Star Trek

Chapter 264 3

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that because he had already used his own super Yuri replicator, he finally occupied the chariot factory of his ally very smoothly. In this way, naturally, you can finally produce the type of combat power of your own allies - the multi-functional infantry chariot. Yes, that kind of multi-functional infantry fighting vehicle is quite important for Liu Qingshan. Yes, that's true.

Yes, you should know that that kind of multi-functional infantry fighting vehicle not only has a quite good air attack ability, but also has a very important point, that is, it can also be modified into a battlefield maintenance vehicle. In this way, naturally, your own kind of field repair vehicle can better serve yourself.

Because that kind of field maintenance chariot has a very good maintenance ability, it has quite good maintenance ability for some chariot fighting power that have lost some health points. Therefore, that is naturally very good. For Liu Zheng, he has several such field maintenance vehicles and has a very good maintenance ability. For those chariots that have lost some health, they have quite good maintenance ability. Therefore, that is naturally very good. For Liu Zheng, it is his dream to have several such field repair vehicles. Now, this idea has finally come true. Yes, that's true.

Now, in such a situation, since you have controlled the chariot factory of your allies, naturally, you can produce that kind of multi-functional infantry chariot in large quantities. Now, in Liu Zheng's base, production and construction funds are quite surplus. Of course, this also occupies the light of some Yuri replicators. It is by relying on their own Yuri replicators to control the enemy's chariot units that attacked their base, so that they can be thrown into the troop recovery plant in their own base, thus earning a considerable amount of production and construction funds for themselves.

Therefore, with money, he has the ability to produce multi-functional infantry fighting vehicles. In this case, naturally, Liu Zheng can produce a large number of multi-functional infantry fighting vehicles. Therefore, Liu Zheng produced nearly 20 multi-functional infantry fighting vehicles. It should be said that these nearly 20 multi-functional infantry fighting vehicles, on the one hand, have greatly strengthened Liu Zheng's air defense capabilities. Naturally, it is of great value and significance to strengthen Liu Zheng's air defense network system.

Another aspect is that since there are such a large number of multi-functional infantry fighting vehicles, naturally, you can also set up several field maintenance vehicles, which also provides a very good opportunity to strengthen your maintenance ability.

At the same time, Liu Zheng has deployed more than a dozen of his Yuri replicators to the bridgehead of the wooden bridge on the edge of his base. Yes, basically it can be said that it is these Yuri replicators who guarded the bridge position well. In this way, it is basically impossible for the enemy's attack power to break through that line of defense. Yes, once the enemy's chariot combat power is close to his own Yuri replicators, it will be controlled by his own Yuri replicators.

At present, Liu is seeing an enemy's light chariot rushing towards the wooden bridge. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help smiling coldly. Liu Zheng knew that although that kind of enemy's light-range chariot had a very good long-range attack ability, he said that even so, Liu Zheng knew that his Yuri replicator had a clear advantage in number. Moreover, the control distance of his kind of Yuri replicator is also quite far away.

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's light chariot had rushed to the center of the wooden bridge.

However, just as Liu Zheng returned the edge of the sharp chariot that had just been controlled from the enemy's hand to the edge of the enemy's base and thought of launching an attack on the enemy's base, suddenly a seemingly fierce beam of light came and hit the target fiercely. Above! So, Liu Zheng saw that his ray chariot suddenly exploded!

Then, soon after, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's seven remote control chariots once again launched a fierce attack on his base! Wow, damn it, remote control chariot! Damn, this thing has really created a difficult problem for Liu Zheng! Remote control chariot? You know, this thing doesn't have the slightest spiritual power! In this way, naturally, you can't be controlled by your own Yuri clone at all! What should I do? What should I do?

Yes, and Liu Zheng also knows, that is, that is, the enemy's remote control chariot is also quite strong in attack and killing ability! Therefore, in this situation, the pressure on Liu Zheng is naturally big enough. However, soon, Liu Zheng came up with another solution. That is, make full use of the high-explosive magnetoelectric fighting vehicles produced by yourself, and the air defense capabilities of your group of as many as 20 to 30 multi-functional infantry fighting vehicles. In this way, you can basically kill the enemy's group of user chariots.

After thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, five magnetic and electric chariots that they had just produced arrived and drove to the front line at the fastest speed. Then, with Liu Zheng's order, five magnetic electric chariots attacked the enemy's five attack tanks. Several magnetic and electric beams burst out and roared through the air, hitting the enemy's remote control tank that was impacting its base on the wooden bridge at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Then, Liu Zheng clearly saw that the enemy's remote control chariots had been gently pulled up under the action of the purple magnetic and electric beams before the jump. Liu Zheng knew that once hit by the magnetic and electric arc emitted by his own magnetic and electric chariots, the target would be lost in the process of pulling up. Have the ability. Including attack capability. Then, under such circumstances, naturally, the target has also become a live target for some of its multi-functional infantry fighting vehicles. At this time, with Liu Zheng's order, his 20 or 30 multi-functional infantry fighting vehicles began to carry out air missile attacks on the user chariots of the enemy who were pulled into mid-air. Liu Zheng saw that with the sound of ground-to-air missiles flying, Liu Zheng saw that the ground-to-air missiles were dragging the gray-white tail smoke and constantly changing the direction of flight, especially with the light of the edict and hitting the target one after another. Boom, boom, in this way, the health of the enemy's remote control chariots pulled into the air are falling and falling at a speed visible to the naked eye. Then, the sound of lifting explosions came one after another. In this way, Liu Zheng saw that in mid-air, the enemy tanks had exploded one after another.

Although the remaining labor tanks still stood on the wooden bridge and rushed towards Liu Zheng's base, after all, the number was not very large, so the two mad orcs alone quickly asked them to destroy them. Yes, you know, at this time, Liu Zheng's first two mad orcs have been upgraded to the elite level of Samsung. In this case, attacking this enemy's user tank with a low health value is 10 points. As they roared, they kept waving their strong arms. Their mutant bodies were born not afraid of the material of steel and gunfire. Between the waving of their arms, their strength reached a thousand! And with the sound of desperate collisions sounded one after another, sparks at the impact. Although the enemy's shells kept hitting them, those terrible guys, who didn't care at all, still hit the remote control chariots in the roar of the position. The fire was shining and fireworks soared to the sky.

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that with his wooden bridge, one of his engineers was restored, and one enemy chariot after another drove on the wooden bridge again. Including multi-functional infantry fighting vehicles, there will be tanks, rhino tanks, ray chariots, phantomless tanks and so on. These various tanks were carried on the wooden bridge and rushed to Liu Zheng's base at full speed. However, just as soon as they rushed to the prisoners, they had been controlled one by one by more than a dozen Yuri replicators who had already prepared to be there. It should be said that for the sake of staying, this one takes a look. It is not only a bridge connecting its own base to the outside world, but also a bridge of life and a bridge of money. This is through this bridge, one tank that catches one of the enemy, is controlled by his own Yuri replicators, and then sends Liu Zheng to the recycling factory of the troops who forgot in his base, so as to build his base and produce a continuous number of lives again and again. Production and construction funds. So as to meet the large capital needs for the construction and production of Liu Zheng's base.

However, after the battle has been carried out, Liu Zheng has become very clear that after this period of operation and battle, there is basically no worries about the safety of his base. Therefore, in this case, you should naturally consider whether you should launch a counterattack against the enemy. The result of consideration is that the time is ripe. One-sidedly, Liu Zheng began to think about what kind of way he should have to launch a counterattack against the enemy's base. Considering again and again, Liu Zheng decided to combine his dispatched battle fortress and magnetic and electric chariots to form an attack force as the main combat force of this counterattack.

In addition, according to Liu Zheng's consideration, he can send a battle fortress to become an advance force. At the same time, several Yuri replicators and virus snipers were stationed in these two battle fortresses. Well, in such a situation, once the enemy's melee forces are impacted, they will take the brunt and block the enemy's impacted melee forces at the front, and prohibit the Yuri replicators in it. The practice called by them will attack the enemy's melee combat forces. , control it. The words of the sword will naturally defeat the enemy's attack. As for the controlled enemy combat units, they seem to quickly return them to the troop recycling plant in their base and convert them into some production and construction funds for their own use, or let them kill each other, depending on the needs at that time.

At the same time, the magnetic electric chariot that follows closely behind can carry out a full attack. Make full use of their long-range strike ability to carry out long-range attacks on the enemy's military in the distance. Liu Zheng knew that the magnetic arc emitted by his kind of magnetic electric chariot had a strong illustration. At the same time, the attack distance is also quite far. Swords, coupled with quite good lethality, are still very good as a long-range attack ability.

So, according to the battle plan he had just considered, Liu Zheng began to form his own counterattack force. At the same time, let me subconsciously look at the amount of production and construction funds in my current base. It doesn't matter, and Liu Zheng couldn't help but be shocked. Yes, he didn't expect that so far, the production and construction funds of his base have accumulated 70,000 to 80,000 production and construction funds. And I have so much production and construction funds, which is really good news for me. Because 780,000 production and construction funds are indeed a considerable wealth. It seems that these are all the wealth created by their own Yuri replicators. With so much production and construction funds, naturally, there will be no problem with your own base construction and combat production.

Finally, Liu Zheng saw that his attack troops were ready. Then, with Liu Zheng's order, he saw that one of his attacking troops drove into the wooden bridge in order. In front, naturally, it is the battle fortress of Liu Zheng. Inside, this Samsung elite virus sniper was stationed, and then there were more than a dozen Yuri clones. At this time, the two battle fortresses had rushed to the edge of the enemy base. Behind, five magnetic and electric chariots followed. In order to cope with possible situations, Liu Zheng sent three more laser UFOs, rotating at high speed in mid-air, followed by ground troops to attack.

At this time, I saw Liu Zheng's attack troops and had attacked the units of their base, so the enemy quickly became too strong to stop Liu Zheng's attack. At the forefront are several enemy chariots, mainly including three tanks and two other edging chariots. However, the two battle fortresses that directly hit the two enemy armies said that Liu Zheng's two battle fortresses were controlled by the two battle fortresses one after another. Then, with Liu Zheng's order, the enemy's chariots, which were controlled by him, turned around and launched an attack on some military facilities in the enemy base. Of course, in this process, the other defense forces in the enemy base will naturally not be soft on these traitors. So, beams came one after another, and missiles, dragging the gray-white tail flame, roaring. Soon after, these enemy chariots, which had just been controlled by themselves, were quickly wiped out by the enemy.

Through this, Liu Zheng can also see that his opponents are really merciless at all for those who started independently by his own combat unit. The cruelty and blood of the means are also heinous.

Of course, there are inevitably some enemy infantry troops, and in the face of Liu Zhengwan's attack troops, they are also the first soldiers, as if they are scrambling to make contributions. However, in a battle fortress, he will be stationed in this three-star elite virus sniper. Therefore, in this case, I'm afraid it is not difficult for the enemy's infantry to attack. At this time, the dense infantry combat troops facing the enemy, the three-star elite virus snipers in the battle fortress were banned and finally began to launch snipers. With the sound of the sharp shooting of the sniper rifle, a dark green light fog rose and floated on the ground. It looked like a ghost fire. And some of the enemy infantry suddenly sounded with the sharp calls of the extremely sharp sniper infantry, and soon turned into bright green human-shaped light fog, which seemed to have countless viruses surging and corroded on them. Soon after, the human light fog gradually dissipated and turned into the light fog of different sizes. In the continuous jumping, in the constant floating, it turned into nothingness...