Infinite Secret Land of Online Games

Chapter 020 Son of the Emperor

A small black bug swam up and swam in the chaotic and complex battlefield. Although it knew the general direction, it did not have an accurate position. The bug sadly found that it did not know where to swim to the end. In desperation, it had no choice but to hide in the fall, looking at the spell falling, and the spiritual power exploded.

Hundreds of people's fight can't end in a short time, coupled with delays such as escape and escape. For a while, Situ Hao could not see the traces of the end. Just as he was thinking about whether to narrow his eyes and sleep, he felt something in his heart and jumped on the stacks and looked at the direction of the city. The center of the city was right. A thick black smoke came out.

This black smoke quickly attracted the attention of the fighters. Slowly, all the fighters stopped. They all looked ugly and seemed to have realized what had happened. When Situhao did not understand what was going on, hundreds of monks of five forces left the city one after another and black smoke came out of the city. The place to run.

"Damn it, is it the real core of the event?" Situ Hao was so anxious that he was about to recover and follow him when he suddenly found that a pair of eyes were staring at him.

Being stared so close, Situ Hao was shocked. After seeing that the owner of those eyes was a child, he was even more puzzled. No matter how bad his cultivation was, he was still in the middle of the light, and he also had the warning of "trange elephant species". How could he be approached less than a meter apart, but still did not find it?

Subsequently, Situ Hao found that there was a misunderstanding in his thinking. It should be said that he was close to the child, not the child approaching him. The position he hid was near the tower at the head of the city, and the tower was full of debris. In order to expand his sight, Situ Hao stood above these debris, but he did not It has been noticed that there has been a first person hidden in the debris pile for a long time.

"Are you a monster?" The child suddenly asked.

Situ Hao was moved when he heard the words. Except for the children in Zhongzhou who were taught to "kill demons and exorcise ghosts and monsters" since childhood, the human children in other parts of Dongsheng Shenzhou have forgotten that they are different from demons and monsters, so no one will ask questions such as "you are monsters or demons".

Ordinary people in Zhongzhou can't leave, and this child can ask this question, which shows that this is his tutor, which also means that his parents or elders have always remembered that they are pure human beings and are not the same kind of demons and monsters.

This is a very dangerous idea. Although the four different ethnic groups have not killed Zhongzhou, on the one hand, they have fought for too long, and on the other hand, it is difficult for Zhongzhou to attack. When monitoring Zhongzhou, they also carry out extensive supervision and brainwashing of the human race in the ruling area, at least let the ordinary people agree with one truth. Demons and monsters are the races of this world, not aliens.

Therefore, any Miao Xian who does not agree with the four ethnic groups will be killed by organizations similar to the four ethnic groups. Slowly, generations of human races will be completely brainwashed. Not only do they not think that the four ethnic groups are alien, but they also think that the bloodline status of these four ethnic groups is higher than that of the human race.

In addition to Zhongzhou still remembering the Battle of Shenzhou, the early fallen continents such as Dongtu have long forgotten that there was this war that determined the fate of various races.

Although the parents have been telling them not to say hello to demons and monsters, the child's curiosity is heavy, and Situ Hao has become a bug, small and slender, extremely deceptive, so the child can't help asking.

"Where are your parents?"

"Dead, killed by those monsters."

"Is it the key to meet such a child in such a place?" Situhao blinked his beautiful and big insect eyes and thought. After he became a bug, the eyes that could best take out his hands all over his body were those eyes, which were very cute.

Children also love cute animals very much. Therefore, with his cuteness, Situ Hao took out all the information from the children's mouth. As soon as the information came out, without waiting for Situhao to digest it, he heard the system prompt "The main task 1042 ring completed, 1089 ring to receive and escort the Heaven Emperor. The son went to Zhongzhou.

"Damn it, is this little boy the son of the Emperor of Heaven?" After listening to the system prompt, Situ Hao was surprised.

Who is the Emperor of Heaven?

is the Jade Emperor.

It's just that all the immortals and Buddhas have been extinct and have not been reincarnated, and it is even more impossible for the son of the emperor to appear. Therefore, Situhao felt that the son of the emperor of heaven has something inside, but the system did not say anything. It doesn't matter. Situhao has taken something out of the mouth of the son of the emperor. He can slow down. Slow analysis.

After recovering from his body, Situ Hao put his hands together to thank him for the place where the thick smoke came out. If there happened to be a fire, he could not find the son of the Emperor of Heaven, let alone leave safely and easily after finding it.

The cup of tea in 18* doesn't need Situ Hao's thanks. At this time, he has scolded the little brother who set it on fire. The little brother said aggrievedly, "Burning*, if you don't kill or burn it, it's just *. What's no fun! Such a strange answer made Brother Ju laugh and cry. Finally, after calling the old player responsible for bringing this rookie professional player and beating the old brother, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the group was destroyed, they still grabbed some good things before being destroyed. The brothers of the "Old Tea House" group suddenly opened their faces, and Brother Gu's mood also became better. However, they received a letter from the local tycoon's flying sword. The local tycoon asked him to take over. Otherwise, he would hide the position of Brother Cup Ju. Reveal it.

"Nima, I was resurrected near here. Where is the hiding place?" Brother Gu scolded.

However, he is also afraid that the local tycoon will reveal his position to the monks in Sanwu City. These monks have the obligation to protect the property of the city when they drive the people out. Now they have been robbed by the old teahouse regiment. Although they have killed all the robbers, the losses have been caused, and these monks have to be punished for their merit.

The local tycoon is not a fool. After leaving the wall, he went to find Brother Cup Ju. As a result, he did not find Brother Cup Ju in that place. Brother Cup clearly said that the monk of the rune workshop asked him to take his brother to hide here and stand by. He had never seen Brother Cup Ju lead people into the city before. Therefore, the local tycoon thought for a moment and knew Brother Gu Where have you been?

After thinking about it, the local tycoon was also very annoyed. He didn't expect that it was too kind and pure to grab a stroke while the whole city was empty. In the future, he must study hard from Brother Ju. Now it is the time to help Brother Cup Ju. Although escorting the son of the Emperor of Heaven is not a confrontational task, the system has no There is a big announcement, but there is an escort mission, and there must be some danger on the way.

The transmission array is generally found in important cities, and the Sanwu tribe is not a great force. Sanwu County is also not an important place, so there is no transmission array.

The place where Brother Ju and his friends were resurrected is not far from Sanwu City. They chose to resurrect nearby, so more than 30 people were resurrected in the same place.

When the local tycoon arrived with the son of the Emperor of Heaven, Brother Cup also almost finished sorting out the morning products. Although there were not many treasures, some standard treasures were also considerable. Therefore, Brother Cup Gu welcomed the local tycoon with great enthusiasm, which made the local tycoon a little flattered.

Take out the map and have a look. Sanwu County is very far away from Zhongzhou, but if there is a transmission array, it will only take a few minutes. Therefore, you must find the nearby transmission array first.