Star Trek

Chapter 324 Redstone Planet 2

And this kind of scene also scared Liu Zheng. And his eight or nine workers were even more scared and screamed, with a sad voice! Looking at the fierce magma that continued to surge there, Liu Zheng knew that at this time, of course, he should not let some workers be idle there. Yes, that's true. Otherwise, once the enemy's combat strength comes up, and at this time, he only has two marines in his hand. How can such a combat ability resist the enemy's attack?

Finally, after about three minutes, Liu Zheng saw that the first wave of magma tide finally subsided. After seeing this, although there are still some traces of magma left when it came up on the ground. However, Liu Zheng knew that the first wave of magma tide, which could no longer affect him, finally subsided. After seeing this, although there are still some traces of magma left when it came up on the ground. However, Liu Zheng knew that some workers who could no longer affect him continued to collect ore. Yes, that's true.

The collection of ore is very important. After all, he only brought 180,000 production and construction funds from the headquarters of his home planet. And a little production and construction funds are naturally far from enough for their own base construction and combat production. Yes, that's true. Therefore, in that case, the only way is to strengthen the collection of your ore. The collected ore will be converted into production and construction funds for their own use within the first time.

"You scared me to death!" Haha, I worked overtime!" Looking at some of his workers, Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort in his heart as he kept collecting crystal ore at the crystal deposit without saying a word. Wow, damn it, it's almost the same, it's almost the same!

However, immediately, Liu Zheng felt how dangerous it was to have only these two marines in his hands. Originally, Liu Zheng planned to train more marines immediately after the tide of magma receded. Yes, that's true. Because Liu Zheng has long realized this, that is, just two marines are far from enough for him.

However, before Liu Zheng began to train new marines, the enemy's attack began. Several jumping insects rushed along the wooden bridge at that extremely fast speed in that mixed sound! After seeing this, at the beginning, Liu Zheng's forehead immediately came into a cold sweat. However, immediately, Liu Zheng also calmed down.

Wow, damn it, it's all at this point, and fear is useless. Simply, the mother, the soldiers come to block it, and the water comes to hoard the soil! Marines, open fire on me! Therefore, with Liu Zheng's order, his two marines immediately began to attack the five or six strange insects!

The sound of a very fierce attack has finally begun! Liu Zheng saw that his marines were energetic and powerful! At this time, the shotgun looked like a horsepower motor, roaring crazily. The dense bullets shot out, and it looked like it was almost flying like rain!

The jumping insects made a harsh cry in the face of the attack of Liu Zheng's two mariners' shotguns. However, those terrible animals are not so easy to deal with. While screaming, he still attacked Liu Zheng's two marines crazily! After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be stunned! Wow, damn it, I didn't expect that these aliens would be so strong in defense!

Yes, that's indeed the case. Facing the fierce attack of the shotguns of their two marines, they are still so tenacious! Moreover, it seems that the firepower on their side is super strong, and their attacks are more crazy!

"It seems that without the cooperation of other arms and the protection of appropriate military bunkers, those alien insects are really difficult to deal with!" At this time, Liu Zheng had vaguely thought of something.

Yes, in fact, long before Liu Zheng went from his home planet to this planet called Redstone, the headquarters also gave himself some information about this kind of alien insects on this planet. Among them, it has been mentioned that this kind of alien insect has a very strong defense ability. Therefore, if you can't make a proper combination of troops, it is also very difficult to defeat them. Among them, it has been mentioned that this kind of alien insect has a very strong defense ability. Therefore, if you can't make a proper combination of troops, it is also very difficult to defeat them.

Now, it can be said that Liu Zheng has indeed experienced this point. At this time, Liu Zheng has seen that in the face of the increasingly approaching alien insects, his two marines seem to have nothing to do. Although in this process, his two marines finally killed several alien insects from the enemy almost with their best efforts, but then again, after all, the number of alien insects in that group is too many!

Therefore, in this situation, in the face of those aliens that obviously have an advantage over the number, Liu Zheng has no choice but to see that his two marines seem to have no chance of winning at this time. Yes, compared with those alien jumping insects, their advantage is short-range attacks! Compared with those enemy jumping insects, Liu Zheng's attack advantage lies in long-range attacks!

Therefore, in this kind of situation, once their two marines are trapped by the enemy's jumping insects, then the next thing can naturally be imagined. Then, Liu Zheng had already seen that with the alien insects, they finally approached, so a scream suddenly came, and in that scream, Liu Zheng saw that his two marines were soon attacked by the enemy's jumping insects. Only snow-white bones were exposed!

Soon after, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's jumping insects began to attack the military facilities in his base again. Yes, in particular, they first launched an attack on the kind of construction factory in their own base. Wow, damn it, it's really fierce! Unexpectedly, I want to attack Laozi's main factory first! But now, Liu Zheng has no choice but to worry! Because at this time, there is no combat power in my hand!

"Oh, mother, if I could produce some combat power as soon as possible, then, for sure, this phenomenon would not have occurred!" At this time, Liu Zheng felt very regretful that he did not defend his base well. But now that this is the point, what else can we say?

However, soon, Liu Zheng finally smelled something. Yes, that's true. Because the matter is also very simple, that is, Liu Zheng knew that the reason why his two marines were so easily eaten by the enemy's jumping insects was that he did not have any defensive facilities. Yes, that's true.

Liu Zheng knows that relatively speaking, that kind of jumping bug is the worst enemy combat unit. If you can't even get rid of a few jumping bugs, how can you deal with those more powerful enemy combat forces in the future? This is really a very serious problem!

And next, the method Liu Zheng came up with is actually very simple. That is to strengthen your defense by building bunkers. Yes, it was just now that his two marines were eaten by the enemy's alien insects. That is to strengthen your defense by building bunkers. Yes, it was just now that his two marines were eaten by the enemy's alien insects.

After thinking of this place, Liu Zheng ordered one of his workers to build his own bunker by taking advantage of the enemy's jumping insects. Therefore, Liu Zheng immediately saw that the worker who received the order came to the position designated by Liu Zheng as if he was happy. Then, there, the construction of a bunker began.

Looking at his worker, his leisurely appearance, Liu Zheng was happy with the guy's calmness at the beginning. However, Liu Zheng soon found that something was wrong. Yes, that's true. Because soon, Liu Zheng found that when his worker had just built the bunker to one-third, suddenly, from behind the worker, several jumping insects suddenly appeared! Then, a few terrible screams came, and then, Liu Zheng saw that his worker had just been bitten to death by the alien insect when he had just built the bunker in the middle!

Then, Liu Zheng saw that the alien insects of the enemy still looked unsatisfied. While screaming, he continued to attack Liu Zheng's construction factory. Liu Zheng knew that once his main construction factory was really destroyed by the enemy's foreign insects, then this matter would be a big trouble. After all, there is only one such construction factory, and there is indeed only one!

At this time, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be anxious. Yes, because in the current situation, you should know that on the one hand, there are no marines who can continue to use it. On the other hand, their own bunkers cannot be built in time. It seems that some of the alien insects of the enemy have already figured out their plans. Therefore, this will lead to such a result: as soon as Liu Zheng has just taken action, then the enemy's alien insects will also react at the first time and resolutely stop Liu Zheng's construction and production operations, especially in terms of military combat effectiveness!

A terrible voice came, and in the face of such a sound, Liu Zheng could only endure that kind of unhappiness. Suddenly, Liu Zheng finally came up with a solution. That is, if you can divide yourself into multiple ways and build a bunker, you can build a bunker. If it's time to train marines, go and train marines.

Fortunately, now, under the current situation, the second magma tide has not come. Otherwise, you should know that the arrival of that kind of magma tide will approach some of their workers and quickly retreat to the highlands where their base is located. In that case, naturally, it will also delay the construction of your base and the production of combat power.

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that the surrounding magma tide was still flowing there, and even reflected half of the sky red. Of course, Liu Zheng knows that once the magma really spreads to the high ground where his base is located, then naturally, even the enemy's jumping insects must have no place to escape. However, Liu Zheng is of course more aware that once it is really like that, then his loss will be much greater!

After all, what the enemy may lose is just some jumping insects. However, I'm afraid that what I lost is not simple. It is very likely that only in your heart can truly understand what the disappearance of a base means for your actions this time.


So, after thinking about this, with Liu Zheng's order, five of their own workers moved in five different directions! One went along the direction of seven o'clock to build his own bunker. In second place, build barracks. Although I also had a barracks in the base, but because that barracks is too close to the enemy's jumping insects, in this way, even after the marines trained by themselves, they haven't waited for their marines to understand what happened. It was eaten by the enemy's jumping insects.

Therefore, in the current situation, it is natural to improve your combat effectiveness by building marines in multiple ways. Naturally, the construction of bunkers is to improve their defensive combat capabilities. In this way, soon after, Liu Zheng saw that a military facility had been built in the area around his base and the area around his own base. In fact, there are three bunkers, and there are actually two barracks.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but understand. Wow, damn it, in this way, naturally, I will also be able to have an all-round offensive and defensive combat system. Yes, that's true. In this case, because of his two-recognized barracks, it is already far away from the enemy's jumping insects. Therefore, in this situation, naturally, after training the marines, it will be difficult to find the enemy's jumping insects, and naturally they can no longer be eliminated.

This is naturally a very good thing.

Now, Liu Zheng sees that he has finally trained five marines! Then, before being discovered by some of the enemies, Liu Zheng handed over his newly trained marines to the three bunkers at the fastest speed almost in the first time. In this way, my three newly built bunkers have really become bunkers with very good attack ability.

And probably at this time, the enemy's alien insects finally found the strangeness here. Therefore, the seven or eight enemy's jumping insects finally stopped the attack on Liu Zheng's construction factory, and turned their heads one after another. Then, the enemy's strange insects finally found the strangeness here. Therefore, the seven or eight enemy jumping insects finally stopped the attack on Liu Zheng's construction factory, turned around one after another, and then rushed to the bunkers that Liu Zheng had just built!