Infinite Secret Land of Online Games

Chapter 016 Classmate Juvenile Next

When she was a child, there was a beautiful girl who looked like a princess. In order to attract her attention, the little boys deliberately teased her. Leaders also sometimes tried to attract a little princess to make a prank on the little princess. Nong Qianshan and Xu Taiyi were naughty little boys, and Hu Mei Niang was the little princess.

No wonder Yudan has such a deep resentment for Hu Mei Niang. As soon as she dared to enter the college, she found that she suddenly became an ordinary girl. She was loved by thousands of people in the family before, but in the college, she was only a member of the general public. This psychological gap is the first lesson for all quadrangle students. .

No one was born with leadership ability and temperament. Yu Dan was also depressed for a period of time because of this gap, during which something happened to cheer her up. A little girl couldn't stand this gap and wanted to commit suicide, and then was rescued. Then, her parents came to warm in the ward. He comforted the little girl and agreed to take her back.

But Yu Dan accidentally heard the little girl's conversation outside the ward. From their conversation, she learned that the little girl will lose her identity as the heir forever. At the same time, even if she returns to the family, she can no longer enjoy the previous resources and attention. The little girl can't even pass the first lesson, and she has been released. Abandoned.

From that time, Yu Dan knew that he might be very ordinary in the leader class of the innovation period, but it was not that he was really bad, but that his classmates were too excellent. There were more than a hundred such excellent people every class, thrown into the vast Dongsheng Shenzhou, but there was enough space for them to to toss around.

Unlike General Ren's deliberate low-key fork in the leadership class in the innovation period, Yu Dan is really not good and can only become a supporting role. As a supporting role, she gradually knows how to deal with people and how to deal with various excellent students. During her 100 years of study, Yu Dan learned what "vertical and horizontal" is.

While looking at the whispered communication between Nong Qianshan, Xu Taiyi and Hu Mei Niang, Situ Hao listened to Yu Dan's words. Then, the more he listened, the more wrong it became. He turned his face and looked at Yu Dan and found that Yu Dan was also looking at him. The two's eyes met straight. Yu Dan did not retreat because of his eyes, but still made himself very selfish. /Secret the past of the hour, to Situ Hao.

"Damn it, I just wanted to listen to a gossip, but I didn't expect to get a personal biography. Is it because I once signed a shepherd's contract?" Situhao would not believe that Yu Dan fell in love with him, so he would make a similar talk to himself. He just thought for a moment and understood why Yu Dan did this and why he confided with him.

As long as you think of a little girl who is spoiled at home, in order not to lose these, she has to force a smile and deliberately flatter a group of excellent peers. You can imagine how depressed Yu Dan lived when she was a child, and this depression did not make her personality cold and dark. It can only be said that Yudan's Ben The quality is really good.

Originally, I thought that after graduation, everyone would go to the west. It is estimated that there has been no major change in the world pattern, and everyone may have seen two or three sides in their lives. But I didn't expect that this is an era of change and turbulence. The monument of merit has appeared, the disaster may come, and the ascension is no longer a distant dream. The whole Dongsheng Shenzhou broke out like The same enthusiasm and dryness during the "Battle of China"

The male gods who had a secret love in the past appeared. The male gods still chased the arrogant figure and ignored the ordinary person standing next to him as usual in the college. Yu Dan needed to talk. She was suppressed for too long, but she couldn't find anyone to talk to. There was no one living in the big clan. You won't know how cruel the competition is there. One weakness is enough to make you lose everything.

Therefore, Situhao, who once had a shepherd's contract, made Yudan have a natural sense of trust in him. In such a season, such an environment, this natural sense of trust made Yudan's emotions explode, making her fully vent her depressed mood for more than 100 years.

After an uncontrollable talk lasted for half an hour, Situ Hao was shocked to find that he even knew what kind of underwear Yudan liked to wear, which made his cold sweat suddenly flow down. When there were no more words to bombard him, Situ Hao quietly moved his steps and prepared to approach him to avoid being Yudan, who came to his senses, killed his mouth.

"Is the remnant traces of that contract working?"

When Yu Dan's quiet voice came, Situ Hao could only report a wry smile. He did not expect that after the termination of the shepherd's contract, these pastures who had been herdsmen would still have a high degree of trust in the pastoral. In addition, Yu Dan's own emotions were out of control. As a result, Situ Hao became Yu Dan's most intimate male best friend.

"By the way, why haven't they talked for so long and look for the entrance to the Cold Tiger Pool?" In order to divert Yudan's resentment, Situ Hao quickly changed the topic.

Yu Dan stared deeply at Situhao. She wanted to remember this face. If there were bad rumors in the future, it must be the boy who spread it, but why didn't she have the intention to kill people? Yu Dan attributed it to the reason of the "residual contract", and this is indeed the sequelae of the residual contract. The shepherd who was terminated still trusts the shepherd and does not have the idea of killing.

It was because of this that after Yu Dan chased Situ Hao in the fog flower world, he had no intention of killing him. He just imprisoned him, and then did not treat him as a prisoner, but kept taking him with him. As a result, a series of things were found later.

"Conciation is a very important course in the leadership class. The ancestors believed that the reason why the human race continues to retreat is that the human race is unwilling to negotiate. The human race plays a zero-sum war, either winning or losing, without compromise, no negotiation, only war and defeat. The reason why the four races can win is that we know how to negotiate. Involved, know how to compromise.

"Oh, do you think the negotiation is really an important part of the victory or defeat of the Battle of China?" Situ Hao asked.

"The battle really ended 10,000 years ago, but the history of the human race retreating to the northern desert has been nearly 100,000 years. During these 100,000 years, the four ethnic groups continued to extend the olive branch of negotiation to the human race, but the human race has been refusing until ten thousand years ago, when the human race established Zhongzhou, moving the remaining human elites into it, and finally opened Chengtian's array of things isolated himself and blocked the attack of the four clans. This was actually another way to surrender, so the four clans declared the end of the war.

"You have talked for such a long period of time and have not been sure of the effect of the negotiation. Do you mean that you think the negotiation is useless?"

"Oh, don't you ghosts also want to rebuild the Yin Division? Why don't you worry about letting the demon clan take the lead so far?"

"Didn't you help the general Ren sneak into the hell to make trouble, causing riots in the hell and mobilizing the underworld army to suppress it, so that the demons knew the location of the underworld army?"

Is that so? Come on, I just went to hell for a walk around the street!"

"Is that true?"

The nutrient-free dialogue ended with the students of the innovative leadership class and finally reached a new agreement again. It seems that these NPCs have indeed learned the art of compromise.

As a future leader, if you don't know the art of compromise, you are definitely not a good politician, but you may be a qualified leader, and the leader is not necessarily a politician, as Yu Dan said.