Star Trek

Chapter 330 Redstone Planet 10

At this time, out of confidence in his combat force, Liu Zheng gave an order, so his attack force composed of only 7 maomaoth tanks once again attacked it. Sw, sw, sw, sw, sw, sw, sw, sw, sw, sw, sw, sw, sw, sw, sw, sw, sw, sw, sw

coaxed, coaxed, coaxed, Liu Zheng saw that at this time, the front building occupied by the enemy had been attacked by his own Mall tank. Of course, the bullet fired from it also killed 50 to 60 percent of the health of the Maomaoth tank that rushed to the front of him.

Originally, for Commissar Liu, this attack was still very smooth. Yes, that's true. After all, he owns six to seven Maomaoth tanks. Moreover, its own Maomaoth tank, attack ability and defense ability are quite good. However, after destroying an enemy building, Liu Zheng found that things were not as simple as he thought.

One of the most important factors is that Liu Zheng found that these seemingly chaotic buildings have actually become a formation. This one can really launch a fierce all-round attack on the attacking units in this position from all directions and from different angles. Moreover, this kind of attack can fail because of this really target, and there is no power to fight back. Because the firepower of the attack is three-dimensional and attacks from all directions, it often leads to targets in this formation and cannot take into account attacks in multiple directions at the same time.

In this way, three minutes later, Liu Zheng finally found that his long Maw elephant tanks were messed up, smoky and confused by the strange building of the enemy. Looking at their health, Liu Zheng found that three of the original seven Maomao tank had been destroyed by the enemy at this time. The remaining four vehicles have been more or less destroyed. It seems that it is shrouded in a mass of black smoke. At the same time, those who are more serious, on top of the victory, there is also a raging fire, which seems to be very pass.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng was really anxious. Yes, you should know that my attack is equipped with seven Maw elephant tanks, which I spent nearly 30,000 production and construction funds to produce. However, now, these Maw tanks that I have finally spent more than 30,000 production and construction funds to produce are so simple that they have been dragged to the enemy's buildings and destroyed three successively. If it goes on like this, then Liu Zheng knows that it is very likely that his remaining four or two long Maomao tank will also be abandoned and destroyed.

So, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng decided to temporarily return the remaining four woolen elephant tanks to his base.

And Liu Zheng naturally has a way to do this with his enemy's buildings. Yes, in any case, these seven enemy buildings blocked their way forward. In any case, they will lead to the ruthless destruction of several enemy buildings. Otherwise, it will be very serious if it affects your own attack.

Of course, in what way did you use to destroy the seven enemy buildings? At this time, Liu Zheng certainly had a new plan in his heart. That is, use your own Uke fighter. Or the Fire Eagle fighter. You know, although their own Uke fighter is far less powerful than its own kind of fire eagle standing up in terms of attack ability, anyway, their flight speed is still very fast. In addition, the decision to send several of their own fire eagle fighters to support, such In a relatively long time, several enemy buildings have been destroyed, which is relatively certain for Liu Zheng. Yes, that's true.

In this situation, under the order of what is commonly known as Liu Zheng, I saw that in my base, on that airport, my four fire eagle fighters suddenly rose to the sky, first circled over the base, and then flew in the direction of the enemy buildings. Liu Zheng saw that his four fire eagle fighters roared and looked like four eagles. They were very fast and went through the clouds and fog.

At the same time, in this case, Liu Zheng also ordered his other ground attack force. Of course, this ground attack force is also composed of his own Maomaoth tank) from the left side of the base, roaring and roaring. This ground combat force has a total of nine Maomaoth tanks. Because, during the period when I just attacked, in my own base, I have once again produced three such non-hair elephant tanks. Therefore, in this situation, when Liu Zheng organized the ground attack force again, the combat force was naturally much stronger than at present.

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that with his order, the four Fire Eagle fighters had finally flown to a field after about ten seconds of flight. But in front of it is a small river. After flying over this repair, the front was the enemy's houses. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be very excited. Yes, Liu Zheng knew that as long as he did not get rid of the enemy's buildings full of infantry units, his ground attack troops would attack in the direction of the enemy's base.

So after thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, he saw that in mid-air, his four fire eagle fighters began to launch attacks on buildings by the enemy on the ground. I saw dozens of blockbuster bombs falling one after another, roaring from the sky. It really looked like that kind of heavenly girl scattered flowers.

"Boom~~Boom!!!!" Then, Liu Zheng saw that as dozens of heavy bombs hit the target one after another, the enemy's buildings were soon shrouded in thick smoke. Therefore, Liu Zheng saw that a one-time attack knocked down two enemy buildings. Then, as another attack began, the remaining buildings were finally destroyed quickly. After seeing this, Liu Zheng breathed a long breath. Wow, damn it, this is good, this is good, I finally destroyed those enemy buildings!

Although Liu Zheng lost three Maomao tank in the blocking battle just now, this did not affect Liu Zheng's confidence. Yes, that's true. Because, in any case, under the current situation, he has destroyed the main construction factory in the enemy base. In this way, it means that one of the military facilities in the enemy base will be destroyed, and the enemy will lose one.

now that Liu Zheng knew that in the process of leading to the enemy base, there was a considerable amount of combat power distributed by the enemy. Yes, they all ambushed that one and fell to the side. You, most of them, have occupied one or two buildings. Under such circumstances, Liu Zheng knew that if he effectively followed the normal marching route to attack the enemy's base, he would definitely spend too much energy and time, and he would pay a considerable price. After all, it is not so easy to destroy the building occupied by the enemy.

However, Liu Zheng found that he wanted to attack the enemy's base, and it should be said that the plan should be further adjusted after the new situation. Because now, on the one hand of the enemy, it seems to have calmed down and begun to attack its base.

Yes, that's indeed the case. On the other hand, the enemy's attack force smelled its own base, separated by a river. Although the river is not very fast, its own combat power can also attack the opposite shore. Naturally, the enemy's attack force can also attack the opposite shore. The enemy's attack force smelled its own base, separated by a river. Although the river is not very fast, its own combat power can also attack the opposite shore. Naturally, the enemy's attack force can also attack the opposite shore.

, Liu Zheng has found through the electronic map that an enemy chariot looks very tall. At this time, he was launching a fierce attack on his own power plant on the edge of his base. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be a little surprised. Yes, you know, it's a great thing to attack the military facilities in the base you built across the river.

At this time, Liu Zheng saw an enemy chariot attacking the power plant in his base crazily. One by one, shells roared out, broke through the air, flew over the river, and hit its own power plant fiercely. Soon, Liu Zheng saw that the health value of the power plant on the edge of his base was declining at a speed visible to the naked eye. Soon after, with a bang, a power plant of its own collapsed.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng decided to immediately organize his strength to fight back. However, just as Liu happened to be difficult to organize 7 of his own Mawt tanks and preparing to attack the enemy's chariot, however, his Maw tanks sued Chong Chong to the edge of the river, the enemy's chariot that had just attacked his power plant. However, I don't know when he retreated back to the vast fog of war. I can't see it anymore. Just as his maomaoth tanks sued Chong to the edge of the river, the enemy's chariot that had just attacked its power plant with animals and ground unexpectedly retreated back to the vast fog of war. I can't see it anymore.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but see some appearances. Yes, he was actually killed by the enemy and killed another power plant, and it was caused by the enemy's raid. It seems that the enemy is really not as good as he thought. If you want to expand the river to attack your base, it is definitely not as good as the general one. It seems that in the next step, you should really be careful when facing the enemy's attack or attacking the enemy's base by yourself. In a word, this guy is really not as easy to deal with as he thought. It's really not what you think. If you want to expand the river to attack your base, it's definitely not as good as it is. It seems that in the next step, you should really be careful when facing the enemy's attack or attacking the enemy's base by yourself. In a word, this guy is really not as easy to deal with as he thought.

However, now, Liu Zheng feels that it is not easy for him to attack the enemy's base. Because, on the one hand, its own base is too far away from the enemy's base, and in this process, the enemy's infantry combat force has occupied many buildings. In this way, it is difficult for you to enrich and send your own combat strength to attack the enemy's one.

Therefore, in this case, Liu Zheng decided to simply build his base closer to the enemy's base. In this case, naturally, he will have a more obvious advantage when attacking the enemy's base. In this case, Liu Zheng decided. So in the next step, you can consider building your own base. Simply build your own base closer to the enemy's base. In this case, naturally, he will have a more obvious advantage when attacking the enemy's base. In this case, Liu Zheng decided. So in the next step, you can consider building your own base.

Yes, that's true. It should be said that transferring the location of the base can be said that in this case, it is clearly an important step towards the road to victory. Of course, not any place can be suitable for building your own base. After a period of observation, Wu felt that there was a mineral deposit that seemed to be quite large in the west of the enemy base.

Yes, it should be said that when building your own base, it is true that you should consider whether there are mineral deposits near the upcoming base. Because only when you are close to the air can your own mining vehicle collect enough minerals.

Of course, Liu Zheng also knows that if he wants to build another base that is not far from the enemy's base, he must also need some combat strength to escort him. Otherwise, if you believe in the enemy's combat power, you will not tolerate it at all! Yes, that's true.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order, so eight maomaoth tanks, starting from the second base of their own, rushed along the road that looked very wide, towards the enemy's base. After crossing the river, it also came to the vicinity of a Tiberon crystal deposit that had long been favored by Liu Zheng. There, Liu Zheng knew that his base seemed to be built only in that place.

After all, anyway, the Tiberon crystal deposit near such a one is still very good. Otherwise, where will your mining truck go to collect ore? However, it was not until this time that Liu Zheng found that in fact, it was not so easy to occupy here. Yes, that's true. Because, soon, Liu Zheng found that several various buildings in the surrounding areas had already been occupied by the enemy's infantry combat forces!

Looking at the top of the buildings that had been occupied for a long time, with the enemy flags fluttering on that side, Liu Zheng couldn't help fighting fiercely in his heart. Wow, damn, this, damn, why does the enemy always like to occupy those buildings? You know, once those buildings are occupied, it means that they will become military bunkers! Moreover, once the infantry fighting forces of the enemy are stationed in those military bunkers, the combat capability they form is quite good!

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel nervous. It seems that another fierce battle is starting next! Liu Zheng knew that if he did not destroy some enemy bunkers, it would be almost impossible for him to build his own main factory there. Yes, that's true.

However, at this time, before Liu Zheng's attack force composed of Maomaoth tanks began to attack, the buildings occupied by the enemy had begun to fire lines!