Star Trek

Chapter 313 Sea War 4

Yes, in the current situation, the most important thing for Liu Zheng is to strengthen his air defense capabilities. Yes, since its own base is actually a peninsula, it is naturally impossible for the enemy to land from the ground. And the enemy's attack from the sea is actually not very strong. Ten thousand steps back, it is not too late to build your own navy, until your base really stands firm, and then build it again.

The construction of the air defense system that Liu Zheng intends to carry out mainly includes the following aspects: first, land-based air defense guns, second, self-propelled air defense guns, and third, short-range and long-range air defense missiles. It should be said that under the current situation, Liu Zheng has basically built the first two types of anti-aircraft firepower. However, the production of the latter type of medium- and long-range anti-aircraft missiles has not yet been put in place. However, for Liu Zheng, that is not a problem at all. Yes, that's true.

Liu Zheng naturally knows that if he wants to really gain a foothold, he must have a sufficient amount of production and construction funds. Otherwise, everything will be empty talk. Liu Zheng's understanding of this is quite profound. Yes, that's true. Therefore, even if the production and construction funds are very tight, Liu Zheng still built three land-based scientific and technological drilling wells. Otherwise, everything will be empty. Liu Zheng's understanding of this is quite profound. Yes, that's true. Therefore, even though the production and construction funds are very tight, Liu Zheng still built three land-based scientific and technological drilling oil wells (which have reached the upper limit) and two offshore scientific and technological drilling oil wells. In this way, it should be said that it can basically meet the needs of its own base construction and combat production.

Another good point is that, not long after Liu Zheng began to build his own base, several wooden boxes appeared in his base one after another. In fact, Liu Zheng also has some understanding of that kind of upgraded wooden box. Sometimes, that kind of upgraded wooden box may be some construction and production funds, sometimes 1,000, sometimes 2,000.

And sometimes, that kind of upgraded wooden box will be some combat units, such as all kinds of chariots. Sometimes, it is an upgrade opportunity. Any chariot encountered will be upgraded to a level at once in the first time, and sometimes it is a spy satellite that allows you to gain the ability to view specific situations in all maps at once...

And when Liu Zheng touched the two upgraded wooden boxes, one of them was actually an unknown gun truck, which looked like that kind of anti-aircraft gun. However, when the enemy's fighters arrived, the guy could not open fire. The other is an intercontinental missile launcher. Of course, Liu Zheng is still very happy and fond of the second wooden box. After all, if you produce such a chariot, it will cost at least 4,000 yuan to produce and build it! Moreover, the production time alone will take at least ten minutes!

And in the following time, Liu Zheng found that as his anti-aircraft firepower continued to strengthen - at this time, he had built seven land-based anti-aircraft guns. The enemy's air attack, as Liu Zheng himself expected, became more and more crazy. Yes, that's true. Liu Zheng found that as his anti-aircraft firepower continued to strengthen - at this time, he had built seven land-based anti-aircraft guns. The enemy's air attack, as Liu Zheng himself expected, became more and more crazy. Yes, that's true.

At the beginning, most of them were some enemy airborne transport aircraft, one after another, flying towards Liu Zheng's base from all directions. However, often, when some airborne transport planes just flew over the edge of Liu Zheng's base, the sound of the dense anti-aircraft guns sounded one after another!

"Oh, after the continuous and intensive shelling began, in mid-air, the enemy's large transport aircraft were shot down one after another. Even, some of the enemy paratroopers did not have time to parachute at all...

In this way, now, because Liu Zheng has established a fairly strict air defense system, the enemy's air strike force cannot pose any threat to his base. Yes, that's true. Whether it is the enemy's long-range missiles, the enemy's fighters, or the enemy's large airborne transport aircraft, there is basically no chance. In a word, Liu Zheng built an air defense system when the base was founded. At this time, he finally received a very good effect.

Of course, anyway, it is not an easy thing to be attacked by such dense enemy firepower. If you are not afraid, the security of your base will be threatened. Therefore, in this case, Liu Zheng decided to build his own shipyard first. In this way, as long as your own shipyard is built, then naturally, you can produce your own kind of attack nuclear submarine.

Yes, Liu Zheng's heart is very clear about this. Liu Zheng

I know that although that kind of long-range ground-to-ground missiles may have stronger attack power and have a longer attack distance, that kind of intercontinental long-range attack missile also has a very obvious disadvantage, that is, it is very easy to be intercepted by the enemy's air defense system. Therefore, generally speaking, as long as the enemy's air defense system is not destroyed, it is basically impossible to attack the target with its own long-range missile attack in this situation. Yes, that's true.

In this case, it is of particular significance to set up the submarine-launched missiles launched by their own attack nuclear submarines. Yes, you know, the missile launched by your own attack nuclear submarine, first of all, the attack distance is no worse than that of intercontinental missiles. In addition, the lethality is not very bad. After all, the missile launched from the nuclear submarine is a real missile. A solid nuclear missile. In addition, more importantly, this kind of submarine-launched nuclear missile will not be intercepted by the enemy's air defense system. To be honest, this is the most useful. It is also the most important.

So, in this situation, Liu Zheng finally began to build his own shipyard with an order. Of course, it doesn't take much production and construction funds to build a shipyard. However, because Liu Zheng does not have any naval combat strength at present, in this situation, if he wants to successfully build his shipyard, he must be prepared. For Liu Zheng, this kind of preparation is to produce several shore ship missile launch sports cars. Yes, it should be said that it is the kind of coastal missile launcher, which has a very obvious attack advantage over the enemy's naval combat strength and the enemy's surface fleet.

However, back to the saying, Liu Zheng certainly also knows that that kind of coastal missile launcher, writers are also very expensive. Each production consumes 3,000 production and construction funds. However, in order to build his own shipyard, Liu Zheng decided that he should produce at least five shoreship missile launchers in any case. This is quite important to me.

Yes, according to Liu Zheng's battle plan, and in any case, the shipyard should be built first. After building the shipyard, you can produce that kind of intercontinental attack nuclear submarine in the following time. Because the submarine launched by the intercontinental attack nuclear submarine will not be intercepted by the enemy's anti-aircraft firepower at all. Therefore, in this case, naturally, you can send him to destroy some very important military targets in the enemy base.

Yes, that's true. For example, the enemy's airport is relatively the biggest threat to Liu Zheng's base. Therefore, once the submarine-launched nuclear missile is produced, Liu Zheng's first attack target is to destroy the airport in the enemy base first. For Liu Zheng, the threat of the enemy's air strike force to his base is really considerable. The most important air strike force of the N-2 enemy is the enemy's fighter attack. That is, in any case, we must first destroy the airport in the enemy base. For Liu Zheng, the threat of the enemy's air strike force to his base is really considerable. The most important air strike force of the N-2 enemy is the enemy's fighter attack. Yes, it is indeed the enemy's fighter.

Relatively speaking, the enemy's large transport aircraft, because they fly relatively slowly, in this case, generally speaking, will not pose much threat to Liu Zheng. Yes, in many cases, before they get the base close to Liu Zheng, it has been destroyed by those loyal or long-range anti-aircraft missiles in Liu Zheng's base. In addition, even if they can barely get close to Liu Zheng's base and build more than a dozen anti-aircraft guns on the edge of the base, they also have very good air defense capabilities. The rapid launch of anti-aircraft missiles is enough to allow all air targets to be attacked at the first time.

However, the attack of quite dense air fighters, in many cases, is still the security of Liu Zheng's base, causing a certain threat. Liu Zheng is very clear about this. Therefore, in this situation, Liu Zheng decided that in any case, he would produce several intercontinental attack nuclear submarines and use their submarine-fire nuclear missiles to destroy the airport in the enemy's base. It poses a certain threat. Liu Zheng is very clear about this. Therefore, in this situation, Liu Zheng decided that in any case, he would produce several intercontinental attack nuclear submarines and use their submarine-fire nuclear missiles to destroy the airport in the enemy's base. In this way, it should be said that he can suppress the enemy's air strikes to a large extent.

In this way, Liu Zheng saw that finally, after five minutes, his first attack nuclear submarine was finally produced. Looking at the attack nuclear submarine that looked like a shark, Liu Zheng was very happy. He knew that with the production of this intercontinental attack nuclear submarine, he would suppress the enemy's air strike to a certain extent. Under such circumstances, on this basis, it should be said that your own counterattack may come slowly. Yes, that's true.

At this time, just after he produced that kind of intercontinental attack nuclear submarine, Liu Zheng knew that if he wanted to use his own intercontinental attack nuclear submarine to attack the target in the enemy base, then there was another premise, that is, he had to build his own spy satellite anyway. Only in this way can you see the situation in all the enemy bases. Otherwise, you can't see anything in front of your eyes. If you can't know the situation in the enemy base in time, it will at least affect your attack on the enemy base. Therefore, it is very important to build a spy satellite "also known as the Global Eye device".

So, in the following time, Liu Zheng spent 3,000 production and construction funds, and it took three minutes to finally build his own global research device. In this way, you can see some specific situations in all enemy bases. Yes, that's true. At this time, Liu Zheng saw that his opponent had a total of three enemy bases. Among them, two are the farthest away from themselves, located in the upper left corner and the upper right corner of the map. In addition, there is an enemy base, which is the closest to its own base, but it should be only a few hundred kilometers away. There are three enemy bases. Among them, two are the farthest away from themselves, located in the upper left corner and the upper right corner of the map. It took three minutes to finally build its own global research device. In this way, you can see some specific situations in all enemy bases. Yes, that's true. At this time, Liu Zheng saw that his opponent had a total of three enemy bases. Among them, two are the farthest away from themselves, located in the upper left corner and the upper right corner of the map. In addition, there is an enemy base, which is the closest to its own base, but it should be only a few hundred kilometers away. There are three enemy bases. Among them, two are the farthest away from themselves, located in the upper left corner and the upper right corner of the map. In addition, there is an enemy base, which is the closest to its own base, but it should be only a few hundred kilometers away.

In addition, Liu Zheng also saw that there was a central island in the vast sea. Obviously, once the center is occupied, it will naturally control all forms of dragging the ground. Therefore, for Liu Zheng, as long as he has the opportunity, he will occupy that center. After all, that center is an important springboard for attacking the enemy bases. Naturally, all forms of mopping will be controlled. Therefore, for Liu Zheng, as long as he has the opportunity, he will occupy that center. After all, that center is an important springboard for attacking the enemy bases. In this case, I have to occupy that center anyway~

However, under the current situation, his main target, Nanhai City, went to destroy the airport in the enemy base closest to his base. Yes, only in this way can I eliminate the threat to the enemy's air strike force. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng looked again at his newly produced 094 intercontinental attack nuclear submarine, and then ordered his newly produced coffin to execute the intercontinental attack nuclear submarine towards the airport in the enemy base closest to him. , to launch a long-range submarine-launched nuclear missile attack. In the tense and violent vibration, a submarine-launched intercontinental missile sprayed an orange tail flame and slowly rushed to the sky. At the same time, a sound of alarm kept ringing between the sea and sky. It seems that the flight speed of that submarine-launched intercontinental missile is not so fast, but Liu Zheng knows that its ability to avoid the interception of enemy anti-aircraft missiles is already very important!

In this way, Liu Zheng saw that his intercontinental submarine nuclear missile was dragging the dark red tail flame and roaring. It looked like dragging a huge broom. Finally, the submarine-launched missile, after crossing a trajectory, finally hit the target: the airport with four F-16 fighters stationed in the enemy base! Boom~