Star Trek

Chapter 275 13

However, when Liu Zheng exploded, he also saw that although his sneak attack was successful, it aroused the vigilance of the enemy. Therefore, Liu Zheng saw that at least a dozen enemy chariots gathered from the enemy's base again, then hugged and rear, arranged into a standard battle, and once again rushed in the direction of Liu Zhengde's base.

Liu Zheng knew that he could not be careless in the face of an attack by the enemy. Yes, it can almost be said that this attack is simply a desperate attack for the other party. Persistence is an attack that breaks the net, which is simply a dying attack. Therefore, in the face of this attack and this crazy attack, I really can't take it lightly. Therefore, some immediately changed their perspective to their own defensive positions again, organizing their own forces and preparing to block.

In the current situation, Liu Zheng knows that it is not easy to destroy the second base of the enemy. This is indeed the case. Because, you know, in this base, the enemy's combat power is quite strong. Therefore, if you launch an attack forcibly as before, it will definitely lead to very bad results. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng decided that he could not attack such a base, but should take it wisely.

However, what method should be taken? Liu Zheng didn't think about it at that time. However, Liu Zheng still decided on a general plan. That is, in this case, you can take the method of attacking east and west, and first send a small force to attack the left side of the enemy base. At this time, it is almost certain that the enemy will definitely send combat troops, even all combat troops, at least most of them, to deal with the attack on the left side of its base. Then, in this case, Liu Zheng* can send his own troops to attack the right side of the enemy base.

In this way, because the left side of the enemy base has been attracted, most of the combat forces in the enemy base have been attracted to the left side. In this case, the right side of the enemy base must be empty. Therefore, in this case, he sent his main combat troops to attack the right side of the enemy base. In this case, Liu Zheng has sufficient reasons to believe that he will succeed.

However, Liu Zheng also knew that in order to make his operation really successful, he must launch an indirect attack before launching an attack at this time. That is, with their own diving vehicles, probably several terrorists attack the enemy's base through underground stealth, and use their own terrorists to compete for the two important military she degrees Celsius in the enemy base. One is the dense cannon of the enemy base, and the other is a machine gun gun of the enemy army. Tower.

Yes, Liu Zheng knows that whether it is the huge cannon in the enemy base or the expansion of Qi in the enemy base, it has a very good attack ability. In order to make the attack distance or killing, it is quite strong. Therefore, in this situation, Liu Zheng must first destroy the two defenses in the enemy base. Otherwise, it is really difficult for me to succeed in this military operation.

However, Liu Zheng also knows that this kind of submersible writer is very expensive. You know, each production of such a submersible costs more than 3,500 production and construction funds. In this case, you need to build at least five dive vehicles this time. Five such submersible vehicles will cost at least nearly 20,000 production and construction funds. However, then again, that is, this unspoken action is of great significance. Yes, that's true. It can be said that the success of this military operation basically depends on the success of this espionage operation. And once this spy operation is successful, it means that the enemy's fierce city and combat troops will be basically destroyed. I will really win this war. Therefore, this spying operation is very important.

Fortunately, in the current situation, Liu Zheng knows that he has very good and abundant production and construction funds in his hands. Therefore, there is basically no problem with the task of producing five submersible vehicles. Therefore, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order, so the production plan of five submersible vehicles has begun to be set up and implemented. Finally, three minutes later, five dive vehicles were finally produced.

Then, Liu Zheng set up a production plan for five terrorists. Yes, I know that this kind of terrorist will also play a very important role in this spying operation. Yes, that's true. You know, this kind of terrorist is bound with high-explosive bombs, so once you station your own terrorist into the enemy's military facilities or directly attack the combat units in the enemy's base, then after a few seconds, all the targets installed on the high-explosive bombs will be destroyed. .

Finally, Liu Zheng saw that five submersible vehicles and five terrorists had been produced. After seeing this, Liu Zheng was naturally very happy. Then, Liu Zheng immediately stationed the five terrorists into the five dive vehicles. Then, everything was available. With Liu Zheng's order, the five diving vehicles were neatly arranged in their own base. With Liu Zheng's order, they finally began to take action. With an order, the submersible car began to break down. On the ground, the originally light green land began to turn earthy yellow, and for a moment, it surged. Then, the dive car began to sink slowly, and soon after, it sank into the ground, and the place where it had just sank, leaving only a pile of loess, which was the only trace it left. Then, the submersible car began to dive on the ground. Liu Zheng only saw that a sign was moving, directly crossing a cliff, crossing a narrow valley, and then crossing a high mountain again, and then stopped at the bridge of the stone bridge.

Then, on the ground, the loess rolled again and the land began to break. Therefore, the diving car slowly emerged from the ground, and the whole body was still as old as before. Moreover, it looks energetic. And where it drilled out of the ground, there is still a pile of arched loess, which looks like a small grave.

Now, in this situation, Liu Zheng decided to concentrate all his combat forces and launch a final attack on the enemy's last base. Yes, it should be said that so far, from all aspects, the time is ripe to launch a general attack.

Liu Zheng decided that his attack this time, all the attack power should include three aspects. On the one hand, it is its own apocalyptic tank. So far, Liu Zheng has seen that he has nine Apocalypse tanks in his hands - this is the kind of general Apocalypse tanks. In addition, on this basis, he has a tank for lifting the Apocalypse. This super apocalypse tank has high health, strong reconsideration ability and great lethality. Moreover, this super tank, in terms of attack weapons, is not the general artillery attack of the apocalypse tank, but uses laser weapons.

Therefore, because this super apocalypse tank has a laser weapon, it has a longer attack distance and greater lethality, especially for the attack power of buildings and the attack on enemy's military facilities. Therefore, under Liu Zheng's order, their own Apocalypse tanks rushed towards the enemy's base at full speed in the roaring sound that day. In addition, Liu Zheng saw that his second attack power was also ready to stop at this time. You know,

The second attack force of his own is also an attack force that Liu Zheng estimates very much. You know, this attack force is very good in terms of defense ability. At the same time, the launched air-to-air missile has very good guidance performance. Even if the target is quickly transferred, its own air strike force, the super air-aircraft, the suddenly launched air-to-air missile, can chase the target in time and destroy it. So far, Liu Zheng has seen that in his base, seven super airships have been suspended on the construction factory in his base. Liu Zheng knows that these seven super airships can definitely serve as a very good attack force.

In addition, for Political Commissar Liu, there is also a very good attack power, that is, his own space ion cannon that has been upgraded to a Samsung elite level. Liu Zheng knew that after upgrading to the Samsung elite level, his space ion cannon was more capable of destroying both in terms of attack distance and lethality. Therefore, Liu Zheng decided to send his own ace combat force to his Samsung elite-level space ion cannon almost. Then, the remaining military facilities in the enemy base were destroyed in one fell swoop.

Now, Liu Zheng looked at the time and should say that his attack on the enemy's base can begin. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order, so he saw that the three soldiers and horses rushed to the enemy's base together from the left, left, middle and right.

It should be said that in this situation, Liu Zheng has achieved a very significant combat advantage. Yes, that's true. Now, Liu Zheng's three-way army, with more than a dozen of his Apocalypse tanks as the main attack force, assisted the super airship, and his own one, which has been upgraded to a three-star elite-level space ion gun, flew in the direction of the enemy's base.

For a while, Liu Zheng saw the yellow dust flying everywhere, which looked like a huge sandstorm. However, just when his leading force was less than a few dozen kilometers away from the enemy's base, Liu Zheng suddenly found that more than a dozen all kinds of chariots rushed out of the enemy's base. And the combat power of more than a dozen chariots is mainly based on that kind of grizzly tank - naturally, it is from this that Liu Zheng knew that it is the most important main battle tank for the enemy, that is, that kind of grizzly bear tank.

What follows is a quite powerful combat force. Liu Zheng saw that the combat forces of the enemy's chariots closely followed mainly include: electromagnetic attack tanks, weather control tanks, and other than that kind of super balantic tank. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but marvel at it for a while. Wow, it seems that this time, the enemy has moved out all their family backgrounds. Yes, that's true. Because the various tanks that follow closely behind are quite powerful characters. For example, that kind of electromagnetic bomb tank gives the target a body by firing an electromagnetic bomb at a distant target, and at the same time, it melts the target by that kind of time-time method. In such an attack method, when attacking some enemy combat units, they often achieve the goal of "exting the enemy from the invisible".

In addition, the two remaining combat forces are also quite powerful. For example, the enemy's super-light tank can give a strong blow to the target through a beam of light falling from the sky. Of course, that kind of enemy weather control tank is even more powerful. For example, that kind of enemy's super-light tank can give the target a strong blow through a beam of light falling from the sky. Of course, that kind of enemy weather control tank is even more powerful. For a while, there will be lightning and thunder, and the sky and the earth will be dark and vast.


Now, seeing the enemy's attack force, which is so strong, Liu Zheng can't help feeling a little short of breath. However, then again, now, my own attack force is also quite powerful. As the saying goes, when the two armies meet, the brave wins. That's the truth. Now, in fact, to a certain extent, it is no longer to look at who is more powerful, but to see who is more courageous. Whose momentum is more powerful?

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that suddenly, his attack force, only a few kilometers away from the enemy's attack force in front of him, suddenly, a wisp of attack wave suddenly came, with a wisp of sound of breaking the air, and that kind of listening Going up, there seemed to be a very sharp outside sound. After that, Liu Zheng saw that the wisps of light cyan attack waves had hit his two and rushed to the two general apocalypse tanks in the front. After being attacked, Liu Zheng saw that his two Apocalypse tanks immediately stopped marching, and his whole body was shrouded in that light blue halo and rushed to the front two ordinary Apocalypse tanks. After being attacked, Liu Zheng saw that his two Apocalypse tanks immediately stopped marching, and his whole body was shrouded in that kind of light cyan halo, shining.

"Wow, damn it, this is obviously the enemy's attack called hyperspace magnetic tank!" Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing secretly. Yes, although I have seen that kind of attack of superspace legion soldiers before, but after all, such an attack is quite close, and it is impossible to attack so far away. However, the current situation is that the distance between the two sides is at least thousands of kilometers away! Wow, this, this, this is so awesome!

Yes, imagine that within that distance of a few kilometers, the target has been given to the body, and at the same time, under the action of that time-space, the target begins to melt. Such a powerful attack is quite not simple.

Liu Zheng knows that under this kind of attack, almost all methods are ineffective. The only way to save the two Apocalypse tanks that have been hit by general is to destroy the enemy's hyperspace magnetic energy tanks that have launched a long-range attack. Yes, that's true. Besides that, basically, there is no way at all.

However, for Liu Zheng, how to defeat the two enemy's super-space magnetic tanks is really a problem. Liu Zheng knows that this kind of hyperspace magnetic energy tank of the enemy basically only takes about ten seconds to destroy general targets. Yes, that's true. In this case, if you use your own Samsung elite space ion cannon to attack the target, then naturally, because the speed of its own space ion cannon is very slow, in this case, you want to do it within ten seconds. , it is almost impossible to fly to the vicinity of the enemy's super-space magnetic attack tanks.

If you use your own other ground attack weapons, it actually doesn't work. Because it has been given by the enemy's superspace magnetic tank, given two general apocalyptic tanks, it is already very good. Therefore, in this case, if the Apocalypse tank is sent there, it is tantamount to throwing itself into the net.

And since this is the case, there is only one way, that is...