Star Trek

Chapter 340 Prayer 6

In the current situation, Liu Zheng decided that he should destroy the enemy base closest to his base anyway. Moreover, from the current situation, the enemy's base is also being attacked by other big players. In this way, Liu Zheng considered that he could just fall into the well, so that he could certainly receive some fishermen's benefits. So it doesn't have to cost too much.

Moreover, under the current circumstances, Liu Zheng knew that he had sent several long-range heavy howitzers to destroy the enemy's two Apocalypse tanks. Although before that, the two Apocalypse tanks of the enemy finally became the aunt's own intercontinental attack nuclear submarine, at that time, their two long-range heavy howitzers finally came in time, and then, in this plain area, there was no mountains and hills to stop them. In this case, it finally eliminated the two Apocalypse tanks of the enemy without any effort. Finally, he came in time, and then, in this plain area, without mountains and hills, it was finally effort to destroy the two Apocalypse tanks of the enemy.

Yes, that's true. Although Liu Zheng also knows that the two Apocalypse tanks of the enemy have been upgraded to the Samsung elite level, what's the importance? After all, even if they have been upgraded to the Samsung elite level, their range is not a casual banquet compared to that of the two long-range heavy howitzers with Liu Zheng. Although his attack ability is indeed stronger than Liu Zheng's long-range heavy howitzer car, Liu Zheng is also an ordinary person. However, his attack ability is the strongest. Due to the limited attack distance, he is destined to be in front of Liu Zheng's long-range heavy howitzer Redstone. , can only be the target of attack.

Now, Liu Zheng thought that since the nearest enemy base he relied on not only wanted to destroy, but also had such plans with other players, and had taken action. Therefore, in this situation, Liu Zheng decided that he would not stop doing anything, saying that he would take advantage of the fire to rob." He said that after falling into the well, he would eliminate the enemy's base anyway.

Yes, that's true. Because after eliminating this enemy base, it is of great significance to Liu Zheng. At the very least, in that case, you can further expand your own base, thicken your original territory, and add this enemy's territory, so that the two bases can be connected, so that you can expand your construction scale. In this way, for the expansion of your own base, That is naturally very beneficial. Thicken your original territory, plus this enemy's territory, so that the two bases can be connected, so that you can expand your construction scale. In this way, it is naturally very good for the expansion of your base.

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that other players were attacking this enemy base. After seeing this, Liu Zheng knew that this was indeed a very good opportunity. So, thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, his three long-range heavy howitzer vehicles that had just been produced attacked the enemy's base almost at the first time. So, soon, Liu Zheng heard the sound of the rumble of chariots. In this way, Liu Zheng saw his long-range heavy howitzer truck rushing towards the enemy's nearest base near his base. However, when his two long-range heavy howitzer vehicles were not far from the target base, Liu Zheng suddenly couldn't help but be happy, because the scene in front of him made him unaware. Yes, it's so strange. Because Liu Zheng saw that what appeared in front of him was just a ruin and an empty land.

Yes, Liu Zheng saw very clearly that on that territory, there were large and small craters scattered everywhere, full of gunpowder smoke, flames of war, all kinds of wreckage of chariots and randomly scattered everywhere. But soon tears gathered the wreckage and fragments of various enemy infantry and other author units. After seeing this, Liu Zheng finally understood it in his heart. This must be that before that, another player had the first to destroy the enemy's base alone. In this way, the other party has gained a lot of experience and wealth. Liu Zheng, because the sales were late, when his two long-range heavy howitzer vehicles came over, they had already finished the battle and returned home with a lot of experience and wealth.

So, after thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, his two long-range heavy grenade vehicles randomly rushed to the enemy's base that had been destroyed. Then, under Liu Zheng's paper, his three long-range heavy howitzers carried out a meaningless attack on some dilapidated military facilities in the enemy base, especially the title of building the general factory. In accordance with the law, one shell after another shot out, roaring, and the fierce work reached the wreckage of the enemy's construction factory. As a result, the dark red explosive fog soared into the sky. Of course, for Liu Zheng, it would not have any effect, let alone meaningful.

However, just as Liu Zheng recited Liu Zheng how to end the battle, specifically, when he was about to fish the two long-range heavy grenade vehicles at the association's own base, suddenly, Liu Zheng saw a sound of 9999, and this sound, Liu Zheng said that he should be very familiar with it. Then, Liu Zheng saw that his two long-range heavy howitzers were ambushed at this time, right next to the canyon, in the jungle. Moreover, it is obvious that from the perspective of the other party's love and supply, the other party's attack unit is clearly the phantom tank.

So Liu Zheng couldn't help looking carefully. Sure enough, it was a Samsung elite-level phantom tank of the enemy. Liu Zheng knew that the enemy's phantom tank was particularly suitable for ambush warfare. Yes, that's true. You should know that this kind of long-range heavy howitzer vehicle arm, an enemy's phantom tank, is more suitable for close combat, while its own long-range heavy howitzer can be suitable for long-range combat.

Therefore, in this situation, its long-range heavy howitzer vehicle met the enemy's phantom tank in the dense forest, which is of course very beneficial to the enemy. Therefore, soon after, with the attack ability of the enemy's Samsung elite-level phantom tank, his two long-range heavy howitzers were eliminated one after another.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng naturally felt very sad. However, it was also for this reason that Liu Zheng finally found his next target of attack, that is, to destroy the enemy's base of his long-range heavy howitzer. Moreover, because this enemy base has the ability to produce phantom tanks, and this kind of phantom tank is very good at fighting on the ground. Once a certain ambush is formed in the dense forest area, in the mountain area, or in the canyon area, then it will attack its own ground. Strike, that's naturally very unfavorable.

Therefore, in this case, Liu Zheng decided that if he wanted to destroy the base sitting on the enemy, he could consider other ways and means. After thinking repeatedly, Liu Zheng thought that since he could not launch an attack from the ground, he certainly needed to consider attacking from the air or from the enemy at sea.

At this time, Liu Zheng considered that he needed to produce a long-range strategic bomber to strike from the air. However, soon after, this plan was quickly denied by Liu Zheng. Because it takes a lot of production and construction funds to produce long-range heavy-range heavy strategic bombers, and this long-range strategic bomber can only be the most important military facilities and combat units of the enemy. Moreover, once it is destroyed and shot down, its mission ends here. Therefore, in this case, this long-range heavy bomber is not very useful. Especially for Liu Zheng, especially for Liu Zheng, who wants to destroy the enemy's base, it is obvious that such a long-range strategic bomber is not a solicitation choice.

Then, in this case, naturally, you should consider using your own naval combat strength to achieve your goal of destroying the entire base of the enemy. Of course, for Liu Zheng, there are two of his most powerful naval combat units. One is to attack nuclear submarines on their own cycle. Yes, that's true. Liu Zheng knows that the biggest feature of his intercontinental attack nuclear submarine is that the attack distance is far. It can be said that his intercontinental attack nuclear submarine can reach the goal in any corner of the whole map.

Moreover, this kind of intercontinental attack nuclear submarine not only has a long attack distance, but also has a very important point that the intercontinental missile it launches will not be intercepted by the other party's air defense system at all. Yes, that's true. And this is indeed very important for Liu Zheng.

Because from the current situation, most missiles, although the attack distance is relatively long, are often intercepted by the enemy's air defense system. In this way, naturally, it is equivalent to that some long-range attack missiles are basically difficult to reach the target. In this way, their attack ability is greatly weakened.

Therefore, in this case, its kind of intercontinental attack nuclear submarine also has a unique advantage. This is especially important for Liu Zheng's current situation. However, in return, although its own intercontinental attack nuclear submarine has a very obvious advantage, especially the intercontinental missile it launches will not be intercepted by the other party's protective firepower, its own intercontinental attack nuclear submarine also has a very obvious weakness, that is, the second attack The time interval between strikes is too long and the cooling time is too long, which naturally affects its attack efficiency.

Therefore, in this case, Liu Zheng decided to launch an attack through his own aircraft carrier. In this case, the attack effect should be better. Yes, that's true. First of all, its own aircraft carrier can be attacked by its own aircraft carrier within a radius of dozens of kilometers. And this is also very important for Liu Zheng. Yes, that's true.

In addition, it is very important that this kind of aircraft carrier can also attack repeatedly. In particular, if you produce two or more aircraft carriers, you can continue to attack the target. In addition, the carrier-based aircraft carried on its own aircraft carrier is also very large. In this case, this carrier-based aircraft can carry out at least three attacks on targets on the ground. In this way, one attack can also attack multiple targets at the same time. In this way, the resulting lethality to the target has greatly increased. Thus, the combat efficiency of this aircraft carrier has been greatly improved.

However, at this time, when Liu Zheng had decided to destroy the enemy's base by the aircraft carrier, Liu Zheng suddenly found that the 7 to 82 enemy's magnetoelectric tanks were rushing towards his base. At this time, he had passed through the mountain range and was not far from his base. Yes, this is the first time for Commissar Liu to say that such a large number of enemy main battle tanks have attacked their own bases. Moreover, Liu Zheng clearly saw that this gave the enemy's main battle tank. Once it attacked, it almost directly threatened his anti-aircraft missile launchers.

However, Fortunately, at this time, Liu Zheng has remanufactured three long-range heavy howitzers. It should be said that under such circumstances, with the ultra-long-range attack capability of this long-range heavy howitzer vehicle, it should be said that it is not very difficult to destroy the enemy's main battle tanks.

squeaked, squeaked. At this time, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's magnetic and electric tanks had rushed to the edge of his base, and had begun to launch attacks on his successful anti-aircraft missile launchers. Between them, a series of magnetic arcs burst out, broke through the air, and hit the target fiercely. It looked like one after another of lightning. Moreover, Liu Zheng knows that his kind of short-range surface-to-air missile launcher is not very strong in health and defense ability. Therefore, in this case, on the premise that they are given no party and power, they will be directly attacked by the enemy's magnetic explosive tanks.

So, coaxed, coaxed, Liu Zheng saw that 23 of his own process were towed in the air, and two of them were quickly eliminated. Countless debris and debris rose to the sky, and several craters, large and small, soon appeared on the ground. However, at this time, the three long-range heavy howitzers that had just been produced finally began to attack.

In this way, Liu Zheng clearly saw that one shell after another shot out, roaring away, breaking through the air, or passing through a series of arcs, accurately hitting the enemy's main battle tanks. Therefore, under the huge attack, Liu Zheng clearly saw that the main battle tanks of the enemy had been destroyed by one that had been picked up by one.

However, at this time, Liu Zheng saw that just after the canyon on the edge of his base, next to the jungle, more than a dozen enemy infantry combat units were fighting a fierce battle against an enemy's three-star elite-level phantom tank. You know, that kind of phantom tank, under the protection of an invisible ability, is difficult to be attacked by opponents. However, the kind of high-heat attack weapon it has, precisely, is the kind of high-heat ray attack weapon, which has a very powerful killing ability for both infantry combat units and chariots. Therefore, soon after, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's infantry combat units were quickly eliminated.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng knew that the enemy's three-star elite-level phantom tank, although its current location, was far away from his base. However, small will definitely affect your next attack. His own troops are bound to pass through that canyon. However, an enemy's three-star elite-level phantom tank ambushed there. Sooner or later, it will be a sea of fire for him. Therefore, instead of being attacked by him and ambushed by him, it is better to eliminate him in advance. It's far from my base. However, small will definitely affect your next attack. His own troops are bound to pass through that canyon. However, an enemy's three-star elite-level phantom tank ambushed there. Sooner or later, it will be a sea of fire for him. Therefore, instead of being attacked by him and ambushed by him, it is better to eliminate him in advance.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng thought that he could just have his own intercontinental attack nuclear submarine to remove this beautiful nail.