Star Trek

Chapter 334 Redstone Planet 14

Now, Liu is looking at the more than a dozen self-propelled anti-aircraft gun vehicles in his base. His health value was blown up in a mess. Seeing that a few of them were about to explode soon, a mass of black smoke rose from many self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and caged his base. Covering a black smoke, after seeing this, Liu Zheng's heart was simply a mess.

Liu Zheng knows that there is nothing he can do to repair these self-propelled anti-aircraft guns that have been blown up a lot. Yes, that's true. The only way is to repair some of your seriously injured self-aircraft artillery vehicles with your own field repair vehicles. Of course, in addition, there is another way, that is, to use your own repair factory to repair it.

However, back to that, Liu Zheng knows very well that in terms of repair, if you use your own compulsory factory to repair it, it is far better than to repair it with a battlefield repair vehicle. Yes, that's true. You know, your own field repair vehicle can be sent to any place. In terms of repair, if you use your own compulsory factory to repair it, it is far better than repair it with a battlefield repair vehicle. Yes, that's true. You should know that your own field maintenance vehicle can be sent anywhere, and you can't produce such a field maintenance vehicle. In this way, the scope and quantity of repairs have naturally been greater. And if it is repaired through a repair factory, it is simply a maintenance vehicle, and it is impossible to repair so many seriously damaged self-propelled anti-aircraft vehicles at the same time.

However, Liu Zheng also knows that it is not easy to produce such a field repair vehicle. At the very least, you must first see a maintenance factory, and then, on this basis, you can produce that kind of battlefield maintenance vehicle. Otherwise, even if you have built a chariot factory and even a combat laboratory, it will be useless. Liu Zheng is very clear about this.

However, so far, due to the production of too much combat power to defend his base, especially in air defense, in this case, Liu Zheng really did not build his own maintenance factory in the previous period. To defend his base, especially his own investment in air defense, so in this case, Liu Zheng really did not build his own maintenance factory in the previous period.

However, now, in this situation, Liu Zheng knows that he will build his own maintenance factory anyway. Otherwise, you can't produce field maintenance vehicles and field maintenance vehicles, so naturally, you won't be able to repair those seriously damaged self-aircraft artillery vehicles. You also have to build your own maintenance factory. Otherwise, you can't produce field maintenance vehicles and field maintenance vehicles, so naturally, you won't be able to repair those seriously damaged self-aircraft artillery vehicles.

You should know that in the current period of time, your protective firepower still mainly relies on more than a dozen self-propelled anti-aircraft vehicles. Therefore, in any case, you should repair them yourself. You know, in the current period of time, your protective firepower still mainly relies on more than a dozen self-propelled anti-aircraft gun vehicles. Therefore, in any case, you should repair them yourself.

In this way, after Liu Zheng's efforts, he finally spent 2,000 production and construction funds to build his own and maintenance factory. Since then, naturally, Liu Zheng can produce that kind of battlefield repair vehicle in his chariot factory. Once that kind of field maintenance vehicle is produced, it means that some of its seriously damaged self-propelled anti-aircraft gun vehicles will also be saved.

Then, Liu Zheng spent another 3,000 yuan to produce and build himself, producing three field maintenance vehicles. Then, with Liu Zheng's order, the three newly produced field maintenance vehicles then rushed to the self-propelled anti-aircraft artillery vehicles that could establish their seriously damaged at the fastest speed, and then, there, gave full play to their must-have talents and self-defense against this one. The empty gun truck is repairing the health value. The iron pliers of his two repair cars waved, and in the "squeak" sound, the huge iron pliers were in contact with the repaired chariots, and sparked everywhere. At the same time, the repaired chariot suddenly flashed with golden light, bright and dark. It looked like a series of autumn waves, and looked very touching.

However, at this time, Liu Zheng suddenly saw an enemy engineer, this toolbox, rushing towards the direction of the main construction factory in his base at the fastest speed. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be shocked. Liu Zheng knew that sending engineers to occupy the other party's base, especially the construction factory in the other party's base, is a very powerful combat method.

Yes, in previous operations, Liu Zheng was often occupied by enemy engineers to build the main factory in his base, forcing himself to start the battle. It should be said that the construction of a main factory in its own base is the most important military facility. It is by relying on a main factory and its own base. Generally speaking, it doesn't matter after a military facility is destroyed by the enemy. Yes, because its own main factory has the ability to constantly see military facilities, as long as the main factory in its base is not destroyed, all military facilities can continue to be seen again. This toolbox is rushing towards the main construction plant in its base at the fastest speed. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be shocked. Liu Zheng knew that sending engineers to occupy the other party's base, especially the construction factory in the other party's base, is a very powerful combat method.

Yes, in previous battles, Liu Zheng was often occupied by enemy engineers to occupy the main construction factory in his base, forcing himself to start the battle. It should be said that the construction of a main factory in its own base is the most important military facility. It is by relying on a main factory and its own base. Generally speaking, it doesn't matter after a military facility is destroyed by the enemy. Yes, because its own main factory has the ability to constantly see military facilities, as long as the main factory in its base is not destroyed, all military facilities can continue to be seen again.

However, in the current situation, seeing the enemy engineer, holding the toolbox, was very excitedly jumping in the direction of the construction factory in his base. After seeing this, Liu Zheng knew that this must be a unique attack by the enemy. Of course, for Liu Zheng, or Liu Zheng's unique combat method and poisonous vision, it should be said that Liu Zheng saw through this means of the enemy at a glance.

So, after seeing this, with Liu Zheng's order, their newly repaired self-propelled howitzers approached an enemy engineer from different directions at the fastest speed. Then, TM shells came one after another, so that their own howitzers, which had just been repaired, approached an engineer of the enemy from different directions at the fastest speed. Then, one after another, TM shells shot fiercely above the head of an enemy engineer.

Boom, boom, so, with the shells hitting the target one after another, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's engineer was quickly destroyed at this time. After seeing this, Liu Zheng finally breathed a long breath in his heart. Wow, it's really wrong to want to attack your base in this way.

So, in this case, Liu Zheng decided to simply destroy the wooden bridge. Yes, that's true. As long as a wooden bridge is destroyed, then the connection between your base and the outside world, to be precise, the connection with the outside world on the ground, will be basically cut off. In this way, at least, you can avoid the enemy's guessing ground attack. As long as a wooden bridge is destroyed, then the connection between your base and the outside world, to be precise, the connection with the outside world on the ground, will be basically cut off. In this way, at least, you can avoid the enemy's guessing ground attack. You can concentrate on dealing with the enemy's air attack.

So, after thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, his main battle tanks next to him rushed to the wooden bridge. Then, without leaving home, Liu Zheng saw that his main battle tanks finally rushed to the side of the wooden bridge. Then, with Liu Qingshan's order, 17 shells roared out of the air and found the top of the wooden bridge fiercely. Then, with a loud sound, Liu Zheng saw that the wooden bridge was quickly large. In this way, Liu Zheng knew that the enemy's ground combat power could no longer attack his base.

In fact, after destroying this wooden bridge, Liu Zheng played with several self-propelled anti-aircraft gun vehicles that could become his own to complete this task. Moreover, in terms of distance, several self-propelled anti-aircraft guns are closer to the wooden bridge. However, at the same time, Er Liuzheng also knew that although his kind of self-propelled anti-aircraft artillery can also attack targets on the ground, the targets attacked are only limited to the enemy's infantry combat strength. The main battle tanks under his hand rushed to the wooden bridge. Then, without leaving home, Liu Zheng saw that his main battle tanks finally rushed to the side of the wooden bridge. Then, with Liu Qingshan's order, 17 shells roared out of the air and found the top of the wooden bridge fiercely. Then, with a loud sound, Liu Zheng saw that the wooden bridge was quickly large. In this way, Liu Zheng knew that the enemy's ground combat power could no longer attack his base.

In fact, reflecting the destruction of this wooden bridge, Liu Zheng played with several self-propelled anti-aircraft gun vehicles that could become his own to complete this task. Moreover, in terms of distance, several self-propelled anti-aircraft guns are closer to the wooden bridge. However, at the same time, Er Liuzheng also knew that although his kind of self-propelled anti-aircraft artillery can also attack targets on the ground, the targets attacked are only limited to the enemy's infantry combat strength.

So, in this case, if the self-propelled anti-aircraft guns ordered to cut down and bomb the wooden bridge, it is likely that it will take at least ten minutes to not destroy the wooden bridge. Therefore, in this situation, although the self-propelled anti-aircraft gun vehicles are closer to the wooden bridge, Liu Zheng knows that as the saying goes, they do their best. Relatively speaking, his main battle tanks have better bombing capabilities. In this case, the wooden bridge with its own main battle tanks to bomb is naturally the right choice.

In this way, in the current situation, Tian himself has blown up the wooden bridge that connects with the outside world. In this way, Liu Zheng knows that his base and the connection between him have basically been cut off. Yes, that's true. In this case, in this case, you can completely ignore the enemy's attack from the ground, but put all your strength into air defense operations. And the connection between them has basically been cut off. Yes, that's true. In this case, in this case, you can completely ignore the enemy's attack from the ground, but put all your strength into air defense operations. So, after thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, the main battle tanks under his command rushed to the wooden bridge. Then, without leaving home, Liu Zheng saw that his main battle tanks finally rushed to the side of the wooden bridge. Then, with Liu Qingshan's order, 17 shells roared out of the air and found the top of the wooden bridge fiercely. Then, with a loud sound, Liu Zheng saw that the wooden bridge was quickly large. In this way, Liu Zheng knew that the enemy's ground combat power could no longer attack his base.

In fact, after destroying this wooden bridge, Liu Zheng played with several self-propelled anti-aircraft guns that could become his own to complete this task. Moreover, in terms of distance, several self-propelled anti-aircraft guns are closer to the wooden bridge. However, at the same time, Er Liuzheng also knew that although his kind of self-propelled anti-aircraft artillery can also attack targets on the ground, the targets attacked are only limited to the enemy's infantry combat strength.

So, in this case, if the self-propelled anti-aircraft guns ordered to cut down and bomb the wooden bridge, it is likely that it will take at least ten minutes to not destroy the wooden bridge. Therefore, in this situation, although the self-propelled anti-aircraft gun vehicles are closer to the wooden bridge, Liu Zheng knows that as the saying goes, they do their best. Relatively speaking, his main battle tanks have better bombing capabilities. In this case, the wooden bridge with its own main battle tanks to bomb is naturally the right choice.

In this way, in the current situation, Tian himself has blown up the wooden bridge that connects with the outside world. In this way, Liu Zheng knows that his base and the connection between him have basically been cut off. Yes, that's true. In this case, in this case, you can completely ignore the enemy's attack from the ground, but put all your strength into air defense operations. And the connection between them has basically been cut off. Yes, that's true. In this case, in this case, you can completely ignore the enemy's attack from the ground, but put all your strength into air defense operations.

So, after thinking about this, Liu Zheng decided that he could fully prepare for the following two aspects. One aspect is to continue to strengthen its own economic construction. Now, it can be said that Liu Zheng has accumulated a certain amount of production and construction funds. Therefore, in this case, you can build several technological drilling wells. You should know that drilling oil wells with technology is very important for the construction of your own base.