Star Trek

Chapter 286 Battle of the Kings 9

Yes, all this really makes Liu Zheng feel very helpless. I finally produced a long-range missile launcher, but I couldn't hit the target! In the face of the interception of the enemy's Patriot missiles, his kind of long-range missiles could not play any attack role at all, which made Liu Zheng really depressed.

"Wow, damn it, when and when Laozi's long-range attack missile can have a certain anti-missile capability. For example, when flying over the target, it can release more than a few warheads. In this way, it can naturally have a certain anti-missile capability, such as When flying over the target, more than a few warheads can be released. In this way, naturally, it can cause considerable confusion to the enemy's air defense interception force! In that case, the possibility of success of your attack will naturally increase greatly!" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking about it.

However, in return, for Liu Zheng's technical conditions at that time, it was simply an impossible delusion. Therefore, Liu Zheng must find new combat ideas now. Suddenly, Liu Zheng thought, in this case, wow, do I have to cross that wooden bridge with my intercontinental nuclear submarine? Can you also order your own nuclear submarine to attack the target on this side of the wooden bridge?

Until this time, Liu Zheng was like waking up from a dream. Wow, damn it, yeah, yeah, what is an intercontinental missile? However, it can attack the target from any place (for its own nuclear submarine, it must have been launched from the water)! In this case, of course, your own nuclear submarine is also okay! In this case, that is to say, your own nuclear submarine could actually attack any target on the edge of its own base!

In this case, Liu Zheng couldn't help patting himself on the forehead: Wow, damn it, I'm really stupid. I'm really stupid now! An intercontinental nuclear submarine in his hand did not really show the power it has. Such a powerful combat unit is like a night pearl buried in the dung in its own hands. It's really wrong. An intercontinental nuclear submarine in his hand does not really show the kind of power it has. Such a powerful combat unit is like a night pearl buried in the dung in its own hands. It's really wrong, it's really wrong!

In this way, Liu Zheng kept blaming himself and gave an order, so he almost took the mentality of "it's not too late to come over now" with an order, so finally, Liu Zheng saw that his nuclear submarine finally slowly surfaced. Next, Liu Zheng knew that its kind of attack with deadly destructive attack ability was about to begin.

However, at this time, the sound of firing began one after another. However, what made Liu Zheng feel a little helpless was that he didn't see what kind of combat force it was attacking his intercontinental nuclear missile! Yes, where is the enemy's combat unit that attacked its own nuclear submarine?

However, soon, Liu Zheng has found some clues. That is, just at the edge of the enemy's base, which is only one river away, a seemingly dense forest is scattered there. It looks gloomy, and there is an atmosphere of birds and flowers. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but move: Damn it, it seems that the combat power of the enemy who attacked his nuclear submarine must be hidden in that dense forest!

In this way, after Liu Zheng's careful reconnaissance, Liu Zheng finally found that, damn it, it turned out that there was a long-range howitzer truck of the enemy lurking in that dense forest. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be shocked. Yes, Liu Zheng knew that. Liu Zheng finally found that, damn it, it turned out that there was an enemy's long-range howitzer car hidden in that dense forest. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be shocked. Yes, Liu Zheng knew that the enemy's kind of howitzer car had quite a strong attack ability. Yes, that's true.

First of all, Liu Zheng knew that the attack distance of that kind of howitzer was quite far away. In addition, the shells fired by that kind of howitzer could not intercept it at all. Yes, that's true. And this is almost one of the most deadly advantages of this kind of howitzer. In addition, there is another important point, that is, the lethality of this kind of howitzer is indeed true. And this is almost one of the most deadly advantages of this kind of howitzer. In addition, there is another important point, that is, the lethality of this kind of howitzer vehicle is not ordinary. Yes, that's true.

Yes, now, Liu Zheng really admires this kind of tactics of the enemy. Yes, that's true. You know, in this case, you can also hide your chariot in the dense forest, which is not what ordinary people can do. And after its own submarine, the intercontinental missile launch submarine, just emerged from the sea with Liu Zheng's order, that missile, which had just sprayed the dark red tail flame and roared to the sky, yes, at this time, Suddenly, the situation also changed greatly, that is, now, from the dense forest, one after another, cannonballs are fired out one after another!

"Oh~~" With the sound of the cannonballs, Liu Zheng saw that one after another, roared across the smooth trajectory, and hit the target fiercely. Then, Liu Zheng saw that the health value of his intercontinental missile motorboat roared, crossed the smooth trajectory, and hit the target fiercely. Then, Liu Zheng saw that the health value of his intercontinental missile motorboat also fell and fell at a speed visible to the naked eye.

However, no matter what, at this time, Liu Zheng saw that his intercontinental submarine had launched the missile! Seeing that the sound of "whisper" kept ringing, a missile, roaring out, dragging the orange tail flame, breaking through the air, roaring, and flying towards the Patriot missile in the enemy base!

Now, Liu Zheng has really seen the nuclear submarine on his side, but it really has a quite good attack ability. Yes, that's true. Because, just now, although it was said that his own attack submarine could not make up for the long-range howitzer hidden in the jungle by the enemy and kill his health. However, this is nothing. Because at this time, Liu Zheng saw that his long-range attack nuclear submarine had launched an intercontinental nuclear missile in this situation. Moreover, Liu Zheng saw that what he never expected was that the speed of the missile launched by the United States' own nuclear submarine was not very fast. However, Liu Zheng found that the missile launched by his own nuclear submarine, the enemy's air defense force, even the enemy's kind of patriot air defense missile, was fundamental. There is no way to intercept.

Yes, now, Liu Zheng finally saw that he, as an intercontinental missile, finally roared and flew to the enemy's base. However, what makes Liu Zheng very happy is that at this time, in this situation, some air defense forces in the enemy base, of course, mainly the Patriot missiles, do not have any defense capability for their own intercontinental missile. In this way, naturally, basically, although Liu Zheng's intercontinental missile did not fly very fast, then again, because the enemy's Patriot missile did not effectively intercept it, so in this case, the intercontinental missile is finally clear The ground hit the target - the Patriot missile launcher on the edge of the enemy base.

In this way, with the sudden sound of an earth-shaking explosion, Liu Zheng saw a dark red firelight rising into the sky. Then, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's Patriot missile launcher was tightly surrounded by a dark red firelight almost at that moment. Liu Zheng saw, The health of the enemy's Patriot missile launcher is also in it. At the same time, the visible speed of heavy pressure is decreasing.

Finally, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's Patriot missile, under the attack of his intercontinental missile, was quickly knocked out of his last health and exploded with a bang. After seeing this, Liu Zheng naturally felt very happy. Yes, it should be said that in this case, the intercontinental missile launched by his nuclear submarine finally hit the target, and it was also an enemy Patriot missile. Under such a result, there is no doubt that this combat effect is very important for yourself. Yes, that's true.

However, almost at the same time, just after Liu Zheng saw that an intercontinental missile launched by his nuclear submarine on the edge of the enemy base was destroyed, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's long-range heavy cannon was once again directed at him. The nuclear submarine that had surfaced launched an attack. Liu Zheng knows that this kind of enemy heavy long-range howitzer has a very good attack ability. You know, this kind of enemy's heavy long-range howitzer,

The attack distance is very far. At the same time, Liu Zheng also knows that the shells fired by this enemy's heavy long-range cannon are also quite powerful after the explosion. But more importantly, this heavy howitzer can't intercept the shells fired by the enemy's anti-aircraft firepower during the attack. It can be said that it is this characteristic that makes this heavy long-range howitzer play an increasingly important role in the combat process.

Yes, that's true. Naturally, Liu Zheng will not deny this. Now, the shell fired by the shell of the enemy's long-range heavy howitzer has hit Liu Zheng's nuclear submarine fiercely. Originally, Liu Zheng's nuclear submarine had already been attacked by the enemy. Of course, it was attacked by the enemy's heavy howitzers. It is said that before that, its health value has been knocked out by about 50 or 60 percent. Now, in this situation, he was once again attacked by the enemy's heavy Liu's broken car. Soon, Liu Zheng saw that the health value of his nuclear submarine was falling at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Finally, Liu Zheng saw that after losing his last bit of health, his nuclear submarine was finally blown up by the snow-white waves rising above the sea with an earth-shaking explosion. Then, soon after, Liu Zheng saw his nuclear submarine, Who destroyed it like this?

Knowing that at this time, Liu Zheng was able to find that the intercontinental missile launched by his nuclear submarine, that is, the nuclear submarine launched by his own missile, actually had such a powerful attack ability. But before that, it can be said that I hardly knew at all that the intercontinental missile launched by my nuclear submarine launched by the missile had such a powerful attack capability. But before that, it could almost be said that he didn't know at all. Yes, that's true. Now that I think about it, that's really not good.

Before this, for a period of time, Liu Zheng was also attacked by missiles launched by this kind of enemy nuclear submarine. Yes, under the circumstances at that time, Liu Zheng had already built a very good anti-aircraft firepower. Therefore, in that situation, Liu Zheng thought that the enemy's air attack would have no effect on him at all. Because at that time, Liu Zheng can be said to have built and produced almost all the firepower. For example, the most primitive self-aircraft anti-aircraft guns, in addition, there are also near-field air-aircraft missiles, long-range surface-to-air missile anti-aircraft missiles, etc., and the number is also very large. Under such a result, it should be said that Liu Zheng is very confident in the air defense capability of his base, which is very normal.

However, under the situation at that time, what Liu Zheng did not expect at all was that a missile was erected from the water at the edge of the enemy's base. Moreover, the speed of a missile was not very fast, so at that time, Liu Zheng did not take it at all. He knew that in the current situation, there was nothing terrible about the air attack on the enemy.

However, soon, after a period of momentum, Liu Zheng saw that an enemy missile finally hit an important military facility in his base - his own nuclear power plant. Of

You should know that its own nuclear power plant is of great significance to the survival of its base. Because, it is very simple, the operation of any base must rely on sufficient reserve of that power support. Therefore, in this case, it is natural whether the power supply in your base can continue to be normal. That's very important. The operation of any base must rely on sufficient reserves for the power support. Therefore, in this case, it is natural whether the power supply in your base can continue to be normal. That's very important.

However, at this time, what Liu Zheng did not expect was that the missile from the enemy's table hit the nuclear power plant in his base. You know, a nuclear power plant can almost be said to be the source of all the power supply in Liu Zheng's base. If a nuclear power plant is attacked, it will definitely affect the power supply of its own base. Because the missiles from the enemy's table just hit the nuclear power plant in his base. You know, a nuclear power plant can almost be said to be the source of all the power supply in Liu Zheng's base. If a nuclear power plant is attacked, it will definitely affect the power supply of its own base.

Sure enough, Liu Zheng saw that with the sudden sound of a earth-shaking explosion, Liu could see that the nuclear power plant in his base was almost blown into countless wreckage and fragments and scattered at that moment. At the same time, in his base, as a nuclear power plant was quickly destroyed, Liu Deng saw that power support had been completely lost within his base.