Star Trek

Chapter 320 Battle for the Sea 11

Now, Liu Zheng has decided to launch a comprehensive attack on the target. Yes, under the current situation, it is natural to use the eliminated first. It is the naval combat force given to the enemy. Yes, that's true. For Liu Zheng, the first thing to do to truly take the initiative and occupy the advantage of the battlefield is to destroy the enemy's naval combat force. Now, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's naval combat force mainly includes five amphibious combat tanks, and other than all kinds of battleships.

And Liu Zheng's combat forces that can invest in the attack mainly include two aircraft carriers, four missile launchers in the case, as well as battleships, five missile frigates and five * boats. Liu Zheng felt that with his own combat power, it was the naval combat force that eliminated the enemy. It should be said that he was still very sure. Yes, that's true.

At the very least, the two aircraft carriers of their own attack capabilities are very powerful. In addition, if you attack the enemy's submarine, you can use your own prosecution ship to attack. You should know that the attack ability of your own * boats is still very good. In addition, you can also launch attack missiles from the source distance on the launch of missiles in your own cases. In this way, it can be said that the three aspects of Lu Haikong should be able to form a very good attack ability.

However, next, Liu Zheng found that in that vast sea, there was not a little military force without the enemy. At the very least, there is an enemy submarine carrying it. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help smiling coldly. Liu Zheng knew that his kind of * boat was, which should be said to be one of the most powerful weapons to attack enemy submarines. Now, one of its comprehensive fleets has begun to storm in the direction of the enemy's base.

Yes, it seems that one of my attacking troops is vast and powerful. Yes, that's true. On the vast sea, such a huge comprehensive fleet sailed in the direction of the enemy's base. At the same time, above that center, two Liu Zheng's case missile launchers are ready to attack. Yes, once they encounter the enemy's surface combat forces, first of all, Liu Zheng's missile launchers in the Song Dynasty case will first launch a fierce attack. Sail over. At the same time, above that center, two Liu Zheng's case missile launchers are ready to attack. Yes, once they encounter the enemy's surface combat forces, first of all, Liu Zheng's missile launchers in the Song Dynasty case will first launch a fierce attack.

Not long after, after a three-minute voyage, Liu Zheng saw that he had sailed to the center of the sea area without a naval combat force. However, at this time, Susu, Susu and Liu Zheng saw several submarine * bullets and suddenly attacked Liu Zheng's two aircraft carriers with lightning speed. Yes, I know that the first ten-mile bullet, close to the surface of the water, wrapped in snow-white waves, looks very imposing. I saw that the * bullets were wrapped in a stream of water, clinging to it and rushing forward. It looks like a whale, wandering away very quickly. After hitting the target, just under the water, a dark red explosion fog rose, and the sound of a "boom" explosion kept coming. At the same time, water splashed everywhere, and in this seemingly hidden attack, the target's health value was slowly falling...< /P>

In this way, after such an attack, Liu Zheng saw that the two enemy's attack submarines were finally destroyed by himself. In addition, Liu Zheng decided to attack the enemy's other surface warships with his own aircraft carriers. The two enemy attack submarines were finally destroyed by themselves. In addition, Liu Zheng decided to attack the enemy's other surface warships with his own aircraft carriers. Yes, relatively speaking, its own group of aircraft carriers have a relatively long attack distance and high lethality, which is very suitable for long-range attacks.

Of course, you can also use other trained combat forces to attack enemy warships. However, after all, if that's the case, your surface combat force will definitely be attacked by the enemy. As a result, it will cause considerable losses. In this way, for Liu Zheng, it is naturally not worth the loss. Therefore, in this case, it is very good to use its own aircraft carrier.

After thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, Liu Zheng saw that from the deck of his two aircraft carriers, one after another, roared and rose to the sky, and then flew in mid-air for a period of time, and then flew across the sea towards the enemy's Battleships attacked the past.

Yes, it seems that my own carrier-based aircraft are still very imposing. In the roar of that area, one carrier-based aircraft attacked the target between the sea and the sky. Above the sea, their shadows are reflected, and above is the blue sky. Below is the huge sea. Between the sea and the sky, one after another carrier-based aircraft attacked the target between the sea and the sky. Above the sea, their shadows are reflected, and above is the blue sky. Below is the huge sea. Between the sea and sky, one after another, carrier-based aircraft roared away!

In this way, under the leadership of Liu Zheng, the carrier planes flew across the sea, roared, and flew away in the direction of the enemy's base. Soon after, Liu Zheng saw that his ship-based aircraft had flown over the enemy's base. For Liu Zheng, the first target of the attack was the two airports in the enemy base. Yes, that's true.

You know, at this time, the two airports have been full of F-16 fighters. Liu Zheng naturally knows that that is, that is, that kind of enemy F-16 fighter is the most important way for the enemy to attack his base. Therefore, if you don't destroy the two airports in the enemy base for a while, then basically, you can't be safe.

Before that, Liu Zheng had been using his two attack nuclear submarines, that is, the 093 intercontinental attack nuclear submarine, to destroy some of the airports in the enemy's base. However, after all, that way is too slow. In this way, it will naturally take too much time. Yes, you know, from the launch of that kind of 093 intercontinental attack nuclear submarine, then it will take at least three minutes to reach the target location.

At the same time, with the cooling time, naturally, the time will be longer. Therefore, in this situation, Liu Zheng decided that he would no longer use that kind of 093 intercontinental attack nuclear submarine to attack the target. In contrast, if that kind of aircraft carrier is used, it will save a lot of time.

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that the ship-based aircraft one after another roared across the sea in the air and flew straight to the airport in the enemy base. Although at this time, on the enemy's base, one after another Patriot missiles whizzed, dragging the gray-white tail smoke after another, roaring and flying straight to their own carrier-based aircraft in the air.

"Boom ~~~" I saw that the anti-aircraft missiles one after another quickly hit the target one after another. Therefore, Liu Zheng saw that in mid-air, the one flying in the front of his own carrier-based aircraft quickly rolled in the sky, dragging the rolling black smoke, and loaded it down from the mid-air, fiercely loaded it to the ground, and blew up a flame that soaring to the sky. ! In mid-air, the ship-based aircraft that flew in the front soon rolled in the sky, dragging the rolling black smoke, loaded down from the mid-air, and fiercely loaded it to the ground, blowing up a flame!

Now, suddenly, Liu Zheng found that the airport in the enemy's base was actually full of that kind of F16 fighter. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help smiling. Wow, mother, you know, the enemy's fighters are quite a threat to their own base. Therefore, after seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help smiling. Wow, mother, you know, the enemy's fighters are quite a threat to their own base. Therefore, after seeing this, Liu Zheng immediately decided that he would destroy the enemy's airports anyway.

For good, at this time, their two aircraft carriers have sailed near the central island. Therefore, with Liu Zheng's order, the carrier-based aircraft on his two aircraft carriers rushed to the sky, flew across the black surface, and then attacked the airport in the enemy base. Rental, Su Susu, at this time, Liu Zheng saw one after another of air pairs of missiles dragging the gray-white tail flame and constantly changing the direction of flight. Finally, quickly, they all hit the target one after another.

Finally, Liu Zheng saw that the airports in the enemy base had been destroyed one after another. Then, Liu Zheng still used the two aircraft carriers to further attack some important military facilities in the enemy base. Yes, after three, Liu Zheng saw that the airports in the enemy base had been destroyed one after another. Then, Liu Zheng still used the two aircraft carriers to further attack some important military facilities in the enemy base. Yes, after the three roots, Liu Zheng saw that the most important military facilities in the enemy's base could hardly be seen.

Yes, there are some power plants, a barracks, some machine gun bunkers, and combat laboratories. However, these combat units do not have such strong attack capabilities. Therefore, in this case, the rest of the things will be much easier to do. Wu

However, at this time, when Liu Zheng attacked the enemy's base with his carrier-based aircraft on the two aircraft carriers, which was full of holes, messy and smoky. Suddenly, Liu Zheng found that there were more than a dozen enemy amphibious chariots from the enemy to the shipyard. , sailing to the central island that has been occupied by himself. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but suddenly. Yes, Liu Zheng knew that it was obvious that the enemy's combat troops and V-house attacked the target was due to some of his own military facilities on the central island, especially for his land-based long-range anti-aircraft missile launch bases located in the center.

Yes, it can be said that it is also a very good choice to see the surface-to-air defense missile launch system on the central island that is not occupied by itself. Yes, in many times and in many cases, I can see that there are continuous strong attacks on objects against public flying targets. Yes, that's true.

Sure enough, at this time, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's light tanks had crossed the sea at this time, and then began to land in the center. After the success of the road, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's light tanks began to attack the childish military facilities on the central island. Yes, Liu Zheng knows that on his central island, he built an air-to-air missile launch control for a land base. Yes, you know, those visiting the Japanese hosts who crowded into the ground-to-air battle pose a considerable threat to the enemy.

It can be said that those few of their own surface-to-air missile launchers, basically * the enemy's air strike force, have been completely suppressed. Therefore, in this case, I can say that I hate those surface-to-air missile launchers that shrink myself. Therefore, this was too strong to win seven light and small vehicles to destroy the sound control of the known ground-to-air missiles. The basic * enemy's air strike force was completely suppressed. Therefore, in this case, I can say that I hate those surface-to-air missile launchers that shrink myself. Therefore, this was too strong to win seven light and small vehicles to destroy the sound control of the known ground-to-air missiles.

Tong Tongtong, it didn't work. At this time, Liu Zheng saw that one shell after another shot out, roared away, and hit his ground-to-air missile launchers fiercely. However, after seeing this situation, Liu Zheng had no choice. Yes, that's true. Because at least on that central island, I didn't deploy that kind of ground combat force. Yes, this can also be said to be Liu Zheng's number. In this case, in the face of the attacks of the enemy's sober Xiaochengke, Liu Zheng was angry and there was nothing he could do.

Finally, with an earth-shaking entry, Liu Zheng saw that his own surface-to-air missile launcher was suddenly destroyed. It blew into countless wreckage and debris and scattered away. Liu Zheng knows that if it goes on like this, not only the air-to-air missile launchers will be destroyed, but also his hard-won construction factory will be destroyed. It blew into countless wreckage and debris and scattered away. Liu Zheng knows that if it goes on like this, not only the air-to-air missile launchers will be destroyed, but also his hard-won construction factory will be destroyed.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng decided to use his own aircraft carrier again. Yes, that is to say, it is not very suitable to use your own aircraft carrier to attack several light tanks of the enemy. However, in this case, Liu Zheng knew that he could not think too much.

So, after thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, he stopped it. After let go, a family of carrier planes rose to the sky, about a sea, this time the non-leader over the central island. Then, one shell after another, shot out, roaring from the air, dragging the gray-white tail flame, attacking the enemy's tanks on the ground. Regarding a sea, this time the non-leader over the central island. Then, one shell after another, shot out, roaring from the air, dragging the gray-white tail flame, attacking the enemy's tanks on the ground. Finally, the deafening sounds were endless. Finally, the spectators of the enemy's situation were finally destroyed by the missiles launched by their fleet.