Star Trek

Chapter 289 Battle of Kings 12

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that in his base, five long-range heavy howitzers began to attack again. However, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's heavy combat unit had a better attack capability. Soon after, Liu Zheng saw that the health value of his truck had been destroyed by more than 70%. After seeing this, Liu Zheng knew that if he did not take losses, his mining truck would no longer be able to be preserved. After seeing this, Liu Zheng knew that if he did not take losses, his mining truck would no longer be able to be preserved.

However, Liu Zheng also knows that his mining truck is really important to him. After thinking about this, Liu Zheng suddenly thought that his mining truck had a very good latent function. In this case, why don't you let her leave the dangerous environment in front of her in the way before? After thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order, so he saw that his diving vehicle, to be precise, his mining vehicle with diving functions, began to escape the attack in that way. At the sound of an order, the diving car began to break down.

On the ground, the originally light green land began to turn khaki, and for a moment, it surged. Then, the dive car began to sink slowly, and soon after, it sank into the ground, and the place where it had just sank, leaving only a pile of loess, which was the only trace it left. Then, the submersible mining truck began to dive. Liu Zheng only saw that a sign was moving, directly crossing a cliff, crossing a narrow valley, and then crossing a high mountain again, and then stopped at the bridge of the stone bridge.

Then, on the ground, the loess rolled again and the land began to break. Therefore, the diving car slowly emerged from the ground, and the whole body was still as old as before. Moreover, it looks energetic. And where it drilled out of the ground, there is still a pile of arched loess, which looks like a small grave. In this way, under Liu Zheng's personal command, its own lowland mining vehicle finally successfully got rid of the attack of the enemy's heavy chariot and successfully escaped. After seeing this, Liu Zheng's heart naturally became very happy. Yes, that's true. Because, in any case, in the current situation, my own mining truck is quite important. In this case, in any case, you can't let the enemy destroy it so easily.

It should be said that under such a situation, the construction of these bases and the production of combat power done by Liu Zheng are relatively successful. Yes, that's true. Because, in any case, in the current situation, in the face of continuous harassment by other opponents, after all, I can finally stick to it, and I have built my base so well.

Yes, needless to say, from this point alone, that's also very good. Now, Liu Zheng can't help but look at the common combat unit forces in his base again. These include five long-range heavy howitzer launchers and three land-based medium-range anti-aircraft missiles. In addition, Liu Zheng also has more than a dozen of his own infantry fighting force. Moreover, after passing the battle for a period of time, Liu Zheng found that his infantry combat strength had actually been upgraded to a three-star elite level in three infantry combat units!!!

Of course, Liu Zheng also knows what it means to him once he is upgraded to the Samsung elite level. Yes, that's exactly what happened. Once some of their infantry combat units are upgraded to the Samsung elite level, naturally, their attack distance and lethal strength will be greatly improved.

In short, in the current situation, even if you only rely on your five long-range heavy howitzers, it should be said that some of the enemy's ground combat forces are basically above and can no longer become their own opponents. In addition, its three land-based medium-range surface-to-air missile launchers should be said to have no problem with defending the enemy's air strikes. Yes, that's true. Liu Zheng's heart is very clear about this. Yes, that's true. It should be said that its three land-based mid-range surface-to-air missile launchers will not have any problem in defending against the enemy's air strikes. Yes, that's true. Liu Zheng's heart is very clear about this. Yes, that's true.

In addition, Liu Zheng is also very satisfied with the terrain location of his base. Yes, relatively speaking, the place where your base is located is relatively safe. On the left side of my base is a rather deep valley. Moreover, that valley is full of gold ore. At this time, after seeing the enemy's heavy chariot leaving, Liu Zheng had once again sent his mining truck there to collect ore again.

Moreover, Liu Zheng also saw that there was a path from that valley that went straight to his base. However, that path is indeed a path. However, Liu Zheng also knows that that the path is really a path with considerable combat significance.

Generally speaking, this path allows Liu Zheng to see the terrain characteristics of this map. That is, the waterway is horizontal and the dense forest is prosperous. Large and small, various bases are divided into many parts by that river. It looks like it is dotted, but it also seems to have the characteristics of the southern water township. Yes, that's true. However, what Liu Zheng values is the strategic value of this terrain.

Yes, due to the obstruction of some rivers and the obstruction of some mountains, in this case, it is naturally executing some


In this way, Liu Zheng finally owned four heavy long-range howitzers. Liu Zheng knew that his long-range center had a long attack distance and great lethality, and the shells fired could not be intercepted by the enemy at all. Therefore, in this case, it should be said that Liu Zheng should be relatively relieved about his ground defense.

However, although for Liu Zheng, his ground combat power has been greatly enhanced, on the other hand, the enemy's ground attack force has also been greatly strengthened. Yes, at this time, Liu Zheng saw that several heavy chariots of the enemy were starting to operate in another base separated by a canyon from his base. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help frowning. Wow, I didn't expect that the enemy would move so many combat forces this time. Fifth, Liu Zheng took a rough look, and there were as many as eight or nine. And what worries Liu Zheng more is that the combat power of these eight or nine enemy troops also has a very good long-range strike capability.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but get nervous again. Yes, in this way, it should be that long-range strike capability is against long-range strike capability. I just don't know which of these two long-range strike capabilities is better.

The current situation is that at the entrance and exit of his base, Liu Zheng has more than a dozen infantry combat forces. Moreover, more than 70% of these infantry combat forces have been upgraded to the one-star veteran level. In addition, more than 30% have been upgraded to Samsung Elite level. In this case, it should be said that such a consistent ground combat force, although it is an infantry combat unit, should also have good defense ability. At the same time, with its five long-range heavy howitzer vehicles, it should be said that its combat strength will not be very good.

At this time, the battle between the two sides has begun. Yes, that's true. These are the enemy's heavy chariots, which began to shell their base. In fact, to be precise, the enemy's heavy chariots are their own long-range heavy grenade vehicles. Obviously, its long-range heavy howitzer vehicles are also a great threat to the enemy. Therefore, in this case, it is naturally normal for them to kill their long-range heavy howitzer vehicles first. Their long-range heavy howitzers are also a great threat to the enemy. Therefore, in this case, it is naturally normal for them to kill their long-range heavy howitzer vehicles first.

Wow, Liu Zheng saw that one after another Liu Zheng's shell came out in time, broke through the air, roared, and crashed fiercely on his long-range heavy howitzer vehicles. Coaxed, coaxed, in this way, with the cannonballs falling down one by one, Liu Zheng saw that one of his long-range heavy howitzers quickly lost its last health and exploded with a sudden explosion. After seeing this, Liu Zheng's heart couldn't help hurting. Yes, it should be said that this kind of long-range heavy howitzer vehicle has quite good defense ability. One of them quickly lost its last health and exploded with a bang. After seeing this, Liu Zheng's heart couldn't help hurting. Yes, it should be said that this kind of long-range heavy howitzer vehicle has quite good defense ability. The health value is also relatively high, but in the face of the enemy's long-range strike force, it is also vulnerable. At the same time, this also let Liu Zheng see that the enemy's long-range strike force is really quite good.

However, the good thing is that this long-range heavy howitzer vehicle seems to have a stronger long-range attack type. In this way, Liu Zheng saw that his own cars - in fact, so far, there are only four long-range heavy howitzers left. Finally, it began to fight back. As the sound of shelling continued to sound, Liu Zheng saw that one shell after another shot out and roared away, accurately falling on several enemy vehicles rushing towards his base, above the head of the heavy chariot.

Boom, boom, in this way, Liu Zheng saw that one shell after another exploded, and the enemy's heavy chariots were also blown up a lot. However, there are still as many as three or four left. Although Liu Zheng saw that there were as many as three or four of the enemy's attack forces left, even in this case, the enemy's attack positions still did not give up and continued to rush towards his base. At this time, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's attack chariots had passed through a canyon and were attacking himself at the entrance and exit.

Da Da Da Da Da Da, in this way, at this time, Liu Zheng saw that the simple infantry fighting forces located in his base finally began to play their role. Soon, dense gunfire sounded, some directly attacked, some lay on the ground to attack, and some rushed forward while attacking. In a word, my own infantry combat force is very heroic and has a very good attack power. At the same time, in their own base, three or four of their own long-range heavy howitzers also took the opportunity to launch another attack. In this way, several shells burst out, roared, broke through the air, and fell fiercely on the chariots of the enemy's voice.

coaxed, coaxed, coaxed, in this way, at this time, Liu Zheng finally saw that under the joint attack of his infantry combat force and the long-range heavy grenade vehicles, the enemy's heavy chariots finally did not account for their own rapid steps, but at the entrance and exit of his base, just at that On the path, between the slopes, one after another exploded. Liu Zheng saw that with the sudden sound of an explosion, a group of big red explosions rose to the sky. Then, those chariots were blown into countless wreckage and fragments, shot into the air one after another, and then fell from the air and fell like rain. On the ground, one bomb crater after another scattered casually. It looks big and small, and the wreckage and debris are everywhere.


And his long-range heavy howitzer vehicles - even at this time, after the battle just now, Liu Zheng was happy to see that although there were only four or five of his long-range heavy howitzers left, they were all upgraded to the one-star veteran level. In this way, naturally, Liu Zheng knows that their attack ability will definitely improve significantly. This is a very beneficial thing for me.

However, Liu Zheng also knew that just a few long-range heavy howitzers seemed to be enough for him. However, now, Liu Zheng sees that the production and construction funds in his base are not very much. Moreover, at this time, he is still busy building and producing air defense forces. Yes, that's true. These long-range air defense combat forces are mainly land-based anti-aircraft missiles and movable air-to-air missiles. However, Liu Zheng knows that their models are actually the same, but now, Liu Zheng has seen that there are not much production and construction funds in his base. Moreover, at this time, he is still busy building and producing air defense forces. Yes, that's true. These long-range air defense combat forces are mainly land-based anti-aircraft missiles and movable air-to-air missiles. However, Liu Zheng knows that their models are actually the same. They are all Red Flag 9 surface-to-air anti-aircraft missiles.

Liu Zheng knows that this kind of Red Flag 9 surface-to-air anti-aircraft missile has a very long attack distance. It can be said that the enemy's air strike target can attack it when it is still far away from its base. Therefore, a long time ago, Liu Zheng had planned to build at least three such Red Flag 9 surface-to-air anti-air missiles. Now, according to that plan, Liu Zheng has built two land-based Red Flag 9 surface-to-air anti-aircraft missiles. In addition, Liu Zheng also plans to produce at least five movable Red Flag 9 surface-to-air defense missiles. Now, according to that plan, Liu Zheng has built two land-based Red Flag 9 surface-to-air anti-aircraft missiles. In addition, Liu Zheng also plans to produce at least five movable Red Flag 9 surface-to-air defense missiles.

However, at the same time, Liu Zheng also knows that this kind of Red Flag 9 surface-to-air anti-air missile will cost 3,000 production and construction funds for each. You should know that the cost of 3,000 production and construction funds is not high. More importantly, under the current situation, Liu Zheng's production and construction funds are not large. So, now, economic problems have once again appeared in front of Liu Zheng.