Star Trek

Chapter 302 Deadly Strike 4

However, Liu Zheng saw that although he had finally destroyed the enemy's base, there were only those military facilities that were useful to him. However, Liu Zheng also saw that in his own base, the enemy's air strike force also caused considerable damage to his base. Yes, that's true.

In particular, Liu Zheng saw that when his eyes shifted to his base, Liu Zheng found that in his base, it was also full of fire and smoke. At the same time, Liu Zheng saw that the main construction factory in his base had disappeared at this time. After seeing this, Liu Zheng knew that his main construction factory was destroyed by the air strike force of the enemy.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng naturally felt a lot of emotions. Yes, of course, Liu Zheng knows how important it is to build a general factory for a base of its own. Once the main factory is destroyed by the enemy, the group will. Well, it can basically be said to be a devastating blow to myself. However, he said to Political Commissar Liu that although his main factory had been destroyed by the enemy. However, Liu Zheng knew that he could continue to build another general factory. Yes, that's true.

Liu Zheng knows that as long as he builds a combat laboratory, it can be said that he can produce the kind of base car in this case. As long as you unfold the base car, then the new construction factory will naturally be built again. Now, under the current situation, Liu Zheng sees that the military facilities in his base have been relatively perfect. Therefore, in this case, you have to know that you can remember all its time and energy, as well as production and construction funds, to specialize in the production of that kind of base vehicle.

Moreover, according to Liu Zheng's plan, at least two base vehicles will be produced. In this way, as long as you have enough production and construction funds in your hands, naturally, even if your gas is destroyed again and again, you will not be afraid. Because you can continuously produce one base after another. In this way, it can be said that to some extent, this base of yourself can basically be regarded as immortality.

Yes, in any case, its own base was destroyed by the enemy, which was indeed a heavy blow to Political Commissar Liu. However, Fortunately, immediately after that Liu Zheng had built a combat laboratory, it was natural that he could go to have a re-production base car. Ability. Now, after three minutes, Liu Zheng saw that his two base cars were finally produced. Then, with Liu Zheng's order, one of the base cars immediately unfolded and became a construction factory.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help smiling. Wow, damn it, it's like destroying my factory. How can it be! Now, since a new construction factory has been built, it is natural for Commissar Liu that the first thing to do is to restore some military facilities in his base at local time. For example, airports, barracks, ore polishing plants, etc. Liu Zheng knew that after building these most basic military facilities, the first thing he had to do was to restore some military facilities in his base at local time. For example, airports, barracks, ore polishing plants, etc. Liu Zheng knows that only after building these most basic military facilities can his base operate normally.

At this time, Liu Zheng looked at the deputy map and found that although the enemy base closest to his base had been disabled by himself at this time. Naturally, the remaining military facilities will also become Liu Zheng's pocket. However, the words came back and gave his base, which was separated by a vast sea, and there were still two other bases of the enemy. It will also become Liu Zheng's bag. However, the words came back and gave his base, which was separated by a vast sea, and there were still two other bases of the enemy.

Moreover, it can be said that the treatment base is also a great threat to Liu Zheng's base. Even the enemy base, which has been destroyed by its own combat strength, poses a greater threat to itself. However, those two bases, anyway, are very far away from Liu Zheng's base. Therefore, in this situation, how can he contain the attack of the two enemy bases, and on this basis, find the right opportunity to attack them is the main problem facing Liu Zheng at present.

According to Liu Zheng's idea, the best solution is to still adopt the kind of combat plan he once used, that is, first transport his own long-range heavy howitzer truck to the enemy's base, and then through his own kind of long-range heavy howitzer. The super strong strike capability of the car destroyed the enemy's base.

However, in the same way, such a combat idea also faces a challenge. That is, once you encounter the enemy's air strike force, if you don't have your own air defense firepower, it is very likely that some of your long-range heavy howitzers will be wiped out by the enemy's air strike force. Therefore, what Liu Zheng is considering now is to equip his long-range heavy howitzer vehicle with anti-aircraft firepower.

Of course, the transportation problem should be indifferent. After all, I have an amphibious transport ship. However, it comes back. After all, it takes a long journey to go from your own base to the enemy's base. And this kind of long journey, in such a process, is likely to encounter the enemy's attack power. Of course, that kind of enemy's attack force should generally belong to that kind of sea attack. Although it is not impossible to strike from the air. However, the most important thing is the attack of that kind of enemy's naval combat forces.

Therefore, in order to ensure the success of another long-distance landing operation, Liu Zheng decided to regenerate several surface warships first. For example, that kind of Dragon King-class warship should be said to be a very good escort combat force. However, in the current situation, Liu Zheng still decided that before landing on the enemy's base, he would prefer to use his two intercontinental nuclear submarines to attack some important military facilities in the enemy's base. Only in this way can I really take the initiative.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help looking at his two intercontinental nuclear missiles. At this time, Liu Zheng saw that one of his two intercontinental nuclear missiles had been upgraded to the Samsung elite level, and the other had also been upgraded to the veteran level. It should be said that in such a situation, it is still very beneficial to your own attack.

However, after all, Liu Zheng knows that if he attacks some military facilities in the enemy's base from his base, then for sure, it is very far away. Liu Zheng once roughly calculated that if the launch starts from his own base, it will naturally take about a minute. And that about a minute is really unbearable for Liu Zheng, especially for Liu Zheng at this time.

Moreover, some enemy military facilities, such as the enemy's kind of construction factory, can not be an attack to achieve their own goals. Therefore, in this situation, Liu Zheng decided that he might as well sail his two intercontinental nuclear submarines in the direction of the enemy's base.

Above the sea, Liu Zheng saw that it was simply waves. However, the good thing is that this kind of nuclear submarine sails from under the water, so in this kind of situation, naturally, that kind of sea wind and waves will naturally have little impact on the navigation of the submarine. Finally, after about half a voyage, Liu Zheng finally saw that his two intercontinental nuclear submarines finally sailed to the enemy's base (which should be Base 2), which was only about ten kilometers away.

"Well, it should be said that within such a distance, your own long-range nuclear missile submarine attack should be relatively effective!" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking about it. Then, with Liu Zheng's order, the submarine attack of his two intercontinental nuclear missiles finally began! In the tense and violent vibration, a submarine-launched intercontinental missile sprayed an orange tail flame and slowly rushed to the sky. At the same time, a sound of alarm kept ringing between the sea and sky. It seems that the flight speed of that submarine-launched intercontinental missile is not so fast, but Liu Zheng knows that its ability to avoid the interception of enemy anti-aircraft missiles is already very important!

In this way, Liu Zheng saw that his intercontinental submarine nuclear missile was dragging the dark red tail flame and roaring. It looked like dragging a huge broom. Finally, the submarine-launched missile, after crossing a trajectory, finally hit the target: the airport with four F-16 fighters stationed in the enemy base! Boom~~ I saw that the enemy's airport was blown up with a bang as the missiles finally hit the target!

This, together with the enemy's airport and the four F-16 fighters stationed on it, were all destroyed in one fell swoop. However, at this time, Liu Zheng suddenly found that the situation had changed again. That is, that is, the enemy base that has just been wiped out by itself, that is, the nearest base to its own base, and now, an enemy base has been built on it! Moreover, so far, the enemy base has formed a certain scale! After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but have a big head.

However, soon, Liu Zheng also understood in his heart: it seems that this is the base of the other two enemy troops, sending combat forces again to cover the amphibious transport ship, reoccupy that area, and then build the base on it again. ! Damn, damn it, how dare you do this under my eyes! No, no, it's okay, it's okay!

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help sneering slightly: Ha ha, ha, if it is built, it will be destroyed! Anyway, Laozi's two Samsung elite-level long-range heavy grenade vehicles are a little boring! After thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order, so he saw his two Samsung elite-level long-range heavy howitzer vehicles set out again and rushed along the wooden bridge to the place where a base had just been built.

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy had built two airports, a shipyard, and even a combat laboratory on the ruins. Moreover, there are as many as four F-16 fighters parked on top of the two airports. Liu Zheng knew that at any time, these enemy F-16 fighters would take off and attack the targets in his base!

"Fight!" In this way, with Liu Zheng's order, his two Samsung elite-level long-range heavy grenade gunnery vehicles began to bombard some of the military facilities in the enemy base again. Because this kind of long-range heavy howitzer vehicle has quite good long-range strike capability, although the two enemy airports go deep into the depths of that base. But what about that? With its strong lethality and the long attack distance, the two enemy's airports went deep into the base. But what about that? With its powerful lethality and the long attack distance, Liu Zheng saw that his two long-range heavy grenade vehicles once again showed his skills!

"Wow~~" As the shells came out, roared away, and broke through the air. One by one, it looked like a meteor falling from the sky! Boom, boom, with the fierce shooting of one long-range howitzer after another, the health value of the target, the attacked airport of the enemy, is declining at a speed visible to the naked eye. Finally, with a bang, the enemy's airport suddenly exploded. The countless wrecks and fragments scattered, shot into the air, and then fell down...

At this time, Liu Zheng saw several enemy's main battle tanks rushing out of the enemy's base crazily, rushing towards Liu Zheng's two long-range heavy howitzers in the burst of roar. While charging, Liu Zheng saw that he was still firing fire! Unfortunately, due to the enemy's main battle tanks, they rushed towards Liu Zheng's two long-range heavy howitzers. While charging, Liu Zheng saw that he was still firing fire! Unfortunately, because the enemy's main battle tanks have a very limited range, they naturally look very ridiculous.

Yes, that's true. After crossing a certain space, the shells fell not far in front of them, but the two long-range heavy howitzer vehicles were still quite far away from Liu Zheng. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help smiling coldly: Wow, don't you know how far he has to attack? Damn, what a shame!

"Fight!" Then, Liu Zheng was no longer polite and gave a very decisive order, so the cannon rumbled, and he saw his two long-range heavy howitzers once again exerted their power and smashed the heavy bombs one after another! Boom, boom, boom, explosions one after another, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's main battle tanks, which were charging, quickly fell and fell. In the process of their continuous charging, they exploded one after another!

In this way, soon after, the enemy's main battle tanks were killed one after another. On the ground, large and small craters were scattered there. In the middle of the sky, there is a thick layer of smoke. Countless debris and fragments are scattered on the ground. After seeing this, Liu Zheng gave an order, so his two Samsung elite-level long-range heavy grenade vehicles rushed forward again. And their next goal is to build a main factory in the enemy base that has just started!

The result is naturally, and there is no reason to talk about it. The main construction factory of the enemy without any defensive ability, at this time, is basically under the attack of Liu Zheng's two Samsung elite-level long-range heavy howitzer vehicles! Soon after, with the loss of the last bit of health, it exploded.

Next, Liu Zheng's next target of attack was the other two enemy bases separated from his base in the wide sea. Well, it can be said that I have been bombed by the fighters of the two enemy bases, and now I can finally take revenge!