Star Trek

Chapter 253 Crazy Upgrader 3

In addition, the Soviet-style ally has sent seven to nine missile launchers at this time. At this time, they have rushed to the edge of the enemy base. The situation is very obvious, and the attack will begin at any time. After seeing this, Liu Zheng knew that his original plan was no longer available.

Because it takes at least 10 minutes to produce a multi-functional infantry anti-aircraft vehicle and gradually become a field repair vehicle to produce several virus snipers. Gao Shi, looking at the current situation, 10 minutes later, the battle is estimated to be over. Liu Zheng knows that his original plan is no longer available. Because it will take at least 10 minutes to produce a multi-functional infantry anti-aircraft vehicle and gradually turn it into a battlefield repair vehicle to produce several virus snipers. Gao Shi, looking at the current situation, 10 minutes later, the battle is estimated to be over.

Therefore, in this case, Liu Zheng decided to do nothing. Since many allies have begun to launch a general attack on the enemy's base, so what are you hesitating about? Just, the mother, I also launched an attack in advance. However, even if the attack is launched now, Liu Zheng still has his own ideas. That is, add as little as possible to improve the efficiency of the attack. Liu Zheng saw that at the edge of the enemy's base, those super magnetic explosive coils should be the culprits that threatened his attack power. Therefore, if you destroy the enemy's super magnetic explosion coils or lose their attack power, your attack power will be protected at the maximum length. However, what kind of method should be done to achieve this goal?

However, at this time, just as Liu Zheng was thinking about how to make the enemy's super magnetic explosion coil lose its attack power or be destroyed, his two allies had begun to attack. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help cursing. Wow, damn it, why can't you calm down? If you are eager to achieve this, the result is often counterproductive. At this time, Liu Zheng knew that he could no longer hesitate. Therefore, with Liu Zheng's order, his 9 laser UFOs, in mid-air, with a strange sound came one after another, Liu Zheng saw that the 9 laser UFOs flew in the direction of the enemy's base awe-inspiringly and without hesitation. Since he has found the base car packaged by his ally's main factory, there is naturally no reason not to bring it to his base. Yes, that's true. After all, Liu Zheng knows that this base car actually belongs to the Allied combat power base car.

Once I expand this base car into a general factory, I will also have some high-end combat units owned by the Allied combat power type. Not to mention that the kind of air-sky fighter that has coveted Liu for a long time is a high-end combat unit belonging to the Allied combat power type. Wu So, Liu Zheng was very happy and led the base car of his ally to his base. Then, expand it and become the main factory. In this way, it should be said that after a period of time, I will be able to produce all the combat units of the Allied combat power type, the Soviet strategic type, and the Yuri combat power type at the same time.


At the same time, Liu Zheng's attacking troops are still carrying out their own tasks. At this time, Liu Zheng saw that his attack force had rushed not far from the enemy's base. However, here, Liu Zheng saw several technology drilling wells. Yes, those technology drilling wells have rushed to not far from the enemy base. However, here, Liu Zheng saw several technology drilling wells. Yes, there are at least five of those technology drilling wells. I know that if I occupy all of them, I will sit in technology drilling oil wells.

So, I'm afraid that only Liu Zheng himself can do what it means for Liu Zheng. Science and technology drilling oil wells, science and technology drilling oil wells! You should know that after a generation of oil well drilling, this technology will provide continuous production and construction funds for the construction of its own base and combat production. Therefore, Liu Zheng is still very emotional about this kind of technology drilling oil wells. However, there are not many oil wells drilled by this technology around their own base. Therefore, in this case, although Liu Zheng has also visited other places many times to find this kind of technology to drill oil wells, he has not gained much.

However, as the saying goes, it takes a lot of effort to break the iron shoes. Now, Liu is on his way to the army and has found so many technological oil wells. After seeing this, Liu Zheng's heart blossomed. At this time, Liu Zheng was ready, that is, to send a special military force to guard here, and then send a few engineers to drill these science and technology oil wells and occupy them all. In this way, it is equivalent to owning an energy base that can continuously provide a large amount of production and construction funds for yourself. With this energy base as your own logistical support, what else are you afraid of? But I don't hesitate to fight a protracted battle.

However, just as Liu Zhengqiang, a famous engineer, was coming here, Liu Zheng suddenly found that several enemy air and sky fighters were flying towards his attack force. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help frowning tightly again. Yes, you know, this kind of air-based fighter is quite an enemy combat unit. The defense is quite strong and the health value is very high. Suddenly, Liu Zheng found that several enemy air fighters flew towards his own attack force. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help frowning tightly again. Yes, you know, this kind of air-based fighter is quite an enemy combat unit. The defense is quite strong and the health value is very high,

Moreover, his attack methods are also diverse. That is, you can launch attacks on targets on the ground through the particularly powerful air-to-air missiles. At the same time, it can also attack targets in the air through that kind of air-to-air missile. Therefore, this kind of enemy's air-sky fighter has always been Liu Zheng's headache. However, it is often that the more afraid you are, the more you will come. Now, just when I was afraid of the air-sky fighters of the enemy, five enemy air-sky fighters rushed over again.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help feeling very helpless. However, when the opportunity comes, hit it. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order, so his 9 laser UFOs immediately flew from the middle of the air from the left and right directions to the enemy's five-flying aircraft. Although Liu Zheng also knew that the enemy's air-sky fighter had the ability to attack the air. However, at this point, Liu Zheng can't take care of so much. At the same time, Liu Zheng ordered his three Gate cannon chariots to attack on the ground.

Soon after, Liu Zheng's laser UFOs had attacked next to the enemy's five sky fighters. Then, from the left and right directions, with the harsh sound of chirping, strange laser beams burst out continuously, piercing the air and hitting the target fiercely. I saw the colorful light shining on the rotating edge of Liu Zheng's lasers.

It looks bright and extinct, showing a very mysterious appearance. Then, from the shining light of the five disputes, suddenly a dazzling laser beam shot out, as if a dazzling lightning came out of the dark clouds, with the sharp sound of breaking the air, as if it had ignited the air around it all of a sudden. Moreover, at this time, the rotating speed of the flying saucer-like laser UFO is getting faster and faster, and the colorful light on it is also getting brighter and brighter, as if it is nurturing the next attack...

On the ground, Liu Zheng's Gate cannon chariots are also frantically attacking the enemy's air and sky fighters in mid-air. Da Da Da Na Ha, the attack firepower is getting more and more intense and more fierce. Soon after, the three Liu Zheng's Gate cannon chariots had entered a state of madness. At the muzzle, it seems that the dark red light has turned golden yellow, and it looks like a round of little sun.

Of course, because the enemy's aircraft have the ability to attack air-to-air missiles, one air-to-air missiles, dragging the gray-white tail flame, constantly changing the direction of flight, and attacking Liu Zheng's laser UFOs in mid-air. Coaxed, coaxed, two laser floats suddenly lost their balance, flipped and trembled, falling from the air like straw hats. One by one, air-to-air missiles dragged the gray-white tail flame, constantly changing the direction of flight and attacking Liu Zheng's laser UFOs in mid-air. Coaxed, coaxed, two laser floats suddenly lost their balance, flipped and trembled, falling from the air like straw hats.

Now, Liu Zheng saw that the ally's base car had taken root in his own base at this time. At this time, because Liu Zheng's base has a considerable amount of production and construction funds, in this case, Liu Zheng can naturally spend a lot of money. With the unfolding of the ally's base vehicle, Liu Zheng began to build some basic infrastructure. For example, power plants, ore refinement factories, barracks, chariot factories, airports, air fingers, and finally, a combat laboratory was built. With the successful construction of that combat laboratory, Liu Zheng knew that this also meant that he could finally produce the high-end combat units used by the Allies.

At this time, Liu Zheng couldn't help pulling away his chariot production panel. The air-air fighter suddenly appeared there. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be very excited. Shit, I can finally produce air-to-air fighters. In the future, he will also have air and sky fighters to attack the enemy's natural units and military facilities. I also experience the feeling of the high-precision missile of the Zhongkong fighter chasing the enemy's combat units and running around.

At the same time, Liu Zheng saw the multi-functional anti-aircraft infantry fighting vehicle in his chariot generation menu. In response, this kind of multi-functional anti-aircraft infantry fighting vehicle is also very important for itself. Yes, that's true. Because in the process of fighting with your own attack troops, you are likely to be hit by some enemy troops. In this case, once you repair some of your injured chariots in time, you can save a lot of production and price. At the same time, more importantly, you will not waste time since then. So as to better grasp the fighter.

Therefore, a long time ago, Liu Zheng was eager to have several field repair vehicles. However, before its own production capacity, its own Yuli combat base cannot produce this multi-functional infantry fighting vehicle. And it is impossible to build a field repair vehicle and such a multi-functional infantry fighting vehicle. Therefore, now that he can produce this multi-functional infantry fighting vehicle, naturally, Liu Zheng will not let go of this opportunity. Therefore, under the production task of producing four aircraft, Liu Zheng added the production task of producing five multi-functional infantry fighting vehicles.

However, in fact, at this time, Liu Zheng found that the attack on the enemy's third base had begun. However, it was not Liu Zheng's combat force that launched the attack. It is the combat force of Liu Zheng's allies. Liu Zheng's attack force has just been adjusted at this time. It is attacking the enemy's base. However, according to Liu Zheng's plan, it still needs at least two forces to do. After reaching the front line, it will launch an attack on the target. The strength of these two is the battlefield repair vehicle just mentioned. Liu Zheng just wanted to repair his chariot in time through this kind of field repair vehicle. Thus, the production and construction funds were accepted, saving time and better grasping the fighters. At the same time, more importantly, once its chariot is attacked by the enemy's terrorist robots, and if it does not have its own position maintenance vehicle, the chariot attacked by the enemy's terrorist robots will basically be sentenced to death.

However, once you have a field repair vehicle, it doesn't matter even if your chariot is attacked by enemy terrorist robots. Because under the maintenance of his own battlefield maintenance vehicle, his chariot attacked by enemy terrorist robots will soon be repaired. The second kind of military force that Liu is waiting for is his own virus sniper. Yes, according to Liu Zheng's consideration, when attacking the enemy's base, there must be a lot of infantry fighting power in the enemy's base. For example, the enemy's mobilization soldiers, hyperspace legions, magnetic storm engineers, etc. Liu Zheng has always attached great importance to the sudden strength of the enemy's infantry. Although their individual attack ability is not very strong, once they form a cluster attack advantage, their attack ability is also quite terrible.

So, in this situation, if you first use several virus snipers to destroy some of the infantry forces in the enemy base one by one with their ability to attack, and then launch an attack on the enemy base. Since then, The battle will be much easier. However, the problem now is that I am not fully prepared, but my two allies can no longer calm down.

Liu Zheng saw that the Allied combat-type ally had sent seven sky fighters to slowly turn to the enemy's base. At this time, the seven sky fighters had already flown to the edge of the enemy's base.

Obviously, according to Liu Zheng's intention, it is to use these 9 laser UFOs to fly over the power plant in the enemy base and cut off the power supply of the enemy base by absorbing the power resources in the enemy base. Once the power supply of the enemy base is cut off, the attack ability of the enemy's super magnetic explosion coils will naturally be lost. In this way, the enemy's magnetic explosion coils, the super magnetic explosion coils that shoot the enemy will become a pile as the power supply is cut off. Scrap iron. No ability to attack.

Soon after, Liu Zheng saw that his 9 laser UFOs finally flew over a power plant on the edge of the enemy base. Several aircraft, with Liu Zheng's order, finally began to control the power resources of the enemy's power plant. With the strange sound of "buzzing" sounding one after another, the pale yellow aperture went up from bottom to top, from small to large, rising and rising. It's as if there is too much magic, taking the endless power supply from that power plant. Then, as the pale yellow aperture continued to rise, the power supply in the enemy's base was basically completely cut off! All the Patriot missiles have stopped the missile, and all the light towers have stopped rotating. It looks like there is no life at all, dead, like a pile of scrap iron...