Star Trek

Chapter 268 7

However, at this time, just when Liu Zheng had just successfully shot down several attacking fighters of the enemy, Liu Zheng saw that many enemy tanks had attacked his base on the ground. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be shocked. Yes, obviously, because Liu Zheng has been committed to defending against the enemy's air strikes some time ago,

Therefore, not many of their own ground combat units are produced. Therefore, while being able to defend the enemy's air strike with confidence, Liu Zheng has never been worried about the enemy's ground offensive. However, in this situation, the enemy seemed to see through everything in Liu Zheng's base, so just after Liu Zheng smashed their air attack, the ground attack finally began.

Liu Zheng saw that the main combat force of the enemy involved in this kilogram of ground, including five enemy grizzly bear chariots and three enemy stealth tanks. Through such a combination of combat power, it is not difficult for Liu Zheng to see that in fact, this enemy's ground attack is clearly a joint attack between the two enemy bases. Because the Grizzly tank and the stealth tank cannot belong to an enemy base at the same time. However, now, these attack forces of the enemy have broken through Liu Zheng's first blockade line and basically eliminated the reality of the base. The chariots given to themselves by the system. Next, they can only use the mobilized soldiers who have just been upgraded to the Samsung elite level to Those combat units that have rushed into their own bases against the enemy.

Liu Zheng saw that one shell after another shot out, sliding through a curve, and then accurately hit some military facilities of his base. Boom, boom, Liu Zheng saw that his own power plant was full of long kneeling power plants, and quickly exploded by the enemy's three grizzly bear tanks soon after being besieged by you. It was blown into a dark red explosive flame and soared into the sky. Almost at that moment, a power plant was blown into countless debris and fragments, scattered and fell to the ground.

However, although Liu Zheng was very anxious about the enemy's seemingly exceeding attack, he did not feel desperate. After all, my 10 people have been upgraded to Samsung elite-level mobilizers, and their attack power is also very good. Once surrounded, Liu Zheng believes that with their super attack ability, they have very good defense ability and considerable health points, it is very likely to slowly defeat the enemy's chariots.

Yes, Liu Zhengke is very inclined and confident in this regard. After all, my mobilizer, which has been upgraded to a Samsung elite level, does have a very good defense ability. It is in the face of the shells of enemy chariots that can last for a long time. Their excellent defense ability is also an important reason why they, as a ground defense force and attack force, can stand up and even turn the tide at critical times. Although their attack distance is not very far and their lethality is not very strong, they can be persistent like ants gnawing bones, persistently, and finally eliminate the target.

Sure enough, when the enemy's chariots rampaged in Liu Zheng's base and looked invincible, at this time, Liu Zheng's famous three-star elite-level mobilizers had passed through the base, deepened, and then quietly put the enemy One chariot after another surrounded. Then, the dense gunfire suddenly remembered, and the dense fire network almost shrouded the enemy chariots. Therefore, Liu Zheng saw that with the sound of dense gunfire, the besieged enemy's chariots, a kind of visible speed of life bombing decreased, and finally, one after another, exploded. Unexpectedly, he didn't expect that at the last critical moment, he would still be his own Samsung elite-level mobilizer and make great contributions to himself. Otherwise, in the face of the chariots that have touched the enemy in his base, it may be difficult for him to organize his defense forces.


However, in fact, the development of the war is not as simple as Liu Zheng imagined. Soon after, Liu Zheng finally built his own spy satellite. Through his spy satellite, Liu Zheng has clearly seen that in the enemy's base, the ground attack force seems to be dense and numerous, which is far beyond Liu Zheng's expectations. Wow, the enemy's construction speed is really not good. In such a short time, so much ground attack power has been produced. Liu Zheng roughly counted that there were almost 30 or 40 of various chariots in the two enemy bases. Moreover, what surprised Liu Zheng more was that among these attack chariots, there were actually that kind of heavy-level chariot. For example, in one of the enemy bases, there are two weather control tanks alone.

Of course, Liu Zheng knows that the enemy's weather control tank is powerful, which is not a joke. In addition, Liu Zheng also saw some other vehicles with better performance. Liu Zheng knew that once the enemy's Zhiyi's residential chariot launched an attack on his own base at the same time, then naturally, his base could not carry out effective defense at all.

Therefore, after seeing this situation, Liu Zheng decided that on the one hand, he should continue to strengthen the construction and production of air defense firepower. On the other hand, he has also produced a more high-end ground attack power with high-intensity and lethality. Otherwise, once the enemy's ground attack force attacks its own base, it is determined that it will be unpreventable.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng ordered to cancel the production of some other combat units, such as the production of his own stealth tanks. In addition, Liu Zheng took over all the production and construction funds, and first went to produce his own super weapon - space ion cannon. In the face of such a large number of attack forces in the enemy base, if you do not have a corresponding high-intensity lethal combat unit, then it is impossible for you to defend against the fierce attack of the enemy.

In this way, after about five minutes of waiting, Liu Zheng finally produced his first space ion cannon. Looking at his space ion cannon, he slowly rose from his chariot factory to the air. Knowing that at this time, Liu Zheng felt a sense of relief in his heart. Good, in this case, a generation will be attacked by a large number of ground attack forces of the enemy, so they can use their own space ion cannon to carry out large-scale and large-scale attacks on the enemy's combat forces. Even at the critical moment, he did not blow up some of his military facilities and combat forces, but had to destroy the enemy's attacking forces first.

Yes, at this time, under the current situation, it should be said that Liu Zheng has made relatively well prepared. About half an hour has passed since the battle. During this half hour, the enemy's attacks on themselves were mainly through air attacks. The guard is not accompanied by six fighters or Apache helicopters. At the right end, the enemy will also send several Kirov airboats. However, Fortunately, as early as the beginning of the war, Liu Zheng had built a relatively standardized air defense system. Therefore, the enemy's air strikes did cause considerable lethality to Liu Zheng's base. However, after all, some of the most important military, such as chariot factories, combat laboratories, nuclear power plants, etc., have not been destroyed by enemy air strikes.

Since then, naturally, Liu Zheng's base still has normal production and construction capacity. Now, Liu Zheng knows that when the enemy finds that they cannot achieve better combat results through air strikes, it is very likely that they will shift the main direction of the attack from air strike to the ground attack. Therefore, in this case, Liu Zheng also adjusted his defense strategy in time. Thus, it produced its first space ion cannon. When the enemy finds that it cannot achieve better combat results through air strikes, it is very likely that it will shift the main direction of the attack from air strikes to ground attacks. Therefore, in this case, Liu Zheng also adjusted his defense strategy in time. Thus, it produced its first space ion cannon.

In addition, at this time, Liu Zheng took a look at his base and what other combat units could be produced under the current situation. On the menu of the production combat power type, Liu Zheng found that a unique air strike force - air airship appeared in front of Liu Zheng. In fact, Liu Zheng also knows something about this kind of airship. Yes, Liu Zheng knows that this kind of airship can launch an air-to-air missile one after another. This air-air missile has high-strength sensitivity and high-intensity guidance capability. It should be said that this high-intensity guidance ability is mainly manifested in that no matter where the target moves, on the menu of production combat power types, Liu Zheng found that a unique air strike force - air air airship appeared in front of Liu Zheng. In fact, Liu Zheng also knows something about this kind of airship. Yes, Liu Zheng knows that this kind of airship can launch an air-to-air missile one after another. This air-air missile has high-strength sensitivity and high-intensity guidance capability. It should be said that this high-intensity guidance ability is mainly manifested in that no matter where the target is moved, this missile will be pursued from beginning to end. Know the location of the target. Otherwise, he will never stop.


At this time, in this situation, Liu Zheng finally saw that the enemy's ground attack had finally begun. The formula has finally begun. It's on the left side about three or four kilometers away from your base. Liu Zheng saw that more than 10 enemy chariots of all kinds had gathered there. At the same time, on the right side of his base, the enemy's ground attack on another base has begun. Liu Zheng saw that these attacks were carried out by several enemy grizzly tank tanks. Behind it, it was followed by several enemy rocket vehicles. Originally, Liu Zheng did not have any better combat strength to meet an attack by the enemy. In desperation, he had to send all his more than 20 mobilizers to the right side of his base to stop the ground attack there.

However, what Liu Zheng didn't expect was that when dozens of his mobilized soldiers launched a fierce attack on the front grizzly tank tanks in front of the enemy, behind the enemy's attacking force, with the sound of rockets fired, ~ ~ Liu Zheng saw, A rocket hit the air, roared through the air, bombarded, bombarded, and bombed. As the rockets bombed the heads of Liu Zheng's mobilizers, the dark red explosion fog rose up, and then, a scream was chaotic. You know, that kind of enemy rocket is quite powerful for the destruction and lethality of infantry units. Therefore, it didn't take long for Liu Zheng to see that his more than 20 mobilized soldiers had been eliminated by this time.

However, Liu Zheng knows that at this time, he can't panic anyway. Therefore, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng wanted to separate a unit, which had about five mobilized soldiers. Then, from the left, slowly bypassed the side of the enemy's attacking force. Yes, in many cases, Liu Zheng likes to attack the enemy in this roundabout way. Sure enough, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's attack forces fully paid attention to Liu Zheng's frontal attack forces. Therefore, he didn't notice at all about Liu Zheng's attack power from the side. However, it was the side attack force that had been bypassed behind the enemy's attacking forces. Then, with Liu Qingshan's order, the few mobilized soldiers who had circled behind the enemy's master hurriedly cut their fire and began a fierce attack on the enemy and naval artillery vehicles that were being fired.

Dada, dense firepower shot out. Because the enemy's rocket artillery itself did not have a strong defensive power, it was quickly destroyed under the attack of Liu Zheng's mobilized soldiers. At the same time, several mobilized soldiers who were facing Liu Zheng also took the opportunity to launch a charge. Yes, Liu Zheng knows that in this case, he can only give the enemy a two-sided attack, so the enemy's attack force basically has no possibility of survival. Therefore, under the attack of Liu Zheng's mobilized soldiers, it was quickly eliminated. At the same time, several mobilized soldiers who were facing Liu Zheng also took the opportunity to launch a charge. Yes, Liu Zheng knows that in this case, he can only give the enemy a two-sided attack, so the enemy's attack force basically has no possibility of survival.

Sure enough, after Liu Zheng adjusted his deployment, in the case of two attack forces launching attacks at the same time, finally, the attacking force on the right side of the enemy was basically completely destroyed. At this time, Liu Zheng couldn't help but turn his eyes to the attacking force of the enemy on the left. At this time, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's attacking force on the left was ready to move. Twenty or thirty enemy chariots of various types are rumbled and are launching a crazy attack on Liu Zheng's base. After seeing this, Liu Zheng knew that in this case, if he used conventional combat forces to defend himself, it would be impossible to block the enemy's attack. Therefore, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng's order slowly flew towards the enemy's more than 20 chariots that were attacking.

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's attack force had broken through his first defense line, and some of the enemy's chariots had rushed into his base. Fortunately, in this situation, Liu Zheng saw that his space ion cannon finally flew over the head of the enemy's group of attack vehicles. Therefore, under Liu Zheng's order, the space ion cannon opened fire. Then, in mid-air, his own space ion cannon slowly rotated, as if adjusting the direction of the attack and finally scanning and locking the target.

At this time, Liu Zheng couldn't help crying about his space ion cannon. Yes, mother, this kind of space ion cannon, as a space attack weapon, is indeed different. I only saw my kind of space ion cannon with three solar panels installed, all of which were raised up in an equidistant manner, and the middle part was the main gun body. On both sides of the main gun body, two ion accelerators are bound, which is naturally the source of firepower.

Of course, Liu Zheng knows that with the firing of his space ion cannon, he will attack on the ground. All targets within a few hundred meters around caused great damage. At this time, Liu Zheng also knew that although his attack distance was very far and his lethality was considerable, his time was also very long. That is to say, the time for an attack on one's own opinion lasts too long, more than ten seconds. However, the first attack should not last so long. Compared with that, all preparations have been made before that. At this time, finally, with the space ion cannon, Zhao finally locked the attack target, and then,