Star Trek

Chapter 255 Crazy Upgrader 5

Wu So, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng finally made up his mind and decided not to build his third ore refinery, but to build his own scientific and technological drilling oil well anyway. Although, at this time, there is no enemy combat force to attack its own base. However, Liu Zheng knows that this peaceful life should not last long. Therefore, we should cherish this peacetime, strive to develop our strength, strengthen our base construction, and produce more important combat forces.

When Liu Qingshan finally built his spy satellite, Liu Qingshan couldn't help but be surprised that the player's base next to him was left. At this time, only one building factory had been attacked. After seeing this, it should be said that Liu Zheng couldn't help breathing in a cold air. He knows that war is really cruel. In such a short period of time, a good base was destroyed so quickly. Now, it should be said that it is really a period of melee, so under such circumstances, your base has not been fiercely attacked by other players. However, Liu Zheng knew that with the bases of those weaker players, one by one was destroyed. Next, soon, he would face the crazy attack of the enemy.

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that three heavy long-range howitzers had been produced in his base. The howitzer should be a kind of heavy vitality that can carry out long-range attacks. Liu Zheng is naturally very clear about this. Now, since the player's base at the moment adjacent to him has almost been attacked, in this case, do you also need to send troops there? Among other things, it is also good to train your three heavy long-range howitzers and improve their level.

So, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order that his three heavy long-range howitzers set out from his base, passed through the entrance and exit of his base between the two mountains, and soon arrived at the base of a player adjacent to him. However, at this time, Liu Zheng saw that in a base, the main factory had less than 5% of his health. At the same time, in mid-air, Liu Zheng saw another player's air strike force - three F16 fighters, roaring. Then, rings of air-to-air missiles roared at the main building factory with only 5% health. Boom, the air-to-air missiles exploded one after another. With the explosion fog rising to the sky, while the continuous explosion sound came, the dilapidated construction factory was suddenly blown into countless wreckage and debris, rising to the sky one after another, and then It fell like rain from mid-air and fell to the ground one after another.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng felt a little helpless. Yes, the mother, my partner also let his three heavy long-range howitzers exercise, but they didn't have a chance to build for themselves at all. However, although it was not possible to attack the main building factory, Liu Zheng took a look and found that there were several other military facilities standing above the ruins. Including an anti-aircraft missile, a power plant, and something that looks like a sentry gun. So, after seeing this, Liu Zheng ordered his three heavy long-range howitzers to attack those small military facilities.

Three heavy long-range howitzers launched an attack on the target together. For a moment, shells shot out one by one, drawing arcs to accurately hit the target. There was a loud explosion. For a while, it seemed that the persistence was falling like rain. Soon, those seemingly inconspicuous remnants of military facilities were finally destroyed under the attack of Liu Zheng's three heavy long-range howitzers. Of course, Liu Zheng's idea of painting his three heavy long-range howitzers will not be realized so soon. After all, upgrading is not so easy. Because once upgraded to a level, it doesn't just mean that it will double the attack ability of your combat unit.


At this time, Liu Zheng found that several chariots of another player were parked on the base of the player that had been destroyed. Liu Zheng misread that two of these chariots belong to that kind of main battle tank, and the other three should be called Type 90 self-propelled howitzer vehicles. After seeing this, Liu Zheng decided to simply take these chariots to continue to upgrade his three heavy long-range howitzers. Just above the base of the player that has been destroyed, at this time, several chariots of another player were parked. Liu Zheng misread that two of these chariots belong to that kind of main battle tank, and the other three should be called Type 90 self-propelled howitzer vehicles. After seeing this, Liu Zheng decided to simply take these chariots to continue to upgrade his three heavy long-range howitzers. After all, in general, Liu Zheng is very confident in his kind of heavy long-range howitzer.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order, so his three heavy long-range howitzers began to attack the enemy's chariots.

Oh, that is, seven howitzers were fired in a row. I saw that the three heavy long-range howitzer vehicles, the dark red flame at the muzzle of the gun was shining more, and one by one grenade shot out, clearly hitting the enemy's main battle tanks. Above. Boom, soon, this heavy long-range howitzer went to explosive power and quickly destroyed the enemy's main battle tanks. After seeing this, Liu Zheng was naturally very happy. However, what Liu Zheng didn't expect was that the enemy's three 90 self-propelled howitzers finally began to fight back against his heavy long-range howitzers.

The howitzers on both sides shoot each other. For a moment, in mid-air, those howitzers roared and exchanged with each other. What makes Liu Zheng feel incredible is that the three long-range heavy howitzers he has already lost were, and their health value is declining at a speed visible to the naked eye under the attack of the enemy's Type 90 self-propelled howitzer. After seeing this, Liu Zheng wanted to return his three heavy long-range howitzers to his base. The current situation is very unfavorable to me. However, it's too late. Just as his three heavy long-range howitzers turned around, several howitzers fell from the sky, so Liu Zheng saw that in the sound of the explosion, his three heavy long-range howitzers were destroyed one after another.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng's heart was naturally very painful. Wow, damn it, it's really not easy for me to produce such a heavy long-range howitzer. Unexpectedly, the three heavy long-range howitzers produced were destroyed by the enemy. Moreover, what makes it difficult for Liu Zheng to accept is that the heavy long-range howitzer truck that destroyed it was also the enemy's howitzer. At this point, Liu Zheng of the company not only owns this very good howitzer truck, but other players also owns this kind of howitzer truck. Well, it seems that the howitzer vehicles they have seem to perform better than their own howitzers.

It seems that you should be a better way. Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking about it. Yes, in this case, from the strategic point of view, Liu Zheng knows that he should first destroy the base of the player closest to him. At the very least, it is in this base that there is a very beneficial howitzer vehicle. In this way, if you take this direct attack on the enemy's shortcut, it is likely that your heavy long-range howitzer can once again show its great power. So, the question is, how on earth should we destroy this enemy base? It's really a problem.

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that he had finally produced three medium-range ballistic missile launchers. Liu Zheng knows that this kind of medium-range ballistic missile launch is actually a nuclear bomb launch vehicle. Carrying a nuclear warhead, it is also quite acceptable in the explosion. It is really a question whether Wu Mei's momentum can attack the target location. Just look at Liu Zheng. When the three medium-range ballistic missile launchers on the side they had just produced had a long attack distance, suddenly, Liu Zheng found that several enemy warships were marching from the sea area on the edge of his base.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help frowning tightly. Does his mother want to pass by Laozi, or does he want to come and laugh at Laozi's base to launch an attack? However, no matter which way it is, it won't work if you come here without saying hello to me. Therefore, with Liu Zheng's order, including his three newly produced medium-range ballistic missile launchers and his three heavy long-range howitzer vehicles, they launched an attack on the enemy's warships rapid sailing along their coastline. Without saying hello to me, he came here swaggering like this. That's not okay. Therefore, with Liu Zheng's order, including his three newly produced medium-range ballistic missile launchers and his three heavy long-range howitzer vehicles, they launched an attack on the enemy's warships rapid sailing along their coastline.

Liu Zheng saw the warships of several other players, including two aircraft carriers and several other battleships. With his long-range strike ability, Liu Zheng finally saw that his three long-range heavy howitzer vehicles attacked the enemy's surface warships one after another.

Wu bombarded and bombarded. In this way, with the howitzers hit the target one by one, there was a huge snow-white wave above the sea. However, the enemy should say that the health of the enemy's surface warships is not good. Therefore, although the sodium-intensive shells fell from the sky, they were in the process of marching, so Liu Zheng saw that the attack hit rate of his three long-range heavy howitzers was not very high. In addition, the three mid-range ballistic missiles that have just been produced do not have this capability, so it should be said that they still have a good attack effect on that kind of stationary military facilities. However, for movable military targets, the lethality is not very good.

If nothing happened, Liu Zheng saw that although the three newly produced medium-range ballistic missiles also continuously attacked the target, because they did not have this kind of guidance ability, the ballistic missiles they received did not hit the target. In this case, I would like to see what kind of attack effect will be achieved if you use you to attack those fixed military facilities in the enemy's base?

So, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng aimed his three mid-range ballistic missiles that had just been produced and aimed at the main factory in the player base closest to him. At this time, with Liu Zheng's order, I saw seven missiles on the three medium-range missile launchers, spraying the orange tail flame and roaring to the sky. However, just as they dragged the orange tail flame and broke through the air, they saw the giant deer hit the target, but, Soon, an anti-aircraft missile was suddenly fired from the enemy base, and then accurately hit Liu Zheng's ballistic missile. Therefore, Liu Zheng saw a loud noise in the mid-air. As a result, all the ballistic missiles no longer exploded in mid-air and could not attack the target.

Wu relied on his mother, and Liu Zheng couldn't help cursing. It seems that Doss must be like a new way to deal with you. Thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking about it. Finally, Liu Zheng saw that two aircraft carriers had been produced at the shipyard on the edge of his base. OK, it's okay! In this case, I will simply destroy your base with my own aircraft carrier. Finally, Liu Zheng saw that two aircraft carriers had been produced at the shipyard on the edge of his base. OK, it's okay! In this case, I will simply destroy your base with my own aircraft carrier.

So, at this time, with Liu Zheng's order, their two aircraft carriers set out from the shipyard on the edge of their base, riding the wind and waves and rushing towards an enemy base. Liu Zheng knew that each of his aircraft carriers carried seven to nine carrier-based aircraft. You know, what becomes important is that this kind of carrier-based aircraft can have the ability to fight continuously. And said that once he flew over the enemy's base, although a target had been knocked down, as long as Liu Zheng continued to order him to continue to attack, naturally, he would continue to fulfill his mission and attack the target again.

So, under normal circumstances, his ability to attack continuously gives it strong lethality. Therefore, Liu Zheng is still very confident in his two aircraft carriers. Finally, after half a minute of sailing, Liu Zheng found that his two aircraft carriers had finally stopped about a few kilometers away from the enemy base. Then, with Liu Zheng's order, the carrier-based aircraft that was taken over and roared away from the deck of the two aircraft carriers. Therefore, a very spectacular scene appeared in front of Liu Zheng. The rather dense interval looked like a locust, so dense, dark, roaring across the sea and attacking the target.

Liu Zheng has already set it up, that is, the first thing he wants to attack is the Patriot three air missiles in the enemy base. Liu Zheng knows that the enemy's Patriot III anti-aircraft missile has a strong air defense capability. Generally speaking, neither aircraft in the air nor missiles can escape their interception. Liu Zheng knows that the enemy's Patriot III anti-aircraft missile has a strong air defense capability. Generally speaking, neither aircraft in the air nor missiles can escape their interception. Therefore, they dare not keep them, and their own medium-range ballistic missiles cannot attack the enemy's base.

Susu, Susu, at this time, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's ground-to-air missiles had begun to launch air defense attacks on the ground. One after another, anti-aircraft missiles roared into the sky at high speed. Coaxed, coaxed, anti-aircraft missiles hit the air one after another, Liu Zheng's carrier-based aircraft, which was hovering over the enemy's base. Therefore, in the air, some were directly exploded in the air, and some were punished for running away with rolling black smoke, swooping down and hitting the ground fiercely. Above, a thick smoke burst into the sky.