitting in a circle of old and young. It seemed that there had been some disputes before. When Situ Hao and Yu Dan came in, they could faintly hear low curses.