Star Trek

Chapter 276 Battle of the King 1

Then, use your own space ion cannon to attack them in the air. In this way, naturally, the problem of being unable to attack the enemy's combat power was avoided because of the speed of the march.

In addition, you can divide some combat forces by yourself. After all, you can divide a batch of super airships to attack the enemy's base. Because at this time, the enemy's base is basically an empty city. In this way, you will definitely be able to win this attack.

At this time, it should be said that the challenges faced by Liu Zheng are very huge. Yes, that's true. You know, the current opponent is fearless in terms of base construction, combat production, or the use of strategic tactics. It should be said that he is obviously a master. In particular, it is indeed quite powerful to be able to produce so many combat forces in the shortest time and have a high level of combat and launch attacks on their own bases in local time. Obviously, he is a master. In particular, it is indeed quite powerful to be able to produce so many combat forces in the shortest time and have a high level of combat and launch attacks on their own bases in local time.

Yes, Liu Zheng knows that under the current situation, many advanced combat weapons have been added between the two sides. Therefore, in the current situation, victory or defeat is often a matter of thought. You know, this battle is the fifth time to rebuild his base for Liu Zheng. Of course, this also means that for Liu Zheng, this is his fifth defeat.

Now, Liu Zheng is still nervously carrying out his own base construction and combat production. In Liu Zheng's view, he must learn the lessons of the previous failures and not be pulled away by the enemy in terms of base construction and combat production as soon as possible. Otherwise, another failure is inevitable.

However, soon after, another enemy attack finally arrived. As in previous times, this time, the most important attack method is still air strikes. Liu Zheng saw that in mid-air, from over the lake between the two bases, several enemy fighters roared towards Liu Zheng's base. At this time, the air defense force in Liu Zheng's base actively had several anti-aircraft guns. However, it is obvious that this kind of enemy fighter has a good defense ability, so although there are continuous sound of anti-aircraft guns on the ground, and the black explosive smoke continues to spread to the factory in mid-air. It looks like a big black mushroom.

However, although the toilet anti-aircraft guns in Liu Zheng's base fired with all their strength for air defense attack, the enemy's mecha fighters still failed to attack the sky above Liu Zheng's base. Then, successively, several air-to-air missiles dragged white smoke, roared, and constantly adjusted the flight. The direction, either left or right, and front or back, wanders from mid-air to the target above the ground and attacks the past. Boom, boom, and then Liu Zheng saw that the air-air missiles broke through the air, roared, and finally accurately hit the target: the only ore refinement factory in Liu Zheng's base.

Yes, what Liu Zheng didn't expect is that this kind of enemy fighter has such a huge killing ability. Just one attack, on the ground, the ore refinement factory in its own base, as a toe conqueror, is falling and falling at a visible speed. Finally, as the last air-to-air missile accurately hit the target, Liu Zheng saw that in his base, with a loud noise, followed by a deafening loud noise, a dark red explosive fog rose to the sky, and one of his ore refinement factories was almost blown up at that moment. Counts of debris and debris were shot into mid-air one after another, and then fell and landed on the ground everywhere.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng was naturally very angry. Although, judging from the current situation, Liu Zheng also knows that he still has more than 10,000 production and construction funds. In this case, it should be said that there is no problem in producing some combat forces and building some military facilities. The problem is that in this way, it will definitely delay your production and construction process. However, there is nothing we can do. Therefore, in desperation, Liu Zheng began to build his own ore refinement plant again. Yes, that's absolutely impossible without an ore refinement factory. Because this kind of ore refined plant is the most basic and important way for itself to earn production and construction funds.

Of course, although I still own a technology oil well, and a technology oil well, it is working normally so far. However, in spite of this, the production and construction funds earned by drilling oil wells by technology alone are far from enough for the production and construction of Liu Zheng's base.


In terms of ground combat, in order to produce the most combat units with very good combat capabilities in the shortest time, Liu Zheng has set up a production plan of 30 general infantry. Moreover, soon after, these 30 infantry have been fully trained. Immediately after that, Liu Zheng put all his three lives into the ground defense operations. Behind them are five howitzers that have just been produced. At this time, several of the enemy's grizzly bear tanks, which had already given their 30 infantry, began to exchange fire. Da Da Da Da Da, Da Da, dense gunfire formed a dense fire network. Behind, the enemy's grizzly bear tanks also fought back with all their strength.

Behind, on the edge of Liu Zheng's base, in the jungle that seemed to be very targeted, Liu Zheng's five howitzers were fully prepared at this time. With their long-range attack ability, a 1-meter howitzer shot out and crossed by. A series of arcs roared towards the target. Bombing, bombarding, bombs exploded one by one. In the sound of the explosion, in the dark red explosion, Liu Zheng saw that most of the seven grizzly bear tanks of the enemy had been destroyed.

At this time, by the lake that was not far from his base, Liu Zheng saw that a wooden box suddenly appeared. Liu Zhengna is full of too many dreams for this kind of wooden box. Wow, it's likely that the wooden box is an upgraded wooden box. If so, you will send some ground combat forces to raise them all to one level through the muzzle. And this kind of wooden box may also be a money wooden box. Well, even a money box is very good for itself. He sent some ground combat forces to raise them all to one level through the outrageous gun. And this kind of wooden box may also be a money wooden box. Well, even a money box is very good for itself. After all, money is always too much.

However, when Liu Zheng finally stood up the wooden box, he found that this kind of wooden box suddenly turned into an aircraft carrier. Wow, Liu Zheng really didn't expect it. It's true that he didn't expect it. This time, I made a fortune, and I hit a lot of luck. Close to him, Liu Zheng saw that the aircraft carrier that had just been picked up immediately began to play its role. One after another carrier-based aircraft roared up from the deck, and then roared at the remaining Grizzly bear tanks of the enemy. Fast, because the gradually accumulated flight speed is quite fast, it has soon flew over several remaining grizzly tank tanks of the enemy on the ground, and then, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, and constantly adjust the flight. In the direction, attack the target above the ground.

Boom, boom, finally, the ship-based aircraft and the air-air missiles fired out accurately hit the target. As a result, several remaining Grizzly tanks of the enemy were attacked by carrier-based aircraft and were soon wiped out.


However, at this time, just when Liu Zheng just felt a little complacent about the victory he had achieved, suddenly, Liu Zheng's eyes saw that two enemy aircraft carriers appeared on the lake, the closest to his base. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be confused. Wow, two aircraft carriers? What exactly does this mean? Obviously, two aircraft carriers appeared at the same time, which must be the enemy's ambition for themselves. As the saying goes, he should repay his own people's ways. At this time, Liu Zheng saw that the two enemy aircraft carriers had begun to attack his base. The dense carrier-based aircraft roared up from the deck of the two enemy aircraft carriers and quickly flew over their own base. At this time, in this situation, Liu Zheng has not built enough anti-aircraft firepower and has not formed a perfect air defense system. Therefore, in this case, in the face of so many carrier-based aircraft of the enemy, Liu Zheng has nothing to do. He roared up to the sky and quickly flew over his base. At this time, in this situation, Liu Zheng has not built enough anti-aircraft firepower and has not formed a perfect air defense system. Therefore, in this case, in the face of so many carrier-based aircraft of the enemy, Liu Zheng has nothing to do.

swish, swish, swish, a dense air pair of missiles still dragging the gray-white tail flame, constantly changing the direction of flight, roaring to the ground, some important military in Liu Zheng's base are attacking the past. Boom, boom, in this way, in the face of the air attack of the enemy's such a dense carrier-based aircraft, Liu Zheng saw that the ore polishing factory in his base was once again destroyed. After seeing this, Liu Zheng was naturally very worried. It seems that he must find a way to destroy the two enemy aircraft carriers. They all reached their own homes. Two aircraft carriers bombed their bases at their own doors. In any case, they were not allowed to do so.

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that a nuclear bomber on his airport had been produced so far. After seeing this, Liu Zheng already had an idea in his heart. At the order of Liu Zheng, his bomber, the nuclear bomber, slowly rose from his base, and then flew towards the two enemy aircraft carriers on the surface of the water. Yes, according to Liu Zheng's vision, once his nuclear bomber successfully flew over the enemy's two aircraft carriers, it should be said that with the attack of an air-to-air nuclear bomb, the two aircraft carriers will be destroyed quickly.

At this time, Liu Zheng had begun to move towards. With a deafening loud noise, a dazzling mushroom cloud rose to the sky, and then the two enemy aircraft carriers were destroyed without a trace of a huge wave rising to the sky. However, the actual situation is that Liu Zheng saw that when his nuclear bomber had finally flown over the two enemy aircraft carriers, suddenly, Liu Zheng saw that there was a walking destroyer and a cruiser next to the two enemy aircraft carriers. Suddenly, An anti-aircraft missile attack began to be launched. Susu, Susu, Liu Zheng saw that the kinase anti-aircraft missiles fired out one after another, dragging the gray-white tail flame, constantly adjusting the direction of flight, and quickly attacking Liu Zheng's nuclear bomber in mid-air.

coaxed, coaxed, and quickly, the anti-aircraft missiles hit the target accurately one after another. Liu Zheng saw that his nuclear bomb bomber, which cost 5,000 production and construction funds, was shot down all of a sudden! His nuclear bomber suddenly trembled, and then suddenly lost its balance, rolled and fell down from the sky. It looked like a broken kite, from the sky, over the sea that had been turning over the track, and then exploded with a bang.

It should be said that now, Liu is correct and true, and he is the last thing he wants to see. That is, there is almost nothing I can do about such a fierce offensive against the enemy. Therefore, Liu Zheng has to admit that he has once again suffered a huge setback in this battle, thus facing an extremely confusing dilemma. I want to continue fighting with the enemy, but it seems that I am no longer qualified to continue fighting now. If you don't fight, you can only choose to escape again. The good saying is that it should be a transfer of combat power.

So, at the time of helplessness, Liu Zheng had to decide that this time, he had no choice but to do this: run away and avoid the limelight for the time being. Therefore, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order and fled the remaining military facilities to the deep mountain behind his base under the protection of the remaining combat forces.

Fortunately, at this time, although some of the remaining combat forces of the enemy have gained strategic advantages, in general, they have been almost consumed by Liu Zheng's life-and-death sniper battle just now. Therefore, the enemy did not continue to pursue. It seems that the enemy is almost ready now.

"Well, that's fine. Let yourself have a good rest. Otherwise, I will soon collapse!" Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing secretly. However, despite this, Liu Zheng knows that he should reflect on it now, no matter what, and think about why it is difficult for him to win in the face of such an opponent.

Then, Liu Zheng's analysis had a preliminary result. First, the most important reason why the enemy always gets it is that the enemy dispatched its air strike force early, and the bombing ability of the enemy's air fighters is also quite powerful, indeed quite powerful. Yes, such a strong lethal ability is really not a joke. And every bombing, its own ore refinery was first destroyed. It should be said that once you destroy your own ore refinery, the situation will be very troublesome for you.

From this point of view, Liu Zheng feels that he should really learn from the success of the enemy. That is, it can take the lead in producing the most important combat force in the shortest time. Yes, Liu Zheng thought that if he could produce the most powerful combat force in time, then naturally, the problem would not arise.

The previous defeats were in the face of attacks by their own strong combat forces, and they had no way to deal with them at all. As a result, it leads to an increasingly passive ending. Moreover, Liu Zheng also found that the enemy clearly produced that kind of strong combat force at the fastest speed from both the air and the ground. That is naturally very important.

After thinking about this, Liu Zheng couldn't help meditating for a long time. Slowly, the pimples on his eyebrows finally untied.